
2025-2026 Tuition and Discount Program Information


  Pre-K     M/W/F$6500
Pre-K     5 Days$7600
Kindergarten M/W/F$7000
Kindergarten – 5th Grade$8000
6th – 8 th Grade$8700
9th – 12th Grade$9500

Pre-Kindergarten are those children that are 4 years old by September 30, 2025, and are toilet-trained.  Tuition payments are based on a 10-month payment program beginning each July and are due on the first of the month.

Tuition Discount Options

Early Tuition Payment Discount: Those who desire to make their tuition payment(s) in full by August 1, 2025, will receive a 5% discount on their entire tuition (book and application fee not included).

Family Discount: In order to make our tuition more affordable to large families, we offer a family discount:

  • Oldest 2 children: Full tuition
  • 3rd Child: 20% discount
  • 4th or more children: FREE

Calvary Chapel of Boston Church Attendees: See the CCA Student Handbook for further information.

CCA Referral Discount: Parents with students who attend CCA that refer students to CCA from outside of Calvary Chapel of Boston (non-attendees) will receive a $1,000 discount towards their child’s tuition each year the referred student attends CCA.  Referral references must be made at the time of application submission.  Siblings enrolling after the initial enrollment of the referred student are not considered a referral.  The $1,000 discount will be prorated in any situation in which the referred student either starts the school year late or does not complete the entire schoolyear.