

B. Robert Meyer, MD

  • Department of Medicine
  • Weill Cornell Medical College
  • New York Presbyterian Hospital
  • New York, NY

In speaking of Kandahar I referred to Nafasuse of a tape cassette to record her difcult desert journey; I now want to conclude with reference to another tape cassette baikal herbals order geriforte on line amex, forged in the Teater for Development arena herbals in sri lanka purchase geriforte without prescription, whose function herbals on express buy geriforte overnight delivery, far from representing an outlawed interiority herbs mill generic 100 mg geriforte mastercard, establishes an imagined community among travelers herbalsolutionscacom order geriforte 100mg line. Daouda tells the story of a truck driver herbals on demand reviews generic geriforte 100 mg with amex, Yiriba, who is approached by a good looking woman, Korotouma, at a truck stop, who asks for a lif to the next town. When Yiriba produces a condom, Korotouma chastizes him for thinking she might be a prostitute. When Yiriba visits his now ailing friend, he learns that Seydou has infected other women as well as his wife, causing her to become infertile. Finally, because of his illness, Seydou has entrusted his truck to his apprentice who promptly steals it, leaving him without a means of livelihood. The cassette exists in a liminal space between several cultural forms, some archaic (the griot tale) and some modern (truck routes, tape recorders). Cultural forms such as the ones I have briefy mentioned permit us to examine 126 Michael Davidson globalization through what I have been calling a disability optic, one that like the camera obscura permits us to see the familiar upside down. The Rehnquist Court overturned cases on appeal that would expand the class of persons protected, especially plaintifs with correctable disabilities (high blood pressure, nearsightedness) or cases that would contradict existing state statutes. If we think of disability as located in societal barriers, not in individuals, then disability must be seen as a matter of social justice. The remedy for social justice as Nancy Fraser points out, involves synthesizing a politics of recogni tion and a politics of redistribution, a theory of justice based on cultural identities and one based on the reorganization of material resources around those identities. This would entail a recognition on the part of wealthier nations that access to public spaces, healthcare, social justice cannot be made contingent on private sector interests or moral/ideological restrictions. See also Lennard Davis, Enforcing Normalcy: Disability, Deafness, and the Body (London: Verso, 1995), p. World Health fgures quoted in Dying for Growth: Global Inequality and the Health of the Poor, ed. See, for example, Lennard Davis, Bending Over Backwards: Disability, Dismodernism and Other Difcult Positions (New York: New York U Press, 2002), p. For discussions of global disability from a social science perspective see the following: Brigitte Holzer, Arthur Vreede, Gabriele Weight, ed. Disability in Diferent Cultures: Refections on Local Concepts(New Brunswick: Transaction Publishers, 1999); Benedicte Ingstad and Susan Reynolds Whyte, ed. Disability and Culture (Berkeley: U of California Press, 1995); Mark Priestley, ed. Disability and the Life Course: Global Perspectives (Cambridge: Cambridge U Press, 2001). Hanks quoted in Colin Barnes and Geof Mercer, Disability (London: Polity Press, 2003), p. Arjun Appadurai, Modernity at Large: Cultural Dimensions of Globalization (Minneapolis: U of Minnesota Press 1996), p. KeithWailoo,Dying in the City of the Blues: Sickle Cell Anemia and the Politics of Race and Health(Chapel Hill: U of North Carolina Press, 2001), p. Framing Disease: Studies in Cultural History (New Brunswick: Rutgers U Press, 1992). Snyder, Narrative Prosthesis: Disability and the Dependencies of Discourse (Ann Arbor: U of Michigan Press, 2001). The Global Transformations Reader: An Introduction to the Globalization Debate (Cambridge: Polity, 2000); Jim Young Kim, et al, Dying for Growth; Rob Wilson and Wimal Dis sanayake, ed. Global/Local: Cultural Production and the Transnational Imaginary(Durham: Duke U Press, 1996; Amitava Kumar, ed. World Bank Literature (Minneapolis: U of Minnesota Press, 2003); Fredric Jameson and Masao Miyoshi, ed. Gillian Hart, Disabling Globalization: Places of Power in Post-Apartheid South Africa (Berkeley: U of California Press, 2002). I am grateful to Professor Lowe for allowing me to see this unpublished manuscript. James Cliford, Routes: Travel and Translation in the Late Twentieth-Century (Cambridge: Harvard U Press, 1997). Nancy Fraser, Justice Interruptus: Critical Refections on the PostsocialistCondition (New York: Routledge, 1997), p. Later, in Christian times, two layers of metaphor were added to the term: the frst referred to bodily signs of holy grace that took the form of eruptive blossoms on the skin; the second, a medical allusion to this religious allusion, referred to bodily signs of physical disorder. Today the term is widely used in something like the original literal sense, but is applied more to the disgrace itself than to the bodily evidence of it. Students, however, have made little efort to describe the structural preconditions of stigma, or even to provide a defni tion of the concept itself. It seems necessary, therefore, to try at the beginning to sketch in some very general assumptions and defnitions. Preliminary Conceptions Society establishes the means of categorizing persons and the complement of attributes felt to be or dinary and natural for members of each of these categories. Social settings establish the categories of persons likely to be encountered there. The routines of social intercourse in established settings allow us to deal with anticipated others without special attention or thought. Typically, we do not become aware that we have made these demands or aware of what they are until an active question arises as to whether or not they will be fulflled. It is then that we are likely to realize that all along we had been making certain assumptions as to what the individual before us ought to be. The category and attributes he could in fact be proved to possess will be called his actual social identity. He is thus re duced in our minds from a whole and usual person to a tainted, discounted one. Such an attribute is a stigma, especially when its discrediting efect is very extensive; sometimes it is also called a fail 131 132 Erving Goffman ing, a shortcoming, a handicap. Note that there are other types of discrepancy between virtual and actual social identity, for example the kind that causes us to reclassify an individual from one socially anticipated category to a diferent but equally well-anticipated one, and the kind that causes us to alter our estimation of the individual upward. Note, too, that not all undesirable attributes are at issue, but only those which are incongruous with our stereotype of what a given type of individual should be. The term stigma, then, will be used to refer to an attribute that is deeply discrediting, but it should be seen that a language of relationships, not attributes, is really needed. An attribute that stigmatizes one type of possessor can confrm the usualness of another, and therefore is neither creditable nor discreditable as a thing in itself. For example, some jobs in America cause holders without the expected college education to conceal this fact; other jobs, however, can lead the few of their holders who have a higher education to keep this a secret, lest they be marked as failures and outsiders. Similarly, a middle class boy may feel no compunction in being seen going to the library; a professional criminal, however, writes: I can remember before now on more than one occasion, for instance, going into a public library near where I was living, and looking over my shoulder a couple of times before I actually went in just to make sure no one who knew me was standing about and seeing me do it. The term stigma and its synonyms conceal a double perspective: does the stigmatized individual assume his diferentness is known about already or is evident on the spot, or does he assume it is nei ther known about by those present nor immediately perceivable by them In the frst case one deals with the plight of the discredited, in the second with that of the discreditable. This is an important diference, even though a particular stigmatized individual is likely to have experience with both situations. I will begin with the situation of the discredited and move on to the discreditable but not always separate the two. Next there are blemishes of individual character perceived as weak will, domineering or unnatural passions, treacherous and rigid beliefs, and dishonesty, these being inferred from a known record of, for example, mental disorder, imprisonment, addiction, alcoholism, homosexuality, unemployment, suicidal attempts, and radical political behavior. Finally there are the tribal stigma of race, nation, and religion, these being stigma that can be transmitted through lineages and equally contaminate all members of a family. We and those who do not depart negatively from the particular expectations at issue I shall call the normals. The attitudes we normals have toward a person with a stigma and the actions we take in regard to him, are well known, since these responses are what benevolent social action is designed to sofen and ameliorate. On this assumption we exercise varieties of discrimination, through which we efectively, if ofen unthinkingly, reduce his life chances. We construct a stigma-theory, an ideology to explain his inferiority and ac count for the danger he represents, sometimes rationalizing an animosity based on other diferences, Selections from Stigma 133 such as those of social class. Tose confronting the blind may have a whole range of belief that is anchored in the stereotype. For instance, they think they are sub ject to unique judgment, assuming the blinded individual draws on special channels of information unavailable to others. It seems generally true that members of a social category may strongly support a standard of judgment that they and others agree does not directly apply to them. Tus it is that a businessman may demand womanly behavior from females or ascetic behavior from monks, and not construe himself as someone who ought to realize either of these styles of conduct. The issue of stigma does not arise here, but only where there is some expectation on all sides that those in a given category should not only support a particular norm but also realize it. Also, it seems possible for an individual to fail to live up to what we efectively demand of him, and yet be relatively untouched by this failure; insulated by his alienation, protected by identity beliefs of his own, he feels that he is a full-fedged normal human being, and that we are the ones who are not quite human. This possibility is celebrated in exemplary tales about Mennonites, Gypsies, shameless scoundrels, and very orthodox Jews. In America at present, however, separate systems of honor seem to be on the decline. The stig matized individual tends to hold the same beliefs about identity that we do; this is a pivotal fact. The immediate presence of normals is likely to reinforce this split between self-demands and self, but in fact self-hate and self-derogation can also occur when only he and a mirror are about: When I got up at last. Yet when I turned my face to the mirror there were my own eyes looking back, hot with shame. It could not penetrate into the interior of my mind and become an integral part of me.

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The bacteria involved are the end products of anaerobic glycolysis: lactic acid and not aliens in the mouth; they are also found in other alcohol herbs pool proven 100 mg geriforte. As a first sign potters 150ml herbal cough remover discount 100 mg geriforte visa, the cariogenic activity of the How do natural bacteria of the mouth bacterial plaque causes demineralisation of the underly become cariogenic While extraoral glucose from food provides additional supplies for the biofilm himalaya herbals nourishing skin cream order discount geriforte line, saliva is the main To answer this question herbals to boost metabolism purchase geriforte discount, we have to think of the follow source of energy for the bacteria zee herbals buy 100mg geriforte with mastercard. The mouth flora live in a continuous fight for sur supported by the varied flow velocity of the saliva herbs los gatos order geriforte overnight. The mouth is regu lower in these naturally protected areas and, thus, is larly exposed to extreme conditions such as temperature slower to remove the acids produced here than in places and changing pH, changes in the flow properties and with a high flow rate. If no measures are taken to re viscosity of the saliva, and the varying chemical compo move this cariogenic biofilm, this cycle goes on auto sition of food taken up. The strongest attacks come matically and slowly leads to visible changes or destruc from oral, mechanical forces. The main attachment surface of saliva bacteria is the oral soft tissue, which releases mucosa cells continu the question already hints that we consciously notice ously. Because of the surface dissolution, the tient has caries, we actually think of the presence of damaged area appears white, since it reflects light dif visible signs of caries, a lesion or a cavity, without con fusely while porosities under the surface cause a change sidering if there is a cariogenic biofilm or otherwise. Yet, training and research focus Arrest of the initial lesion almost exclusively on the identification of the signs and symptoms of the disease, with increasing emphasis on the development of the initial lesion is connected with the differentiation of the advanced degrees of destruc a local reduction in mechanical forces. Therapy means all the renewed mechanical abrasion in this area removes the professional measures to control or delay the disease. The enamel demineralisation is thus As dentists, we are fully familiar with the health ef arrested and any further progress of the caries is pre fects of an advanced destruction of hard tooth substance vented. Of course, we also know the appropriate and regular home-care lead to the ablation of the partly treatment methods which we call surgical dentistry. This re the same time our clinical experience teaches us that duces the white spot effect, and the surface shine and surgical procedures are neither the beginning nor the hardness are restored. The arrest of the enamel lesion the biological nature of caries, which is why we should only occurs in vivo if the acid forming biofilm has been define such measures that arrest or heal the caries with removed, and it is only maintained if the settling and out any recourse to surgical or restorative procedures as development of a new cariogenic biofilm is prevented non-surgical treatment. The aim is to apply non-surgical methods of treatment as soon as cariogenic Research has shown that visible open margins, margin or potentially cariogenic biofilms are detected in areas deficiencies and microleakage are not directly respon where the protection from oral mechanical forces has sible for secondary caries. This means specifically that a filling was made because the patient First signs of caries previously did not succeed to control his cariogenic bi ofilm. This led to the development of caries at that the first, invisible sign of acid producing and acid-tol location. If the patient does not achieve biofilm control erant bacteria is the micro-dissolution of the enamel there in the future, secondary caries will develop. The first enamel Hence, this is not a general attack along the entire mar dissolution leads to a better physical attachment be gin but rather a new lesion that has its origin at the tween the cariogenic biofilm and the underlying enamel tooth surface next to the margin of the restoration. In this way, a potential problem spot begins to develop and requires professional intervention. How ever, if this cariogenic problem spot is allowed to de velop undisturbed, this leads to the progressive dissol ution of the enamel under the biofilm, to bacterial in vasion and the formation of a subsurface lesion, a so called white spot. The first approach in conservative, but symptomatic treatment, a composite filling, does not solve the problem and is failing because the biofilm is still around. So is demineralisation and consequently secondary caries, starting close to the margins of the filling. With progressive periodontitis and time, gingival recession opens the door for root caries. The underlying motivation behind this comprehensive medi cal concept is to minimize any injury to the patient and Prophylaxis is also prevention of his tissue as far as possible. Dental treatments should be recurrent caries performed in a way appropriate for the indication, the existing damage and the risks involved. The spectrum Now it is clear that new, ever larger restorations are not ranges from preventive measures to reduce the risk of the be-all and end-all of caries therapy. Even the inser caries, through minimally invasive forms of preparation tion of a crown does not prevent recurrent caries. The in cases of a manifest caries, to the struggle for minor gaps exclusive focus on repair in dentistry while ignoring the with adhesive prosthetics. The aim of minimally invasive etiology and pathogenesis of caries does not result in treatments is to prevent further damage to the hard tooth the intended stability of the patientshealth, but leads substance, the pulp, the periodontal tissue and tooth to more repair work again. On the other hand, it meets the aesthetic ex evant what form of restorative therapy is chosen. There pectations of the patient and minimizes the scale of the is no long-term stability without professional and con treatment and thus the strain on the patient. Compared tinuous biofilm management, which the dental team to conventional, restorative dental treatment, minimally carries out together with the patient. Ap tegration of the patient in a professional prophylaxis plying minimally invasive treatment techniques requires program including a recall system is imperative. Recur rethinking, challenging and changing our own thera rent caries can only be prevented in the long run if the peutic emphasis. Only in this way his health can be restored the emphasis is on more comprehensive and well docu and maintained. After having achieved this level of care, mented diagnostics for the early detection of damage to this is the basic justification for applying minimally in the hard tissue and the pulp. O Ozone (antibacterial therapy) O Avoiding or delaying of later, major secondary dam O Prophylactic fissure sealing age and costs. Through their active conduct, both patient and dentist are responsible for any success. The latter the advances in the area of restorative, minimally in offers and carries out minimally invasive dentistry and vasive treatment methods are based on the use of ad a professional maintenance program; the former is sup hesive techniques. Contrary to the conventional opin posed to support the treatment with his compliance (in ion that large defects are more difficult to treat, the many countries, this is a legal matter embedded in the technical demands and difficulties actually increase treatment-contract! The Under these aspects, providing a tooth with a single following guidelines should be obeyed: crown is contraindicated in many cases and can be re garded as inflicting bodily harm. As an expression of O Sufficient access for the safe removal of infected en aggressive, restorative dentistry, it should be seen as a tin (this guideline is less strict for the use of Heal phase-out model, and soon be a thing of the past. Further information on this forward-looking sub O Use of oscillating preparation systems. Looking at modern dentistry from this perspective, the application of HealOzone firstly is an important the goals of minimally invasive dentistry can be sum new asset for minimally invasive dentistry. Secondly, it marized as follows: is also of interest for the classic-restorative therapeutic approach. To fully exploit the po O Improvement of the prognosis for tooth and recon tential of HealOzone, the we should part, at least men struction. I would like to report on our application of HealOzone and on the experiences we gathered as early pilot-users of this technique in Germany. First of all, HealOzone is totally different from what we have been doing in dentistry for the last 150 years. It involves the understanding of caries etiology and especially its physical and chemical basis. It also does not show immediate results, as we are used to from drilling and filling which is result-oriented. Using Heal Ozone is process-oriented dentistry, you have to wait for physics and chemistry to do their work, but then it really works! Actually, it is very simple: Diagnose correctly, treat right, wait and see dramatic changes. The following chart shows how remineralisation works after sterilisation of a lesion with ozone: Ozone & Remineralisation the 4 Phases of Therapy 1. The equipment was regularly calibrated ac treatment was carried out in the following sequence: cording to the manufacturersinstructions. This, of course, dampened our euphoria about a new, revolutionary treatment approach. Consequently, Application of the ozone we discussed why our results were in such stark contrast to those of other pilot-users especially in England, Could it be possible that, in the treatment of hidden where success rates of between 80 and nearly 100 per caries, the ozone did not penetrate deeply enough cent had been reported. With a heavy heart, we parted with the idea that we would be able One precondition for the ozone treatment was the inte to treat hidden caries without drilling, without opening gration of patients in the prophylaxis program. These steel burs, which were developed especially for diagnosing fissure caries, are characterized by their minute size and well-defined penetration depth. The success rate, clinically measured, rose to O Root caries: 21 more than 90%, firstly in terms of the hardness of the Patient selection: All patients are integrated in a preven surface and its shine in dry condition (the surface very tive care progamme. As soon as the clinical results are stabilized, the enamel lesion is perma Cases of hidden caries: 508 nently closed with an adhesive microfilling. In terms of Treatment protocol: the results, this is a safe and predictable approach for the treatment of hidden caries. O Soft caries with destroyed collagen-fibres was re Clinical study moved until the consistency became leathery. O Root caries with a surface defect stayed open for the After the above experiences, we finally started a clinical treatment period and finished with an adhesive-fill study in February, 2003. Killing off micro-organisms in caries lesions re used for clinical re-evaluation because the instrument sults in the prevention of acid and collagenase produc does not seem to be suited for measuring remineralised tion. Conventional filling therapy is only of limited use in the treatment of root caries. And the adhesive technique is not ideal, either, because of: Total Reversal % No % Reversal O poor access Hidden caries 508 475 93. Due to the preservative that did not reverse well were correlated to deep and nature of the procedure and the remineralisation of the large lesions, where excavation of the soft caries did not caries lesion, the long-term prognosis for the tooth is seem to be fully performed, and also to poor compli markedly better than for an excavation-and-filling ther ance of the patient during the clinical trial period. After a successful remineralisation of the root caries, the surface is very hard and full of minerals and collagen, and it does not show any superficial dentin Root caries tubuli. This means that the surface will show less of a tendency to hypersensitivity and is more resistant to the populations of western industrial nations are grow recurrent caries in the future. Due to the remaining ing ever older and, as a result of improved dental care, discoloration, the optical impression of the treated cari they grow old with their own natural dentition. At the ous lesion is not changed by the therapy but the surface same time, the age pyramid is turned upside down by is hard. This is always a reliable sign of a stalled or the present demographic development. Being able to grow old with your palatinal or vestibular is easy, making the application of own teeth represents an enormous advance, also with HealOzone an uncomplicated procedure. However, if a regard to quality of life, yet there is a dark side to it root caries extends further towards the approximal, get too. With increasing age, more and more root surfaces ting a vacuum by means of a silicone cup can present become exposed to the oral environment. A quick and easy remedy for this problem reasons for this are periodontitis, lacking professional is the attachment of silicone sealing on the opposite care in prophylaxis programs and tooth-brushing side of the approximal cavity and, if necessary, on the traumata. For such cases, it is recom caries is one of the main reasons for tooth loss among mended that the size or color of silicone cup, is re adults. It is also gentler and allows a better prog tooth 27 56, soft to leathery surface. In regions close to the pulp, the application of HealOzone application for 60 the caries detector can produce false-positive results, in sec. The teeth that we treated with HealOzone very rarely showed a tendency towards postoperative hyper 5 Figure 6 Next check up 2 years later! Even teeth that had after 2 surface was hard and well shown signs of mild complaint. In our opinion, the comfort benefits for the patient and the additional certainty for the dentist justify the additional effort. Pushing the limits In cases of typical pulpal complaints, the treatment was not successful in the long term. After a period of Obviously, apart from the classic HealOzone appli relief, lasting for some days or, in rare cases weeks, these cation for remineralizing the caries which is covered by teeth were treated endodontically. Open remineralisation Caries profunda O Open carious lesion for access and visibility. In our experience, HealOzone can also be used as a very O Remove soft caries with destroyed collagen until the beneficial addition in the classic filling therapy. Residual O Apply Reductant, in large lesion cotton pellet soaked caries, which cannot be diagnosed visually although it with Reductant. Treating approximal caries lesions is a bigger challenge these teeth do not show senitivity while being used since that type of caries is much more difficult to detect during remineralisation. Bite-wing x-rays are imperative but destruc tion by caries must be over 25% of the hard tissue be Closed remineralisation fore the human eye is able to see the lesion.

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Rainbow Plasmonic Nanobubbles: Synergistic Activation of Gold Nanoparticle Clusters J Nanomed Nanotechnol. Even if homoeopathy is no better than placebo, could it not form a valuable treatment for illness with a strong psychosomatic component Effect of Traumeel S, a homeopathic formulation, on blood-induced inflammation in rats. Homoeopathy and scientific rationality, British Homoeopathic journal, Volume 84, Issue 4, October 1995, Pages 203-206 Lynch I (2007) Are there generic mechanisms governing interactions between nanoparticles and cells An evolutionary stress-response hypothesis for chronic widespread pain (fibromyalgia syndrome). Ulcerative Colitis treated with Homoeopathy British Homoeopathic Journal, July 1993, 82, 179-185. Long-term follow-up of breast cancer survivors with post-mastectomy pain syndrome Br J Cancer. 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Clinical outcomes research: contributions to the evidence base for homeopathy, Homeopathy, Volume 92, Issue 1, January 2003, Pages 56-57 Mathie, R. Homeopathic prescribing for chronic conditions in feline and canine veterinary practice, Homeopathy, Volume 99, Issue 4, October 2010, Pages 243-248 Mathie, R. Veterinary homeopathy: meta-analysis of randomised placebo-controlled trials Homeopathy January 2015 Volume104, Issue 1, Pages 3-8. Clausen "Veterinary homeopathy: systematic review of medical conditions studied by randomised placebo-controlled trials. Outcomes from homeopathic prescribing in dental practice: a prospective, research targeted, pilot study, Homeopathy, Volume 96, Issue 2, April 2007, Pages 74-81 Mathie R, Fisher P. Homeopathic Oscillococcinum for preventing and treating influenza and influenza-like illness (Review) Cochrane Database Syst Rev. Homeopathy is safe and does not lack positive evidence in clinical trials Br J Clin Pharmacol. 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Wheat growth (7 days) and extremely diluted gibberellic acid (10e30): Repetitive experiments on a fundamental homoeopathy research model, European Journal of Integrative Medicine, Volume 2, Issue 4, December 2010, Page 245 Maxion-Bergemann, S. Hormesis pervasiveness and its potential implications for pharmaceutical research and development. Understanding Patient Preference for Integrative Medical Care: Results from Patient Focus Groups J Gen Intern Med. Survey of paediatric complementary and alternative medicine use in health and chronic illness Arch Dis Child. An overview of two Cochrane systematic reviews of complementary treatments for chronic asthma: acupuncture and homeopathy Respiratory Medicine, Volume 98, Issue 8, August 2004, Pages 687-696 McCrae, W. Treatment of anxiety with a homoeopathic remedy Journal of Applied Nutrition, 1996, 48, 1& 2, 2-6. Determination of the true size of poly(vinyl chloride) latices by electron microscopy using a vertical shadowing technique. Fostering a Healing Presence and Investigating Its Mediators J Altern Complement Med. Interacting mediators of allostasis and allostatic load: towards an understanding of resilience in aging. The ever-changing brain: cellular and molecular mechanisms for the effects of stressful experiences. The Concordant Clinical Homeopathic Repertory, Homeopathy, Volume 104, Issue 1, January 2015, Page 66 McGuigan, M. The importance of the emotional or psychical nature of people in general in the practice of medicine in its widest sense Can Med Assoc J. Usefulness of homoeopathy in essential hypertension: an exploratory interventional trial Homeopathy, Volume 103, Issue 1, January 2014, Page 88 Mehrotra, R. Epigenetic modulation of human breast cancer by metallofullerenol nanoparticles: in vivo treatment and in vitro analysis. Characterization and pharmacokinetics of coenzyme Q10 nanoparticles prepared by a rapid expansion of supercritical solution process. The importance of empathy in the enablement of patients attending the Glasgow Homoeopathic Hospital. Particle Size Measurements: Fundamental, Practice, Quality; Springer Science and Business Media B. Effects of a homeopathic complex on the performance and cortisol levels in Nile tilapia (Oreochromis niloticus) Homeopathy. Homeopathy Medical Clinics of North America, Volume 86, Issue 1, January 2002, Pages 47-62 Merrills J, Fisher J. Homoeopathy and physiotherapy, with special reference to osteoarthropathy British Homoeopathic journal, Volume 76, Issue 1, January 1987, Pages 16-18 Metcalfe A, Grabowska K, et al. Prospective, non-randomised, open-label study of homeopathic Zingiber officinale (ginger) in the treatment of acne vulgaris Focus on Alternative and Complementary Therapies Volume 19 Issue 4, December, 2014 pages 191-197 *Curated by Iris Bell M. Teaching Residents About Complementary and Alternative Medicine in the United States J Gen Intern Med. Homoeopathic Treatment of Alcohol Withdrawal British Homoeopathic Journal, October 1993, 82, 249-251. Conspicuous by its absence: the Memory of Water, macro-entanglement, and the possibility of homeopathy, Homeopathy, Volume 96, Issue 3, July 2007, Pages 209-219 Milgrom, L. Treating Leick with like: response to criticisms of the use of entanglement to illustrate homeopathy. Miasms revisited: non-linear quantum theory as a model for the homeopathic process. The clinical and scientific relevance of biophysics, infinitesimal dilutions, and the memory of water. Two new metaphors based on quantum superposition, wave function "collapse," and conic sections. Evidence of nanobacterial-like structures in calcified human arteries and cardiac valves. The Use of Malaria Nosodes to reduce the Prevalence of Malaria in Depressed Communities. An exploratory study on scientific investigations in homeopathy using medical analyzer. Efficacy of a potentized homeopathic drug (Arsenicum Album-30) in reducing toxic effects produced by arsenic trioxide in mice. On alterations in body weight, tissue weight and total protein Complementary Therapies in Medicine (1999), 7, 2~34 Mix, L. Unconventional therapy use among asthma patients in a tertiary care center in Riyadh, Saudi Arabia Ann Thorac Med.

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From their ringside seats, Mahoney and Steinerman, as usual, watched in awe, knowing they had so much proprietary information to learn. In fact, at this age, it might be hopeless since the bottomless pit of proprietary information was something one had to learn at an early age, like gymnastics or languages. Steinerman was impressed when the silver dome of his plate was removed revealing a very substantial crustacean; Valerie had made excellent arrangements. Even Lyle was taken aback as the hospital administrator stared at the Loch Ness Monster in front of him. They ate and drank and roared with laughter while the O-J-T-er almost ruined dinner with his chucklehead humor. After the squad had created the necessary fireside warmth, Lyle began his benedic tion. With no sign of a painful struggle, he Dan Andersoned himself and his hospital onto the dotted line. He would get Bing to staff his emergency room for the first six proba tionary weeks, and then Lyle would kick the poor bastard in the balls with Monk and Walsh. It was still early in the day, so Lyle asked Mahoney and Steinerman to accompany him to the Hancock building. They thought they were in the middle of a Colorado mountain or were cast as extras in the movie War Games. However, we do know the expiration date of every emergency room contract in their region,and when the renewal times of their contracts come up, we change the yellow pins to red pins. He looked at the school children completely awed by this massive enterprise, in a state of stupefaction, and suddenly felt that recurrent contempt in the pit of his gut. As Lyle looked upward, he suddenly saw through the techs on the sixth floor, pledge drivers on high, the red and yellow pin depart ments in the middle, crops and bloods, sidekicks everywhere. For the first time in his life, Lyle felt like he might fit somewhere, somewhere but not of this world, and Norman Lyle was thankful to God above he was not a Catholic or a Jew, but an the Rape of Emergency Medicine Page 94 ill-fitting transcendentalist who had built this majestic cathedral in honor of the God of the emergency medicine marketplace, the one true God. Full of mirth, he took them to the local watering hole for a few beers, mainly to gloat a little longer in such distinguished company. Everyone in Boston hated the Stullmans, a dynasty of three generations of gonzo ortho pedic surgeons from Beacon Hill who had close to a one-hundred year educational history at the Johns Hopkins University, and no one ever knew why the Doctor Great Great Grandfather Stullman had left Baltimore, inflicting his lineage on Boston. Stullman wanted to stay an up and coming con man, but his father announced he was going to begin his orthopedic residency training at the Hopkins. Stullman was on his way out, but joined them for a beer, although all three of them would have gladly disinvited him. Eight hundred bucks for the the Rape of Emergency Medicine Page 95 bunch, take it or leave it. At twenty dollars an hour for scheduling, he saw that in just one year he could make close to double his money back. Lyle could form a dummy corporation with Stullman swearing se crecy about the aliases. He could then hire Stullman back as a consultant, making Stullman sign a legally-binding letter of secrecy. Lyle, the staunch champion of central planning, envisioned the next Great Leap Forward for Pyramid, Inc. He could seize the wealth by sniffing around, looking for brewing takeovers along with his one-by-one acquisitions. Like coffee, corn, or soybeans, emergency-room managementcontracts can be bought and sold on the open market. Maybe the swashbuckling Goldman had overextended, suffocating under a mountain of acquisition-related debt, needing to sell one or two contracts at a small loss They shared an office with all its encumbrances, the x-ray machine, a cen trifuge for separating blood elements, salaries of the help, rent, the phone, etc. They split their earnings at the end of the year, and never nickeled or dimed each other about who actually grossed what, their partnership continuing for twelve years. They referred their rheumatoid arthritis, lupus, intractable gout, and if they could, the nebulous chronic joint pains, neck aches, and lower back prob lems the orthopedists refused to see. The Rape of Emergency Medicine Page 100 But a rheumatologist cannot part the patients from their diseases. Rheumatology is a demanding profession requiring an extra allot ment of time for the support of both patient and family. Many forms of arthritis are relentlessly progressive and debilitating diseases, and drug therapy has to be individualized, tailor made after a frus trating period of trial and error using drug combinations of varying dosages. Both Doctors Steinerman and Sugarman worked long hours in an unenviable lifestyle for their hundred grand a year. Doctors Steinerman and Sugarman taught medical students at two University medical schools, and many of their former students re ferred cases to them, mostly to Doctor Steinerman and occasionally to Sugarman. Actually his forehead was so small, the medical stu dents, interns, and residents referred to Doctor Steinerman as Cro Magnon, and for short, everyone called him Cro, although never to his face. Cro also had large white teeth, and when he smiled broadly, many people found themselves thinking of Cheetah. It was consid ered a fortunate thing that Richard Leakey never saw Cro walking down the street because Leakey would have commandeered that cranium to the anthropology department for study. Cro soldiered on though, and saw patients with the full gamut of stomach and bowel diseases. He dressed well, spoke all right, and was a reasonable, if somewhat dull-witted, fellow. Being associated with Doctor Stein erman was the tide Cro needed to raise his boat. The flashlight replaced many of the limitations of clinical evaluation and x-ray contrast studies because non-surgical physicians could actually see ulcers for the first time, along with polyps, cancers, pus, and bleeding sites. A new star was born in medicine, and it was made to shine as one of the most interesting and easiest high-tech medical procedures and also became one of the most expensive in all of internal medicine. He suddenly became the physician most in demand in the Boston medical community, with hospitals calling him around the clock to slide his flashlight up or down a body hollow. The beleaguered Cro was given emergency one-day privileges in many hospitals just to bring his flashlight in to look into the gullets and colons of his many referrals who were literally lined up in front of the emergency room, where he performed his procedures in those days. In the first year of the new light, without any misuse, Cro-Magnon grossed four hundred and seven the Rape of Emergency Medicine Page 102 thousand dollars, and so he did what he had to do. He went to Doc tor Steinerman and told him, after twelve years, they were no longer partners. Cro not only moved out of the office, but moved out of Boston al together to North Adams where he became the chairman of the newly-created department of Gatsroenterology, a medical specialty hardly existing before, chief at the Berkshire Community Hospital, the department having only one member, Cro-Magnon. Truth be known, no one really missed Cro, although Doctor Stein erman felt bad at first since they were partners for so long, and it was just the money unilaterally splitting them up. In fact, Cro had preemptively moved to North Adams be cause somewhere in his paranoid brainstem he thought Doctor Steinerman was already bad mouthing him in the old neighborhood. Or thopedic surgeons now were perfecting total-joint replacement for patients with rheumatoid arthritis, actually beginning to separate the patient from his or her disease. Cro also referred to the general surgeons when he obtained positive cytologies for stomach or colon cancers, and in the early days, he referred a great number of patients with bleeding ulcers, and those with intractable pain from their peptic ulcer disease. Cro received many cases of French and California wines and bottles of his favor ite, unblended scotch whiskeys over the holiday periods from the the Rape of Emergency Medicine Page 103 grateful surgeons to whom he referred patients. The wines decreased in number and quality after the development of a drug called ci metidine better known by its trade name, Tagamet.

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