

Paul F. Austin, MD

  • Professor Division of Urologic Surgery
  • Washington University School of Medicine St. Louis, Missouri

The intensity of the occurrence is generally measured differentially according to age (or the period elapsed from a date taken as the origin) prostate xts best buy for eulexin. Events likely to occur include repeatable events which may occur several times during the life of the same individual prostate reduction order eulexin master card, such as the birth of a child (of a non-specified order) and non-repeatable events which only occur once during the life of the same individual prostate yoga poses safe 250 mg eulexin, such as first marriage man health bike purchase eulexin 250mg on line, the birth of a child of a specified biological order or death mens health issues buy eulexin discount. A non repeatable event which necessarily occurs once during the life of any individual is qualified as fatal man health living purchase generic eulexin online, such as death. A) the different types of events 1 Repeatable events When the event studied is repeatable (live births without distinction of order) or is treated as such (first marriage and divorce), the intensity of its occurrence is measured by a rate: ratio of the number of occurrences of the event to the number of person-years of exposure to the risk among a homogenous group of individuals who have or have not already experienced the event, exposed independent of each other and with the same intensity to the risk of occurrence of the event. Let us call f (x)dx the rate of occurrence between the ages x and x + dx : the probability that a given individual experiences the event between the ages of x and x + dx is equal to f (x)dx. The age at the occurrence of the event is the continuous random variable of which the? If the event is the first marriage for a single person, whereby the first marriage is treated as producing repeatable events. Let us call q(x)dx the probability of occurrence of the event between the ages of x and x + dx : the probability that a given individual experiences the event between the ages of x and x + dx, knowing that this event does not occur before age x, is equal to q(x)dx. The probability S(x) that the event occurs after age x, knowing that it occurred after age x0, is x? The probability S(x) that the event occurs between the ages of x and x + dx, knowing that it occurred after age x0, is x? The age at the occurrence of the event, for those who experience it, is the continuous x? The life expectancy at age x is the mathematical expectation e(x) of the number of years left to live? S(x) If the event is the first marriage (event treated as non-repeatable) for a single person. However, the observation data available relate to groups having a certain amplitude: individuals belonging to an at least annual age group, observed over a duration of at least one year. The previous definitions must therefore be adapted to the statistical material available. The conventional estimates of the status of the resident population concern the cohorts of population by sex and year of age on 1 January of each year. The annual civil status statistics give the numbers of events observed during a year of observation according 18 to the age of the person concerned. This age, which is always an integer, can be (Figure 2) the age in years completed at the time of the occurrence of the event (numbers of events in a square of the Lexis diagram) or the age that the person concerned has reached or will reach during the civil year of the event (numbers of events in a parallelogram with vertical sides of the Lexis diagram). Absolute numbers of events and cohorts subject to the risk 18 Or of the statistical unit concerned (for example: couple in the case of a divorce) if the event studied is undergone by statistical units other than persons. The precise rule is to include each of the individuals who constitute the population, to which the events studied relate, for the time during which he was present during the year. It is therefore the sum of this time of presence which must be included in the denominator of rates. This is therefore a weighted mean of individuals, the weights being the fractions of year of presence. As this calculation is becoming impossible for populations, the population observed during the year is adopted as reference population. Since the cohort of the population varies constantly during the year, the mean population (arithmetic mean of the cohorts of the population at the start and end of the year) is taken as the reference population. This means the population at the start and end of the year and not at the start of the next year, as to deal with calculation inconsistencies the countries may need to make statistical adjustments which create a discontinuity between 31 December and the following 1 January. This mean population must be adapted to the definition of the age used to classify the events: If the events appear in the squares of the Lexis diagram (classification according to age completed), the arithmetic mean of the cohorts of the same age on two consecutive 1 Januarys is calculated;. If the events are classified according to age reached during the year (or in difference of year (millesime)) in the parallelograms with vertical base of the Lexis diagram, the arithmetic mean of the cohort of the same generation on two dates is calculated. Certain countries use as the mean population the estimate of population made on 30 June of the year, while others calculate the mean of the estimates carried out for each month (as is the case in Germany and Austria). Although the latter method is undoubtedly the most rigorous, provided, however, that all the events are observed precisely (in particular migratory movements), the difference obtained in the calculation of the demographic rates by age is so small that it is advisable to opt for the simplest method, which, in addition, provides a means of using a unique calculation method for all the countries studied. This mean population is only the first intermediary in the rate calculation chain, and does not need to be filed since at the end of this chain the calculated rates by age will be available in the two definitions of age (age completed and age reached during the year) by correcting them taking into account the consequences of the inequality of the cohort supply as well as the random variations. Sequence of operations 1 Rates according to age reached during the year n n+1 arithmetic mean: n Pi? Data on fertility by age, in years completed Age completed Pop, female on 1 January Births Fertility rate 1966 (years) 1966 1967 1966 Raw Calculated Difference 14 43269 44180 7 0. And let us consider the case of Finland in 1966 at 21 years completed, the year for which the numbers of events in squares are available. A first estimate of the fertility rate at 19 21 years, that we refer to as raw, is obtained by calculating the ratio of the number of 20 births observed at 21 years completed (4 919) to the half-sum of the female cohorts aged 21 years completed on 1 January (34 458) and on 31 December (41 692) of 1966 4919 respectively, i. These anomalies may be due to a seasonal pattern of births which is exceptional to the period in which the generations concerned are born. This is visible in the cohort at 21 years completed: 34 458 on 1 January 1966, then 41 692 on 1 January 1967 (this difference of 21% in only one year demonstrates a rapid variation in the number of births between 1944 and 1945). This can be verified in more detail by considering the temporal trend of the characteristics deduced from the statistics of monthly births (Figure 4): due to the conflict between Finland and the Soviet Union in 1940, then in 1945, the seasonal pattern of births for these two years was greatly disrupted and the raw calculation formula was inaccurate because it was based (implicitly) on the hypothesis of a uniform seasonal pattern of births within the couples of generations of which the rates were calculated. When such a disruption occurs, the raw method leads to biased rates at two consecutive ages, successively in one direction then in another. This is the case here with rates at 20 then 21 years (the couples of generations 1944-45 and 1945-46, including the disrupted generation of 1945) and at 25-26 years (the couples of generations 1939-40 and 1940-41, including the disrupted generation of 1940). In contrast, this is not the case of anomalies observed at 29-30 years (the couples of generations 1935-36 and 1936-37, including the generation of 1936). However, while the anomalies linked to the disruptions of the generations of 1940 and 1945 persist in 1967 and the following years, those concerning the two couples of generations containing the generation of 1936 have disappeared (Figure 5). This is probably merely an accidental variation due to an observation error relating to these ages either on the female cohorts or on the number of births. To eliminate the biases caused by exceptional seasonal patterns within certain generations, but also to smooth the results to limit the effect of accidental errors, the European Demographic Observatory has developed a methodology for the construction of occurrence tables. This methodology is based on the absolute numbers of events that can be observed indifferently by age completed (squares of the Lexis diagram), by age reached 19 this is, however, the method used by most national statistics offices to calculate the tables of event occurrence. It gives the advanced estimates of the two types of rate according to the year of observation: by age completed 39 40 41 42 43 x+1 x+1/2 (estimate of f (? Finally, it permits all the possible geographic aggregations in the Lexis diagram. Moreover, it gives the rates by age completed for the same generation, straddling two calendar years, which provides a means of calculating the cumulations at the different birthdays by generation. It can be demonstrated that this relative bias affecting the couples of generations 1944-45 at 21 years varies little with age, even with the phenomenon studied: it is around 9% at all ages for first marriage (Figure 6), mortality or fertility within the couple of generations 1944-45. The disruptions linked to the seasonal pattern of births therefore concern certain couples of generations and these only, but when a couple of generations is concerned, it concerns all ages. Furthermore, when in a given year a rate is biased for this reason, one of the two adjacent rates is affected by a bias in the opposite direction, roughly equal to an absolute value. For each of the definitions of age, three methods of calculating the rates by age can be used, the last method being preferable as it is the only method that provides a means of eliminating all the measurement biases. These rates, that we shall call raw, are affected, as we saw in the above paragraph (B2), by biases due to the non-uniformity of the distribution of birthdays within each couple of consecutive generations. Constancy of the risk according to age inside the square If the risk is constant inside the square, depending neither on the exact age x between i and i+1 nor on the time t during year n, the correct estimate of this risk is, as always, the ratio of the absolute number of events to the sum of the durations of exposure to the risk. However, even we ignore mortality and international migrations, the duration of exposure to the risk varies from one individual to another according to his date of birth within the couple (n-i-1, n-i): individuals born towards the start of year n-i-1 or at the end of year n-i are exposed to the risk during periods close to zero, while individuals born towards the end of year n-i-1 or at the start of year n-i are exposed to the risk for almost one full year. Based on this hypothesis, it can be demonstrated that the estimate without bias of the n rate fi at age completed i in year n is approximately: n n Ei f? Insofar as mortality and international migrations do not significantly alter the distribution of birthdays within the same generation, reference can be made to the period in which these generations were born, and the mean dates of birth m1 and m2 can be determined on the basis of the monthly distribution of live births during years n-i-1 and n-i. We can also refer to a recent census which gives the distribution of the resident population by year and month of birth (or even day of birth). The bias which affects all the rates of the same couple of generations is thus a purely statistical bias, which is roughly constant in relative value, independent of both the age and the phenomenon studied, whether it concerns fertility or first marriage. With regard to mortality, the bias which affects the probabilities is roughly the same, in relative value, as that which affects the fertility or first marriage rates. The 24 advantage of this procedure is that the data can be smoothed, which attenuates the effects of accidental variations. If we ignore the quantities s1 and s2 as well as the derivatives of order 1 and 2 of f (x), n one single iteration is required, and the estimation of the rates fi is that indicated above: n Ei f = n n+1 Pi m1 + Pi (1? When the distribution of births during the couple of years is influenced virtually only by the seasonal variations of natality, experience shows that the bias is negligible. However, for the couples marked by sudden variations in natality, for example at the end and, more especially, at the start of a war, the bias can reach significant values and lead to major errors in relation to that of the variation, from one age to another, in the rates observed in the same year and, more especially, in relation to the variation, from one year to another, in the rates at the same age. It follows that the estimate of the longitudinal characteristics of the couple of generations is affected by the relative bias common to the rates at each of the ages. It is therefore desirable that the software applications be developed on the basis of the methodology described above and estimate, in a unique manner for all the countries, the rates at all ages and for all years. They should also be able to calculate, optionally, the rates according to the conventional method (raw rates). When the characteristics m, V and of a couple of generations are not available, we must use, for want of something better, values 1 1 equal to , and 0 respectively. These raw rates are also affected by bias, but this is considerably smaller than that of the rates by age completed. The following phase therefore consists of aggregating the appropriate triangles in the Lexis diagram and then calculating the rates in these new diagrams with the help of the specific equation. As is the case for the calculation of rates, two cases can be identified, according to the definition of the age used to classify the events. Let us call Pn the cohort on 1 January n of the population of a given sex at age i completed i and Cn the number of deaths in the corresponding square at age completed i in i year n. The raw method, which is applied to the data in triangles or in squares, consists in n 23 estimating the probability of dying 1Qi at age completed i as follows: we first estimate Cn n n i the mortality rate ti as if it were a repeatable event by ti = n n+1, then the (Pi + Pi) / 2 n n? The raw method is based implicitly on two hypotheses: hypothesis of i uniformity of the seasonal pattern of births during the couple of years n-i-1 and n-i as in the case of repeatable events and hypothesis of slight variations in the instantaneous probability of dying between the ages of i and i+1. For this reason, a more advanced methodology must be used which does not assume that these hypotheses are satisfactory and which in addition carries out smoothing, which is even more desirable with regard to mortality than with regard to fertility, as the risks? and therefore the absolute numbers of events are often much lower. This 23 the lower left index 1 expresses the fact that it is a probability over an interval of one year: between the exact ages i and i+1. In the case of events classified according to age in completed years (squares of the Lexis diagram) we can, as for the calculation of rates, choose between two hypotheses concerning the trend of the risk inside the square: constant or variable risk. We will not go into the details of the calculation as this would involve repeating what has been said in the previous paragraph; we will confine ourselves to giving the formulas to 26 be used and to indicating a few particularities. In addition, it should be mentioned that the probability of dying at 0 years is usually referred to as the infant mortality rate. The disadvantage of these (perspective) probabilities is that they are not calculated between birthdays but between two successive first Januarys; they are therefore shifted by one half-year of age. For most ages, except the very young, perspective probabilities can be converted into probabilities between birthdays by linear interpolation or, preferably, by logarithmic interpolation. However, it is preferable to use the procedure described above to estimate the deaths in each of the triangles and to deduce from this a table between birthdays. The very rapid decline in the instantaneous probability, and thus of the function of risk, from birth thwarts the polynomial approximation used. We can therefore estimate the probability of dying at age 0, based on the two hypotheses of zero migrations in the square and of identical distributions of birthdays of the generations born in n-1 and n, by:? In the case of migrations in this first square, the above formula can be rewritten as follows: Q? For the lower triangle, the first hypothesis assumes that the migrations of year n of the generation born in n-1 take place immediately after birth (b1); the second, that the migrations of generation n take place exclusively on 31 December (b2): 0 0 D2 D2 b1 = et b2 = 0 0 P2 + D2 N2 We can thus calculate the upper and lower limits of Q? The same procedure can be used to estimate the probability of dying between the 1st and 2nd birthday. D1 *** It should be remembered that first marriage can be considered as producing repeatable or non-repeatable events. With regard to longitudinal indicators, the two 28 processing methods yield the same results, but this is not the case for transversal indicators. In particular, the total rate based on the rates may well exceed the universe, which is never the case with a total rate based on probabilities or for the longitudinal indicator (proportion of ever-married persons at 50 years of age). Moreover, taking due account of the shift equal to the mean age at first marriage, the longitudinal and transversal indicators are generally much closer together when they are based on the probabilities than when they are based on the rates. Despite everything, the tradition observed in the publications of European statistics offices consists in treating first marriage in the same way as fertility, i. However, the tools available to Eurostat will be able to treat first marriage successively as producing repeatable events, then non repeatable events. Thus, births occurred in almost all married couples, most often for the first time. Under these conditions, the definition used for the birth order had relatively little importance in terms of fertility indicators by order. The order defined in the current marriage differed little from that 29 defined among all the births of the mother, the biological order. Nowadays, with the development of new forms of union, resulting in a considerable increase in births outside wedlock, we can no longer analyze fertility according to the birth order with as much relevance if we have only the classification of births according to the order in the current marriage. Therefore, certain countries, such as France, have changed the definition and use instead the classification according to biological order, although this change was not easy: either survey data are used to produce indices that take account of all previous births (as is the case in France with the family survey) or an estimate is made more or less periodically of the biological order based on the order in the current marriage (such as in Germany) according to conversion keys based on a comparison of births, which are recorded during a survey and classified according to the two definitions. A distinction should therefore be made between countries according to the definition of order used, and the indicators should be published in separate tables relating to one or other of the two definitions. Similarly, for countries that have recently changed the definition, we should ensure that the information based on different definitions is not mixed up, and the indicators should be presented in separate tables based on each of these definitions.

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Glutathione is a combination of three amino acids: cystine, glutamic acid and glycine. It is a potent, endogenous antioxidant that is produced naturally by the body to prevent cellular damage. These ingredients are effective in evening skin tone and preventing future discolorations. Bilberry Extract, Boldine Extract, Grape Seed Extract and Lycopene are potent antioxidants that effectively quench the free radicals responsible for skin damage and accelerated aging. Smoothing Toner (pHaze 2) Apply with a cotton pad to prep (degrease) the laxity skin. Both of these treatments are options for all skin types and can be used on pregnant and lactating women, with the consent of their obstetrician. This is also an excellent choice for those who desire luminescent skin prior to a big event or those who do not wish to peel. Patients need to be prepared that they may have some erythema the day of treatment due to increased circulation. The active blend of lactic, glycolic and salicylic acids effectively penetrates pores to dissolve impactions and blackheads, kill bacteria, reduce inflammation and remove excess cell debris to leave the skin hydrated, purified and clear. This gentle, deep pore cleansing treatment provides strong antibacterial and antioxidant action. Key ingredients: Glycolic Acid (2%) is an alpha hydroxy acid that helps to break down the bonds between the cells (desmosomes) and acts as a strong degreasing agent. Totarol is an extract from the New Zealand totara tree with potent antibacterial and antioxidant properties that is gentle and non-irritating. Hydrogen Peroxide is a topical oxygen source effective in controlling bacteria within the follicle. Facial Wash Oily/Problem (pHaze 1) Cleanse the area of treatment extractions thoroughly. Using your small fan brush, apply onto the areas of treatment, concentrating on areas of breakouts. Using gloved hands, gently Maximum Layers: 1 massage the product into the skin for approximately three to five minutes. You may apply more Detox Gel to continue your massage if the product dries on the skin. Note: You may use Nutrient Toner (pHaze 5) in place of Smoothing Toner (pHaze 2) on sensitive skin types. Key ingredients: Superoxide Dismutase, Fumaric Acid and Niacinamide improve blood flow and circulation. Studies show that topical application rids the skin cells of toxins and reduces free radical damage. Glycolic Acid is an alpha hydroxy acid that helps to break down the bonds between the cells (desmosomes) and acts as a strong degreasing agent. Facial Wash Oily/Problem (pHaze 1) Cleanse the area of treatment deoxygenated skin thoroughly. Smoothing Toner (pHaze 2) Apply with a cotton pad to prep (degrease) the with their obstetrician) skin. Activator (Step 1) Pour approximately a dime-sized amount into a small peel dish. Detoxifier (Step 2) Massage a dime-sized amount into the skin with your fingers in a circular motion for approximately two minutes. Take your time with this process as this step drives Activator (Step 1) into the skin and promotes Maximum Layers (all steps) : 1 circulation. Remove any obvious excess by gently blotting with a tissue or with Nutrient Toner (pHaze 5) on a cotton pad. Oxygenator (Step 3) Massage a dime-sized amount into the skin with your fingers in a circular motion over the entire area of treatment. A little of this product goes a long way, so do not overuse, avoiding contact with the eyebrows and hair due to possibility of bleaching. Assess sensitivity by asking the patient, On a scale of one to ten, ten being extremely active, how do you rate this sensation (or feeling)? Gentle Exfoliant Apply a small amount to wet fingertips and massage lightly, Total Wash Face & Body working in a circular motion. Completely remove from treatment area using Cleanser cotton pads moistened with warm water. Steam You may turn on your steamer at this time and leave on for the Gentle Exfoliant (pHaze 4) duration of the application of Mask. Pre-Peel Accelerator Mask (Step 1 from the Smoothing Body Peel (step 1) Treatment) Apply liberally and massage into the area of treatment. Continue Total Strength Line & Pore massaging until all of the product is absorbed (approximately three to five Minimizer minutes). Urea, when used at Retinol Renewal with higher percentages, is an effective keratolytic. This will gently dissolve RestorAtive Complex keratinization and allow for cell renewal. Total Strength Line & Pore Minimizer Apply a nickel-sized amount to the EyeXcellence (pHaze 12) area of treatment to strengthen the skin. EyeXcellence (pHaze 12) Gently apply around the delicate eye area to reduce dark circles and puffiness while stimulating collagen production to reduce fine lines and wrinkles. This facial calms, soothes and strengthens all skin types and pregnant and lactating conditions. Warm compress Begin by applying a warm compress to the decollete, neck obstetrician) and face, and apply gentle pressure by molding and gently pressing on the towel. Smoothing Toner (pHaze 2) Apply with a cotton pad to prep (degrease) the Facial Wash Oily/Problem skin. Detoxifer (Step 2 from the Oxygenating Trio) ExLinea? Peptide Smoothing pre-treat Serum (pHaze 25) C-Quench? Antioxidant 4. Gentle Exfoliant (pHaze 4) Apply a small amount to wet fingertips and Serum (pHaze 15+) massage lightly, working in a circular motion. Extractions Using gloved hands, gentle extractions may be performed at this Hydrating Serum (pHaze 43) time. Nutrient Toner (pHaze 5) With a cotton pad, swipe the areas of extractions to (pHaze 42) cleanse and soothe. Detoxifier (Step 2 from the Oxygenating Trio) Apply with your fingers in a (pHaze 24) circular motion over the entire treatment area. Remove Vitamin E (pHaze 16) any obvious excess by gently blotting with a tissue or with Nutrient Toner EyeXcellence (pHaze 12) (pHaze 5) on a cotton pad. ExLinea? Peptide Smoothing Serum (pHaze 25) Apply to areas of laxity and wrinkling. C-Quench? Antioxidant Serum (pHaze 15+) Apply a nickel-sized amount for additional strengthening and hydrating benefits. A&C Synergy Serum (pHaze 23) Apply a nickel-sized amount to the area of treatment for brightening, increased cell turnover and pore-refining action. Anti-Redness Serum (pHaze 42) Apply a nickel-sized amount to improve microcirculation and barrier function, while also reducing inflammation and redness. Retinol Renewal with RestorAtive Complex (pHaze 26) Apply a nickel-sized amount pumps to increase cellular renewal, moisture content and collagen production for a smoother, firmer, more even complexion. Rejuvenating Serum (pHaze 24) and C-Strength 15% with 5% Vitamin E (pHaze 16) Apply a mixture to stimulate collagen and elastin synthesis and healthy cell proliferation while improving barrier function. EyeXcellence (pHaze 12) Gently apply around the delicate eye area to reduce dark circles and puffiness, while stimulating collagen production to reduce fine lines and wrinkles. Clindamycin 1% and benzoyl For a complete listing, see peroxide 3%, w/w Dosage Forms, Composition (clindamycin as clindamycin and Packaging section. Clindamycin 1% and benzoyl For a complete listing, see peroxide 5%, w/w Dosage Forms, Composition (clindamycin as clindamycin and Packaging section. For a complete listing, see the Dosage Forms, Composition and Packaging section of the product monograph. Drug interactions: Concomitant topical acne treatments are not recommended because a possible cumulative irritancy effect may occur, which sometimes may be severe, especially with peeling, desquamating, or abrasive agents. As benzoyl peroxide may cause increased sensitivity to sunlight, sunlamps should not be used and deliberate or prolonged exposure to sunlight should be avoided or minimized. When exposure to strong sunlight cannot be avoided, patients should be advised to use a sunscreen product and wear protective clothing. Page 4 of 28 Clindamycin phosphate: Gram-negative folliculitis has been reported in association with the long term use of clindamycin. It is important to consider this diagnosis in patients who present with diarrhea, or symptoms of colitis, pseudomembranous colitis, toxic mega colon, or perforation of the colon subsequent to the administration of any antibacterial agent. Treatment with antibacterial agents may alter the normal flora of the colon and may permit overgrowth of Clostridium difficile. In moderate to severe cases, consideration should be given to management with fluids and electrolytes, protein supplementation, and treatment with an antibacterial agent clinically effective against Clostridium difficile. Surgical evaluation should be instituted as clinically indicated, as surgical intervention may be required in certain severe cases. Ophthalmologic/Mucosal/Skin Benzoyl peroxide: Avoid contact with the mouth, eyes, lips, other mucous membranes or areas of irritated or broken skin. In the event of accidental contact with sensitive surfaces (eyes, abraded skin, mucous membranes), rinse with copious amounts of cool tap water. During the first weeks of treatment, patients may experience peeling and reddening. In these patients, these symptoms will normally subside if treatment is temporarily interrupted and restarted after symptoms have subsided. If excessive dryness or peeling occurs, frequency of application should be reduced or Page 5 of 28 application temporarily interrupted. Cross-resistance and resistance Cross-resistance has been demonstrated between clindamycin and lincomycin. Benzoyl peroxide reduces the potential for emergence of organisms resistant to clindamycin. Special Populations Fertility: There are no data on the effect of topical clindamycin or benzoyl peroxide on fertility in humans. There are limited data on the use of topical clindamycin or benzoyl peroxide in pregnant women. Orally and parenterally administered clindamycin have been reported to appear in breast milk. No individual treatment-related adverse event was reported by more than 2 subjects (? The most frequently reported treatment-related adverse events were mild or moderate application site dermatitis and photosensitivity, with each occurring in 2 subjects (0. These adverse reactions were 1 case of mild application site paraesthesia, 1 case of acne worsening and 7 cases of mild to moderate pruritus and erythema, as well as dryness at the application site that lasted 3 to 48 days. Clinical Trial Adverse Drug Reactions Because clinical trials are conducted under very specific conditions the adverse reaction rates observed in the clinical trials may not reflect the rates observed in practice and should not be compared to the rates in the clinical trials of another drug. Adverse drug reaction information from clinical trials is useful for identifying drug-related adverse events and for approximating rates. The percentage of subjects that had symptoms present before treatment and present at week 12 are shown in Table 1 and Table 2. Post-Market Adverse Drug Reactions Because these reactions are reported voluntarily from a population of uncertain size, it is not always possible to reliably estimate their frequency or establish a causal relationship to drug exposure. Page 8 of 28 Gastrointestinal disorders: Diarrhea, abdominal pain, bloody diarrhea, colitis (including pseudomembranous colitis). Immune system disorders: Anaphylaxis, as well as allergic reactions leading to hospitalization, application site hypersensitivity such as urticaria, application site swelling and swelling of the face and tongue including angioedema. Erythromycin In vitro Clindamycin and erythromycin have been Should not be used shown to be antagonists. Page 9 of 28 Drug-Herb Interactions Interactions with herbal products have not been established. Drug-Laboratory Interactions Interactions with laboratory tests have not been established. Recommended Dose and Administration the skin should be thoroughly washed with a mild, non-irritating cleanser, rinsed with warm water and gently patted dry. As percutaneous absorption is low following topical application, renal impairment is not expected to result in systemic exposure of clinical significance.

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The schedule and duration of intravesical chemotherapy in patients with non muscle-invasive bladder cancer: a systematic review of the published results of randomized clinical trials. The effect of intravesical mitomycin C on recurrence of newly diagnosed superficial bladder cancer: a further report with 7 years of follow up. Intravesical bacille Calmette-Guerin versus mitomycin C in superficial bladder cancer: formal meta-analysis of comparative studies on tumor progression. Intravesical bacillus Calmette-Guerin reduces the risk of progression in patients with superficial bladder cancer: a meta-analysis of the published results of randomized clinical trials. An individual patient data meta-analysis of the long-term outcome of randomised studies comparing intravesical mitomycin C versus bacillus Calmette-Guerin for non muscle-invasive bladder cancer. Intravesical Bacillus Calmette-Guerin versus epirubicin for Ta and T1 bladder cancer. Recurrence of superficial bladder carcinoma after intravesical instillation of mitomycin-C. The role of a combined regimen with intravesical chemotherapy and hyperthermia in the management of non-muscle-invasive bladder cancer: a systematic review. Combined chemohyperthermia: 10-year single center experience in 160 patients with nonmuscle invasive bladder cancer. A systematic review of intravesical bacillus Calmette-Guerin plus transurethral resection vs transurethral resection alone in Ta and T1 bladder cancer. Intravesical bacillus Calmette-Guerin is superior to mitomycin C in reducing tumour recurrence in high-risk superficial bladder cancer: a meta-analysis of randomized trials. Bacillus Calmette-Guerin is superior to a combination of epirubicin and interferon alpha2b in the intravesical treatment of patients with stage T1 urinary bladder cancer. Long-term efficacy of maintenance bacillus Calmette-Guerin versus maintenance mitomycin C instillation therapy in frequently recurrent TaT1 tumours without carcinoma in situ: a subgroup analysis of the prospective, randomised FinnBladder I study with a 20-year follow-up. The influence of intravesical therapy on progression of superficial transitional cell carcinoma of the bladder: a metaanalytic comparison of chemotherapy versus bacilli Calmette Guerin immunotherapy. Bacillus calmette-guerin strain differences have an impact on clinical outcome in bladder cancer immunotherapy. A prospective comparative study of intravesical bacillus Calmette-Guerin therapy with the Tokyo or Connaught strain for nonmuscle invasive bladder cancer. Incidence and treatment of complications of bacillus Calmette-Guerin intravesical therapy in superficial bladder cancer. Intravesical bacillus Calmette-Guerin for the treatment of superficial bladder cancer in renal transplant patients. Bacillus Calmette-Guerin therapy in non-muscle-invasive bladder carcinoma after renal transplantation for end-stage aristolochic acid nephropathy. Late occurrence of bilateral tuberculous-like epididymo-orchitis after intravesical bacille Calmette-Guerin therapy for superficial bladder carcinoma. Intracavitary Bacillus Calmette-Guerin in the treatment of superficial bladder tumors. Long-term follow-up of a randomized prospective trial comparing a standard 81 mg dose of intravesical bacille Calmette-Guerin with a reduced dose of 27 mg in superficial bladder cancer. Has a 3-fold decreased dose of bacillus Calmette-Guerin the same efficacy against recurrences and progression of T1G3 and this bladder tumors than the standard dose? A multicentre, randomised prospective trial comparing three intravesical adjuvant therapies for intermediate-risk superficial bladder cancer: low-dose bacillus Calmette-Guerin (27 mg) versus very low-dose bacillus Calmette-Guerin (13. Bacillus calmette-guerin versus chemotherapy for the intravesical treatment of patients with carcinoma in situ of the bladder: a meta-analysis of the published results of randomized clinical trials. Intravesical instillations with bacillus calmette-guerin for the treatment of carcinoma in situ involving prostatic ducts. Long-term cancer-specific survival in patients with high-risk, non-muscle invasive bladder cancer and tumour progression: a systematic review. Factors affecting response to bacillus Calmette-Guerin plus interferon for urothelial carcinoma in situ. Treatment options available for bacillus Calmette-Guerin failure in non-muscle invasive bladder cancer. A single-institution experience with induction and maintenance intravesical docetaxel in the management of non-muscle-invasive bladder cancer refractory to bacille Calmette Guerin therapy. Efficacy and safety of valrubicin for the treatment of Bacillus Calmette-Guerin refractory carcinoma in situ of the bladder. Combined thermo-chemotherapy for recurrent bladder cancer after bacillus Calmette-Guerin. Gemcitabine versus bacille Calmette-Guerin after initial bacille Calmette-Guerin failure in non-muscle-invasive bladder cancer: a multicenter prospective randomized trial. Pathological upstaging detected in radical cystectomy procedures is associated with a significantly worse tumour-specific survival rate for patients with clinical T1 urothelial carcinoma of the urinary bladder. Discrepancy between clinical and pathologic stage: impact on prognosis after radical cystectomy. Radical cystectomy for bladder cancer today-a homogeneous series without neoadjuvant therapy. Outcomes of radical cystectomy for transitional cell carcinoma of the bladder: a contemporary series from the Bladder Cancer Research Consortium. Stage Ta-T1 bladder cancer: the relationship between findings at first followup cystoscopy and subsequent recurrence and progression. This information is publically accessible through the European Association of Urology website: uroweb. This guidelines document was developed with the financial support of the European Association of Urology. As a network, we infuence policy at the highest level and are trusted advisors to governments and to other offcial bodies from around the world. The World Cancer Research Fund network of charities is based in Europe, the Americas and Asia, giving us a global voice to inform people about cancer prevention. Among experts worldwide it is a trusted, authoritative scientifc resource which informs current guidelines and policy on cancer prevention and survival. Men are over four times more likely than women to develop bladder cancer, and it is more common in older adults. Sixty per cent of cases of bladder cancer occur in higher-income countries, with the highest incidence rates seen in North America and Europe, and the lowest in Asia, Latin America and the Caribbean. Although bladder cancer is the 13th most common cause of death from cancer, survival rates vary across the world. This includes new studies as well as those included in our 2007 Second Expert Report, Food, Nutrition, Physical Activity and the Prevention of Cancer: a Global Perspective [1]. In addition to the fndings in this report, other established causes of bladder cancer include: 1. Smoking: n Smokers have up to six times the risk of bladder cancer than people who have never smoked. Infection and infestation: n Infection from parasitic worms is a major risk factor, especially for squamous cell carcinomas. This is a less common type of bladder cancer that occurs more frequently in countries with high parasitic infection rates (notably Africa and the Middle East). Occupational exposure: n People who work with metalworking fuids such as sheet metalworkers and machine operators have a signifcantly higher risk of bladder cancer, which increases with duration of employment. Exposure to aromatic amines and polyaromatic hydrocarbons (chemicals used in the plastic and chemical industries) has also been strongly associated with an elevated risk for this cancer. More research has been conducted in this area since our 2007 Second Expert Report [1]. In total, this new report analysed 45 studies from around the world, comprising more than 7 million adults and nearly 37,000 cases of bladder cancer. To ensure consistency, the methodology for the Continuous Update Project remains largely unchanged from that used for our Second Expert Report [1]. A summary of the mechanisms underpinning all the fndings can be found in the Evidence and Judgements chapter of this report. Findings There is strong evidence that: n There is strong evidence that drinking water containing arsenic increases the risk of bladder cancer. The fndings on the link between bladder cancer and drinking water containing arsenic are now stronger than in the worldwide evidence reviewed for our 2007 Second Expert Report [1]. Therefore, the fnding on drinking water containing arsenic has been upgraded to strong evidence. Water can become contaminated by arsenic as a result of natural deposits present in the earth or from agricultural and industrial practices. Countries particularly affected by arsenic in drinking water include Bangladesh, India, Cambodia, Argentina, Chile and Mexico. There is some evidence that: n There is some evidence that greater consumption of vegetables and fruit decreases the risk of bladder cancer. The Cancer Prevention Recommendations are listed on the inside back cover of this report, with full details available in Recommendations and public health and policy implications. Food, Nutrition, Physical Activity, and the Prevention of Cancer: a Global Perspective. The grading for this entry applies specifcally to inorganic arsenic in drinking water. Summary of Panel judgements Overall, the Panel notes the strength of the evidence that arsenic in drinking water is a cause of bladder cancer. Limited suggestive evidence Vegetables and fruit: the evidence suggesting that greater consumption of vegetables and fruit decreases the risk of bladder cancer is limited. Trends, incidence and survival the urinary bladder is a membranous sac that functions as a receptacle to store urine excreted by the kidneys before it is discharged through the urethra. The bladder is lined with transitional epithelial cells, known as urothelial tissue. Urothelial carcinoma is the most common form of bladder cancer, accounting for more than 90 per cent of diagnosed cases [4]. Other types of bladder cancer include squamous cell carcinoma, adenocarcinoma and small cell cancer (in order of incidence). About 70?80 per cent of patients are diagnosed with low-grade tumours that do not tend to metastasise to surrounding tissues. Other symptoms include increased frequency or urgency of urination, and pain or irritation during urination. About 430,000 new cases were recorded in 2012, accounting for 3 per cent of all new cases of cancer. The highest incidence is seen in North America and Europe, and the lowest is in Asia, Latin America and the Caribbean [2]. Survival rates following bladder cancer diagnosis are relatively good and are more favourable in higher-income than lower-income countries. Box 1: Cancer incidence and survival the cancer incidence rates and fgures given here are those reported by cancer registries, now established in many countries. However, many cases of cancer are not identifed or recorded; some countries do not have cancer registries, regions of some countries have few or no records, records in countries suffering war or other disruption are bound to be incomplete, and some people with cancer do not consult a physician. Altogether, this means that the actual incidence of cancer is most probably higher than the fgures given here. The information on cancer survival shown here is for the United States of America and Europe. Survival rates are generally higher in high-income countries and other parts of the world where there are established services for screening and early detection of cancer as well as well-established treatment facilities. Survival is often a function of the stage at which a cancer is detected and diagnosed. Pathogenesis Dietary carcinogens, as well as those from tobacco smoke or other environmental sources, are often excreted in the urine, where the lining of the bladder is exposed to these agents. The majority have low rates of progression, although they can occur at multiple sites. Low-risk lesions may never progress, but if they become invasive the prognosis can be poor. These high-risk lesions are often found with multiple papillary tumours, but because they may involve different molecular changes, they are likely to have different pathways of development to low-risk lesions [8]. Squamous cell carcinoma may be caused by chronic infammation, for instance from latent schistosomiasis, chronic infections or long-term catheter use. Mutations in the p53 tumour suppressor gene, as well as abnormalities in chromosome 9, are common in invasive bladder cancer.

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Maternal 19) Preconception health refers to the diet and the risk of hypospadias and health of women and men during their cryptorchidism in the offspring prostate cancer journey generic eulexin 250mg on-line. Maternal history be used as a tool for public smoking in pregnancy and birth health and preventive medicine? Individual Responsibility Across the 2011;127:734?41] Life Span Each woman, man, and Footnotes and Bibliography couple should be encouraged to improve health outcomes for both have a reproductive life plan. First, ask every Individuals identified as having a women of reproductive age whether family history of developmental she intends to become pregnant in delays, congenital anomalies, or the next year. Asking every woman other genetic disorders should be about her reproductive intentions offered a referral to an appropriate promotes the idea that pregnancies specialist to better quantify the risk should be intended. Suspected genetic issues such as folate disorders might require further supplementation, hypothyroidism workup prior to conception. Known management, obesity control, or discovered genetic conditions hepatitis B vaccination for at risk should be managed optimally before women, and rubella vaccination and after conception. As a part of among previously unvaccinated primary care visits, provide risk women. Consumer Awareness Increase that all women with diabetes have public awareness of the importance preconceptional care to achieve optimal of preconception health behaviours glycaemic control. Spectrum of appropriate across various ages; congenital anomalies in pregnancies literacy, including health literacy; with pregestational diabetes. Diabetic Medicine 22:775 Maximize public health surveillance 781 and related research mechanisms to monitor preconception health. Women should also be informed consider their coverage of women, that preconception care can whether immigrant women are offered Footnotes and Bibliography vaccination, and whether women found level of exposure to hazards acting on a at first pregnancy not to be immune are large-scale, such as air pollutants, offered vaccinations to protect them in byproducts of drinking water subsequent pregnancies. Other disinfection and pesticides should be vaccinations should also be considered. Vaccination during the first trimester should only be given where there is a) Dolk H. The evidence of safety or evidence of a impact of environmental pollution favourable benefit-risk balance. Environ Health 22) the environment? as used here is all Perspect; 119(5): 598?606. Living near factors external to the human host, and agricultural pesticide applications all related behaviours, but excluding and the risk of adverse those natural environments that cannot reproductive outcomes: a review of reasonably be modified. Towards an estimate of the environmental burden of Endocrine disrupters are recognized risk disease Geneva: World Health factors for reproductive disorders during Organization; 2006 puberty and adulthood; however, evidence indicates that higher exposure In the field of the environmental causes levels may increase the incidence of of congenital anomalies evidence is still urogenital malformations such as limited and inadequate to show a causal chryptorchidism and hypospadia. The possible the fetus supports precautionary role of endocrine disrupting actions (Communication from the chemicals in the aetiology of European Commission on the cryptorchidism and hypospadias: a precautionary principle. Endocrine 23) There is a general consensus that disruptors in the workplace, hair further elucidation of the links between spray, folate supplementation, and environmental exposures and congenital risk of hypospadias: case-control anomalies must come through linking study. Environ Health biomarkers and congenital anomaly Perspect;117(2):303-7 surveillance approaches. This issue should be exposure to endocrine disrupting addressed in occupational health chemicals and male genital policies. Occupational exposures of malformations: a study in the concern include pesticides, any Danish National Birth Cohort study. Preconception Care Work Group; Select the Hague: Health Council of the Panel on Preconception Care (2006). In the primary analyses, we used the Newcombe method to evaluate differ the University of Botswana Faculty of Med icine (T. Dolutegravir6 ed data from the obstetrical record for all con is a newer antiretroviral agent with a higher bar secutive in-hospital deliveries. Abstracted data rier to resistance, fewer side effects, and more included information on maternal demographic effective viral suppression than efavirenz, but7 characteristics, medical history, routine labora data on congenital abnormalities and other po tory measurements in pregnancy, pregnancy com tential adverse birth outcomes associated with plications, medications reported to have been exposure at the time of conception have been taken at the time of conception and medications lacking. This formed consent for photographs to be taken of surveillance system captures all antiretroviral infants with abnormalities. Since that time,9 Government midwives received training from the advisory statements from regulatory agencies have study team to standardize infant surface exami recommended more-limited use of dolutegravir nations and to assess congenital abnormalities. We recorded obstetri were classified as major external structural mal cal outcomes at 8 public hospital maternity wards formations if they had clinical, surgical, or cos 2 n engl j med nejm. The new england journal of medicine to reduce potential confounding by geographic live births. Among the exposure at conception) and were excluded from 3840 deliveries in which the mother had started the analysis, which left 119,033 available for analy dolutegravir treatment during pregnancy, 1 neural sis. Photo with dolutegravir treatment started during preg graphs supported the diagnosis in 60 cases, and nancy (1 of 1028, 0. Neural-Tube Defects and Antiretroviral Regimens 119,477 Deliveries were recorded at 18 surveillance hospitals 444 (0. Tenofovir?emtricitabine or tenofovir?lamivudine was the nucleoside reverse-transcriptase inhibitor backbone in the regimen taken by 1653 (98. There were also additional major external struc tural malformations and neural-tube defects in other groups with exposures that are not of interest. Glanular hypospadias was not considered to be a major external structural malformation. The prevalence of major conception and included presumed holoprosen external structural malformations did not differ cephaly (1 delivery), omphalocele (2), gastros substantially in other exposure groups (Table 2): chisis (2), club foot (2), upper-limb defects (2), 0. Since among women with exposure to dolutegravir at our initial 2018 report, the estimated prevalence conception and 0. Table 3 shows other adverse birth outcomes the potential association between dolutegra among deliveries in which infants were exposed vir and neural-tube defects was unexpected. Pre to continuous treatment with dolutegravir or clinical studies in animals did not identify a risk efavirenz from the time of conception. We identified more major external ings in in vitro studies performed by Cabrera structural abnormalities associated with dolute et al. In our study, to be clinically relevant, although the cutoff we also observed that dolutegravir treatment values used in cell-culture experiments to deter from conception was associated with fewer mine clinical relevance to humans are of uncer adverse birth outcomes than efavirenz treatment tain accuracy. We1 therefore it could have been susceptible to con also could not evaluate pregnancy loss before 24 founding. However, no cluded a large sample size that made it possible measured confounders (obesity, diabetes, or expo to ascertain the outcomes of most pregnancies sure to antiepileptic agents or to trimethoprim? (>95% of deliveries occur in hospitals, and ter sulfamethoxazole at conception) were present in mination of pregnancy is not legal in Botswana the five cases of neural-tube defects associated except in extreme circumstances), nearly com with dolutegravir treatment at conception, so bias plete reporting of a surface examination for all from measured confounding cannot explain our live births and stillbirths, photographic confir results. Differences in neural-tube defects are a rare outcome, and ad preconception folate levels or genetic predisposi ditional surveillance is warranted. Future sur tion could have led to unmeasured confounding, veillance trends are particularly important given but the distribution of these differences would the decline in overall neural-tube defects that not be expected to differ between exposure has been observed since May 2018. This thin, flexible plastic rod is inserted under the skin of your arm by your healthcare provider. The implant works by releasing a small amount of progesterone, a hormone that women make naturally. This hormone prevents the egg from being released from the ovary, and it thickens cervical mucous to prevent sperm from reaching an egg. The implant is one of the most effective methods at preventing pregnancy, more than 99% effective. Condoms are the best way for sexually active people to reduce the risk of infection. Advantages of the implant: o Highly effective reversible birth control o Can be used while breastfeeding o Nothing to do right before sex to make it work o Ability to become pregnant returns quickly when removed o Approved for three years, may be effective for longer Possible disadvantages of the implant: o Most women have some irregular menstrual bleeding or spotting when using the implant o Some women may stop having menstrual periods completely o Side effects some women experience side effects such as weight gain, breast tenderness, or change in mood o Needs to be placed and removed by a health care provider Risks of using the implant: o Infection It is possible but rare to get an infection at the site of insertion or removal at the implant o Pregnancy It is uncommon to get pregnant when you have an implant in place. This can make removal of the implant difficult and the removal may need to be done under x-ray or with other special equipment. The implant cannot be used by women who: o Are, or think they are pregnant o Currently have, or have a history of breast cancer o Have liver disease o Have abnormal vaginal bleeding that has not been evaluated the implant may be less effective for some women taking certain anticonvulsant (anti-seizure) or anti retroviral medications. Tell your clinician if you have any of these risk factors or conditions, or if you are being treated for any medical illnesses. Louis School of Medicine, Department of Obstetrics & Gynecology, 4533 Clayton Avenue, St. However, homeowners the upper and lower Niagara River by were never given any warning or informa digging a canal six to seven miles long. By tion that would indicate that the property was doing this, Love hoped to harness the water located near a chemical waste dump. Most of the upper Niagara River into a navigable families who moved into the area were channel, which would create a man-made unaware of the old landfill and its poisons. It certainly did not appear to be a chemical dump with 20,000 However, the country fell into an economic tons of toxic wastes buried beneath it. Love then abandoned In 1978, there were approximately 800 the project, leaving behind a partially dug private single-family homes and 240 low section of the canal, sixty feet wide and three income apartments built around the canal. In 1920, the land was the elementary school was located near the sold at public auction and became a center of the landfill. The Niagara River, to municipal and chemical disposal site until the south and a creek to the north of the 1953. The principal company that dumped landfill formed natural boundaries for the waste in the canal was Hooker Chemical area affected by the migrating chemicals. Hooker included After years of complaints, the city and in the deed transfer a warning? of the county hired a consultant to investigate. In chemical wastes buried on the property and a 1976, the Calspan Corporation completed a disclaimer absolving Hooker of any future study of the canal area and found toxic liability. Calspan began in 1954 to construct an elementary recommended that the canal be covered with school on the canal property. The 99th Street clay, home sump pumps be sealed off and a School was completed by 1955, opening its tile drainage system be installed to control doors to about 400 students each year. But the Board refused Health Department found an increase in to transfer her child stating that if it was unsafe reproductive problems among women and for her son, then it would be unsafe for all high levels of chemical contaminants in soil children and they were not going to close the and air. After speaking with hundreds of people, she realized that the entire Love Canal Homeowners Association community was affected. The health order recommended approximately 500 families living within a that the 99th Street School be closed (a 10-block area surrounding the Love Canal victory), that pregnant women and children landfill. The community consisted of blue under the age of two be evacuated, that collar workers with an average annual income residents not eat out of their home gardens and of $10,000-$25,000. The majority of people that they spend limited time in their worked in local industries which were largely basements. The Love Canal Homeowners Association grew out of another group established in June these unprecedented actions served to bring 1978, the Love Canal Parents Movement. The the residents together to form a strong united Parents Movement was started by Lois Gibbs, citizens organization, and served as the who lived in the neighborhood and whose stepping stone to the establishment of the children attended the 99th Street School. Within Gibbs, unaware of the dump, was alerted first a week of the health order, the residents held a by newspaper articles describing the landfill, public meeting, elected officers and set goals its wastes, and proximity to the 99th for the newly formed organization. August of 1978, the state established the Love Canal Interagency Task Force to the cleanup plan consisted of a tile drain coordinate the many activities undertaken at collection system designed to contain? the the canal. The task force had three major waste and prevent any outward migration of responsibilities: the relocation of evacuated chemical leachate. A graded trench system families, the continuation of health and was dug around the canal to intercept environmental studies and the construction migrating leachate and create a barrier drain of a drainage system to prevent further system. Remedial Construction the leachate collected from the drain system is pumped to an on-site treatment plant that A cross-sectional diagram of the Love Canal uses a series of filters, most importantly, landfill is shown below. Because of the close activated charcoal, to remove chemicals proximity to the Niagara River, the water from the waste stream. The remaining table in the canal would rise and fall clean? water is then flushed down the substantially. Chemicals such as mix with chemicals in the landfill and move mercury and other heavy metals are not out into the community as leachate. There was also an old stream bed cover to minimize rainwater entering the 4 Love Canal canal surface, to prevent chemicals from Outside the Fence vaporizing into the air and to prevent direct Once the state had evacuated 239 families contact with contaminated soil. The 20,000 and began the cleanup, they arbitrarily tons of wastes are still buried in the center of defined the affected area and erected a 10 this community. This decision was arbitrary because at the time Although this system cost the state millions nobody knew how far the chemicals had of dollars, a monitoring system to determine gone or how many people were affected. At its effectiveness was not established until 5 this same time, the state began to make years had passed. Once the state the outer community became angry and began to monitor the wells, they did find began to look at the fence as though it fenced chemicals leaking into the river. The residents knew there were not surprising since there was no bottom to health problems outside the first 239 homes the containment? sytem. The state ignored these data and pointed the community quickly began to express to other data that indicated that the system their anger and concerns. The protests included mothers and fathers with their babies and seniors who were ready for retirement. The residents also picketed at the canal every day for weeks in the dead of winter, hoping someone would hear them and someone would help. Their children were sick, their homes were worthless and they were innocent victims. They gave the residents concessions? such as an extensive safety plan, a scientist-consultant of their 5 Center for Health, Environment and Justice choosing whose salary was paid by the state, Thus, the results were an underestimate of the and a $200,000 Human Services Fund to pay total health damages in the community. Once the data was collected, they plotted the results on a map and immediately noticed a clustering of diseases in certain areas of the neighborhood.

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