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J. Jason West, MD

  • Cardiology Fellow, Department of Medicine, Division of Cardiovascular
  • Medicine, University of Virginia, Charlottesville, VA, USA

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Drinking and oral health which had examined the effects of smoking cessation on Drinking is a lifestyle habit that is strongly associated periodontal treatment, demonstrates that smoking cessation with liver disease and circulatory disease. The much is known about the association between drinking and microbial composition of subgingival plaques in individuals periodontal disease, and it is rare that drinking is addressed who could not quit smoking during periodontal treatment as one of lifestyle habits that affect periodontal disease. These fndings suggest that the association with smoking, and results do not necessarily differences in the treatment effects associated with successful show consistent trends. The inconsistency in results could be or unsuccessful smoking cessation might be influenced by explained by the different methods used to assess drinking variable changes in the microbial composition. However, and periodontal disease, or by the effect of ethnic differences given that no significant difference was observed in in target populations. This result suggests that the effects of drinking on have good periodontal status. One of the reasons the development of diabetes mellitus86, a continued exercise that many of the reports regarding the association between habit may be effective in maintaining healthy dental status drinking and periodontal disease are from Japanese studies as well. These results suggest the the results regarding the association between drinking possibility that physical activity may suppress infammatory and tooth loss were not necessarily consistent either. In addition, the effects of 1) Vitamins, calcium drinking on periodontal disease might not be necessarily Vitamins and calcium represent nutrients associated linked to tooth loss. Vitamin C deficiency drinking on oral health in order to incorporate guidance on impairs collagen synthesis, which is said to cause the drinking in oral health directions. Exercise (physical activities) and periodontal disease disease is more pronounced in smokers53, vitamin C Physical activities, including exercise, play an important deficiency is likely to enhance the effects of smoking on role in the prevention of various lifestyle-related diseases, periodontal tissue. Although a number of studies vitamin C concentration in individuals with periodontal have reported on the association between obesity and disease in both non-smokers and smokers91, and thus, periodontal disease81-84, not many address the association preventive effects on periodontal disease may be expected between physical activities and periodontal disease. From these reports, lactic acid bacteria contained in of periodontal disease and tooth loss. However, the results lactic acid bacteria food are likely to exert preventive effects obtained so far have not been necessarily consistent in terms on periodontal disease as probiotics in the oral cavity. According to the Dietary Reference Intakes for suggested that periodontal disease might be suppressed by Japanese (2010 version), the recommended intake amount increasing consumption of whole grain without changing of vitamin D in adults is 5. The results of the National Health and Nutrition periodontal disease, no consistent trend has been observed; Survey showed that the average intake amount of vitamin some found no association65, while others only found D was about 8 fig in both men and women, which exceeded an association in individuals aged 65 years and older66. In the case where postmenopausal women had Intake of unsaturated fatty acids has been shown insuffcient vitamin D, supplementation of vitamin D. On the On the other hand, in addition to dietary intake, vitamin other hand, intake of saturated fatty acids, which affects D is also synthesized in the skin by exposure to moderate arterial stiffening and hypertension95, increased the risk sunlight (ultraviolet rays), and therefore, exposure to of periodontal disease in non-smokers69. In this context, why intake of saturated fatty acids did not have any effect when considering the impact of vitamin D on periodontal on periodontal disease in smokers, the effect of smoking disease and tooth loss, not only dietary intake but also other on periodontal disease might have strongly influenced the factors need to be taken into account. As we have shown 2) Dairy products in this paper, while there are many reports regarding food Among dairy products, consumption of cheese and other and nutrients associated with oral health, none has shown dairies, or the amount of calcium contained, have not been remarkable effects on oral health or suggested serious risks, shown to have any association with periodontal disease63,64. Individuals with healthy eating habits in the context of association between dairy intake and not only beneft from the effects of dietary intake, but they periodontal disease might not be so signifcant. Yogurt, which contains several periodontitis and three health-promoting behaviors lactic acid bacteria with probiotic action, prevents the (maintenance of ideal body weight, performance of exercise growth of periodontal pathogens, although no effects have at recommended levels, high-quality diet), and showed that been observed on the growth of Streptococcus sanguinis93. Infuence of smoking on marginal unhealthy eating habits had a higher risk of periodontal bone loss and tooth loss-a prospective study over 20 disease52. Journal of clinical periodontology 2002; 29: 750has been reported by many studies, suggesting that paying 756. Determination addition to the maintenance of normal body weight, will not of smoking and obesity as periodontitis risks using the only prevent lifestyle-related diseases but also contribute to classification and regression tree method. Journal of periodontology 2007; 78: 859in an attempt to determine the association between these 867. However, except and drinking habits on the incidence of periodontal for smoking, it is not necessarily the case that enough disease and tooth loss among Japanese males: a 4-yr evidence has been established to actively incorporate longitudinal study. To that end, it will be necessary between involuntary smoking and salivary markers to further accumulate evidence concerning the association related to periodontitis: a 2-year longitudinal study. Cigarette smoking as risk factor in chronic tooth loss: results after 11 years of maintenance. Tobacco smoking: a major marginal bone loss and tooth loss-a prospective study risk factor for loss of teeth in three 70-year-old cohorts. Journal of clinical periodontology 2002; Community Dent Oral Epidemiol 1986; 14: 367-370. Smoking habits and tooth loss in Swedish alcohol consumption on periodontal disease. Alcohol treated patients: a long-term study of periodontal disease consumption and periodontal disease. Journal of clinical periodontology 2012; National Health and Nutrition Examination Survey. Torrungruang K, Tamsailom S, Rojanasomsith K, et the United States; longitudinal analysis of national data. Risk indicators of periodontal disease in older Thai J Public Health Dent 1994; 54: 5-14. Prev Chronic Dis assessment for severe clinical attachment loss in an adult 2006; 3: A115. Risk variables in the and nutrition in elderly Japanese: analysis of national association between frequency of alcohol consumption database. J Am Dent Assoc 2010; 141: 1242Alcohol Consumption and Periodontal Disease: the 1249. Journal of periodontology 2014: loss with socio-behavioural health indicators in Korean 1-16. Hanioka T, Ojima M, Tanaka K, Matsuo K, Sato F, Alcohol consumption increases periodontitis risk. A status and inflammation in a longitudinal populationlongitudinal study of the relationship between diet based study. Journal of clinical periodontology 2013; 40: intake and dental caries and periodontal disease in 203-211. Vitamin consumption and missing teeth among communityD Status and Five Year Changes in Periodontal Disease dwelling older adults: findings from the Copenhagen Measures Among Postmenopausal Women: the Buffalo Oral Health Senior study. Intake of dairy calcium and tooth loss among adult drinking as risk indicators for tooth loss in middle-aged Danish men and women. Journal of of medical status and physical fitness with periodontal periodontology 2006; 77: 289-294. Increased physical activity decreases periodontitis risk in Nutrients 2012; 4: 1219-1229. The association between periodontal disease, in men aged 65 and older: the Veterans Affairs normative physical activity and healthy diet among adults in Jordan. Journal of Gingival blood fow in periodontitis patients before and periodontology 2013; 84: 1243-1256. Journal of clinical periodontitis: summary of developments, clinical periodontology 2013; 40: 607-615. Journal of clinical parameter for monitoring periodontal conditions in periodontology 2008; 35: 741-747. Am J current and former smoking on gingival bleeding: the Cardiol 2001; 88: 805-808. Journal of clinical maintained patients with chronic periodontitis during periodontology 2009; 36: 388-395. Alcohol intake and 25-hydroxyvitamin D concentration predict 5-y change future incidence of hypertension in a general Japanese in concentration in postmenopausal women. Moderate alcohol intake and lower risk of coronary Acta Odontol Scand 2010; 68: 261-268. Overweight and obesity predict time to exercise, and consuming a high-quality diet. Reduction in the incidence of type 2 diabetes with lifestyle intervention or metformin. Cerebrovascular disease causes movement disorders lead to the development of cerebrovascular disease could that affect not only the extremities but also the orofacial area, simultaneously cause the deterioration of oral health and even causes deterioration of oral hygiene status. In this status, and in this context, there may be common risk context, investigation of the association between oral health factors that affect both cerebrovascular disease and oral conditions and cerebrovascular disease, which represent the health conditions. As such, it has been suggested that oral main cause of conditions requiring long-term care, is a very health conditions and cerebrovascular disease are closely important issue. In this paper, we focused on five review related to each other, and many studies have been reported. The results showed that, regarding the association oral health conditions and cerebrovascular disease. Moreover, studies have shown that the association has overtaken cerebrovascular disease, which had long between periodontal disease and non-hemorrhagic and firmly held its number-three position. Although (ischemic) stroke, compared to hemorrhagic stroke, was cerebrovascular disease is no longer a direct cause of stronger. However, due to the lack of sufficient reports death, patients could develop secondary pneumonia from with regard to decreased risk of developing cerebrovascular dysphagia due to sequelae, with a high enough possibility disease associated with treatment of periodontal disease, the of death. Moreover, in the age group of 60-79 years, causality of the relationship is still unclear. Therefore, future cerebrovascular disease is still ranked third as the cause studies will be necessary to explore these issues, such as by of death, and thus, experience of cerebrovascular disease conducting follow-up studies and intervention studies. This study aimed to organize evidence which has been conducted each year up to present, suggests demonstrated to date regarding oral health conditions and that the rate has been on a declining trend; however, the cerebrovascular disease. The results radiograph, periodontitis, and other dental radiographs, as of these reports suggested no overall statistical signifcance. Moreover, there were periodontopathic bacteria, and this paper is the only report significantly more individuals with severe periodontitis that summarized the association with stroke as an outcome. Moreover, the stroke in men when subjects are divided into two group (fi25 association between periodontitis and stroke was stronger or <25 remaining teeth). On factors, and that the determination of the underlying the contrary, the case-control study conducted by Pradeep mechanisms is a challenge. To summarize serves as a risk factor for stroke in men or in younger (fi60 the main articles cited in the fve review articles, with regard years) subjects. On the other hand, gingivitis and severe to the association between periodontal disease and stroke, radiological bone loss were independent risk factors for the risk of stroke seems to increase in populations of young cerebral ischemia but were not correlated with dental caries. Moreover, it was mentioned that a group of 265 chronic stroke patients and a group of 214 the association of periodontal diseases was stronger with healthy controls. The coronary heart disease did not differ by sex, or was stronger epidemiological evidence behind the association between in women than in men, the association between periodontal periodontitis and incident atherosclerotic cardiovascular disease and cerebrovascular disease is viewed as being disease. As such, it is true that the associations of oral health conditions with cardiovascular disease and stroke have both similarities and differences. Furthermore, since only a few studies have been performed on serum antibody titers for periodontopathic bacteria, it is not necessarily the case that the effects on stroke have been fully discussed. Although it is difficult to develop a study plan excluding all confounding factors that are likely to affect both oral health conditions and stroke, future research is necessary and should include well-planned followup studies and interventions studies, which will allow for investigation of these issues as well. However, the direct causal relationship between the two has not been clarifed, and future research is needed, including more follow-up studies and intervention studies. Meta-analysis of periodontal disease and risk of coronary heart disease and stroke. Periodontal diseases and the risk of coronar y heart and cerebrovascular diseases: a meta-analysis. Markers of systemic bacterial exposure in periodontal disease and cardiovascular disease risk: a systematic review and metaanalysis. In these cross-sectional A number of cross-sectional studies have shown that studies, poor oral health status was generally considered the patients with dementia have poor oral health status. However, recent studies have begun to other words, compared to healthy individuals, patients with show that oral health affects future onset of dementia or dementia have more dental caries4-6, more lost teeth4,5,7-13, a cognitive decline. This review examined original papers of higher prevalence of periodontal disease5,6,10,12,14, unstable longitudinal or intervention studies from Japan and abroad dentures15, and poor dental and denture hygiene6,15. It is that, in most of the studies, significant associations were generally conceivable that poor oral health status is reported. In addition, oral hygiene, periodontal disease, attributed to dementia16, and in fact, to this date, this has number of teeth, occlusion, mastication, whether or not been the understanding regarding their association. In particular, we examined original Comprehensive Survey of Living Conditions conducted research papers of longitudinal or intervention studies to by the Ministry of Health, Labour and Welfare of Japan, determine whether or not poor oral health are associated dementia accounted for 15. It is estimated that by [Methods] 2040, roughly 81 million people worldwide will be affected From April to May 2014, we conducted searches of the with dementia2. According to the estimates of the Ministry literature that had examined associations between oral of Health, Labour and Welfare of Japan, there are roughly health and future onset of dementia or cognitive decline. Then, a There were three studies that had set dementia diagnosis search of the literature using PubMed19 was performed with as an outcome, and of these, one found a significant "dementia" and "dental health" as search terms, and a list of association, whereas the other two found no significant 484 literature articles was retrieved. Oral hygiene followed 405 French individuals aged 66-88 years for 15 Two cohort studies have reported on the association years24, no significant relationship was found between between oral hygiene and future onset of dementia. The other outcome, of which two showed a significant difference, study21 followed 5,468 Americans (median age, 81 years) whereas the other one did not show any significant for 18 years and found that, in women, those who did not relationship. On the other hand, a cohort study conducted in France followed 405 individuals (663.

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Outcomes: the campaign was successful in increasing awareness of cancer signs and symptoms in the community. Approximately 2000 Samoans (over 1% of the population) received the face-to-face education sessions; analysis of preand postsession questionnaires showed that the sessions were effective in increasing health literacy around cancer signs and symptoms. Limited data on patient visits suggests that the campaign resulted in increased numbers of hospital and general practice visits,andislikelytohavecontributedtotheearlydetectionofsomecancers. What was learned: $ the campaign resulted in an increase in inquiries and requests for check-ups; however, limited availability of medical and screening services must be considered when managing community expectations. Formative research and greater involvement of health professionals throughout the campaign would have prevented some implementation issues. Polo International Atomic Energy Agency, Vienna, Austria Aim and purpose: the session aims at outlining actions that the healthcare community can take to improve the current situation and inform cervix Background and context: In 2012, 560,000 women were diagnosed with cervical cancer cancer control plans. Five-year cervix cancer and will discuss the role of radiotherapy, while showcasing overallsurvivalforallstagescombinedrangesbetween60%-69%,dependingonthecaseexamples of collaboration. Countries with no access to radiotherapy may only Audiences: offer palliative treatment to women diagnosed with locally advanced cervical cancer. Radiotherapy is also a cost-effective cancers/cervix cancer and healthcare services planning. Gupta Metal Health, and Injuries Cancer Aid Society, Advocacy, Lucknow, India; 2Cancer Aid Society, In Charge, Lucknow, India S. Current estimates indicate that every year essential keys needed to advance our understanding carcinogenesis and other disease progression. Strategy/ prevention, diagnosis, and treatment in places where international populations are esTactics:LucknowisthecapitalcityofUttarPradeshthemostpopulousStateof sential to making progress for humankind. It answers their requests action aimed at an effect in Lucknow shall further have impact in the entire (1) byincluding investigatorsfrom bothhigh-, middle-,and lower-income countries; (2) by encouraging multiple chronic conditions to be studied together; and state. Outcomes:Attheendofthetwo-yearplanninggrant,all making a dent on the issue from the very beginning. The plan will influence researchers, clinicians, patients, stressing during the lecture on the need to address the issue. Five ofthe centers focusedtheir pilot projects on cervix, Secretary of Government of Uttar Pradesh announced to establish the esophageal, oral, prostate, or stomach cancer research. Cancer pilot projects ranged from screening clinics forscreening of cervical cancer in 23 districts of Uttar identifying novel risk factors for liver cancer to investigating the association of single Pradesh. Treatment facilities would be provided in all the government medical nucleotide polymorphisms variants with metabolic syndrome. Outcomes: Currently Sampoorna clinics cusing on diabetes, injury, or depression research. What was learned: With a modest financial investment, 11 2-year planning grants can be supported. These 11 grants provide are established in 28 districts of Uttar Pradesh which is for females of age finance support for multiple principal investigators, at 23 distinct institutions. Remarkably,duringthefirsthalfoftheir36learned: For advocacy we need ground work to be done before meeting to any monthproject period, theyhavecollectively published10 manuscripts. Caleffi Public Foundation Ergene, Bishkek, Kyrgyzstan Federacao Brasileira de Instituicoes Filantropicas de Apoio `~ ~ aSafiude da Mama, Porto Alegre, Brazil Backgroundandcontext:Breastcancertakesthefirstplaceamongthecancerdiseasesin theKyrgyzRepublic. One is in Bishkek (capital of the country), and There were no innovative therapies (only standard chemotherapy) available for them. The absence of essential antineoplastic Policy process: the cycles of debates with parliamentarians and public hearings (events) to agents in National Essential Drug List negatively affects medicine registration and discuss with politicians the incorporation of new treatments in 15 state legislative branches procurement, makes them unavailable, inaccessible and unaffordable in Kyrgyzstan. Many patients (mentioned above) and elaboration of a one-year plan of actions to be carried out alongside canfitfinishthefullcourseoftreatment. These drugs are on this topic organized at the House of Representatives and at the Senate; Add this topic to trastuzumab, anastrozole, paclitaxel, and gemcitabine. However, our main result undoubtedly is assuring access to metastatic therapy regimenis moreexpensive (capecitabine,docetaxel-2400dollars)andrequires breastcancertreatmentsintheBrazilianhealthcaresystem. Empoweringpatientsbyprovidingthemwithinformationandtoolsisanimportant negotiate chemotherapy treatment insurance coverage for women with breast cancer. Patients face many challenges in trying to access health care and classifyanatomicextentofdisease,inrecentyearsconfusionanduncertaintyhaveemerged support; these are particularly relevant in the case of metastatic diseases. A structured which underpinned by lack of familiarity concerning underlying rules of staging and their program would provide a means of rapid referral for definitive diagnosis, treatment and application. In turn such lack of clarity has led increased risk of miscommunication repalliative care, where necessary. Aim: To establish community-based structured patient garding patient care, research, cancer surveillance, epidemiology and cancer control. Strategy: We established a community-based patient network program as relate to tumor characteristics, patient descriptors, and the environment where any comprising 15 community-based patient navigators in the Kumasi metropolis and treatment is administered. A particularly a frequent problem is mixing disease extent and a social media networking and navigation platform made up of a team of experts and biology which has promoted additional misunderstanding about the importance and relcommunity navigators,breastcancersurvivors andpatients withadvancedbreastcancer evance of different individual prognostic elements and to what degree biology vs disease to share experiences and express/address concerns. Theprojectteamcarriedoutvariousawarenesscampaignsincluding of cancer stage classification terminology evident in up to 20% of the literature. Respondents traditional and community leadership in the design and implementation of the program, believed that complete T, N and M data should be recorded in cancer registries, 71% to encourage community ownership from the onset. These key stakeholders were also considered that other predictive and prognostic factors should also be collected by central pivotalinorganizingdurbars,talkstoorganizedgroupsandcommunitymeetingstoreach cancerregistriesbutthatanatomicdiseaseextentshouldbecollectedasaseparatevariable out to the people. Program/Policy process: the provide guide and immediate support to patients with metastatic breast cancer; and purpose of the staging classification was reaffirmed. Conclusions: the processes were annunciated, and inconsistencies in terminology and use were acknowlprogramimprovedthehealthcare system inthe communities andalsoexpandsoutreach to edged. What was learned: It persons living with metastatic breast cancer to provide support and improve treatment was determined that methodologies need to be explored to identify and include necessary outcomes and quality of life. It also encourages patients to visit hospitals for treatment data elements relevant to personalized treatment. Selection of factors should particularly throughease of accessto medicalcare and informedtreatmentchoicesandpalliativecare. Building Challenges of Planning a Sustainable Comprehensive Cervical Cancer a Collaborative Partnership Between Manitoba (Canada) and Jaffna (Sri Prevention Program in Low-Resource Settings Lanka) 1 2 1 1 I. The Canadian government has recently renewed its commitment as a prostatic or on the rise. This has been reported to be largely due to lack of organized gressiveglobalcitizenwitheffortsincludingimprovementofglobalhealthequity. CancerCare cervical cancer screening program in developing countries despite the availability of Manitoba is the provincial agency responsible for cancer and blood disorders, including the effective screening methods appropriate for low resource settings. The challenges of delivery of a wide range of clinical services from prevention to screening to treatment and planningasustainablecomprehensivecervicalcancercontrolprograminlowresource supportive services, as well as cancer surveillance, research, and education. Aim: To document innovative apnizations, academic institutions, and funders to address current and future challenges reproach to overcoming challenges of planning a comprehensive cervical cancer care lated to global cancer control. Strategy/Tactics: the strategy recommended by interest in working with Manitoba on cancer-related issues. In this presentation, we will AllianceforCervicalCancerPreventioninPlanningandImplementingCervicalCancer describe our plans and early experience with a team from the University of Jaffna, the Control Program: A guide for manager was adopted in planning of a comprehensive northern region of Sri Lanka. With a focus initially on surveillance and cancer control cervical cancer prevention program for Kebbi state. Aim: To establish a local partnership by connecting Manitoba,CanadawithanengagedteamfromtheUniversityof Jaffna,SriLankato advance existing health structure rather than creating a vertical program. Strategy/ being made at every stage not to create impression of a special intervention program Tactics: A phased approach is being taken to address locally identified needs for cancer deserving extra pay for the healthcare professionals nor incentives other than good control. CancerCare Manitoba staff will be part of the mentorship team working with local health for the clients. Outcomes: A local guideline was developed based on a trade-off partners in Jaffna to ensure development of local capacity. Specifically, we will: consideration of evidence of efficacy, cost-effectiveness and sustainability within the 1. What was learned: Literature on cervical cancer from a cross-sectional study > hospital based registry > regional registry); preventionseemstobeskewedinfavorofsearchforappropriatescreeningmethodfor 2. No individual component of cervical cancer prevention will impact Program/Policy process: Early planning is underway, involving collaborators from Manitoba on the burden of cervical cancer independent of the other components. A project proposal has been developed to provide scope and acquire seed cancer program to be impactful, all the components; awareness creation, acceptable funding. Outcomes: Success will be determined based on the context of each program, screening method, treatment and follow-up of screen positive women, call and recall including: establishing a framework for cancer surveillance; satisfaction of local and inof clients, treatment of invasive lesions must not only all be available (albeit at ternationalpartners. Rapidly evolving science Research in Cancer); and production of reports as a basis for cancer control. What was learned: Early learnings include the importance of local engagement and dedicated menironically could pose a significant challenge to sustainable execution of a compretorshiptoadvanceglobalhealthequity,managechallengesaround(sustained)funding,and hensive cervical cancer prevention program in low resource settings if there is no establish a foundation of motivated partners. Theobjectives have been to foster collaboration for research and training, advocacy, palliative and psyare to estimate the total period prevalence of cancer in the Maldives (2013-2014); to chosocial care, survivor groups, educative meetings for local and international cancer care understandtheviewsofkeystakeholders;andsynthesizethistodevelopapolicyreportand professionals. Position our organization to lead the continent with home grown inponents in light of the prevalence estimates and views of the key stakeholders. Oral cancers (including lip, tongue, gum, mouth, and palate) is the most common gional meetings: Senegal,Tanzania, Nigeria, Angola, Mozambique and Cape Verde. Special cancer, followed by eye, breast (with carcinoma in situ), sinuses, skin (melanoma and skin interest groups: radiation, pathology, nursing, pediatrics and advocacy promoting procancers and carcinoma in situ). How common eye cancers and sinus cancers could be fessional and research development activities. African cancer leadership mentoring acadreflected as an anomaly in the data as these are uncommon when regional prevalences are emiesforyounginvestigators-140participantstodate. Grantsforqualifyingmembers compared or is an area where further research is warranted. Memberships span across the African continent, Europe, North America revealed that there are very limited services available for cancer prevention, diagnosis, and Australia and organizations 500 individual and close to 20 organizational members. Publications: Cancer Plan for the African Continent 2013-2017 Handbook for tobedonewithregardtocancercontrolintheMaldives. Thirty-oneofthese manager (state and/ormunicipal)toanalyzethis assistance situation andthe members are classified as small states countries with a population size of 1. Strategy/Tactics: per year in the Commonwealth, and in 167,300 cases radiotherapy treatment is inthe GeoCancer tool compiles and displays information on hospital addicated. Aim: To analyze the problem of cervical cancer in low and middle-income countries of the Commonwealth and to propose the first step for a collective action. In addition, it organizes the providers and procedures pera high rate of curability if brachytherapy is added to teletherapy. Program/Policy process: this tool can be useful to the proposedthe upgradeoftheseservicestoincludebrachytherapyasafirststep. With this, the manager will be better acquainted with the cancer Policy process: the evidence-based treatment of locally advanced cervical cancer is profile of his specific area, so he can propose more effective measures a combination of external beam radiotherapy with chemotherapy and brachytherapy. Brachytherapy has played a major role during many decades in the treatment of gythroughout the cancer care line. Outcomes: the tool allows the choice of map necologic cancer with good clinical results. Any curative attempt for these patients should include brathe assistance information on oncology in Brazil. Brachytherapy can save at least 12% more cervical cancer lives than radiotherapy alone. Caleffi University of Rwanda, Pharmacy Department, Kigali, Rwanda Federacao Brasileira de Instituicoes Filantropicas de Apoio~ ~ aS` afiude da Mama, Porto Alegre, Brazil Background: Cancer is also referred to as malignant tumor or neoplasm. Strategies are needed to close the gap between developed and 2013,butitisnotusedbyseveralBrazilianmunicipalities. Withouttheserecordsitisnot developingcountriesincancersurvivalandtheeffectsofthediseaseonhuman possible to measure the actual dimension of cases of cancer (number of cases, stages, treatments,etc. It is also pertinent to bridge the gap to ensure universal health developed, which leads to the waste of public resources and an increase in mortality coverage which is very important to achieve the sustainable development rates. Results: In spite of significant limargumentsforproposingabillonthetopicinquestion. Meeting with the Minister of Health In reference to World Cancer Day quality of cancer control and a great need to improve economic efficiency. Conclusion: and recommendations: There is an urgent need to executed alongside multisector group in Brazil.

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There are numerous different cultivars of this species with significant variations in fruit size, shape, texture and color (Bailey Hortorium Staff 1976). Distribution: this plant is native to the Americas and is cultivated widely as a food plant (Bailey Hortorium Staff 1976). Very few allergic reactions to the consumption of this food plant have been reported (Reindl et al. One case has been reported of intestinal impaction in a woman (aged 61 yrs) after eating 1 cup of roasted pumpkin seeds (Chandrasekhara 1983). Commonly consumed as a food, this plant is generally considered safe for internal use. The ground seeds mixed with water to make an emulsion (50 g crushed seeds in enough water to yield a paste) administered to rats for two consecutive days initially and again at the end of the week of the experiment resulted in no detectable signs of toxicity or intolerance, although some patients considered the consistency of the preparation to be disagreeable (Caballo 1994). In other research studies, isolated cucurbitin, one of the pharmacological constituents of Cucurbita moschata, has demonstrated a low toxicity level in both humans and dogs (Chen et al. One of the patients was also concurrently taking warfarin and the other was not taking any additional anticoagulant drugs. However, it is not clear whether pumpkin seed or another ingredient (possibly Vitamin E) in the supplement was responsible for this effect. Pumpkin also contains the amaroid cucurbitacin which has demonstrated antihelmintic properties. Other therapeutic effects of pumpkin include antiphlogistic and antioxidant properties (Gruenwald et al. Cucurbita moschata is recognized in the 1966 edition of the official Pharmacopeia of Holland (Penso 1980) and is included in the Soviet Pharmacopoea for treating chronic skin infections and burns, administered as an oil preparation in compresses and emulsions (Hurtado & Carballo 1990). Cucurbitin, a component of the seeds of auyama, has demonstrated anthelmintic properties and therapeutic activity in the treatment of acute schistosomiasis (Rybaltovskii 1966, Chou and Ming 1960). Concentrations of cucurbitin may vary considerably between species or even among seeds of the same species (Foster & Tyler 1999). Other active constituents include fumaric acid which has demonstrated antipsoriatic and antioxidant activity and citric acid which is an anticoagulant. The high level of carotenes in the fruit and also the flowers makes this plant a valuable source of pro-vitamin A which is an important nutrient for health and wound-healing (Duke and Astchleay 1986, Gonzalez et al. The seeds, due to their reported content of L-Tryptophan, may have therapeutic applications for the treatment of depression (Eagles 1990). Indications and Usage: According to the German Commission E, pumpkin is approved for irritable bladder and prostate disorders (Blumenthal et al. However, it does not reduce enlargement of the prostate; it only alleviates some of the symptoms associated with it (Gruenwald et al. Typical dosage is 10 g ground seeds daily, on average; or 1 to 2 rounded teaspoons of the ground seeds in the mornings and evenings, taken with liquid. Like other nuts and grains, pumpkin seeds can go rancid because of their delicate oils; therefore, they should be used fresh and stored in such a way that they are protected from light and moisture to reduce oxidation (Gruenwald et al. Clinical Data: Auyama (Cucurbita moschata) and Calabaza (Cucurbita pepo) Activity/Effect Preparation Design & Model Results Reference Antiurolithiasis Pumpkin seed (60 Controlled clinical Lowered calcium-oxalate Suphakarn et al. Pharmacological study of Cucurbita maxima seeds and their active principle cucurbitin. Allergy caused by ingestion of zucchini (Cucurbita pepo): characterization of allergens and cross-reactivity to pollen and other foods. The effect of pumpkin seeds on oxalcrystalluria and urinary compositions of children in hyperendemic area. The effect of pumpkin seeds snack on inhibitors and promoters of urolithiasis in Thai adolescents. Isolation of cucurmoschin, a novel antifungal peptide abundant in arginine, glutamate and glycine residues from black pumpkin seeds. Purification and characterization of Moschatin, a novel type I ribosomeinactivating protein from the mature seeds of pumpkin (Cucurbita moschata) and preparation of its immunotoxin against human melanoma cells. Herbal drug Curbicin and anticoagulation effect with and without warfarin: possibly related to the vitamin E component. Traditional Preparation: Rolled oats are usually boiled in water and eaten or blended with water to prepare an emulsion. For external applications, rolled oats may be added to a bath or prepared as a wash. Traditional Uses: For treating high cholesterol, avena is boiled in water and eaten or taken as a refreshing drink (prepared as an emulsion, similar to horchata or porridge). To encourage lactation (para bajar la leche maternal), avena is boiled in milk, liquefied in a blender and taken internally as a drink or porridge. Added to a bath or used externally as a wash, avena is useful for treating skin irritation. Availability: As a popular food, avena is sold as whole oats, oatmeal or cut oats at most grocery stores and supermarkets. Various commercial preparations and extracts are available at health food stores and pharmacies. The dried herb (oat straw) can be purchased from herb shops and health food stores carrying natural supplements. Distribution: Native to Europe and Asia, this species is derived from a wild ancestor, Avena fatua L. When eating oat bran products, large amounts of water should also be taken to ensure that the fiber is well-dispersed in the bowel (Gruenwald et al. Contraindications: Although some studies indicate that oats can cause gastrointestinal irritation or other adverse effects in individuals with celiac disease (Lindin et al. Other biologically active constituents of the seed include: avenanthramides, benzaldehyde, beta-ionone, biotin, campesterol, caryophyllene, delta-5and delta-7-avenasterol, ferulic acid, furfural, lignin, limonene, myrcene, p-coumaric acid, p-hydroxy-benzoic acid, sinapic acid, vanillic acid and vanillin (Duke & Beckstrom-Sternberg 1998). Cooked whole grain oats are a significant source of dietary fiber, magnesium, manganese, phosphorus, selenium, thiamin and tryptophan (U. Indications and Usage: Oat straw is approved by the German Commission E for the following conditions: inflammatory skin conditions, particularly those that involve itching or over activity of the sebaceous glands (Blumenthal et al. The leaves, stalks and/or fruit can be taken as a tea (3 g boiled in 250 mL water, strained after cooling) taken 3-5 daily (Gruenwald et al. A bath (100 g oat straw consisting of leaves and stems for one full bath) can be used to relieve itching and inflammation from seborrheic skin disorders (Blumenthal 1998). Oat bran stimulates bile acid synthesis within eight hours as measured by 7 alpha-hydroxy-4-cholesten-3-one. Effect of beta-glucan level in oat fiber extracts on blood lipids in men and women. Effects of an oat bran enriched diet on the atherogenic lipid profile in patients with an increased coronary heart disease risk. Oat beta-glucan reduces blood cholesterol concentration in hypercholesterolemic subjects. Chronic oat bran intake alters postprandial lipemia and lipoproteins in healthy adults. Manual of Vascular Plants of Northeastern United States and Adjacent Canada, Second Edition. Increasing fecal butyrate in ulcerative colitis patients by diet: controlled pilot study. Diets containing soluble oat extract improve glucose and insulin responses of moderately hypercholesterolemic men and women. Oats to children with newly diagnosed coeliac disease: a randomized double blind study. Oat beta-glucan increases bile acid excretion and a fiber-rich barley fraction increases cholesterol excretion in ileostomy subjects. Effect of an oatscontaining gluten-free diet on symptoms and quality of life in coeliac disease. Oat bran concentrate bread products improve long-term control of diabetes: a pilot study. Do whole-grain oat cereals reduce the need for antihypertensive medications and improve blood pressure controlfi Effect of an oat bran-rich supplement on the metabolic profile of overweight premenopausal women. Beneficial effects of oats in the gluten-free diet of adults with special reference to nutrient status, symptoms and subjective experiences. Modulating effects of oatmeal extracts in the sodium lauryl sulfate skin irritancy model. Traditional Preparation: this tuber is used primarily for its high nutrient content as a starchy, cooked food. Traditional Uses: To treat burns or swelling, the root is crushed or a preparation of the leaves and stems is macerated in water and applied locally. Leaves vary from rounded and roughly oval to deeply lobed and hand-shaped, with purplish veins, of medium size (15 cm long). There are two different varieties: one with dry, yellowish flesh and the other with moist, sweet, orange flesh (Bailey Hortorium Staff 1976). Distribution: this plant is most likely native to tropical America and cultivated extensively in tropical regions as a food crop (Bailey Hortorium Staff 1976). However, when batata tubers are mishandled or stored improperly, resulting in bruising and exposure to moisture, they become vulnerable to fungal contamination which may cause adverse effects. It is important to store batata tubers properly to 154 avoid bruising and exposure to moisture so that they do not become contaminated by fungi that produce toxins in the plant matter (Coxon et al. Insufficient information has been identified in the literature on the safety of the leaves and stems. Animal Toxicity Studies: Ipomoea batatas infected by the fungus Fusarium solani has caused lung damage to albino rats after intraperitoneal administration of the crude extract of furanoterpenoids isolated from the fungus-infected plants in the amount of 1 mg/kg for 21 days (Parasakthy et al. Biologically active compounds in the tuber include anthocyanins, beta-carotene, vitamin C, caffeic acid, chlorogenic acid, quercetin and rutin (Guan et al. Chemical constituents present in the leaves include: ascorbic acid, beta-carotene, calcium, iron, magnesium, methionine, oxalate, phosphorus and potassium (Duke & Beckstrom-Sternberg 1998). The cooked tuber is rich in vitamin A and a significant source of copper, iron, manganese, pantothenic acid, phosphorus, riboflavin and vitamins B6 and C (U. Clinical Data: Ipomoea batatas Activity/Effect Preparation Design & Model Results Reference Antidiabetic White sweet potato Randomized Active; showed blood sugar Ludvik et al. Indian spinach or synthetic vit A Laboratory and Preclinical Data: Ipomoea batatas Activity/Effect Preparation Design & Model Results Reference Aldose reductase Hot water extract In vitro Active; showed potent Terashima et al. The partial purification and properties of antibiotic substances from the sweet potato plant (Ipomea batatas). Consumption of purple sweet potato leaves modulates human immune response: T-lymphocyte functions, lytic activity of natural killer cell and antibody production. Ipomeamarone, a toxic furanoterpenoid in sweet potatoes (Ipomea batatas) in the United Kingdom. Determination of pharmacologically active ingredients in sweet potato (Ipomea batatas L. Hagiwara A, Yoshino H, Ichihara T, Kawabe M, Tamano S, Aoki H, Koda T, Nakamura M, Imaida K, Ito N, Shira T. Daily consumption of Indian spinach (Basella alba) or sweet potatoes has a positive effect on total-body vitamin A stores in Bangladeshi men. Active recombinant thioredoxin h protein with antioxidant activities from sweet potato (Ipomoea batatas [L. Antioxidative activity of anthocyanins from purple sweet potato, Ipomoea batatas cultivar Ayamurasaki. Efficacy of Ipomoea batatas (Caiapo) on diabetes control in type 2 diabetic subjects treated with diet. Anti-hyperglycemic effect of diacylated anthocyanin derived from Ipomoea batatas cultivar Ayamurasaki can be achieved through the alpha-glucosidase inhibitory action. Effects on immune response of antidiabetic ingredients from whiteskinned sweet potato (Ipomoea batatas L. Lung injury by furanoterpenoids isolated from Fusarium solani infected sweet potato, Ipomea batatas. Constituents and aldose reductase inhibitory effect of Chrysanthemum morifolium, Bixa orellana and Ipomoea batatas. Beta-carotene-rich orangefleshed sweet potato improves the vitamin A status of primary school children assessed with the modifiedrelative-dose-response test. Characterization and immunostimulatory activity of an (1->6)-a-D-glucan from the root of Ipomoea batatas. Note: In the Dominican Republic, an unrelated plant species, Pachyrrhizus erosus (L. Traditional Preparation: the root and/or leaves are used as a tea by infusion or decoction. As this plant can be difficult to find in New York City, healers and individuals sometimes ask friends or relatives in the Dominican Republic to collect plants for them and send them as a prepared remedy or botella. Fruits are shiny and light-green with dark green spots, turning orange when ripe, lightly covered with small prickly hairs and contain several small brown seeds (Acevedo-Rodriguez 1996).

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All reports with methylene blue that provided information on the route of administration involved intravenous administration in the dose range of 1 mg/kg to 8 mg/kg. No reports involved the administration of methylene blue by other routes (such as oral tablets or local tissue injection) or at lower doses. Among the cases of rash and/or urticaria reported in premarketing clinical trials, almost a third were withdrawn from treatment because of the rash and/or systemic signs or symptoms associated with the rash. Clinical findings reported in association with rash include fever, leukocytosis, arthralgias, edema, carpal tunnel syndrome, respiratory distress, lymphadenopathy, proteinuria, and mild transaminase elevation. Most patients improved promptly with discontinuation of fluoxetine and/or adjunctive treatment with antihistamines or steroids, and all patients experiencing these reactions were reported to recover completely. In premarketing clinical trials, 2 patients are known to have developed a serious cutaneous systemic illness. In neither patient was there an unequivocal diagnosis, but one was considered to have a leukocytoclastic vasculitis, and the other, a severe desquamating syndrome that was considered variously to be a vasculitis or erythema multiforme. Although these reactions are rare, they may be serious, involving the lung, kidney, or liver. Anaphylactoid reactions, including bronchospasm, angioedema, laryngospasm, and urticaria alone and in combination, have been reported. Pulmonary reactions, including inflammatory processes of varying histopathology and/or fibrosis, have been reported rarely. Whether these systemic reactions and rash have a common underlying cause or are due to different etiologies or pathogenic processes is not known. Furthermore, a specific underlying immunologic basis for these reactions has not been identified. It is generally believed (though not established in controlled trials) that treating such an episode with an antidepressant alone may increase the likelihood of precipitation of a mixed/manic episode in patients at risk for Bipolar Disorder. Whether any of the symptoms described for clinical worsening and suicide risk represent such a conversion is unknown. However, prior to initiating treatment with an antidepressant, patients with depressive symptoms should be adequately screened to determine if they are at risk for Bipolar Disorder; such screening should include a detailed psychiatric history, including a family history of suicide, Bipolar Disorder, and depression. Activation of mania/hypomania has also been reported in a small proportion of patients with Major Affective Disorder treated with other marketed drugs effective in the treatment of Major Depressive Disorder [see Use in Specific Populations (8. The percentage appears to be similar to that associated with other marketed drugs effective in the treatment of Major Depressive Disorder. Concomitant use of aspirin, nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs, warfarin, and other anti-coagulants may add to this risk. Case reports and epidemiological studies (case-control and cohort design) have demonstrated an association between use of drugs that interfere with serotonin reuptake and the occurrence of gastrointestinal bleeding. Also, patients taking diuretics or who are otherwise volume depleted may be at greater risk [see Use in Specific Populations (8. More severe and/or acute cases have been associated with hallucination, syncope, seizure, coma, respiratory arrest, and death. Patients should be cautioned about operating hazardous machinery, including automobiles, until they are reasonably certain that the drug treatment does not affect them adversely. This is of potential consequence when drug discontinuation is required or when drugs are prescribed that might interact with fluoxetine and norfluoxetine following the discontinuation of fluoxetine [see Clinical Pharmacology (12. While these reactions are generally self-limiting, there have been reports of serious discontinuation symptoms. If intolerable symptoms occur following a decrease in the dose or upon discontinuation of treatment, then resuming the previously prescribed dose may be considered. Subsequently, the healthcare provider may continue decreasing the dose but at a more gradual rate. Plasma fluoxetine and norfluoxetine concentration decrease gradually at the conclusion of therapy which may minimize the risk of discontinuation symptoms with this drug. The stated frequencies represent the proportion of individuals who experienced, at least once, a treatment-emergent adverse reaction of the type listed. A reaction was considered treatment-emergent if it occurred for the first time or worsened while receiving therapy following baseline evaluation. Table 4 provides combined data for the pool of studies that are provided separately by indication in Table 3. The overall profile of adverse reactions was generally similar to that seen in adult studies, as shown in Tables 4 and 5. The most common adverse reaction (incidence at least 1% for fluoxetine and greater than placebo) associated with discontinuation in 3 pediatric placebo-controlled trials (N=418 randomized; 228 fluoxetine-treated; 190 placebo-treated) was mania/hypomania (1. In these clinical trials, only a primary reaction associated with discontinuation was collected. Reliable estimates of the incidence and severity of untoward experiences involving sexual desire, performance, and satisfaction are difficult to obtain, however, in part because patients and healthcare providers may be reluctant to discuss them. Accordingly, estimates of the incidence of untoward sexual experience and performance, cited in product labeling, are likely to underestimate their actual incidence. There have been spontaneous reports in women taking fluoxetine of orgasmic dysfunction, including anorgasmia. There are no adequate and well-controlled studies examining sexual dysfunction with fluoxetine treatment. Symptoms of sexual dysfunction occasionally persist after discontinuation of fluoxetine treatment. Other Reactions Following is a list of treatment-emergent adverse reactions reported by patients treated with fluoxetine in clinical trials. This listing is not intended to include reactions (1) already listed in previous tables or elsewhere in labeling, (2) for which a drug cause was remote, (3) which were so general as to be uninformative, (4) which were not considered to have significant clinical implications, or (5) which occurred at a rate equal to or less than placebo. Reactions are classified by body system using the following definitions: frequent adverse reactions are those occurring in at least 1/100 patients; infrequent adverse reactions are those occurring in 1/100 to 1/1000 patients; rare reactions are those occurring in fewer than 1/1000 patients. Because these reactions are reported voluntarily from a population of uncertain size, it is not always possible to reliably estimate their frequency or evaluate a causal relationship to drug exposure. In evaluating individual cases, consideration should be given to using lower initial doses of the concomitantly administered drugs, using conservative titration schedules, and monitoring of clinical status [see Clinical Pharmacology (12. Patients receiving warfarin therapy should be carefully monitored when fluoxetine is initiated or discontinued [see Warnings and Precautions (5. In a study of 19 healthy male subjects, which included 6 slow and 13 rapid hydroxylators of debrisoquin, a single 25 mg oral dose of thioridazine produced a 2. This risk is expected to increase with fluoxetine-induced inhibition of thioridazine metabolism. Due to the risk of serious ventricular arrhythmias and sudden death potentially associated with elevated plasma levels of thioridazine, thioridazine should not be administered with fluoxetine or within a minimum of 5 weeks after fluoxetine has been discontinued [see Contraindications (4. This influence may persist for 3 weeks or longer after fluoxetine is discontinued. Coadministration of alprazolam and fluoxetine has resulted in increased alprazolam plasma concentrations and in further psychomotor performance decrement due to increased alprazolam levels. Elevation of blood levels of haloperidol and clozapine has been observed in patients receiving concomitant fluoxetine. Lithium levels should be monitored when these drugs are administered concomitantly [see Warnings and Precautions (5. The magnitude of the impact of this factor is small in comparison to the overall variability between individuals, and therefore dose modification is not routinely recommended. Healthcare providers are encouraged to register patients by calling the National Pregnancy Registry for Antidepressants at 1-844-405-6185 or visiting online at womensmentalhealth. Risk Summary Available data from published epidemiologic studies and postmarketing reports over several decades have not established an increased risk of major birth defects or miscarriage. Some studies have reported an increased incidence of cardiovascular malformations; however, these studies results do not establish a causal relationship (see Data). In rats and rabbits treated with fluoxetine during the period of organogenesis, there was no evidence of developmental effects at doses up to 1. However, in other reproductive studies in rats, an increase in stillborn pups, a decrease in pup weight, and an increase in pup deaths early after birth occurred at doses that are 1. Clinical Considerations Disease-associated maternal and/or embryo/fetal risk Women who discontinue antidepressants during pregnancy are more likely to experience a relapse of major depression than women who continue antidepressants. This finding is from a prospective, longitudinal study that followed 201 pregnant women with a history of major depressive disorder who were euthymic and taking antidepressants at the beginning of pregnancy. Reported clinical findings have included respiratory distress, cyanosis, apnea, seizures, temperature instability, feeding difficulty, vomiting, hypoglycemia, hypotonia, hypertonia, hyperreflexia, tremors, jitteriness, irritability, and constant crying. Published epidemiological studies of pregnant women exposed to fluoxetine have not established an increased risk of major birth defects, miscarriage, and other adverse developmental outcomes. Several publications reported an increased incidence of cardiovascular malformations in children with in utero exposure to fluoxetine. Methodologic limitations of these observational studies include possible exposure and outcome misclassification, lack of adequate controls, adjustment for confounders and confirmatory studies. However, these studies cannot definitely establish or exclude any drug-associated risk during pregnancy. However, in rat reproduction studies, an increase in stillborn pups, a decrease in pup weight, and an increase in pup deaths during the first 7 days postpartum occurred following maternal exposure to 12 mg/kg/day (1. There was no evidence of developmental neurotoxicity in the surviving offspring of rats treated with 12 mg/kg/day during gestation. There are reports of agitation, irritability, poor feeding, and poor weight gain in infants exposed to fluoxetine through breast milk (see Clinical Considerations). There are no data on the effect of fluoxetine or its metabolites on milk production. Data A study of 19 nursing mothers on fluoxetine with daily doses of 10-60 mg showed that fluoxetine was detectable in 30% of nursing infant sera (range: 1 to 84 ng/mL) whereas norfluoxetine was found in 85% (range: <1 to 265 ng/mL). The acute adverse reaction profiles observed in the 3 studies (N=418 randomized; 228 fluoxetine-treated, 190 placebo-treated) were generally similar to that observed in adult studies with fluoxetine. The longer-term adverse reaction profile observed in the 19-week Major Depressive Disorder study (N=219 randomized; 109 fluoxetine-treated, 110 placebo-treated) was also similar to that observed in adult trials with fluoxetine [see Adverse Reactions (6. Manic reaction, including mania and hypomania, was reported in 6 (1 mania, 5 hypomania) out of 228 (2. Consequently, regular monitoring for the occurrence of mania/hypomania is recommended. After 19 weeks of treatment in a clinical trial, pediatric subjects treated with fluoxetine gained an average of 1. In addition, fluoxetine treatment was associated with a decrease in alkaline phosphatase levels. The safety of fluoxetine treatment for pediatric patients has not been systematically assessed for chronic treatment longer than several months in duration. In particular, there are no studies that directly evaluate the longer-term effects of fluoxetine on the growth, development and maturation of children and adolescent patients. Therefore, height and weight should be monitored periodically in pediatric patients receiving fluoxetine [see Warnings and Precautions (5. In addition, the testicular and epididymal microscopic lesions and decreased sperm concentrations found in high dose group were also observed, indicating that the drug effects on reproductive organs are irreversible. These fluoxetine toxicities in juvenile rats have not been observed in adult animals. A specific effect on bone development was reported in juvenile mice administered fluoxetine by the intraperitoneal route to 4 week old mice for 4 weeks at doses 0. There was a decrease in bone mineralization and density at both doses, but the overall growth (body weight gain or femur length) was not affected. The efficacy in geriatric patients has been established [see Clinical Studies (14. For pharmacokinetic information in geriatric patients, [see Clinical Pharmacology (12. Clinical studies of olanzapine and fluoxetine in combination did not include sufficient numbers of patients fi65 years of age to determine whether they respond differently from younger patients. A lower or less frequent dose of fluoxetine should be used in patients with cirrhosis. Of the 1578 cases of overdose involving fluoxetine hydrochloride, alone or with other drugs, reported from this population, there were 195 deaths.

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