

Wendy Z. Thompson, EdD(c), MSN, BSBA, IBCLC

  • Assistant Professor/Technology Coordinator
  • Nova Southeastern University
  • Ft. Lauderdale, Florida

High rates of sustained acid) or its amide spasms 1983 movie purchase imitrex 25mg without a prescription, niacinamide infantile spasms 4 year old purchase generic imitrex canada, prevents and cures clinical remission were claimed in case reports and pellagra muscle relaxant blood pressure purchase imitrex 50mg otc, a deficiency disease characterized by case series (53 muscle relaxant usa buy imitrex uk, 62 spasms in lower abdomen generic imitrex 50 mg, 63) muscle relaxant 551 order imitrex online. Empiric approaches to cliniphotosensitivity dermatitis, glossitis, diarrhea, and cal therapy are in keeping with the principles of evian organic brain syndrome that ranges in its presendence-based medicine and patient-centered care. In the 1950s and 1960s, a psyand antiepileptic drugs are commonly combined to chiatric research team in Saskatchewan carried out eliminate psychotic symptoms, even when the spedouble-blind randomized clinical trials that demoncific combinations have not been validated in constrated an important benefit from the continuous trolled trials. In the case of orthomolecular dailyadministrationof3gofniacinand3gascorbic psychiatry, however, the individual components of acid to patients with acute schizophrenia. The clearthe therapy were not previously validated by ranest and most important benefits were the elimination domized controlled trials, nor, given their variety, of psychotic symptoms and the prevention of rewouldtestingbeeasy. Shortly afterwards a per day or more of niacin to control their symptoms prestigious American publishing house published an (48, 53). In 1968 the Canadian Mental Health Assoadrenochrome (54, 55), the latter molecule being an ciation funded a series of small clinical trials aimed unstable product of catecholamine oxidation which at exploring the promise of the vitamin therapy apthey proposed as a neurotoxin capable of causing proach. In experience skin flushing upon first exposure to niamy opinion, the main purpose of the report was to cin in doses of 250 mg or more, they found that padiscourage psychiatrists from taking seriously what tients with schizophrenia tend not to flush (47, 48). Horrobin later capitalized on this observation plausible approach to schizophrenia therapy. Using to suggest that the presence or absence of the niacin dismissive language, they represented the biological flush can identify biochemical subtypes of schizoand clinical evidence with a negative bias, and selecphrenia (60). The rather than chronically hospitalized ones, included possibility remains to be tested that resistance to the more participants than previous trials, and followed niacin flush indicates patients more or less likely to them for at least 18 months. A recent review dealing with its Overall there was no statistically or clinically signifispecific application in acute schizophrenia is availcant difference in outcome between the treatment able (77), and an article on this topic appears in this groups (66), but in a subsequent subgroup analysis it issue of the Israel Journal of Psychiatry. Anewdrug, was found that niacin-treated patients with a prelaropiprant, has been developed that selectively anmorbid history of good psychological adjustment tagonizes the receptor for prostaglandin D2,alongimproved whereas corresponding patients in the chain fatty acid metabolite, and partly prevents the control group did not. It is yet to be determined precisely to explore the possibility that patients with a history how niacin triggers prostaglandin D2 release and of strong interpersonal commitments improve with how activation of the prostaglandin D2 receptor inniacin therapy (67). The editor of the Canadian Psychiatric Association Journal published a New Ideas in Schizophrenia Research commentary critical both of the proponents of orthomolecular psychiatry, for taking their treatNew ideas are needed in schizophrenia research and ment to the public before it had been accepted by the therapy, and vitamin therapy for acute schizophrenia psychiatric establishment, and its attackers for not should be one of them. Clinical trials of vitamin conceding that the vitamin therapy remained untherapy will have to compete for funding from public tested in acute schizophrenia. He regretted the politgrant agencies, and for patient enrollment with large ical turn in what might have been a useful scientific pharmaceutical industry-sponsored trials that proexchange (71). In addition to these financial barriers are with the notion that patients in the early stage of the the well-known practical difficulties of conducting disease may respond to a therapy that is ineffective meaningful randomized clinical trials in acute after it has progressed to a fixed chronic state. Highschizophrenia, with the additional problem of interdose niacin, widely used to treat hyperlipidemic conpreting their results, given the possibly diverse etiolditions (61), is safer and freer from side effects than ogies targeted by the vitamin therapies. The occurrence scale, carefully conceived and objectively docuof organic disease of possible or probable aetiological significance in a population of 268 cases of first episode mented open clinical trials and case studies which schizophrenia. Implications for which would only then be put to the final test of a obstetrics and psychiatry. The biologically and clinically plausible, and the vitamins gluten connection: the association between schizothat would be used lack the side effects and toxicity phrenia and celiac disease. De Santis A, Addolorato G, Romito A, Caputo S, Giordano A, Gambassi G, Taranto C, Manna R, people to prolonged and potentially harmful drug Gasbarrini G. Influence of supplementary vitamins, minerals and essential fatty acids on the antisocial beAcknowledgements haviour of young adult prisoners. High-dose vitaternational Congress of Neuropsychiatry in Sydney, min therapy stimulates variant enzymes with deAustralia, September 12, 2006 creased coenzyme binding affinity (increased K(m)): Relevance to genetic disease and polymorphisms. Homocysteine, folate, methylation, psychotic medications: A 15-year multifollow-up and monoamine metabolism in depression. Homocysteine levels in newly admitted schizopounds, Subcommittees on Upper Reference Levels of phrenic patients. Nutrients and Interpretation and Uses of Dietary Reference Intakes, Standing Committee on the Scientific 21. Dietary referhomocysteine serum levels in young male schizophreence intakes: Vitamin C, vitamin E, selenium, and betania and bipolar patients and in an animal model. High-dose ascorbic acid increases intercourse methylation due to deficient 5,10-methylenfrequency and improves mood: A randomized conetetrahyofolate reductase activity. Enfor reduction of blood pressure, cortisol, and subjective hancement of recovery from psychiatric illness by responses to psychological stress. Enhancement of recovery from psychiatric Supplementation of vitamin C with atypical illness by methylfolate. The role of ascorbate in brain: Therapeuof schizophrenia with nicotinic acid and nicotinamide. Am skin flush abnormality in schizophrenia: A quantitative J Psychiatry 1972;128:1155. Impaired niacin sensitivity in acute detoxication of oxidized metabolites (o-quinones) of first-episode but not in multi-episode schizophrenia. The adrenochrome hypothesis in schizoas a biochemical basis for the neurodevelopmental phrenia revisited. Grazyna Bednarek-Tupikowska, Krzysztof Tupikowski Katedra i Klinika Endokrynologii i Diabetologii Akademii Medycznej we Wroclawiu Streszczenie Przedstawiono dane dotyczace miazdzycorodnego dzialania podwyzszonych stezen homocysteiny (Hcy) oraz przeglad wynikow prac dotyczacych wplywu hormonow plciowych, a szczegolnie estrogenow na stezenie Hcy w osoczu. Wiekszosc badan epidemiologicznych wykazala, ze hiperhomocysteinemia, a takze niewielki wzrost stezenia Hcy znaczaco zwieksza ryzyko chorob sercowo-naczyniowych. W ostatnich latach stwierdzono, ze wystapienie menopauzy i zwiazane z tym obnizenie stezenia estrogenow w surowicy prawdopodobnie podwyzsza stezenie Hcy. Wiekszosc badaczy na podstawie prac obserwacyjnych, a takze wynikow jednej z prac randomizowanych, z podwojnie slepa proba z uzyciem placebo wykazalo, ze stosowanie hormonalnej terapii zastepczej estrogenowej i estro-progestagenowej obniza stezenie Hcy. Obserwowano, ze spadek stezenia Hcy byl tym wiekszy im wyzsze byly jej stezenia przed leczeniem. Dane the pozostaja w sprzecznosci z wynikami innej, takze randomizowanej pracy z podwojnie slepa proba, ktora wykazala, ze stezenie Hcy nie zalezy od wystapienia menopauzy, ani nie zmienia sie pod wplywem leczenia steroidami plciowymi. Pojedyncze dane wskazuja, ze byc moze dehydroepiandrosteron, steroid nadnerczowy obniza takze stezenie Hcy. Nie obserwowano zwiazku miedzy stezeniem Hcy a stezeniem insuliny, masa ciala, typem otylosci. Hipotezy o wplywie hormonow plciowych na stezenie Hcy sa niejednoznaczne i wymagaja dalszych badan. Epidemiological data show that hyperhomocysteinemia as well as a mild elevation in plasma Hcy levels significantly increase cardiovascular risk. Recently it was established that onset of menopause and decreases in serum estrogen levels probably increase serum Hcy concentrations. It has been observed that the decrease in Hcy level was greater the higher its concentrations before treatment. These results are in contrast with those of another randomized double-blind pla381 Postepy Hig Med Dosw (online), 2004; tom 58: 381-389 cebo-controlled study which showed that the Hcy concentration does not depend on menopause and does not change after hormonal treatment. Individual data showed that dehydroepiandrosterone, an adrenal steroid, probably lowers Hcy level. There were no correlations between serum Hcy concentration and insulin concentration, body mass, and type of obesity. The hypotheses about the infiuence of sex hormones on Hcy concentration are not clear and need further investigation. Wykazano, ze mlode kobiety maja nizsze stezenie Hcy niz kobiety po menopauzie Badanie stezenia Hcy jest rzadko wykonywane w praktyi mezczyzni [1,35,36,43,44,69]. Badano takze wplyw poce klinicznej, przez to hiperhomocysteinemia jest rzadko dawania hormonow plciowych na stezenie Hcy u postmerozpoznawana, szczegolnie we wczesnym okresie zycia. Nieznany istnienie zwiazku miedzy podwyzszonym stezeniem Hcy pozostaje takze molekularny mechanizm dzialania hormoa wystepowaniem chorob zakrzepowo-zatorowych, choroby now plciowych na stezenie Hcy. Znaczenie podwyzszonych stezen Hcy jako czynnika ryzyka w paCelem niniejszej pracy jest przedstawienie danych na temat togenezie miazdzycy jest intensywnie badane w ostatnich znaczenia Hcy w patogenezie miazdzycy, a przede wszystlatach. Raport ten zawiera rekomendacje w zakresie zalecanych metod, warunkow Dane o aterogennym i prozakrzepowym dzialaniu Hcy poi wskazan do oznaczania stezenia Hcy we krwi. W 1969 r McCully i podsumowuje takze wyniki opublikowanych dotychczas jako pierwszy zauwazyl istnienie przyczynowego zwiazku prac, ktore zajmowaly sie ocena ryzyka hiperhomocystemiedzy podwyzszonym stezeniem Hcy a wystepowaniem inemii i rozpoznawaniem stanow przebiegajacych z podprocesow zakrzepowo-zatorowych i wysunal homocystewyzszonym stezeniem Hcy (homocystynuria, niedobory inowa teorie miazdzycy [31]. Powoduje to chiczne, zaburzenia pamieci, powiklania ciazy i uszkodzebardzo wysokie stezenia Hcy we krwi i ciezka miazdzyce nia plodu). Raport ekspertow ustala rowniez wskazania do oraz zwiekszone ryzyko tetniczych i zylnych procesow zawykonywania badan skriningowych stezenia Hcy, zalecakrzepowo-zatorowych juz w mlodym wieku [45]. Dalsze sercowo-naczyniowego w tym takze podwyzszonych steobserwacje epidemiologiczne potwierdzaly, ze hiperhozen Hcy. Hiperhomocysteinemia moze byc nastepstwem mocysteinemia, a takze niewielkie podwyzszenie steze382 Bednarek-Tupikowska G. Jednoczesne stosowanie witaminy B12 zmniejszalo stezenie Hcy o dalsze Badania Hackmana i wsp, przeprowadzone u osob ze stwier7% [29]. Stosowanie witaminy B6 nie wplywalo znaczaco dzonymi echograficznie zmianami miazdzycowymi w tetna stezenie Hcy na czczo, ale hamowalo przyrost jej stenicach szyjnych i stezeniami Hcy we krwi wyzszymi niz zenia po obciazeniu metionina [29, 30]. Trwaja takze badania nad wplywem Hcy i jednoczesnie hamowalo dalszy postep w tworzeniu podwyzszonego stezenia Hcy i skutkach farmakologiczblaszek miazdzycowych [19]. Niektorzy badacze steinemii wraz z innymi czynnikami ryzyka miazdzycy, wykazali istotne, bo nawet o 48% zmniejszenie czestosci a zwlaszcza z nadcisnieniem tetniczym poteguje ich atewystepowania restenozy u chorych po skutecznej angiorogenne dzialanie. Ten niekorzystny wplyw nadmiaru Hcy plastyce, leczonych kwasem foliowym i witaminami B12 byl wiekszy u kobiet niz u mezczyzn [18]. Inni nie obserwowali zwiazku miedzy obnizeniem stezenia Hcy a czestoscia pojawiania sie restenozy Nie wszystkie wyniki badan potwierdzaja istnienie zwiaz[15,21]. Problem ten jest klinicznie bardzo istotny i wyku miedzy podwyzszonym stezeniem Hcy a zwiekszonym maga dalszych badan [25]. Przeciwny wynik zwiazek miedzy stezeniem estrogenow a stezeniem Hcy uzyskal Klerk i inni badacze, ktorzy na podstawie metaw grupie kobiet po menopauzie jest bardzo interesujacy analizy obejmujacej 11 tysiecy przypadkow z chorobai wart zwrocenia uwagi. Jest uwalniana z kostezenie Hcy jest czynnikiem przepowiadajacym wystapiemorek do osocza, w ktorym krazy w wiekszosci w postaci nie zawalu serca lub udaru mozgowego [22]. Przemiana do cysteiny wymaga odpowiedniej ilosci procesow zakrzepowych zyl glebokich [12,22]. Do remetylacji Hcy do metio383 Postepy Hig Med Dosw (online), 2004; tom 58: 381-389 Ryc. Schemat przemian homocysteiny niny niezbedna jest obecnosc witaminy B12 i kwasu foliobumin w czasie ciazy [37,45,66]. Jesli Hcy nie zostanie zmetaboliwplywajacym na stezenie Hcy we krwi jest funkcjonowazowana do cysteiny lub metioniny gromadzi sie nadmiernie nie nerek i stezenie kreatyniny. W swietle rekomendacji grupy gorna granica prawidlowego stezenia Hcy jest oceniana na ekspertow, opublikowanych w 2004 r. Wprowadzenie w Stanach Zjednoczonych stezenia Hcy powinien byc osobno ustalany dla poszczeAmeryki wzbogacania zywnosci kwasem foliowym zmniejgolnych populacji z uwzglednieniem wieku, plci, ciazy, szylo czestosc wystepowania hiperhomocysteinemii [47]. Hcy wzrasta z wiekiem i w starosci jest okolo dwukrotRowniez przynaleznosc etniczna wplywa na stezenie Hcy, nie wyzsze niz u dzieci. W konkluzji mozna stwierdzic, ze stezenia referenzenie Hcy i stezenie stanowiace gorna granice normy jest cyjne Hcy powinny byc ustalane przez poszczegolne labonizsze niz poza ciaza.

Consequently spasms shown in mri safe 100 mg imitrex, the plan can include information such as where a nursing supervisor can send a nurse for drug testing on evening and night shifts muscle relaxant id buy imitrex on line, who will cover for the nurse spasms medication order 50 mg imitrex visa, who will escort the nurse to the collection site or emergency department and how transportation will be paid muscle relaxant orphenadrine discount imitrex 50mg mastercard. The workplace has a poor track record of identifying and intervening with nurses who have a substance use disorder and that makes it even more critical to be well-trained and well-informed about intervention strategies (Beckstead muscle relaxant review discount imitrex amex, 2002; Crosby & Bissell spasms vulva buy imitrex 100 mg otc, 1989). Instruct the staff to record clear, concise and objective factual data when documenting concerns. In some cases the nurse manager may request the help of a trusted colleague or supervisor in determining the best course of action to take. Something as simple as written or typed notes based on anecdotal communications are useful in order to keep track of ongoing concerns. It is important to maintain some minimum organization of your notes such as the name of the staff member of concern, names of witnesses and their titles, or if they are patients the date, time and nature of their concern and the action or follow-up that was taken. Once all of the information has been reviewed, the nurse manager who suspects a nurse with signs of a substance use disorder can compile his/her fndings. In doing so, the nurse manager can consider whether or not there is a pattern of behaviors that suggest the nurse may have a problem with substance use disorder or even some other issue. The nurse manager may want to keep in mind that patterns of a substance use disorder vary depending on the stage of disease, the substances used and the nurse. If there is any suspicion that there is a problem, the nurse can also elicit the assistance of the immediate supervisor (Ohio Nurses Foundation, 2008). Ongoing documentation will assist greatly if counseling as part of a corrective action becomes necessary. Proper documentation is crucial to a successful plan of action, especially in the case of substance use disorder impairment with its subtle progression and chief Substance Use Disorder in the Workplace 65 characteristic of denial. If a nurse suspects that a pattern of incidents may be emerging, the nurse can seek validation and consult with a supportive colleague who has experience in effectively handling a substance use disorder. However, the need for strict confdentiality in such situations cannot be overemphasized. Confdential resources outside the health care setting may also be available and may include staff within a statewide peer assistance program or alternative to discipline program. Often these resources can provide an expert opinion about the documentation that has been gathered and suggest intervention strategies. With suffcient resources and support, nurse managers can better prepare to play the role of an intervention coordinator and proceed with confdence. If the nurse is obviously under the infuence of mind-altering chemicals in the work setting the manager must immediately deal with the issue. Patients are always the frst priority, which means the nurse manager must immediately remove the suspected nurse from the unit or department, obtain a drug screen and evaluate the need for emergency treatment (medical or psychiatric). Once the emergency is stabilized, the plan of action can be developed to deal with the problem (Ohio Nurses Foundation, 2008). Action Plan Next, the nurse manager must develop a plan of action for an intervention to effectively deal with the problem. Once the nurse manager has developed a plan, the manager can rehearse what needs to be said and how to best present the information. The nurse manager must act immediately if a nurse has demonstrated unsafe practice or is at risk for harming others. Remove the nurse from the patient care area and get the nurse to a safe, secure place. Check to make sure the nurse does not need emergency medical or psychiatric treatment. If the nurse is not in immediate medical or psychiatric crisis, begin the intervention. This might be the next time the nurse is scheduled to work or at a planned meeting. Interventions work most effectively when the nurse is unaware of the intent of the meeting. It must be kept in mind that a nurse with a substance use disorder may not appear for a meeting if it is suspected that a confrontation about behavior is going to take place. Ideally the most experienced and knowledgeable person in the disease of substance use disorder and intervention is the leader of the intervention. Usually the manager, supervisor and other staff providing relevant data about behaviors also attend the intervention. A union representative may be present if the nurse is in a collective bargaining unit or has been asked and requests representation. It is also possible that a representative of the pharmacy, pharmacy board, security department or members of the police may attend. An intervention provides the opportunity for the manager to present data to the nurse regarding the suspected substance abuse and for the nurse to explain the behavior in question. To prevent potential retaliation by a nurse with a substance use disorder, the names of people who have contributed information about behaviors can be kept confdential and not released to the nurse. Consequences of failure to follow through with the evaluation or treatment need 66 Chapter Six to be identifed such as a loss of job or potential criminal charges. It is suggested that an agreement between the employer and employee to address the problem within a specifc time frame be completed. In preparation for an intervention, safety is a prime consideration for the nurse and all members of the intervention team. It includes the threat of loss of license and livelihood with possible loss of income, legal involvement, inpatient treatment and family upheaval. Another signifcant loss is the mood-altering chemicals that have made the nurse dependent. In order to protect all parties involved, the manager needs to fnd a secure area for the intervention such as an offce or a conference room where they will not be interrupted but will have some privacy for the nurse in order to protect confdentiality. Someone not involved in the intervention but who is nearby can be informed so that if security needs to be called, they can do so. The manager needs to consider having security in the room during the intervention if they are aware that the nurse carries weapons such as a knife or gun. The manager can also ask the nurse prior to beginning the intervention if he/she currently has anything in his/her possession that could harm anyone. Arrangements will need to be made if there are pets or children who will need care and after-school arrangements if the nurse goes directly to treatment or evaluation. The nurse manager may realize that there is a high risk of suicide at this time and can create a plan to ensure that the employee is not left alone at any time during the intervention and post-intervention periods. This is a time of crisis and family or a designated friend needs to know that the nurse cannot be left alone until the nurse is admitted into a treatment facility (Ohio Nurses Foundation, 2008). While planning the intervention process the manager should be mindful of the rights of the nurse. If the nurse is accused of drug theft, diversion or impairment while on duty, the manager can make the nurse aware that criminal or administrative legal action could occur. The nurse can also be advised to seek legal representation (Ohio Nurses Foundation, 2008). Refusing treatment or being unreceptive to intervention such as a drug screen is a time of high risk. Information can be given about accessing treatment resources including employee assistance programs if a nurse refuses treatment. Treatment for a substance use disorder does work and nurses in recovery can re-enter the workplace safely when treatment and monitoring is instituted. A nurse who is known and being monitored can be a safer practitioner than a nurse who may have a substance use disorder and goes undetected. Early termination from work actually decreases the likelihood that they can access benefts tied to employment and therefore access treatment. Zero tolerance policies resulting in automatic termination do not serve the community because the nurse with an active substance use disorder is just being passed on to another facility and that drives the issue underground. Substance Use Disorder in the Workplace 67 Pressure to enter treatment from employers is often the best opportunity for nurses to enter treatment and recovery. The next ethical step in the progression of workplace intervention is to offer options to the nurse. Some options are to put the nurse on administrative leave with or without pay and give the nurse time to utilize health benefts to enter treatment and get into a solid recovery program before returning to work. Utilizing a return-to-work agreement in the workplace is highly predictive or supportive of a successful re-entry into the workplace. Implementation An intervention can be planned once it is determined that suffcient documentation exists to support concerns of unsafe practice. The planning and participating in an intervention is often another critical responsibility of the nurse manager. It is important for the nurse manager to consider all aspects of the work environment that are likely to be impacted. Administration must be informed to garner support for the intervention and to assess the potential for retention. Human resource personnel need to be involved along with the administration in order to determine such things as the available benefts or leave time. Prior to holding the actual intervention it is important to not just react to the situation but instead to develop a careful plan of action, which is the intervention, before the implementation. In fact, it is never recommended to do an intervention alone, no matter what your confdence level. First, the support and the witness of others are extremely useful and necessary to help create enough momentum to accept the need for assessment. Also, a group style intervention is a much more powerful message and therefore has been found to be more successful than an intervention facilitated by an individual. It is unrealistic to expect the nurse with a substance use disorder to ask for help. Understanding this will help lower frustration and decrease any expectation of instant acknowledgment. It is more common for the nurse with a substance use disorder to deny the problem but demonstrate willingness to comply with an evaluation process in order to safeguard employment and career. Once in a treatment process the denial normally fades and the participant can begin the process of admitting and accepting his/her part. For these reasons a group intervention is most suitable for chipping away at denial and providing additional support to both the nurse manager and identifed nurse than attempting to intervene one-on-one with just the nurse. Interveners can meet prior to the actual intervention to review documentation, in-house policy and to determine the documented facts to be presented by each intervener. A course of action can also be determined (termination, reporting to a regulatory agency) in case the nurse refuses assistance. All of the interveners need to be informed of the possible consequences for the nurse such as retention or termination and a consensus achieved by all regarding the possible administrative actions. For this reason, whenever possible security and a safe transport needs to already be put into place. Security must be informed 68 Chapter Six that an employee counseling session will be occurring and that there may be a potential for physical harm. The nurse can be accompanied by security personnel or a responsible and knowledgeable professional after the intervention but while still on the workplace property and preferably transferred to a responsible family member, signifcant other or provided a taxi to an awaiting assessment. Failing this, local law enforcement (911) may need to be called especially if there is potential for public endangerment by the nurse from driving a vehicle on the roadways. Remember that a nurse who may demonstrate unsafe practice at work is just as likely to be unsafe if allowed to drive off the property. The intervention can focus on documented facts of concerns about performance along with supportive communication. Available options for a ftness-to-practice evaluation must be identifed before the intervention is facilitated. It is usually best not to reveal the exact nature of the meeting because a nurse who is tipped-off as to the nature of the meeting could build up a defense mechanism and end up refusing help. A for-cause drug test can also be included within the intervention process whenever policies permit. It is essential to ensure that the forcause drug test includes any medications diverted or other substances and that a responsible professional of the same sex is available to provide an observed urine drug test. The objective of the intervention is to request that the nurse refrain from practice and obtain a ftness-to-practice evaluation as soon as possible. A referral to the state diversion program may be appropriate once the nurse agrees to follow through with the evaluation plan. This method of offering a non-punitive alternative to the nurse has been referred to as benevolent coercion and is considered an effective and benefcial option for all involved (Hanks & Bissell, 1992). With any intervention a debriefng meeting can be scheduled for all intervention team members.


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For the Laskerites, it was an organizing principle, a matter of faith, the only certain beacon toward which they all gravitated. Indeed, the political consolidation of cancer that the Laskerites sought in Washington (a single institute, a single source of funds, led by a single physician or scientist) relied on a deeper notion of a medical consolidation of cancer into a single disease, a monolith, a single, central narrative. He apprenticed briefly as a geologist, then as an apothecary, and finally graduated from the University of Edinburgh with a degree in medicine. Hodgkin had just returned from his second visit to Paris, where he had learned to prepare and dissect cadaveric specimens. Hodgkin proved to be an extraordinary Inspector of the Dead, a compulsive anatomical curator who hoarded hundreds of samples within a few years. In the early winter of 1832, Hodgkin announced that he had collected a series of cadavers, mostly of young men, who possessed a strange systemic disease. But Hodgkin was convinced that he had encountered an entirely new disease, an unknown pathology unique to these young men. The story of a compulsive young doctor putting old swellings into new pathological bottles was received without much enthusiasm. Hodgkin may have been disappointed by what he thought was only a descriptive study of his disease. Like a conventional X-ray tube, a linear accelerator also fires electrons onto a target to generate high-intensity X-rays. A linear accelerator with its sharp, dense, knifelike beam might allow him to reach tumor cells buried deep inside tissues. In 1953, he persuaded a team of physicists and engineers at Stanford to tailor-make an accelerator exclusively for the hospital. The characteristics that Kaplan sought in his target were relatively well defined. Since the linac could only focus its killer beam on local sites, it would have to be a local, not a systemic, cancer. We were sitting in his office while he rummaged through piles of manuscripts, monographs, articles, books, catalogs, and papers, pulling out occasional pictures of Kaplan from his files. Two years later, the Stanford team carved out a larger field of radiation, involving nodes around the aorta, the large arch-shaped blood vessel that leads out of the heart. Even so, Kaplan was unsatisfied: doubly careful, he began to perform exploratory abdominal surgery and biopsy internal nodes to ensure that only patients with locally confined disease were entering his trials. When the first batch of patients had survived five years without relapses, he began to speculate that some may have been cured by extended field X-rays. By strictly narrowing the group of patients treated, Kaplan markedly increased the likelihood of his success. Instead of trying to tailor the disease to fit his medicine, Kaplan learned to tailor his medicine to fit the right disease. Connecting the two halves of the blackboard were chalky lines matching combinations of cytotoxic drugs to cancers. Others, such as nitrogen mustard or actinomycin D, came from serendipitous sources, such as mustard gas or soil bacteria, found accidentally to kill cancer cells. The notable common feature that linked all these drugs was that they were all rather indiscriminate inhibitors of cellular growth. To design an ideal anticancer drug, one would need to identify a specific molecular target in a cancer cell and create a chemical to attack that target. But the fundamental biology of cancer was so poorly understood that defining such molecular targets was virtually inconceivable in the 1960s. Yet, even lacking such targets, Frei and Freireich had cured leukemia in some children. Even generic cellular poisons, dosed with adequate brio, could thus eventually obliterate cancer. All suffered the predictable consequences of combination chemotherapy; all were hospitalized and confined in isolation chambers to prevent infections during the life-threatening drop in blood counts. Methotrexate was substituted with a more powerful agent, procarbazine, and the duration of treatment was lengthened from two and a half months to six months. Nine had been blasted with increasing fields of radiation, a la Kaplan, and still progressed inexorably to disseminated, widely metastatic disease. So, like the younger band of leukemics that had gone before them, a fresh new cohort appeared at the institute every two weeks, occupying the plastic chairs of the Clinical Center, lining up for the government-issued cookies and awaiting the terrifying onslaught of the experimental drugs. It appeared suddenly, then abated just as suddenly, almost capable of snapping the mind shut with its intensity. Many of the patients on the protocol were flown in from nearby cities every fortnight. The trip back home, with the drugs lurching in the blood and the plane lurching in the air, was, for many, a nightmare even worse than their disease. As DeVita charged ahead with combination chemotherapy, more complex and novel devastations were revealed. Perhaps the most disturbing side effect of chemotherapy would emerge nearly a decade later. As the months passed, it was clear that combination chemo had struck gold once again. The success would continue in the long-term: more than half the initial cohort of patients would be cured. Combination chemo had cured most of the children of leukemia in their blood and bone marrow, but the cancer had explosively relapsed in the brain. Perhaps lymphoblastic leukemia was a disease that could, at best, be sent into a flickering remission, but never cured. What if a chemotherapy regimen could be muscled up further, pushed closer to the brink of tolerabilityfi Second, since the nervous system relapses had likely occurred because even these highly potent chemicals could not breach the blood-brain barrier, perhaps one needed to instill chemotherapy directly into the nervous system by injecting it into the fluid that bathes the spinal cord. Since X-rays could penetrate the brain regardless of the blood-brain barrier, perhaps one needed to add high-dose radiation to the skull to kill residual cells in the brain. And finally, as Min Chiu Li had seen with choriocarcinoma, perhaps one needed to continue chemotherapy not just for weeks and months as Frei and Freireich had done, but for month after month, stretching into two or even three years. Then, at defined intervals, methotrexate was injected into the spinal canal using a spinal tap. Some days she got home in the evening (her children already in bed, her husband waiting with dinner) only to turn around and come back the next morning. Walking across the hospital in the morning to draw yet another bone marrow biopsy, with the wintry light crosshatching the rooms, I felt a certain dread descend on me, a heaviness that bordered on sympathy but never quite achieved it. He had received more than eight hundred blood tests, numerous spinal and bone marrow taps, 30 X-rays, 120 biochemical tests, and more than two hundred transfusions. But most important, thirteen patients, about a third of the original cohort, had never relapsed. Overall, 278 patients in eight consecutive trials had completed their courses of medicines and stopped chemotherapy. The Cart and the Horse I am not opposed to optimism, but I am fearful of the kind that comes from self-delusion. At the end of the evening, as the demitasse cups were being wheeled away, Farber rose to the stage in the full glare of the lights. Potent, hungry, and expansive, the word war captured the essence of the anticancer campaign.

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Periodic acid-Schiff staining of histopathologic specimens and polymerase chain reaction evaluation are possible in academic centers but are expensive and rarely required for confrmation muscle relaxant eperisone purchase 100mg imitrex visa. Examination of hair of patients with Microsporum infection under Wood light results in brilliant green fuorescence spasms pain rib cage purchase imitrex with american express. However spasms on left side of chest cheap 25 mg imitrex overnight delivery, because T tonsurans does not fuoresce under Wood light muscle relaxant reversal agents purchase generic imitrex online, this diagnostic test is not helpful for most patients with tinea capitis spasms thoracic spine cheap 25 mg imitrex with visa. Microsize griseofulvin muscle relaxer kidney pain order 25 mg imitrex overnight delivery, 20 mg/kg per day (maximum, 1 g), or ultramicrosize griseofulvin, 10 to 15 mg/kg per day (maximum, 750 mg), is administered orally, once daily. Optimally, griseofulvin is given after a meal containing fat (eg, peanut butter or ice cream). Treatment typically is necessary for 4 to 6 weeks and should be continued for 2 weeks beyond clinical resolution. Children who have no history or clinical evidence of liver disease are not required to have serum hepatic enzyme values tested either before or during a standard course of therapy lasting up to 8 weeks. Prolonged therapy may be associated with a greater risk of hepatotoxicity, and enzyme testing every 8 weeks during treatment should be considered. Terbinafne dosage is based on body weight, and a pediatric granule formulation is available in 125-mg and 187. Baseline serum transaminase (alanine transaminase and aspartate transaminase) testing is advised. Terbinafne tablets, used off-label for tinea capitis, often are dosed on a weight-based sliding scale (67. In addition, offlabel treatment with oral itraconazole or fuconazole may be effective for tinea capitis; itraconazole is not approved for use in children. Microsporum infections are more likely to respond to griseofulvin, and Trichophyton infections are more likely to respond to terbinafne. Kerion can be treated with griseofulvin; terbinafne may be used if a Trichophyton species is the pathogen. Corticosteroid therapy consisting of prednisone or prednisolone administered orally in dosages of 1. Treatment with a corticosteroid should be continued for approximately 2 weeks, with tapering doses toward the end of therapy. Antibacterial agents generally are not needed, except if there is suspected secondary infection. Families should be queried regarding other symptomatic members, and examination performed on such individuals. People with tinea capitis should not return to wrestling for 14 days after commencing systemic therapy. Children receiving treatment for tinea capitis may attend school once they start therapy with griseofulvin, terbinafne, or other effective systemic agent, with or without the addition of selenium sulfde shampoo. Small confuent plaques or papules as well as multiple lesions can occur, particularly in wrestlers (tinea gladiatorum). Lesions can be mistaken for psoriasis, pityriasis rosea, or atopic, seborrheic, or contact dermatitis. A frequent source of confusion is an alteration in the appearance of lesions as a result of application of a topical corticosteroid preparation, termed tinea incognito. Such patients may also develop Majocchi granuloma, a follicular fungal infection associated with a granulomatous dermal reaction. A pruritic, fne, papulovesicular eruption (dermatophytic or id reaction) involving the trunk, hands, or face, caused by a hypersensitivity response to infecting fungus, may accompany skin lesions. Tinea corporis can occur in association with tinea capitis, and examination of the scalp should be performed, particularly in affected wrestlers and people who have lesions on the neck and face. The incubation period is thought to be 1 to 3 weeks but can be shorter, as documented infections have occurred at 6 days of life in infants with unaffected mothers. Use of dermatophyte test medium also is a reliable, simple, and inexpensive method of diagnosis. Skin scrapings from lesions are inoculated directly onto culture medium and incubated at room temperature. After 1 to 2 weeks, a phenol red indicator in the agar will turn from yellow to red in the area surrounding a dermatophyte colony. Histopathologic diagnosis using periodic acid-Schiff staining and polymerase chain reaction diagnostic tools are available but are expensive and generally unnecessary. Although clinical resolution may be evident within 2 weeks of therapy, continuing therapy for another 2 to 4 weeks generally is recommended. If signifcant clinical improvement is not seen after 4 to 6 weeks of treatment, an alternate diagnosis should be considered. Topical preparations of antifungal medication mixed with high-potency corticosteroids should not be used, because these often are less effective and can lead to a more deep-seated follicular infection (Majocchi granuloma); in addition, local and systemic adverse events from the corticosteroids can occur. If lesions are extensive or unresponsive to topical therapy, griseofulvin is administered orally for 4 weeks (see Tinea Capitis, p 712). People with corporis tinea should not return to wrestling for 72 hours after commencement of topical therapy. Periodic inspections of contacts for early lesions and prompt therapy are recommended. Wrestling mats and equipment should be cleaned frequently, and actively infected wrestlers must be excluded from competitions. The eruption usually is bilaterally symmetric and sharply marginated, often with polycyclic borders. Involved skin is erythematous and scaly and varies from red to brown; occasionally, the eruption is accompanied by central clearing and a vesiculopapular border. In chronic infections, the margin may be subtle, and lichenifcation may be present. These lesions should be differentiated from candidiasis, intertrigo, seborrheic dermatitis, psoriasis, atopic dermatitis, irritant or allergic contact dermatitis (generally caused by therapeutic agents applied to the area), and erythrasma. The latter is a superfcial bacterial infection of the skin caused by Corynebacterium minutissimum. This infection commonly occurs in association with tinea pedis, and all infected patients should be evaluated for this possibility, with careful evaluation of the interdigital web spaces. Onychomycosis also is a possible association, particularly in adolescents and adults. Use of dermatophyte test medium also is a reliable, simple, and inexpensive method of diagnosing tinea cruris. Skin scrapings from lesions are inoculated directly onto culture medium and incubated at room temperature. When necessary, the diagnosis also can be confrmed by culture on Sabouraud dextrose agar. Polymerase chain reaction assay is a more expensive diagnostic tool that generally is not required. A characteristic coral-red fuorescence under Wood light can identify the presence of erythrasma (an eruption of reddish brown patches attributable to the presence of Corynebacterium minutissimum) and, thus, exclude tinea cruris. Once-daily therapy with topical econazole, ketoconazole, naftifne, oxiconazole, butenafne (12 years of age and older), or sulconazole preparation also is effective (see Topical Drugs for Superfcial Fungal Infections, p 836). Tinea pedis, if present, should be treated concurrently (see Tinea Pedis, p 717). Topical preparations of antifungal medication mixed with high-potency corticosteroids should be avoided because of the potential for prolonged infections and local and systemic adverse corticosteroid-induced events. Loose-ftting, washed cotton underclothes to decrease chafng as well as the use of an absorbent powder can be helpful adjuvants to therapy. Griseofulvin, given orally for 2 to 6 weeks, may be effective in unresponsive cases (see Tinea Capitis, p 712). Oral itraconazole, fuconazole, and terbinafne are more effective therapies in adults but have a much different beneft-to-risk profle. Because many conditions mimic tinea cruris, a differential diagnosis should be considered if primary treatments fail. Potentially involved areas should be kept dry, and loose undergarments should be worn. Patients should be advised to dry the groin area before drying their feet to avoid inoculating dermatophytes of tinea pedis into the groin area. Lesions can involve all areas of the foot but usually are patchy in distribution, with a predisposition to fssures and scaling between toes, particularly in the third and fourth interdigital spaces or distributed around the sides of the feet. Tinea pedis must be differentiated from dyshidrotic eczema, atopic dermatitis, contact dermatitis, juvenile plantar dermatosis, palmoplantar keratoderma, and erythrasma (an eruption of reddish brown patches caused by Corynebacterium minutissimum). Tinea pedis commonly occurs in association with tinea cruris and onychomycosis (tinea unguium), a nail infection by any fungus. Dermatophyte infections commonly affect otherwise healthy people, but immunocompromised people have increased susceptibility. Tinea pedis and many other fungal infections can be accompanied by a hypersensitivity reaction to the fungi (the dermatophytid or id reaction), with resulting papular or papulovesicular eruptions on the palms and the sides of fngers and, occasionally, by an erythematous vesicular eruption on the extremities and trunk. Fungi are acquired by contact with skin scales containing fungi or with fungi in damp areas, such as swimming pools, locker rooms, and showers. Tinea pedis can spread throughout the household among family members and is communicable for as long as infection is present. Use of dermatophyte test medium is a reliable, simple, and inexpensive method of diagnosis in complicated or unresponsive cases but must be interpreted by an experienced observer. Skin scrapings are inoculated directly onto the culture medium and incubated at room temperature. When necessary, the diagnosis also can be confrmed by culture on Sabouraud dextrose agar. Infection of the nail can be verifed by direct microscopic examination with potassium hydroxide, fungal culture of desquamated subungual material, or fungal stain of a nail clipping fxed in formalin. Acute vesicular lesions may be treated with intermittent use of open wet compresses (eg, with Burrow solution, 1:80). Dermatophyte infections in other locations, if present, should be treated concurrently (see Tinea Cruris, p 716). Tinea pedis that is severe, chronic, or refractory to topical treatment may be treated with oral therapy. Oral itraconazole or terbinafne is the most effective, with griseofulvin next and fuconazole least effective. Id (hypersensitivity response) reactions are treated by wet compresses, topical corticosteroids, occasionally systemic corticosteroids, and eradication of the primary source of infection. Recurrence is prevented by proper foot hygiene, which includes keeping the feet dry and cool, gentle cleaning, drying between the toes, use of absorbent antifungal foot powder, frequent airing of affected areas, and avoidance of occlusive footwear and nylon socks or other fabrics that interfere with dissipation of moisture. In people with onychomycosis (tinea unguium), topical therapy should be used only when the infection is confned to the distal ends of the nail; however, even topical therapy for 48 weeks typically has a cure rate less than 50%. Studies in adults have demonstrated the best cure rates after therapy with oral itraconazole or terbinafne; however, safety and effectiveness in children has not been established. However, preferred treatment in adults is pulse therapy with terbinafne, 500 mg, daily, for 1 week each month for 2 months (fngernails) to 4 months (toenails). Guidelines for dosing of terbinafne for children are based on studies for tinea capitis and are weight based: children weighing 12 to 20 kg, 62. Removal of the nail plate followed by use of oral therapy during the period of regrowth can help to affect a cure in resistant cases. Public areas conducive to transmission (eg, swimming pools) should not be used by people with active infection. Because recurrence after treatment is common, proper foot hygiene is important (as described in Treatment). People should be advised to dry the groin area before drying their feet to avoid inoculating tinea pedis dermatophytes into the groin area. Toxocariasis may manifest only as asymptomatic eosinophilia or pulmonary wheezing. Characteristic manifestations of visceral toxocariasis include fever, leukocytosis, eosinophilia, hypergammaglobulinemia, and hepatomegaly. Other manifestations include malaise, anemia, cough, and in rare instances, pneumonia, myocarditis, and encephalitis. When ocular invasion (resulting in endophthalmitis or retinal granulomas) occurs, other evidence of infection usually is lacking, suggesting that the visceral and ocular manifestations are distinct syndromes. Visceral toxocariasis typically occurs in children 2 to 7 years of age often with a history of pica but can occur in older children and adults. Humans are infected by ingestion of soil containing infective eggs of the parasite. Eggs may be found wherever dogs and cats defecate, often in sandboxes and playgrounds. Direct contact with dogs is of secondary importance, because eggs are not infective immediately when shed in the feces. Microscopic identifcation of larvae in a liver biopsy specimen is diagnostic, but this fnding is rare. An enzyme immunoassay for Toxocara antibodies in serum, available at the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention and some commercial laboratories, can provide confrmatory evidence of toxocariasis but does not distinguish between past and current, active infection. This assay is specifc and sensitive for diagnosis of visceral larva migrans but is less sensitive for diagnosis of ocular larva migrans. In severe cases with myocardithis or involvement of the central nervous system, corticosteroid therapy is indicated. Infammation may be decreased by topical or systemic corticosteroids, and secondary damage decreased with surgery. Signs of congenital toxoplasmosis at birth can include a maculopapular rash, generalized lymphadenopathy, hepatomegaly, splenomegaly, jaundice, pneumonitis, diarrhea, hypothermia, petechiae, and thrombocytopenia. Some severely affected fetuses/infants die in utero or within a few days of birth.

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