

Kent R. Olson MD Clinical

  • Professor, Departments of Medicine and Pharmacy, University of California, San Francisco
  • Medical Director, San Francisco Division, California Poison Control System


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Endothelial cell density i) Normal adult endothelial cell density is 2000-3000 cells/mm2 iii. Endothelial cell morphology cell shape and size i) Coefficient of variation Average cell size divided by the standard deviation of the average cell size (i) Normally < 0. Less than 50% hexagonal cells may be an indication of poor cell function Additional Resources 1. The relative value of confocal microscopy and superficial corneal scrapings in the diagnosis of Acanthamoeba keratitis. Application of in vivo laser scanning confocal microscopy for evaluation of ocular surface diseases: lessons learned from pterygium, meibomian gland disease, and chemical burns. Presents an illuminated series of concentric rings and views the reflection from the corneal surface (handheld Placido disc, collimating keratoscopes) a. Collects reflected data points from the concentric rings and creates a map of the cornea 3. Uses color-coded map to present the data with warmer (red and orange) colors representing steeper curvature of the cornea and cooler (blue and green) colors representing flatter curvature. Instantaneous radius of curvature (tangential power): better sensitivity to peripheral changes iii. Helpful in determining etiology for unexplained decreased vision or unexpected post-surgical results including: under corrected aberrations, induced astigmatism, decentered ablations, irregular astigmatism, etc 9. Quality and reproducibility of images is operator dependent and dependent on quality of tear film 11. Non-standardized data maps; user can manipulate appearance of data by changing scales; colors may be absolute or varied (normalized) 12. Reflex is neutralized using appropriate spherocylindrical lenses yielding information on sphere and astigmatism 4. Non-linear or multiple reflexes that cannot be fully neutralized are seen in irregular astigmatism 5. Decreased light reflex may also indicate cataract or other optic pathway obstruction. The front of the cornea acts as a convex mirror whose reflection generates a virtual image of a target 2. The keratometer measures the size of the images reflected from at least four points of the central 2. A vergence formula is used to report the radius of curvature in millimeters or refracting power in diopters 4. Useful in detecting irregular astigmatism or multifocal corneasirregular corneal reflex, scissoring reflex 2. Not useful for changes outside the central cornea (radial keratotomy, keratoconus) Additional Resources 1. The anterior segment is imaged by a rotating Scheimpflug camera, which measures thousands of elevation points to create a 3D image 2. Wavefront sensing devices measure the cumulative sum of optical aberrations induced by each structure in the visual pathway 3. Light rays from a single (safe) laser beam are aimed into the eye and the light rays reflect back from the retina in parallel rays 5. Aberrations inside the eye cause the light rays to change directions and a wavefront sensor collects this information in front of the cornea 6. Other methods for wavefront sensing: Tscherning and Tracy measure wavefront as light goes into the eye 7. All wavefront systems give a detailed report of higher order aberrations mathematically. The aberrated wavefront can be described by Zernicke polynomials to quantify spherical aberration, coma, etc. Anterior elevation maps useful for evaluating anterior ectasias, guiding astigmatism treatment, glare symptoms, haze symptoms, unexplained decreased vision, central islands 3. Posterior elevation maps useful for evaluating posterior ectasias, glare symptoms, haze symptoms, unexplained decreased vision 4. Pachymetry map useful in giving measurement of corneal thickness throughout the cornea 5. Allows clinicians to detect subtle variations in power distributions of the anterior corneal surface 10. Helpful in explaining unexpected post-surgical results including: undercorrection, aberrations, induced astigmatism, decentered ablations, etc. Non-standardized data maps; can manipulate appearance of data by changing scales; colors may be absolute or varied (normalized) 15. Provides similar functions as listed in scanning-slit corneal tomography (items 1-12) 2. Rotating image process helps better identify central cornea and correct for eye movements 3. Higher cost compared with Placido based computerized corneal topography and scanning-slit corneal topography 4. Keratoconus detection program useful in determining what size penetrating keratoplasty button to use due to peripheral corneal thinning 7. Only technology currently available that is able to measure and quantify higher order aberrations 2. Should be useful for all situations where computerized corneal tomography is helpful (see above) 4. Measuring solely corneal aberrations may assist in improving refractive procedure selection 2. Clinical and research applications of anterior segment optical coherence tomography-a review. Thought to be due to elastotic degeneration and collagenolysis that leads to laxity of the adherence of the conjunctiva to the underlying connective tissue 3. Suggested that enzyme accumulation in the tear film due to delayed tear clearance may lead to degradation of the conjunctiva B. Loose conjunctival folds interposed between the inferior globe and the margin of the lower eyelid a. If the chalasis is nasally located it may cause punctal occlusion and delayed tear clearance 2. Folds may be single or multiple, and may be lower than, equal to , or higher than the tear meniscus 3. With fluorescein or Rose Bengal stain, discrete areas of staining may be present on the redundant bulbar conjunctiva and the adjacent lid margin. Symptoms such as intermittent epiphora, dry eye type symptoms, and exposure related pain and irritation can occur and require treatment 4. A crescentic excision of the inferior bulbar conjunctiva 5mm away from the limbus followed by closure with absorbable sutures may be performed i. Fibrin glue can be used in lieu of sutures to reduce suture related granuloma formation and inflammation b. Amniotic membrane can be placed over the defect created after the crescentic excision of conjunctiva. Conjunctival area of excision should be limited as much as possible to avoid these complications 2. Use of fibrin tissue glue with primary conjunctival closure or amniotic membrane grafting to reduce the likelihood of suture-related complications 3. Delayed tear clearance may lead to an increase in ocular surface irritation, inflammation and pain B. Delayed Tear Clearance in Patients with Conjunctivochalasis Is Associated With Punctal Occlusion. Amniotic Membrane transplantation for symptomatic conjunctivochalasis refractory to medical treatments. Scarring with obliteration of lacrimal ducts and atrophy of lacrimal gland i) Mucous membrane pemphigoid ii) Stevens-Johnson syndrome iii) Trachoma iv) Radiotherapy v. Primary Sjogren syndrome i) Aqueous tear deficiency (keratoconjuctivitis sicca) and/or, ii) Decreased salivary gland flow (xerostomia), and/or iii) Lymphocytic infiltration of lacrimal and salivary glands, and/or iv) Presence of serum autoantibodies. Decreased mucin production from destruction of conjunctival goblet cells, conjunctiva a. Interpalpebral and/or inferior corneal staining, using fluorescein, rose bengal, or lissamine green c. Tear film break up time less than 10 seconds (See Tear film evaluation: static and dynamic assessments; tear break-up time, Schirmer) Aqueous tear deficiency a. Hyperosmolarity (> 308 mOsms/L recommended as threshold for most sensitive detection of dry eye) b. Loss of epithelial integrity: punctate epithelial erosions or large epithelial defect B. Obtain care for dry mouth and oral complications of xerostomia Additional Resources 1. Production and activity of matrix metalloproteinase-9 on the ocular surface increase in dysfunctional tear syndrome. Filaments are composed of degenerated epithelial cells and mucus in variable proportions 2. Seen in various corneal conditions which have in common an abnormality of the ocular surface and altered tear composition B. Common symptoms include: foreign body sensation, ocular pain (may be severe), photophobia, blepharospasm, increased blink frequency, and epiphora 2. Symptoms tend to be most prominent with blinking and alleviated when the eyes are closed C. Filaments stain with fluorescein and rose bengal dyes, facilitating identification 2. Often a small, gray, subepithelial opacity will be present beneath the site of corneal attachment 4. Associated with superior limbic keratoconjunctivitis, ptosis, or other causes of prolonged lid closure b. Associated with keratoconjunctivitis sicca, pharmacologic dry eye, or exposure keratopathy ii. Filaments after penetrating keratoplasty typically reside on the graft, at the graft-host interface or at the base of the suture on donor side 6. Any condition associated with irregularity (including desiccation) of the ocular surface 1. Mechanical removal of filaments (temporary measure; care should be taken not to disrupt underlying epithelium) 2. Superior conjunctival resection or cauterization if secondary to superior limbic keratoconjunctivitis V. Mechanical removal of filaments epithelial defect with secondary infection, may serve as a receptor site for new filaments 1. Removal of filaments/use of mucolytics may be successfully employed, but are not definitive treatments C. Continue with aggressive topical lubrication (if not possible to eliminate underlying process) Additional Resources 1. Meibomian gland dysfunction is a result of progressive obstruction and inflammation of the gland orifices 2. Seborrheic blepharitis is a chronic inflammation of the eyelid, eyelashes, forehead and scalp skin 3. Rosacea is a skin disease characterized by dysfunction of meibomian glands and/or other cutaneous sebaceous glands of the skin of the face and chest B. It mainly develops in patients between ages 30 and 60 years but can affect all age groups including children 2. Abnormal meibum after expression of glands (with slight pressure on lid margin with Q tip or finger) h. Masquerade syndrome (eyelid neoplasm rare, but should be considered in chronic unilateral blepharitis) D. Daily eyelid hygiene (warm compresses, eyelid massage, and eyelid scrubbing) with commercially available pads, washcloth or cotton-tipped applicators soaked in warm water +/dilute baby shampoo 2. Complications of topical corticosteroids, if used (including glaucoma and cataract) B. Side effects related to systemic tetracyclines, if used (ex: enamel abnormalities in children, photosensitivity) V. The international workshop on meibomian gland dysfunction: report of the clinical trials subcommittee. The international workshop on meibomian gland dysfunction: report of the subcommittee on management and treatment of meibomian gland dysfunction. The international workshop on meibomian gland dysfunction: report of the diagnosis subcommittee. The international workshop on meibomian gland dysfunction: report of the subcommittee on tear film lipids and lipid-protein interactions in health and disease. The international workshop on meibomian gland dysfunction: report of the subcommittee on anatomy, physiology, and pathophysiology of the meibomian gland. The international workshop on meibomian gland dysfunction: report of the definition and classification subcommittee.

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Sjogren Syndrome Dr y Eye to increased evaporative water loss from the eye (eg, low Sjogren syndrome is an exocrinopathy in which the humidity, high wind velocity, and increased exposure of the lacrimal and salivary glands are targeted by an autoimmune ocular surface) may act as a trigger by invoking infiammaprocess; other organs are also affected. The lacrimal and tory events at the ocular surface through a hyperosmolar salivary glands are infiltrated by activated T-cells, which mechanism (see Section V). Conditions associated with non-Sjogren than in the normal population; thus, a defective tear film syndrome dry eye lipid layer may contribute to dry eye by leading to excess evaporation. Refiex sensory block With increasing age in the normal human population, Contact lens wear there is an increase in ductal pathology that could promote Diabetes lacrimal gland dysfunction by its obstructive effect. They postulated a sequence of periductal fibrosis, interacinar fibrosis and, finally, acinar atrophy. There is a developmental and progressive neuronal 6 months after hematopoietic stem cell transplantation. A reduction in sensory drive from the ocular Obstruction of the ducts of the main palpebral and acsurface is thought to favor the occurrence of dry eye in two cessory lacrimal glands leads to aqueous-deficient dry eye ways, first, by decreasing refiex-induced lacrimal secreand may be caused by any form of cicatrising conjunctivitis tion, and, second, by reducing the blink rate and, hence, (Table 2). Specific conditions Bilateral sensory loss reduces both tear secretion and are discussed below. Bilateral, topical proparacaine decreases the Trachoma: Trachoma is a cause of blindness on a global blink rate by about 30% and tear secretion by 60-75%. Dry eye is part of terminals supplying the palpebral and accessory lacrimal the overall picture, resulting from lacrimal duct obstruction, glands (Belmonte C: personal communication). Conjunctival scarring can lead to dry eye in ments have been put forward to suggest that at least some the manner outlined above. Goeb124 Replacement Dystichiasis Bron et al137 bels found a reduction in refiex tearing (Schirmer Dystichiasis lymphedema syndrome Brooks et al138 Kiederman et al139 test) in insulin-dependent diabetics, but no differMetaplasia ence in tear film breakup Meibomian Gland Dysfunction time or basal tear fiow by 140 Hypersecretory Meibomian seborrhoea Gifford fiuorophotometry. In addition, it is tions were reported by Schein et al, unrelated to the disease envisaged that there is a loss of trophic support to the ocular for which they were used. Evaporative Dry Eye nervus intermedius, leads to dry eye due to loss of lacrimal Evaporative dry eye is due to excessive water loss from secretomotor function. The nervus intermedius carries the exposed ocular surface in the presence of normal lacpostganglionic, parasympathetic nerve fibers (of pterygorimal secretory function. Its causes have been described as palatine ganglion origin) to the lacrimal gland. Dry eye is intrinsic, where they are due to intrinsic disease affecting lid due to lacrimal hyposecretion in addition to incomplete lid structures or dynamics, or extrinsic, where ocular surface closure (lagophthalmos). An association between systemic drug use and dry eye has been noted in several studies, with decreased lacrimal a. Endocrine exophthalmos ple causes and associations are listed in Table 4 and include and, specifically, increased palpebral fissure width, is asdermatoses, such as acne rosacea, seborrhoeic dermatitis, sociated with ocular drying and tear hyperosmolarity. Less common but important associaIncreasing palpebral fissure width correlates with increased tions include the treatment of acne vulgaris with isotretintear film evaporation. Diagnosis is based ocular surface is exposed to water loss before the next on morphologic features of the gland acini and duct orifices, blink. In the latter group, esterases tear meniscus height, and meibomian gland function. They also suggest that a reduced blink rate could impair the clear2) Disorders of Lid Aperture and Lid/Globe ance of lipid-contaminated mucin. This, together with poor lens wettability, could deficiency and the effects of chronically applied topical be a basis for a higher evaporative loss during lens wear and anesthetics and preservatives. Patients wearing high water-content hydrogel lenses were Vitamin A is essential for the development of goblet cells more likely to report dry eye. This is a controversial area in in mucous membranes and the expression of glycocalyx the literature. Dry eye was associated with a higher tear osmolarity, but not Use of preserved drops is an important cause of dry eye in the range normally associated with dry eye tear hyperossigns and symptoms in glaucoma patients, and it is usually molarity. The authors commented that this lower value might reversible on switching to nonpreserved preparations. It has also considered to be hormone fiuctuations during the menstrual been suggested that anesthesia of those lacrimal secretory cycle or after menopause and use of oral contraceptives or nerve terminals close to the surface of the upper fornix hormone replacement therapy. It was also noted that symp(innervating the palpebral and accessory portions of the tom reporting by women, in general, tends to be higher than lacrimal gland) may also be blocked by topical anaesthetics that by men. The core mechanisms of dry eye are driven by tear hyperosmolarity and tear film instability. Tear hyperosmolarity causes damage to the surface epithelium by activating a cascade of infiammatory events at the ocular surface and a release of infiammatory mediators into the tears. Epithelial damage involves cell death by apoptosis, a loss of goblet cells, and disturbance of mucin expression, leading to tear film instability. This instability exacerbates ocular surface hyperosmolarity and completes the vicious circle. Tear film instability can be initiated,without the prior occurrence of tear hyperosmolarity,by several etiologies,including xerophthalmia, ocular allergy, topical preservative use, and contact lens wear. The epithelial injury caused by dry eye stimulates corneal nerve endings,leading to symptoms of discomfort,increased blinking and,potentially, compensatory refiex lacrimal tear secretion. Loss of normal mucins at the ocular surface contributes to symptoms byincreasing frictional resistance between the lids and globe. During this period,the high refiex input has been suggested as the basis of a neurogenic infiammation within the gland. The major causes of tear hyperosmolarity are reduced aqueous tear fiow, resulting from lacrimal failure, and/or increased evaporation from the tear film. The quality of lid oil is modified by the action of esterases and lipases released by normal lid commensals, whose numbers are increased in blepharitis. Reduced aqueous tear fiow is due to impaired delivery of lacrimal fiuid into the conjunctival sac. It is unclear whether this is a feature of normal aging,but it may be induced by certain systemic drugs,such as antihistamines and anti-muscarinic agents. Infiammation causes both tissue destruction and a potentially reversible neurosecretory block. Tear delivery may be obstructed by cicatricial conjunctival scarring or reduced by a loss of sensory refiex drive to the lacrimal gland from the ocular surface. Eventually, the chronic surface damage of dry eye leads to a fall in corneal sensitivity and a reduction of refiex tear secretion. This leads to a vicious circle or There is evidence that various forms of chronic ocular surloop. It is thought that early therapeutic intervention may face disease result in destabilization of the tear film and add a disrupt this loop. The schema in Figure 2, developed from dry eye component to the ocular surface disease. Allergic eye the discussion of our Subcommittee, emphasizes the core disease offers a well-studied example. Tear Hyperosmolarity Tear hyperosmolarity is regarded as the central mecha4) Allergic Conjunctivitis nism causing ocular surface infiammation, damage, and Allergic conjunctivitis takes several forms, which insymptoms, and the initiation of compensatory events in clude seasonal allergic conjunctivitis, vernal keratoconjuncdry eye. Tear hyperosmolarity arises as a result of water tivitis, and atopic keratoconjunctivitis. The general mechaevaporation from the exposed ocular surface, in situations nism leading to disease is that exposure to antigen leads to of a low aqueous tear fiow, or as a result of excessive evapodegranulation of IgE-primed mast cells, with the release of ration, or a combination of these events. A Th2 response is activated at the demonstrated the wide variation of tear film thinning rates ocular surface, initially in the conjunctival and, later, in the in normal subjects, and it is reasonable to conclude that, for corneal epithelium, subsequently leading to submucosal a given initial film thickness, subjects with the fastest thinchanges. There is stimulation of goblet cell secretion and ning rates would experience a greater tear film osmolarity loss of surface membrane mucins. Surface damage and the Since the lacrimal fiuid is secreted as a slightly hypotonrelease of infiammatory mediators leads to allergic sympic fiuid, it will always be expected that tear osmolarity will toms and to refiex stimulation of the normal lacrimal gland. Surface irregularities on the cornea (punctate epithelial There are also reasons to believe that osmolarity is higher keratitis and shield ulcer) and conjunctiva can lead to tear in the tear film itself than in the neighboring menisci. One film instability and, hence, to a local drying component reason for this is that the ratio of area to volume (which to the allergic eye disease. In chronic disease, there may determines the relative concentrating effect of evaporation) be meibomian gland dysfunction, which could exacerbate is higher in the film than the menisci. The Causative Mechanisms of Dry Eye surface epithelial cells, including goblet cells216; thus, goblet From the above discussion, it can be seen that certain cell loss may be seen to be directly related to the effects of core mechanisms are envisaged at the center of the dry eye chronic infiammation. The interactions of various etiologies with these ocular surface cannot be excluded. In the initial stages of dry eye, it is considered that ocular It should be noted that an attractive mechanistic schema surface damage caused by osmotic, infiammatory or mefor dry eye has been presented in detail by Baudouin. R efiex trigeminal activity is first level includes the known risk factors or causes of dry thought to be responsible for an increased blink rate and a eye that ultimately lead to a series of secondary biological compensatory response, increased lacrimal secretion. Ultimately it would be expected that has been attributed to the effect of the thinned aqueous in the steady state, dry eye would be a condition of hyperphase of the tear film. Conversely, as noted earlier, it may osmolarity with a tear volume and fiow greater than normal. In the study of Shimazaki et vicious circle in which widely varying infiuences combine al, despite the increased tear fiow, particularly in the gland to cause dry eye with a complex profile. Tear Film Instability Excessive reflex stimulation of the lacrimal gland In some forms of dry eye, tear film instability may be the experimentally may induce a neurogenic infiammatory cyinitiating event, unrelated to prior tear hyperosmolarity. Most reports,144,225,226 but not all,119 suggest that signs, including punctate keratitis, postoperatively. When this value is less than 1, then tear film cal changes in the sub-basal nerve plexus. The sensory drive to the blink refiex might instability is due to a disturbance of ocular surface mucins, be expected to be similarly affected, although there is no are xerophthalmia231 and allergic eye disease. Cornea 2006;25:9 0-7 infiammatory cell markers at the ocular surface, causing epithelial disposable lens with a 2-week wearing schedule, and further cell damage, cell death by apoptosis, and a decrease in goblet cell studies suggest that the goblet cell responses may differ bedensity. B aseline b link rates and the effect of v isual the Subcommittee considered that there was considertask diffi culty and p osition of gaze. Cu rr E ye R es 2000;20: 64-70 able clinical utility to adopting a classification of disease 33. New Y ork, Marcel Dekker, 2004 Report was adopted and modified to produce the third 34. Rep ort of the National Eye Institute/Industry W orkshop on sicca with top ical androgen. W O 94/04155, 1994 p atient-rep orted symp toms and clinical signs among p atients with dry eye 38. Invest Op h th alm o l V is S ci 2003;44:4753-61 randomized, v ehicle-controlled, p arallel group study to ev aluate the safety 3. The imp ortance of the p recorneal tear fi lm for the q uality of ment on the fatty acid p rofi le of neutral lip ids in human meib omian gland op tical imaging. Op h th alm o lo g y 1999;106:936-43 syndrome: Effect on human meib omian gland secretions. E x p E ye R es sitiv ity syndrome associated with alterations in the meib omian gland and 1973;15:515-25 ocular surfacefi Am J Op h th alm o l 2003;135:607-12 E x p Op h th alm o l 2006 Nov 2; [Ep ub ahead of p rint] 11. The diagnosis and management of Op to m V is S ci 1989;66:175-8 dry eye:a twenty-fi v e year rev iew. The lacrimal funcp olar and neutral lip id p rofi les in human meib omian gland secretions. Acta Op h th alm o l S cand 1998;876:74-7 unit in the p athop hysiology of dry eye. The Madrid trip le Invest Op h th alm o l V is S ci 2004;45:4302-11 classifi cation system. The trip le classifi cation of dry eye for matory stress on the mouse ocular surface. Op h th alm o lo g ica 1985;190:147-9 interp alp eb ral distance among Filip inos. Curr Probl Pediatr Adolesc Health Care 2006;36:218-37 function in dry eye using meibometry. Correlation of tear lipid layer interferOphthalmol 1964;48:461-70 ence patterns with the diagnosis and severity of dry eye. Periductal area as the primary site production and the relationship between autoantibodies and the clinical for T-cell activation in lacrimal gland chronic graftversus-host disease. Distribution pattern of nervous tissue and peptisyndrome: a revised version of the European criteria proposed by the dergic nerve fibers in accessory lacrimal glands. Preliminary criteria for the thology and the mechanism of progressive cicatrization of eyelid tissues. Results of a prospective concerted acOphthalmologica 2000;214: 277-84 tion supported by the European Community. Effects of laser in situ Barr viral gene expression within the conjunctival epithelium.

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But this study makes through the filter, making it more at the University of Washington. A study done in surgery with trabeculectomy, avoiding is that when we inject viscoelastic 2017 compared the impact of timing hypotony is also a concern. In that into the eye at the beginning of the when giving oral acetazolamide to situation, you may want to plan surgery, we tend to inject it into the 90 open-angle-glaucoma patients for laser suture lysis after the first nasal angle, because your cannula is with moderate to advanced glaupostoperative week. First, manipulating the this technique, and its results, at defined as more than 100 percent iris will increase inflammation. In the video, it looks like receiving the drug one hour preopa viscoelastic such as Healon 5. Devgan has done a great job of eratively did the best; they were least course, if necessary, use whatever removing all of the viscoelastic in the likely to reach that threshold. That will 6 trabeculectomy, protect and/ suboptimal, you can consider doing mean a better outcome, a happier or revive the bleb. In order to avoid Schedule frequent followof ophthalmology, co-director of the causing unintended problems, it pays 7 up. J Finally, consider injecting a little their own preferences for scheduling Glaucoma 2016;25:1:e5-11. Effect on the eye causes infiammatory meis scheduling an advanced-glaucoma of temporal corneal phacoemulsification on intraocular pressure in eyes with prior trabeculectomy with an antimetabolite. The early complications of cataract surgery: Is routine review of patients 1 week after cataract have found that doing so has a procheck and treat if necessary. Intraocular tective effect on a functioning bleb pressure elevation within the first 24 hours after cataract and can be used routinely at the end Increase the frequency of surgery in patients with glaucoma or exfoliation syndrome. Comparison of I usually inject it inferiorly, away cal phaco case, and consider the the effect of Viscoat and DuoVisc on postoperative intraocular pressure after small-incision cataract surgery. J Cataract Refract from the bleb; it diffuses and has the use of postop antimetabolites. Intraocular pressure after small incision cataract surgeons might inject it adjacent to prednisone 1% four times a day postsurgery with Healon5 and Viscoat. J Cataract Refract Surg the bleb; I just feel more comfortable op, but if the patient has a prior tra2000;26:2:271-6. Prophylactic medications among those eyes that effect of oral acetazolamide against intraocular pressure elevation after cataract surgery in eyes with glaucoma. Ophthalmology had only mild bleb staining, although An Ounce of Prevention 2017;124:5:701-708. Phacoemulsification in 16 patients with previous trabeculectomy: role of 5-fiuorouracil. The Artificial intelligence is a broad disone of the most well-established use advent of optical coherence tomogracipline under the umbrella of comcases is screening for and diagnosing phy in the early 2000s for evaluation puter science that aims to enable disease using clinical images. If computers ing to diagnose disease on their own, specificities of up to 100 percent. Second, despite the impressive Automated staging of age-related macular degeneration using optical coherence tomography. Identifying medical rithms incorrectly classify eyes as being vice at the Massachusetts Eye and Ear diagnoses and treatable diseases by image-based deep learning. False negatives of this nanal specialist at the Palo Alto Medical detection and classification of geographic atrophy using a deep convolutional neural network classifier. A novel machine learning algorithm to automatically predict visual Studies show that many patients are Phone: (617) 523-7900; fax: (617) 573outcomes in intravitreal ranibizumab-treated patients with diabetic macular edema. Validity of a new diagnosis and prefer in-person ophartificial intelligence and machine learning in ophthalmology. An artificial intelligence platform obvious how a computer algorithm learning for ophthalmologists. Seminars in Ophthalmology for the multihospital collaborative management of congenital came to its clinical conclusion. Automated analysis of vector machine for keratoconus and subclinical keratoconus retinal images for detection of referable diabetic retinopathy. Detection of keratoconus by semievaluate the value of the metrics used Liem A, Nijpels G. Automated tomographic assessment to detect corneal ectasia based on screening, diagnosis and prognosticaidentification of lesion activity in neovascular age-related macular degeneration. Deep learning for of a deep learning algorithm for detection of diabetic retinopathy predicting refractive error from retinal fundus images. Development and deformable model for automated optic disc and cup segmentation given the abundance of clinical data validation of a deep learning system for diabetic retinopathy to aid glaucoma diagnosis. An automated grading system for able products, and have been applied detection of vision-threatening referable diabetic retinopathy 2017;26:12:1086-1094. Automated diabetic field photography and dilated clinical examination as reference retinopathy image assessment software: Diagnostic accuracy as well as decrease health-care costs, standards. The lesion had developed in the inferior fornix of his right eye eight months prior. He was first prescribed tobramycin/dexamethasone and prednisolone acetate drops for what was suspected to be a pyogenic granuloma. Two months later the patient presented once again with recurrence of the same lesion. At this point, he was referred to a pediatric ophthalmologist for excisional biopsy, and histopathology disclosed a pyogenic granuloma. Two months later, the lesion recurred once again, prompting referral to Wills Eye Hospital Ocular Oncology Service. Family history was notable for lung cancer in his paternal and maternal grandmothers and thyroid cancer in his mother. Anterior segment examination was notable for a firm, palpable, amelanotic 10 x 10-mm nodule within the tarsus of the right lower eyelid and a pedunculated, soft, vascular pyogenic granuloma in the adjacent inferior fornix (Figure 1). Dilated examination revealed normal vitreous, retina, choroid and optic discs bilaterally. The wound was rinsed with antibithe conjunctival lesion revealed a this conjunctival lesion, the patient otics and partially closed to allow for mass of exuberant granulation tissue was advised to have surgical excision drainage. Foreign body giant cells and mother recalled an incident one-andexcised with wide margins, disclosing polymorphonuclear leukocytes were a-half years prior when the patient a 4-mm, open defect in the tarsoconpresent. Several small, circular, black had run into a bush chasing after a junctival tissue. Enlargement of the foci were noted grossly on the surface baseball and had suffered a small, cuwound disclosed a wooden foreign of the wood (Figure 4). Three months later, the first pyogenic granuloma appeared in close proximity to the area of prior trauma. The patient was discharged on a regimen of oral amoxicillin for seven days and topical dexamethasone/neomycin/polymyxin B sulfate for three weeks. On follow-up evaluation one month later, the patient had complete healing of the wound with no recurFigure 4. The outer surface of the tree rence of the conjunctival lesion or branch appeared to have a thin, white film evidence of residual infection. Intraoperatively, a large foreign over it with small, scattered foci of black body that appeared to be a piece of wood dots, later found to be fungus. This may be 30 years of age are the prime targets 64 | Review of Ophthalmology | November 2019 at risk for such injuries, and a high dehypointense relative to surrounding Surprisingly, despite the presence of gree of suspicion should be kept when soft tissue and sometimes have ringan undetected piece of wood in the evaluating these patients. Typically, wood acts loma may be a clue to a deep-seated fistula, decreased visual acuity and eyeas a low-velocity object that enters foreign body, especially in the approlid pain. Unrecognized intraorbital wooden presented in this case, the mass likely ways involves surgical removal, wide foreign body. Penetrating orbital injuries Intracranial complications of a retained foreign body. Common denominators in retained orbital wooden puted tomography as the imaging moSome authorities recommend that cliforeign body. Bone windows are beblood-brain penetration, given the risk surrogate indicator of deep seated foreign bodies: A case report. Pyogenic granulomas dard intensity of 200 to 350 Hounsfield Interestingly, empiric antifungal after silicone punctal plugs: A clinical and histopathologic study. B-scan ultrasonography may or infection and the relative toxicity of Traumatology 2016;19:6:322-325. In an in vitro chromosomal lacrimation, eye discharge, eye discomfort, eye pruritus and aberration assay using mammalian cells (Chinese sinusitis. In the absence of specialised eye examination equipment, such as a slit lamp, General Practitioners must rely on identifying these key features to know which patients require referral to an Ophthalmologist for further assessment. Is it conjunctivitis or is it something more Iritis is also known as anterior uveitis; posterior uveitis is seriousfi However, red eye can also be presentation, usually associated with autoimmune a feature of a more serious eye condition, in which a delay in disease. In addition, the inappropriate use of antibacterial eye is not always a feature topical eye preparations contributes to antimicrobial 6. The patient history will usually identify a penetrating eye injury Most general practice clinics will not have access to specialised or chemical burn to the eye, but further assessment may be equipment for eye examination. In History and eye examination general, a patient with a unilateral presentation of a red eye the most important fndings in a patient with a red eye are the suggests a more serious cause than a bilateral presentation. Infammation anterior chamber chamber (iridocorneal angle) afects (conjunctivitis) causes vascular the drainage rate of aqueous humour dilatation and can produce from the anterior chamber into the signifcant oedema of this tissue trabecular meshwork; a narrow or (chemosis). The ciliary Limbus the border between the sclera and processes also produce aqueous the cornea humour. The patient should wear their corrective injury distance glasses, if they have them. It dissolves noted: conjunctival injection (Figure 1) appears as into the tear flm creating a homogenous green glow across a difuse area of dilated blood vessels, injection in a the ocular surface, with increased intensity where the tears accumulate on the lower lid margin. Any area of epithelial ring-like pattern around the cornea is termed ciliary defect will stain brightly, allowing detection of corneal injection (Figure 2) and usually indicates intraocular infammation abrasions, ulcers and foreign bodies. Photo kindly supplied by Dr Logan Mitchell, dilated blood vessels around the cornea, which indicates Department of Medicine, University of Otago. Photo kindly supplied by Dr Logan Mitchell, Department of Medicine, University of Otago. Instil the dye by either touching across the globe, ideally using an intravenous giving set.

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The laryngoscope is held in the right hand and passed from the right angle of the mouth infection question discount tetracycline online visa. The endoscope is passed into the oral cavity till the posterior part of the tongue is visualised bacteria labeled buy tetracycline 500 mg low cost. The tip of the laryngoscope is guided behind the epiglottis and advanced bacteria mitochondria tetracycline 250mg on-line, lifting the handle of the laryngoscope Fig virus hoax order tetracycline 500mg. This brings the posterior part of the 322 Textbook of Ear virus in colorado order tetracycline canada, Nose and Throat Diseases larynx into view antibiotic dog bite buy tetracycline 500 mg with amex. The chest support is fitted with the laryngoscope which keeps the instrument in position and allows both hands of the examiner to work. During the endoscopic procedure, every effort is made to avoid pressure on the lip or teeth. While examining such 1 cycle/second between the frequency of the patients, it is necessary that the tip of the note and the light flashes. The cords appear laryngoscope be placed anterior to the vibrating, one excursion of vocal cord taking epiglottis, in the vallecula. This is also important while looking for cord paralysis as in such a Radiology is of considerable help in the diagposition the tip of the laryngoscope is not nosis and assessment of the laryngeal pressing on the aryepiglottic fold which might disorders such as the following: otherwise restrict the cord movements. Erosion of the laryngeal cartilage and voice production faults, by observing the assess the extent of disease in malignancy. To note the position of the tracheostomy Indirect laryngoscopy is done using an tube. The frequency of Usually the lateral view (X-ray of the soft flashes of interrupted light is adjusted to the tissues of neck) is helpful. The present day microsurgical techniques of the larynx are a credit to Kliensasser. This technique has through the nose into the oropharynx and revolutionised the treatment of various directed behind the epiglottis into the laryngeal conditions. The instrument gives a detailed the surgeon can thus detect early malignancy and minute view and allows biopsy and as well as its extent and can take a biopsy from photography. Similarly, areas of useful in conditions where direct larynleukoplakia are properly excised. The supraglottis includes the while on expiration these structures are forced epiglottis and false cords (vestibular folds). The When the obstruction lies below the vocal subglottis extends below the true cords to the cords, stridor is either heard both during inferior edge of the cricoid cartilage. The timing of stridor with respiratory phase gives an idea about the site of Level of Physical findings obstruction obstruction. Stridor with Supraglottic Stridor is inspiratory and characterised by a lowpitched flutter. Glottic Stridor is inspiratory and expiStridor is produced by a number of condiratory and exhibits a phonatory tions which cause narrowing of the larynx or quality. Brassy, because the larynx is relatively small and barking cough is characteristic. Stridor is noisy breathing heard when Common Causes of Stridor there is obstruction to the free flow of air through the larynx or trachea. Acute laryngotracheobronchitis and acute lies mainly in the larynx, stridor is inspiratory laryngitis Stridor 325 3. Foreign bodies in the larynx and trachea Stridor gradually decreases in severity and 5. Sometimes other rare conditions like Reassurance is given to parents who are laryngeal webs, bifid epiglottis and laryntold to avoid rough handling of the child, to geal cysts may be the aetiological factors. The and Haemophilus influenzae are secondary invacondition manifests within a few weeks of ders. It is due to general flabbiness of the structures bounding Pathology the laryngeal aperture, particularly the flabbithe inflammatory process is diffuse in the ness of the aryepiglottic folds. These get larynx and tracheobronchial tree but the main indrawn during inspiration thus producing area involved is the subglottic region of larynx. While on expiration, the folds are forced apart, the other characteristic feature is the stridor is inconstant and is sometimes production of tenacious, thick mucous which extremely marked. Stridor gets more the subglottic region and the thick secretions pronounced on crying and on exertion. Diagnosis is made on direct laryngoscopy, when indrawing of the aryepiglottic folds is Clinical Features evident and if the laryngoscope is passed the disease usually start as a mild upper between these folds, the stridor disappears. Dyspnoea with There occurs marked swelling of the recession of the intercostal supraclavicular and epiglottis which may extend to the suprasuprasternal spaces results. There is high fever, respiratory obstruction that can occur within toxaemia and restlessness. Oedema is the usual feature with semielliptical mounding of the subglottic the disease starts with a sore throat which tissues. Because of the inflamed Treatment supraglottic tissues, the patient finds it very difficult to swallow. The voice may be muffled Maintenance of the airway is of primary but is usually clear. Tracheostomy or endolaryngeal the degree of prostration and shock is intubation may be needed in severe cases. The patient looks anxious and Frequent suction of thick mucoid secretions frightened because of choking. Moist air should be provided to of the throat shows marked swelling of the such patients. These help to prevent Tracheostomy should be done to relieve complications by pathogenic organisms. Antibiotics, usually Corticosteroids help to reduce mucosal ampicillin, are the drugs of choice. The disease the term diphtheria is derived from the Greek is of bacterial origin and Haemophilus influenzae word diphtheria which means leather or type B is the most common causative organism. The disease is rare and is seen usually in the the disease affects children usually below age group of 3 to 6 years. The disease is still 328 Textbook of Ear, Nose and Throat Diseases prevalent in underdeveloping countries vessels into the systemic circulation including India. The degree of toxaemia depends Aetiology upon the causative strain of the Bacillus and Corynebacterium diphtheriae also known as Kleb the site of the infection. The disease is common in young children who these are classified as gravis, intermedius, and have not received proper immunisation. The membrane Pathology forms over the cords and laryngeal vestibule the faucial region is the most common site. The membrane is usually loosely to the larynx although primary laryngeal or attached to the ciliated columnar epithelium. The superficial layers of the epithelium get Direct laryngoscopy shows the membranous involved in a deposit of fibrin and leucocytes lesion of the larynx. The membrane is greyish white in is loosely attached to the mucosa, hence less appearance but may, sometimes, be brown or of toxins are absorbed than in faucial disease black due to haemorrhage in it. The membrane is firmly attached over the areas lined by the main local complication is airway obstrucsquamous epithelium and is loosely attached tion and asphyxia because of membrane over ciliated columnar epithelium. Toxaethe Bacillus produces a powerful exotoxin mia produces certain systemic complications which diffuses through lymphatics and blood which may be cardiac and neurological. Cardiovascular complications: these include induration of about 10 mm at about the fourth acute peripheral circulatory failure, toxic day indicates a positive test, i. Immunity can be provided appear during the second week of the passively by injecting diphtheria antitoxin or disease. ParaTreatment of Diphtheria lysis of the soft palate is the most common the main aim of treatment in such patients is complication which usually occurs during restoration of the airway, if it is in danger, and the third week of the disease. If respiratory sixth cranial nerves, and paralysis of the obstruction is impending, tracheostomy diaphragm. Sometimes acute tubular damage of the To neutralise the circulating toxins, antikidneys may occur besides areas of toxic diphtheritic serum is given parenterally after degeneration in the liver and spleen. The dose varies according to the and septicaemia are the other occasional severity of infection. Systemic steroids help to reduce the Schick test determines the susceptibility of a toxaemia and local inflammatory oedema. Arytenoids, aryepiglottic folds and vestibular bands may Predisposing Factors show varying degrees of oedema. Thick secretions appear on the surface of the laryngeal Excessive vocal use, smoking, sinusitis and tonsillitis predispose to laryngitis. Sometimes infection involves the perichondrium of the laryngeal cartilages producing perichondritis. Hence, the oedema occurs readily causing Rest to the voice is important for speedy obstruction of the airway. Steam inhalations are soothing to the inflamed mucosa and also provide humidiClinical Features fication. Analgesic and antipyretic drugs are given the child usually presents with stridor, for relief of pain and control of fever. Antidyspnoea and croupy cough, besides constibiotics are prescribed for control of bacterial tutional symptoms. Acute nonspecific laryngitis in children Treatment usually follows exanthematous fevers and other bacterial infections of the upper respiHeavy doses of antibiotics, and steroids are ratory tract. It is so airway obstruction are looked for and because the subglottic region of the larynx in endolaryngeal intubation or tracheostomy infants is relatively smaller and the subdone to relieve the airway obstruction. Chronic infection: Chronic laryngitis may be factories and is likely to produce chronic produced by a chronic inflammatory focus laryngitis. The larynx is exposed Pathology to infected material from these sites and the histopathological examination shows gradually develops features of chronic mucosal thickening and infiltration with inflammation. Vocal abuse: It is an important cause of appear engorged and the connective tissue chronic laryngitis. Tiredness of voice is also a frequent produces oedema and chronic inflamsymptom. The patient may complain of some matory changes in the mucosa which foreign body sensation in the throat and may eventually lead to hyperkeratosis and frequently cough to clear his throat. The space on the membranous cords limited by the nodules develop as hyperplastic thickening of superior and inferior arcuate lines on the the epithelium because of vocal abuse. Indirect laryngoscopy shows bilateral haemorrhage occurs in the subepithelial tissue pale spindle-shaped swellings of the vocal which gets organised and results in nodule cords. Treatment is microsurgical excision of the Clinical Features strips of mucosa from the membranous cords. The patient complains of hoarseness of voice as the cords do not approximate completely. Constant efforts to Nodular thickening of the free edge of the improve the voice may strain the muscles and vocal cords is a common disorder (Fig. Aetiology these lesions are common in people who use Treatment their voice excessively, such as teachers, In the initial stages, voice rest may help the hawkers, singers and preachers. This might mean a vocal rest for common in people with a hyperkinetic several weeks and the patient should be personality, who are vociferous and of advised to stop hemming and hawking. Smoking should be stopped and attention given to any septic focus in the tonsils, nose, sinuses and teeth. The aetiology 334 Textbook of Ear, Nose and Throat Diseases Treatment Treatment is microsurgical excision. The polyp should be properly grasped, pulled medially and carefully trimmed off by the scissors without causing damage to the cords. There is no true ulceration so the better term for this condition is obscure but there is usually a history of vocal is contact pachydermia. It results from the Theories of aetiology include inflammafaulty production of voice rather than from tory irritation and localised vascular disease its excessive use (Fig. The thickened hyperplastic epithelium gets Pathology heaped up around a crater, at the floor of which lies the vocal process. On indirect Localised vascular engorgement and microlaryngoscopy, the heaped edge of one side haemorrhages occur, followed by oedema may appear fitting in a crater on the opposite (Fig. Surgery is required if condifferentiate the polyp into three types: servative treatment fails. Laryngoscopy reveals translucent sessile or pedunculated lesion arising from the vocal cord usually near the anterior commissure and sometimes it arises from both the cords. The polyp may hang down into the subglottic region and become visible only on coughing or phonation. The plasia and keratinisation occur in chronic disease commonly occurs between 20 and 40 laryngitis. The area may appear as having warty or greyish papilPathology lomatous appearance. In destroy the bacilli and form epitheloid cells, hyperkeratosis histologically there is thickenwhich coalesce to form gaint cells. Coagulative ing of the stratum corneum with little or no necrosis occurs in the centre of tubercle and inflammatory reaction in the underlying caseation results. Hyperkeratosis and leukoplakia lead the initial stage is infiltration which is to premalignant dysplasia.

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