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Emilio Bouza, M.D., Ph.D.

  • Professor
  • Clinical Microbiology
  • University Complutense of Madrid
  • Chief
  • Clinical Microbiology and Infectious Diseases
  • Hospital General Universitario Gregorio
  • Mara?on (HGUGM)
  • Madrid, Spain

Patients must have avoided antihistamines and other interfering drugs as well as skin moisturisers prior to the procedure (see Section 2 erectile dysfunction alcohol levitra soft 20mg on line. The area to be tested should be exposed with no risk of clothing brushing across the test area and wiping the test solutions (especially wiping the solution onto another prick location) depression and erectile dysfunction causes safe levitra soft 20 mg. The room should be private and at a comfortable temperature especially if the patient needs to disrobe erectile dysfunction treatment in singapore buy cheap levitra soft. It is advisable to provide the patient with a magazine or something to occupy themselves for the 15 minutes or so that is required for the test to develop (and to distract them from any discomfort) erectile dysfunction drug cheap generic levitra soft uk. Reactions to allergen (but not histamine) are larger 22 on average on the back than the arm erectile dysfunction vacuum pump india generic 20 mg levitra soft mastercard, larger on the lower than the upper back erectile dysfunction pills don't work generic levitra soft 20mg otc, and on the upper forearm compared to the wrist. In the presence of appropriate controls these differences should not be clinically significant but because some small reactions can be close to the threshold for positivity, one study showed a slightly larger number of positive reactions on the back. Generally it is advisable 23 to site tests more than 5cm from the wrist and 3cm from the antecubital fossa. Positions for skin pricks should be marked by numbers on the skin to identify the allergen, and pricks should be made immediately adjacent to the numbers to avoid confusion between allergens. Skin prick tests 22 should be at least 2cm apart to avoid overlapping reactions and false-positive results. If a multi-test is used the orientation of the device should be marked and markings used to differentiate more than one device. Drop then prick A drop of allergen will be applied from the dropper bottle onto the skin prior to pricking the skin. The drop on the tip of the dropper can be touched on the skin to transfer the liquid but the actual tip of the dropper should not touch the skin. In cooperative patients or if a small number of allergens are used, all drops can be deposited before commencing pricking. In other cases it may be preferable to deposit a group of drops and prick them, then another group. In some cases, for example children with poor cooperation, it may be more practical to deposit each drop and prick each drop straight away. In patients with eczema who use moisturisers the drop may flatten or run more easily on the skin. Where many allergens are used it may be necessary to take into account the time that the first pricks are done compared with the last ones, when deciding the appropriate time to read the results. Many practitioners leave the drops on the skin until the test is ready to read but this is probably not necessary; the test solution can be blotted from the skin after pricking without compromising the eventual result. Dip then prick the allergen extract is placed into small wells in a multi-well tray. The dropper (Duotip, Stallerpoint, Multitest) is dipped into the allergen extract, withdrawn, and then applied to the skin with firm pressure (Figure 3. D) some advocate twisting the lancet to slightly shear the two tips into the skin and allow more allergen to penetrate. Parameters determined have included mean wheal size to histamine, false positive rate (wheal with saline), false negative rate (no wheal to histamine) (both parameters of accuracy) and reproducibility of wheal size. However it is difficult to draw conclusions because most studies are small, most have studied only a subset of available devices, and there is significant variability in methodology. It is likely that there is significant operator dependence for most devices; no studies have examined whether certain devices are less operator dependent than others. A direct comparison showed that twisting a dual-tip device increased the size of the histamine wheal but produced a significantly larger wheal to saline (potentially higher false-positive rate) and was more uncomfortable. Other studies showed that single prick devices were more sensitive and reproducible than multi-head devices (Yoon 2006), that the end or outer heads of some multi-head devices were more prone to variable results due to uneven pressure on the heads, and metal lancets were more sensitive than the Stallerpoint plastic device (Masse 2011). It is recommended that practitioners try out different devices and assess parameters such as cost, convenience, comfort and results. Where clinical decisions may depend on wheal size it is important to maintain a single technique to maximise reproducibility; if wheal sizes are being compared with the literature, the technique (and extracts) used should be taken into consideration. In practice the histamine wheal is usually still showing at 15 minutes and this is recommended as the optimal time for reading skin test results. Overall, the histamine result should be read at 10-15 minutes after the skin prick, and the allergens at 15-20 minutes. If the test is left for longer than 20 minutes the histamine and allergen response may diminish or be lost, and if not measured on time due to some delay, the test may need to be repeated. The standard and accepted method for quantifying the skin prick reaction is to measure the mean diameter of the wheal, using a ruler marked in mm (a transparent ruler is often most convenient; calipers are also available for this purpose). If the result is a circular wheal, one measurement of the diameter (in mm) is sufficient; if ovoid or irregular, it should be measured on the longest and shortest perpendicular axis and the numbers are added and divided by 2 (mean diameter). Some would argue that only the wheal should be recorded since flares show greater variability of measurement by observers. Pseudopods (irregular linear extensions of the wheal) are not included in the measurement, but may be marked separately; however their significance is unknown. Some practitioners advocate measuring the longest diameter; others use planimetry to produce 2 a measurement in mm; however mean diameter is easily measured and should be considered the standard. If the test has been carried out by a nurse or technician, it is important that the skin reactions should be inspected by the medical practitioner who ordered the test, to confirm the measurements and aid in interpretation, to monitor the quality of the test, and to determine whether any of the tests need to be repeated. For example, where there is an apparent discordance of results between allergens which are usually cross-reactive. It is now considered an essential part of good clinical practice to record at least the wheal diameter in numerical form and to not use a qualitative marking. Numbers should be removed from the skin, usually by cleaning with an alcohol solution (unless contraindicated by dry skin or a skin condition). Some measures may be taken to reduce discomfort, including topical creams to reduce itching such as urea creams (Urex), or an ice-pack. It is essential that the patient should receive counselling regarding the significance of the test results from the medical practitioner who ordered the test and receive information on any implications of the test, for example allergen avoidance etc. It is unnecessary to hold patients after a negative test, or where there have been only moderate skin prick test reactions to aeroallergens in a patient with no history of asthma. In the general setting, where there have been multiple positive results and there is a history of asthma or anaphylaxis, the patient should remain under observation for 40 minutes after the commencement of the test (~20 minutes after completion of the test). Skin prick test result forms should contain the following information: Name, address and contact information of the supervising practitioner (letterhead). In Australia it can be assumed that the majority of tests are carried out using Hollister-Stier extracts; if extracts are obtained from another company, or are prepared on site, or use fresh or frozen substances, this should be recorded. Practitioners may find a qualitative scale to be clinically useful for test interpretation. Such qualitative assessments should always be made by the medical practitioner inspecting the results after measurement. If a qualitative scale is used then the scale should be printed on the report form. Because a number of different scales are used, qualitative results may mean different things to different people. Therefore qualitative reporting is subject to misinterpretation by those who are not experienced or trained in allergy. Finally, some scales are intended for intradermal testing and misapplication to skin prick testing has led to further confusion in their use. In the presence of a history of an allergic condition (such as those listed in Section 2. A wheal of 3mm or greater is taken to indicate the presence of specific IgE to the allergen tested. When properly conducted, the skin prick test is a highly sensitive and specific test for the presence of allergen-specific IgE antibody. However, the presence of IgE antibody (as defined by a positive skin prick test) does not prove that the patient is clinically reactive to the allergen. The 3mm lower cutoff was determined because of reproducibility of measurement 1 rather than clinical relevance. It is evident that in general, larger skin test reactions predict a higher likelihood of a positive response to a 25,26 challenge, but do not predict severity of symptoms. These studies have indicated that for many allergens, a wheal size (lower cutoff) set at a larger size than 3mm would correlate better with clinical allergen reactivity. For example, a wheal size of >6mm may provide more specificity for the diagnosis of clinical dust mite allergy than the 3mm wheal. However, this remains to be firmly established; it will vary with different allergens, extracts from different sources, and different populations. Therefore a wheal of 3mm or greater is considered a positive skin prick test, but this must then be subjected to clinical interpretation. Many precautions need to be taken in skin prick test interpretation: Positive tests (sometimes even with large wheal size) may occur without clinical symptoms. The test result indicates that IgE is present, therefore the test is technically positive, but symptoms may not occur on exposure to that allergen. For example, in groups of patients, a subgroup with larger wheal size will contain a higher proportion of individuals who react to the allergen upon challenge than a subgroup with smaller wheal size. Real false positive or false negative tests are defined by being non-reproducible in the same individual. In some cases it is clear from the history that the adverse reaction is not caused by type-1 (IgE-mediated) allergy. Negative skin tests in the presence of a good history of adverse reactions should prompt consideration of other mechanisms. Ideally, the same rigor should be applied to technical aspects and interpretation of the results of skin prick tests as is applied to laboratory tests. Laboratory testing is subjected to strenuous quality control and ultimately, independent external assessment and accreditation; laboratory test results are evaluated with reference to populations of test subjects, and statistical analysis is used to determine the diagnostic significance of a test result at a particular level. Studies evaluating the diagnostic utility of skin prick testing are of varying quality and frequently suffer from population selection bias, lack of appropriate gold standard, absence of blinding and absence of estimates of uncertainty. Published studies of skin prick test evaluation may be of great interest, but can be related only to the particular allergen and test method used. It is not advisable to directly translate wheal size in published studies to local practice unless the allergen extract is the same or is standardised, and the device, site of test and technique used is similar. Variability of skin prick test results using different devices and different brand extracts can be considerable and not only the size of the reaction but the result. Nevertheless, challenge often allows figures such as positive and negative predictive value to be calculated. The positive predictive value is the probability that a positive test represents a true allergy. Many studies are emerging which attempt to determine the extent to which a particular wheal diameter can predict the risk of clinical reaction on challenge with a food. These studies have been used to suggest that challenge testing (in the case of suspected food allergy) 29 may not be necessary to confirm the diagnosis when the wheal reaches a certain diameter. However it is crucial to recognise that the likelihood of true allergy for any given skin test size will depend on the pre-test probability that the study subject has the allergy. For example the pre-test probability of peanut allergy is different in a child with a history of urticaria after eating nuts compared with a child who has eczema but no history of nut ingestion, in whom the test is performed for screening purposes. Therefore the predictive value varies in individuals with different histories, and may vary in hospital, specialist or general practice populations. A more useful figure is the likelihood ratio, which is a reflection of the degree to which the test result changes the probability that the patient has the allergy. These factors need to be taken into account not only in evaluating published studies but in applying the results of diagnostic testing to individual patients. We should note that the importance of optimal interpretation of skin prick test results depends on the allergic condition in question and the allergen being tested. For example the erroneous interpretation of skin test results for aeroallergens in a patient with allergic rhinitis might result in inappropriate allergen avoidance strategies, which may be inconvenient, but erroneous interpretation of food allergy tests can have much more serious consequences such as inappropriate dietary restrictions which might be deleterious to health, or inappropriate exposure to foods which might be dangerous. Therefore, taken together with the fact that skin testing for food is inherently more difficult to interpret, we suggest that it should be restricted to specialist practitioners. When immunotherapy for inhalant allergens is being considered, the correct interpretation of skin prick test results becomes more critical since misdiagnosis may lead to inappropriate treatment, and again it should be carried out by specialists in these circumstances. Interpretation of skin test results should be carried out by an experienced practitioner who is familiar with all of these factors. Challenge testing is also used in the research context with the specific purpose of validating the results of diagnostic tests. Challenge tests can be done by respiratory exposure (nasal or bronchial challenges) or using eyedrops of allergen solution (ocular challenge), generally with graded concentrations. Challenge testing, particularly for food and drugs, may carry significant risk and must be done with full informed consent, under close observation and monitoring, in a setting where all safety measures have been taken and equipment is readily available to treat any reactions including anaphylaxis.

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The study is and Depression Severity in Patients with ongoing with a planned sample size of 50 patients. It has been suggested that blue-enriched light pression, sleep disorders and so on. Here of the cardiovascular system and particularly in case of hyperten we use a model of prolonged photoperiod (20 h light, 4 h dark; 20:4 sion. The data was processed with Conclusions: Prolonged photoperiod has short and long software Dataquest A. Light can be a powerful countermeasure exposure become available, we can update the values of the mod for circadian misalignment and sleepiness. A study on these models were developed by fitting mathematical functions to patients with traumatic brain injury showed the benefits of light the average of data collected in studies with human subjects, they therapy in alleviating fatigue and daytime sleepiness (Sinclair et will always give the same response to an input, which does not ac al. Instead, we con search reported here is to characterize sleep and mood disruption sider that the function parameters in the models differ between in patients with brain injury to determine if light therapy can im individuals, as they reflect physiological characteristics, such as prove such symptoms. A third, five-week lighting in between model output and the real-life response of that individual, terventional study is in progress. By processing light exposure and Placebo light units are accentuated light in the long wavelengths, actigraphy data recorded over several days with the proposed Par hypothesized to be less active for stimulating the circadian system. When correlating these to their Munich Chronotype Ques esized to be more active for circadian stimulation. In all studies tionnaire midsleep time, a significant relationship was found: r > measurements include actigraphy and validated mood, fatigue, and 0. Conclusions: the results are potentially important to the medical care of patients with brain injury. Our earlier analysis of lighting scenes confirmed Neurophysiology and Medical Psychology, Centre for that scenes with the same vertical illuminance can have very di verse luminance patterns within the visual field. The aim of this study Medical Center, Amsterdam, the Netherlands is to investigate the impact of two very different luminance distri butions with the same illuminance and the same melanopic-weight Objectives: Depression and type 2 diabetes often co-occur. Light therapy has shown to be an effective anti importance of this design parameter on alertness during daytime. The circadian system is also involved in the lighting scenes in an office-like test room. The experiments will regulation of glucose metabolism, in particular by modulating pe be conducted at day and nighttime. From this, two very different lel trial in which 83 patients with depression and type 2 diabetes luminance distributions in the visual field will be defined for this were exposed to active light (10,000 lux, broad-spectrum white study. Acute alertness will be assessed in both the night and day meeting June 2018 we will present the effects of light therapy on time condition. A pilot study, preceding the main study, should absolute and significant reduction in depressive symptoms, de address the following questions: Which method is adequate for pression remission, and subjective and objective sleep measures. Beekman has received unrestricted Julie Carrier funding from Lundbeck (speakers bureau). Non-visual effects of light could decrease with aging, and Light Therapy: Is it Safe for the Eyes. However, both the brain and the eye (lens yellowing, Annelies Brouwer1, Huang-Ton Nguyen2, Frank J. Beekman1, light on cognitive brain functions varies in aging and whether age Annette C. Bremmer1 related ocular changes contribute to the variations are not estab 1Department of Psychiatry, Amsterdam Public Health lished. The effects of light were, however, stronger in young individuals including in the hip Objectives: Light therapy has become an increasingly popu pocampus and frontal and cingular cortices. Light effects did not lar treatment for depression and a range of other neuropsychiatric significantly differ between older individuals with their natural conditions. Yet, concerns have been raised about the ocular safety lenses and older individual with intraocular replacement. A PubMed search on January 4, 2017, iden non-visual cognitive brain activity in aging but less than in young tified 6708 articles, of which 161 were full-text reviewed. The absence of differences between older individuals with 43 articles reporting on ocular complaints and ocular examinations clear or natural lenses supports that the aging brain adapts to pro were included in the analyses. Based on individual stud ies, no evident relationship between the occurrence of complaints and light therapy dose was found. There was no evidence for ocular A17 damage due to light therapy, with the exception of one case report that documented the development of a maculopathy in a person Differences in Energy Expenditure treated with the photosensitizing antidepressant clomipramine. The ocular safety Katerina Cervena1,2, Roman Solc2, Katarina Baranyaiova3, of light therapy in persons with preexisting ocular abnormalities or Zdenka Bendova1,2 increased photosensitivity warrants further study. However, theo 1 Department of Sleep Medicine and Chronobiology, retical considerations do not substantiate stringent ocular safety-re National Institute of Mental Health, Klecany, Czech lated contraindications for light therapy. The systematic review of 2 the ocular safety of light therapy was complicated due to varying Republic; Faculty of Science, Charles University, Prague, Czech Republic; 3Faculty of Arts, Charles University, and often poor reporting of light therapy treatment characteristics in research articles. We believe that concise reporting of light therapy Prague, Czech Republic treatment characteristics may enhance the comparability of different light therapy treatments, particularly in the meta-analysis of clinical Objectives: the main objective of this project is to evaluate trials. Beekman has received unrestricted chronotype can be influenced by many other factors. In both condi a larger population sample to determine polymorphic variants of tions, participants will receive three large doses of bright light selected clock genes involved in the genetic basis of chronotype across three days in a laboratory environment controlled for ambient formation. Participants in the traditional phototherapy Methods: 15 morning types and 18 evening types partici condition will receive bright light in the phase delay portion of the pated in the winter testing and 17 morning types and 15 evening phase response curve and darkness (<10 lux) in the phase advance types participated in the summer testing. Cardio be delivered via light box for periods of 30 minutes that are alter metabolic parameters were measured during maximal exercise er nated with 500 lux of ambient light. Heart rate, blood pressure, inhaled O2 and exhaled <10 lux during wakefulness, and complete darkness during sleep. Results: Preliminary results indicate more pronounced dif Conclusions: this study takes the first steps in translating ferences between morning and evening cardiopulmonary response mathematically optimized phototherapy into real-world interven to exercise performed in winter and relatively worse performance tions. Assessing the Impact of Light-at-Night on Sleep, Circadian Function and on Physical and Mental Well-Being Michael Cleary-Gaffney, Andrew N. This study aims to gain a better understanding of the main Objectives: In a fast-paced and globalizing economy, there sources of light-at-night in home settings and whether individuals is growing demand for non-traditional work schedules. In addition, the study aims nied by the adverse consequences of circadian misalignment. This allows to cross-reference the individuals subjective ically optimized phototherapy schedule to create larger phase perception of outdoor light against the objective measure of out shifts than traditional phototherapy. The day/night activity index correlated significant having an effect on somatic symptoms (p = 0. When examining objective measures active (Xe) group who improved more than the placebo treated of outdoor light and the subjective perception of outdoor light, no patients. Results also indicate that the perception of correlate significantly with the score reduction. The perception that light emitting devices disrupt sleep depression with better treatment outcome. However, the same A21 effects were not observed for indoor light outside the bedroom. There was a mismatch between the objective measures of outdoor Caffeine or Light at Night; Effects on Sleep light and the subjective perception of outdoor light. It may be that and Circadian Rhythms in Rodents individuals who report having poor sleep and poor health have a Tom Deboer heightened negative perception of light-at-night in the bedroom. Laboratory for Neurophysiology, Department of Cell and Funding/Disclosures: John & Pat Hume Doctoral Scholar Chemical Biology, Leiden University Medical Center, ship. Leiden, the Netherlands the presentation will summarize recent data regarding the in fluence of sleep deprivation, light and caffeine on circadian clock A20 functioning. These can be single influences, but it has also been Actimetric Day/Night Index as a Predictor of shown that they can interact. Treatment Response in Depression Light is the most important zeitgeber for the circadian clock. Mazhara2, Sleep deprivation was shown to reduce the phase shifting capacity Sergei V. It yields indirect measures of certain sleep param normalized after application of caffeine. More recently it was eters, and when measured over several days, it may also approxi shown that caffeine not only decreases sleep pressure, but also mate circadian measures, such as circadian phase (based on mid slows down the circadian clock. Both in cell cultures and in intact sleep), circadian amplitude (based on the day/night activity index) mice and humans it was shown that the clock is delayed or circa and day-to-day sleep-wake cycle variability. The effects try-based circadian measures in depressed patients during xenon in vivo were particularly strong when combined with constant treatment. We have new data, extending this research, which with nitrogen/oxygen was inhaled in sub-anesthetic doses for 15 shows that the amplitude in the sleep-wake cycle is also increased minutes daily for 10 days (excluding weekends). The actimetric indices were calcu Finally, constant light or dim-light at night disturbs sleep in lated manually (mid-sleep) or using the MotionWare 1. Subjec have now performed additional experiments in older mice and tive sleepiness was significantly reduced in the first hour of light show that the effect of dim light at night is less strong in aged mice. Our results indicate that lighting conditions with higher mela influence of light on the circadian clock. At higher light intensities the alerting effects are mixed and interact with spectral compositions, and thus are less obvious. Hedwig-Krankenhaus, Berlin, er distribution of the light, duration, timing, light history, and Germany; 4Intellux GmbH, Berlin, Germany spatial distribution of the light. Due to this complexity, proper documentation of experimental conditions and procedures to en Objectives: this study aimed to determine how subjective sure future applicability and reproducibility seems to be of utmost and objective sleepiness under well controlled conditions were af importance. The polychro effects of light during daytime require an extended description of matic white light conditions differed in peak wavelength of the the considered lighting conditions. The lighting conditions are the laboratory four times, arriving one hour after habitual wake-up typically included in the description of the experimental set-up, times while wearing dark goggles. They were exposed for 3 h to a reflected in vertical illuminances or melanopic-weighted irradi lighting condition, starting ~3 h after wake-up. In ad ness by visual analogue scales were measured hourly and analyzed dition, binocular light exposure realizes a higher melatonin sup with mixed linear models. We also ments, such as the vertical illuminance or melanopic-weighted found a trend for a reduction of objective sleepiness by higher light irradiance are not suitable to describe the studied lighting condi intensities, which was greatest at 1200 lx (F2,882 = 2. The measurements will be used Conclusions: Actigraphy may be a complementary tool to to look into the development of simplified sensors that can be ap clinical interview and self-reported questionnaires in the assess plied at a larger scale. Funding/Disclosures: this work was supported by Innova tive Medicines Initiative 2 Joint undertaking under grant agree ment No 115902. A24 Physical Activity, Sleep and Circadian Rhythm Patterns in Depressive and Anxiety Disorders: A 2-Week Ambulatory A25 Assessment Study Novel Biomarkers for Circadian Rhythms Sonia Difrancesco1, Femke Lamers1, Harriette Riese2, and Sleep Kathleen R. Assess University Medical Center Groningen, Interdisciplinary ment of sleep and circadian rhythmicity has traditionally relied on Center for Psychopathology and Emotion Regulation, subjective measures of sleep, sleepiness and circadian preference, University of Groningen, Groningen, the Netherlands; 3 polysomnography, long term assessment of rest-activity cycles, Genetic Epidemiology Branch, Intramural Research and time series of markers of circadian rhythmicity such as mela Program, National Institute of Mental Health, Bethesda, tonin or core body temperature. Recent progress in the discovery biased by patient cognitive impairment and negative perception. Methods: Data of 360 participants with current (n = 94), re mitted (n = 176) and no (n = 90) depression/anxiety was obtained from the Netherlands Study of Depression and Anxiety. Contribution of three parameters to learning vation and morning light therapy and has been successfully used was assessed: (a) time of training (morning vs. Some predictors of response to chronotherapy tween-session (consolidation phase) learning and fully retain prac have been identified, such as diurnal mood variability and higher tice-dependent performance gains attained at the end of practice levels of clinician-observed arousal. It is worthwhile to search for session a week after training; (2) the initial level of speed of motor other predictors in order to improve the use of chronobiological performance and the course of learning of older adults are different interventions in treatment of depressive disorders. However, accuracy of performance ability have been documented for those who responded to chrono is similar to that of the younger peers; (3) Participants trained in therapy. It is of great interest to measure activity-rest rhythms pri the evening expressed overnight consolidation phase gains, in ad or to chronotherapy as this may provide more answers.

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Those with specialised licences May need to undergo further tests to ensure they are fit to drive. Sexual activity increases the heart rate and blood pressure, which increases the amount of work the heart, has to do. However, if you are able to walk 300 yards or climb two flights of stairs with no chest pain or breathlessness then it is safe to resume sexual activity two to three weeks after the heart attack. Alcohol: During the first few weeks after your heart attack it is best to limit the amount of alcohol you drink, and be aware that it may affect any sleeping tablets you are taking. If you are on anti-coagulation tablets such as warfarin it is particularly important not to binge drink as this will impact on how the drug is processed by your system. Further information regarding this is provided in the diet section of this leaflet. Do not attempt to walk when you are feeling tired, when the weather is freezing cold or very windy and within one hour of a bath or shower 2. In cold weather dress up warmly and wear a scarf loosely over your mouth and nose. If you experience any of the following symptoms with exercise you should reduce your walking distance for a few days Chest pain Excessive breathlessness, which persists for more than 10 minutes after exercise Dizziness or faintness Nausea or vomiting after exercise Prolonged tiredness, lasting for more than 24 hours after exercise 10. One way to reduce some of the risk factors is to modify your diet, reducing the saturated fat content and increasing the amount of foods that are beneficial for the heart (cardio-protective). A healthy diet can help lower cholesterol levels, keep blood pressure down and reduce weight. Eating more fruit and vegetables: Aim to eat at least five portions of fruit and vegetables a day. There is evidence to show that a diet rich in fruit and vegetables lowers the risk of heart disease. Eating less fat and reducing cholesterol: Cholesterol is the substance that is taken up by the artery walls and develops into atherosclerosis or narrowing of the coronary arteries. Eating healthily can reduce your total cholesterol level by 5-10%, therefore reducing one of the risk factors associated with coronary heart disease. The cholesterol found in foods (called dietary cholesterol) such as eggs, prawns and kidneys does not usually have a big impact on your blood cholesterol levels. Saturated fats are found in butter, hard cheese, lard, dripping, ghee, coconut oil and palm oil. To help your heart, try to eat more unsaturated fats such as olive oil and rape seed oil. Eat more fish and fish oil: Eating regular amounts of fish, especially oily fish can help reduce the risk of heart disease and improve survival after a heart attack. People who have had a heart attack are recommended to eat at least three portions of oily fish a week. The oil in fish that has a beneficial effect on the heart is omega-3 and it can be found in herring, kippers, mackerel, pilchards, sardines, salmon, trout and fresh tuna. Sources of omega-3 for vegetarians include nuts and seeds (almonds, peanuts, walnuts and linseeds), linseed and walnut oil, soya products such as tofu and eggs from chickens fed on a diet rich in omega-3. Your nurse while in hospital or a member of the cardiac rehabilitation team will be able to tell you if you are overweight. It is important to remember that diet and exercise are both required to help you lose weight and keep it off. Reducing Salt Intake: High amounts of salt in your diet are linked closely with high blood pressure. Most people eat well above the recommended daily maximum, which is 6 grams (1 teaspoonful). Apart from reducing salt added at the table or in cooking it is important to look very closely at the packaging of foods. Moderate Drinking: There is research to show that drinking between one and two units of alcohol a day has a protective benefit on the heart. Weetabix, Fruit and Fibre and Branflakes Fill up on vegetables and fruit, remember 5 portions a day!. Exercise is good for you after a heart attack for the following reasons: E It helps lower blood pressure E Physical activity as part of rehabilitation reduces the risk of dying after a heart attack E Exercise reduces the chance of developing diabetes and if you already have diabetes it can help control it E It helps you to lose weight Physical activity will also help in other ways: E Relieve stress E Reduce the risk of osteoporosis E Increase energy levels E Helps you relax the best exercise for the heart is aerobic activity. This is exercise that uses the large muscle groups (legs, shoulders, arms) in a repetitive way. This type of exercise requires more oxygen and so increases the work of the heart and the lungs. Over time this increased workload stimulates the body to make changes so that your heart and circulation are more efficient. After you have finished your home walking programme we recommend that you try to aim for half an hour of moderate intensity exercise four to five times a week. It is important that you take all the medications as you have been instructed to by the pharmacist. The medications you are prescribed are given to help the heart or your circulation work more efficiently. Angiotensin is a chemical that narrows the arteries and so this drug works to prevent the chemical having its effect on the circulation. They also help to lower blood pressure if it is high and reduce the risk of having another heart attack. However, they are not used in patients with asthma or wheezing as they can cause narrowing of the airways. Do not stop taking these drugs suddenly as this can make angina worse or bring on a heart attack. Side Effects flushing, headache, swollen ankles, nausea Statins (Simvastatin, Atorvastatin, Fluvastatin) these drugs work to reduce the amount of cholesterol produced by the liver. They are taken at night when the liver produces most cholesterol and are recommended for all patients who are at risk of coronary heart disease and have raised cholesterol levels. Anti-platelets (Aspirin, Clopidigrel) In small doses aspirin reduces the stickiness of platelets, which are the cells that join together to form clots. Aspirin reduces the risk of dying after a heart attack and having another heart attack. Side Effects indigestion, nausea, stomach bleeding Anti-coagulants (Heparin, Warfarin) Anticoagulants help prevent fibrin (a part of blood clots) forming. Because of the effects these drugs have on bleeding you will need to take regular blood tests to check the clotting levels of the blood. It is important to carry an Anticoagulant Card with you if you are on warfarin and let any doctors or nurses know about this treatment. Alcohol increases the effect of warfarin so it is important to avoid excessive or binge drinking. Diuretics (Frusemide, Spironolactone) these drugs increase the amount of water and salt that leaves the body. Patients who live out of area or have heart failure will be referred to the appropriate centre. The programme runs for 6 weeks and you are expected to attend twice a week for this period. The session(s) run for one and a half hours and comprise of warm up, exercise and relaxation. There are also Educational Talks held every Thursday on the following subjects: 1. Basic Life Support You are invited to bring your partner or relatives to these education sessions. The exercise class is composed of a circuit of exercises and you will be shown how to exercise at an intensity that is appropriate for you. The relaxation therapy session will show you different techniques to help you relax and takes about 20 minutes. You will also be asked to repeat this appointment on completion of the programme so that you can be aware of any changes that have occurred. Everything seems to have changed and your self-confidence has temporarily deserted you. Almost everyone has these feelings and this is one of the reasons why the Hillingdon Hospital Heart Support Group was formed. The group meets monthly and enables you to chat to others in the same boat over a cup of tea in a relaxed atmosphere. Regular speakers are booked to keep you informed on a variety of topics and to answer any questions you may have. Meeting Venue: Post Graduate Centre, Hillingdon Hospital Meeting Day: Fourth Tuesday of every month Meeting Time: 7. Please send details of the Hillingdon Hospital Heart Support Group to: Mr/Mrs/Ms. There can be no guarantees with respect to pipeline products that the products will receive the necessary regulatory approvals or that they will prove to be commercially successful. If underlying assumptions prove inaccurate or risks or uncertainties materialize, actual results may differ materially from those set forth in the forward-looking statements. The company undertakes no obligation to publicly update any forward-looking statement, whether as a result of new information, future events or otherwise. Roy Baynes, Head of Clinical Development and Chief Medical Officer, and Mike Nally, Chief Marketing Officer Future of Merck R&D: Panel Discussion Merck Research Laboratories Leadership: Dr. Abduction pillow shoulder sling Correct way to wear Correct way to wear Splints and Braces Cont. Abduction pillow shoulder sling Wrong way to wear Wrong way to wear Splints and Braces Cont. Arm sling Correct way to wear Wrong way to wear Cold Compression Routinely used immediately after acute injury or following surgery Cold can help reduce pain by reducing inflammation and swelling Skin Care Issues Pressure ulcer is localized injury to the skin and/or underlying tissue usually over a bony prominence, as a result of pressure, or pressure in combination with shear and/or friction. Stage 1 Pressure Ulcer Stage 2 Pressure Ulcer Pressure Ulcer Off load heals Monitor bony prominences Keep skin dry Straight linens Reposition Monitor where tubing lays (oxygen tubing on Get out of bed ears) Orthopaedic Complications Surgical Site Infection Redness Errythema Delayed healing Swelling Fever Purulent discharge Pain Drainage Tenderness Increased pain Warmth Surgical Site Infection Cont. Compartment Syndrome A condition in which there is increased pressure in a closed compartment preventing blood flow and oxygen from reaching muscles and nerves causing damage. If not identified and treated immediately Permanent nerve damage Tissue necrosis Muscle death Amputation Compartment Syndrome Cont. Do not apply ice to suspected site, this can constrict blood flow causing more damage Fat Embolism Rare clinical condition in which fat emboli lead to multisystem dysfunction respiratory dysfunction cerebral dysfunction petechial rash Fat Embolism Cont. Greatest risk is days 2-5 postoperatively with second peak period about 10 days postoperatively. Treatment: Anticoagulants -Thrombolytics Pulmonary Embolism Blockage in one or more arteries in the lung commonly caused by blood clots traveling to the lungs from another part of the body (legs) Knee and hip replacement surgery are one of leading problems for blood clots. Other signs/symptoms Clammy or cyanotic skin Leg pain and/or swelling Anxiety Excessive sweating Tachycardia, tachypnea, palpitations Lightheadedness or dizziness Pulmonary Embolism Cont. Cold compression in the management of musculoskeletal injuries and ortopedic operative procedures: a narrative review. Chapter 13: Preventive care: follow-up, avoiding smoking, and All rights reserved. Pictures 1 and 2; Figures 1-5; and the front cover were published with permission of Atos Medical Inc. I was diagnosed with laryngeal cancer in 2006 and was initially treated with a course of radiation. Afer experiencing a recurrence two years later, my doctors recommended that total laryngectomy was the best assurance for eradicating the cancer. As I write this, it has been over fve years since my operation; there has been no sign of recurrence. Afer becoming a laryngectomee, I realized the magnitude of the challenges faced by new laryngectomees in learning how to care for themselves.

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Major In general no diference is found in symptomatology and QoL complications were observed in 0. On the other hand the objective surgical complication rate for the group with nasal polyps was 11. Only one major complication was reported, paediatric group (45%), whereas the geriatric group showed a cerebrospinal fstula which was repaired intra-operatively. The diferences in objective outcome the complication rate for chronic sinusitis without polyps was among the three groups were signifcant, and patient age 4%. The diference between complication rates of the two was a predictive variable for surgical result based on multiple groups was statistically signifcant (p=0. A retrospective medical record review by Devars du Mayne increasing age was signifcantly positively correlated with the et al. This better objective outcome in the elderly could not be observed in either group although few complications were substantiated by Reh, however his elderly group comprised of seen in the polypectomy group (8% vs 18. The only reported complications occurred signifcantly more frequently than in complication of the study was bleeding, seen in 7 patients. A study evaluated outcome of sinus surgery in 180 and peripheral eosinophil levels. However, higher surgical were less likely to sufer from post-operative recurrent sinonasal complication rates were found in 2 reports. Moreover, general disease when treated post-operatively with nasal corticosteroids anaesthesia bears higher risks and the capacity to recover (27). The study showed 23,4% prevalence of with chronic rhinosinusitis with and without nasal polyposis asthma compared to the 5% in adult general population. These facial pain and headache were more prevalent among women, patients had also signifcantly higher prevalence of polyps while nasal obstruction was more prevalent among men. There was no statistically signifcant patients needing primary sinus surgery, but patients with diference in the improvement of the other presenting asthma did require signifcantly more revision sinus surgeries symptoms, comparing the gender (1915). T scan staging are at higher risk for the development of more severe headache and postnasal discharge (746, 1922-1924). Self reported rhinosinusitis was associated with bronchial asthma in 70% of the 2500 study participants. Consistently, the infuence of the type of infammation on treatment is symptom scores improved signifcantly in both asthmatics contradictory. Fourteen of the 15 patients meeting study criteria 1521, 1923), but not in all studies (1910, 1926). Asthma with and without aspirin intolerance was shown to be a determinant of recurrence after 6. The authors describe the somewhat improved more in the aspirin tolerant patients than in the intricate base of evidence and conclude that the weight aspirin patients (1519). They beneft from sinus surgery, but to a lesser extent demonstrated in the subgroup with nasal polyps. Allergy and atopy concomitant asthma; that associated with nasal polyposis In most studies, the diagnosis of allergy was based solely on benefts more from medical therapy (level Ib). Haruna and the presence of a positive skin prick test and/or serum specifc coworkers also showed that asthma was negative factor in the IgE determinations. But also quit some studies did not interference with atopy In recent studies allergy 6. Immune dysfunction did not seem to be a determinant of treatment failure (1926, 1942 Immune defciency states are frequently associated with 1944). Persistent is medical, in refractory cases targeted to the identifed colonisation with Pseudomonas aeruginosa is a common organisms. The paranasal sinuses often harbor distinct bacterial do not respond to targeted medical treatment. The paranasal sinuses potentially constitute 16 months, 14 of the endoscopic sinus surgery patients reported a protected niche of adapted clones of P. Between 1987 and 1991, 36 patients were treated sinus surgery was performed and repeated sinus aspirates and with minimal invasive sinus surgery just addressing the involved broncho-alveolar lavages were obtained for microbiological sinus with only 20% clinical improvement. Symptom and well-being scores improved antimicrobial antral lavages (n=32) was compared with a historic signifcantly following endoscopic sinus surgery, whereas control group receiving conventional sinus surgery without olfactory thresholds did not improve signifcantly (Evidence postoperative lavages (n=19). If detected early, combined surgical and antifungal in repeated surgery at 1 year (10% vs. Not all studies report positive efects of sinus surgery on the lower airways (1946). Gram-positive bacteria were isolated in tendency to recur, repeated sinus surgery is often needed to 27%. Prognosis is associated with severity scores approximating those of was poor when cranial and orbital involvement and/or bony facial pressure, headache, and nasal discharge. Approximately 30% of the 79 included patients suffered from decreased T-cell function 6. Bioflm and approximately 20% had some form of immunoglobulin Bacterial bioflm formation was shown to be signifcantly deficiency. Common variable immunodeficiency was associated with positive culture results, prior sinus surgeries, and diagnosed in 10%. Asthma and bioflm-forming bacteria Recently, the relevance of isolated immunoglobulin or IgG were shown to be independently associated with revision sinus subclass deficiencies has been challenged and vaccine surgeries for chronic rhinosinusitis (1923). Although one of the studies suggest that increased smoking may contribute to worse post-operative endoscopy scores (770). Occupational exposure They followed the patients for up to 26 weeks after treatment It is known that airway exposure to occupational agents can and show no signifcant diferences in cure rate among the give rise to occupational airway disease (1975). It was recently treatments based on history, physical exam or maxillary shown that exposure at work also appears to be a risk factor for sinus flms. Gastro-oesophageal refux the placebo group actually received saline drops which might Chambers et al (1421) showed in one hundred eighty-two patients have been helpful in and of themselves. Further, this study that only gastro-oesophageal refux disease was statistically does not assess the state of the ethmoid sinuses and used plain signifcant as a predictor of poor symptomatic outcome. After 6 correlated with the number of revision surgeries, with an almost weeks, there was no signifcant diference in resolution rate linear response. However, from the nature of the study it could between the children on cefaclor (64. Multiple factors contribute to the disease including typically for longer periods of time that vary between 3 and bacteriologic and infammatory factors. Because of the lack of data to support this practice, a prominent contributor to this entity in the paediatric age its usefulness must be weighed against the increasing risks group. The mainstay of therapy is medical with surgical therapy of inducing antimicrobial resistance. Medical treatment of chronic patterns which might be diferent in diferent countries. Further, rhinosinusitis in children it is advisable to always treat with as narrow a spectrum of 6. The strength of sinus irrigation and selective adenoidectomy followed by one the evidence for the efcacy of antibiotics alone is unfortunately to 4 weeks of culture-directed intravenous antibiotics (1979). The improvement in outcomes measured with no signifcant retrospective design, lack of randomization, and lack of placebo diferences between the groups. The decongestant group used to assign beneft to intravenous antibiotic therapy when other 120% more drug than prescribed, demonstrating the potential interventions were utilized such as irrigation/aspiration of the for these medications to be overused. A recent Cochrane review analysed randomized controlled trials in which saline was evaluated in comparison with either 6. Corticosteroids no treatment, a placebo, as an adjunct to other treatments, There are no randomized controlled trials evaluating the efect or against other treatments (1736). A recent randomized, Evidence also exists in favor of saline as a treatment adjunct placebo-controlled, double blind trial was conducted in children and saline was not as efective as an intranasal steroid. All studies showed that sinusitis symptoms or outcomes improved in half or more patients after adenoidectomy. Surgical treatment of chronic were sufciently similar to undergo meta-analysis and, in rhinosinusitis in children these, the summary estimate of the proportion of patients who signifcantly improved after adenoidectomy was 69. All children received post-operative antibiotics for 2 weeks between practitioners and practice locations. This data suggests that antral symptoms with an 88% success rate and a low complication rate irrigation adds to the efcacy of adenoidectomy and also (1993). In this study, the cannulation success rate was 91% concha bullosa), as well as anterior bulla ethmoidectomy and and the majority of the sinuses addressed were maxillaries. The most common not balloon maxillary sinuplasty imparts additional beneft fndings in these patients were adhesions (57%) and maxillary to irrigation alone, in combination with adenoidectomy, sinus ostium stenosis or missed maxillary sinus ostium (52%). Sinonasal polyposis, history of allergic rhinitis, and clear that prospective, randomised, controlled clinical trials male gender were signifcantly more frequently observed in the should be undertaken. An additional arm that includes maxillary sinus wash plus/minus balloon dilation followed by medical therapy might also be included. In addition, the choice of instrument will depend upon the aim of outcome measurement. As All instruments must have a published psychometric validation symptoms drive a patient to seek medical care, measurement of in the appropriate setting. Further quality assessment was undertaken using the scoring system described Quality of life is measured using one of a growing number of by van Oene (2000) et al. These allow comprehensively captures aspects of instrument validity, quantitative assessment of otherwise subjective results. Individual questions are scored according to severity or test-retest reliability, content, convergent and discriminant impact of disease, and then scores are combined to produce an validity, responsiveness, and calculation of the minimally overall score. There are now in both a forward and backward direction to ensure the original 201 European Position Paper on Rhinosinusitis and Nasal Polyps 2012 meaning of the items is retained, and then must be revalidated 7. While the socio-economic burden of acute rhinosinusitis has been measured in terms of medical consultation, medication 7. Results usage and absenteeism, there is a relative paucity in the litera the identifed outcome instruments and key properties are ture regarding the impact of acute sinusitis on quality of life. In a prospective randomized, double general health perceptions, vitality, social functioning, role blind, placebo-controlled trial (311), comparing the efect of limitations due to emotional problems, and mental health. This was remarkably similar to the results observed patient treated in a university hospital for severe chronic at 3 months (25. A series of various symptom scoring systems and more than 18 survey patients were recruited from their centre. There was no statistically to a similar degree following surgery, with an overall efect size signifcant diference. Fatigue medication costs for the last group with recurrent polyps after and bodily pain were more severe than general population surgery with a higher cost for this group of $ 865. Here data the impact on diferent treatment modalities is considered in were extracted from the National Health interview survey over more detail in each relevant section. All sinus-related health care utilization costs an emergency department, one third (33. In the second year post procedure they drop therapies to achieve relief and it is difcult to accurately an additional $446 to $1,118 per year. This decrease was mostly diagnose the condition without radiologic or diagnostic due to a lower amount of doctor visits, there was only a minor procedures (2035). Important to mention is that the costs in the 4th semester postoperative the highest costs were made by the group with remain higher than in the frst semester preoperative, possibly recurrent polyps after surgery infammation does not return to premorbid levels. For the the year prior to surgery the disease burden augments and also expenditures next components are taken into consideration: causes a strong increase in costs ($2,449/patient/year). Data come from the the 2 post-operative years Market Scan Commercial Claims and Encounters Database from 2003 to 2008. Likely this might cause a selection important questions remain unanswered, like: What would be of more severe cases. The above studies show that also acute sinusitis is an important Which link is there between disease severity and costs. Direct costs of acute rhinosinusitis disease burden to chronic conditions as asthma. Literature does Besides the pathology of chronic rhinosinusitis, also acute not give an answer to the question how much one episode of rhinosinusitis can be an economic burden. Anand estimated acute sinusitis would cost; this can be an objective for future in 2004 that there are approximately 20 million cases of acute investigations. This entity was in the study of Bhattacharyya the studies of direct medical costs demonstrate a tremendous defned as at least 4 claims of sinusitis in 12 months, with social economic burden of Rhinosinusitis.

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Several key themes are associated with the practice of rural surgery like professional isolation, frequent call coverage, and lifestyle concerns. Rural surgeons are mainly man, on average older than their urban counterparts and professional isolation is a common and ongoing concern as many rural surgeons worry about maintaining infrequently used skills or learning new techniques. Communities with fewer than 15 000 residents usually rely on General Practitioner surgeons to deliver Emergency Surgical care and some degree of elective surgical care. There is no discussion on the volume-outcome relation for complex surgical procedures. Although procedural safety is the starting point for decision of the location of a procedure, a holistic approach to risk must be applied to the context of such decision in Rural Emergency Surgery. The means and risk of patient travel, the distance to cover, patient comorbidities, the social cost of separation from family and community and immediate or long-term financial implications should be taken into account in such decision. Sending surgical cases to referral centers can have negative financial consequences for rural hospitals, where a substantial amount, up to 30% to 40%, of billed charges derived from surgery. Trauma, Gastrointestinal bleeding, hepatobiliopancreatic pathology, postoperative complications, vascular pathology and severe soft tissue infections are among the most common diagnosis of transferred patients from rural surgical emergency services. Less frequent others are appendicitis, bowel obstruction, acute abdomen or intra-abdominal sepsis of unknown origin and so on. Interhospital transfer is required when the needs of the patient exceed the resources of the referring hospital and aims to improve patient outcome. A safe and timely transfer is specially important for the surgical patient who may deteriorate quickly and need immediate operation or invasive intervention. A good communication between referring and receiving clinicians can help and a checklist system detailing necessary communication between hospitals has been shown to reduce time to definitive treatment in trauma patients. Provided its magnitude, a specific health focus on Rural Emegency Surgery and Transfer is needed in medical and political levels. A common implementation strategy may be difficult attending to political and orographic differences in European countries, but minimal standards should be given. Interhospital transfer of acute general surgical patients in the Taranaki region of New Zealand. Transfer rates and use of post-acute care after surgery at critical access vs non-critical access hospitals. Comparison of urban and rural general surgeons: motivations for practice location, practice patterns and education requirements. Prospective analysis of rural interhospital transfer of injured patients to a referral trauma center. Reduction of time to definitive care in trauma patients: effectiveness of a new checklist system. How are volume-outcome associations related to models of health care funding and delivery. Qualification discrepancies between urban and rural emergency department physicians. Interhospital transfers of patients with surgical emergencies: areas for improvement. Introduction 1 the ageing of the population is a multi-factorial and complex process, irreversible, global 2 and with important social and economic implications, above all in developed countries. It is indisputable that as the world population is ageing, the demand for healthcare is increasing. Emergency surgery on elderly, due to its volume of patients, wide breadth of surgical 3 pathology, complexity of the cases with high surgical risk, and also current quality standards for outcomes and resource management, represents one of the main focal areas in modern 4 surgery. Defining the elderly An arbitrary numerical criterion to refer to the elderly population used by United Nations is 60+. Demographical base During the last three decades the global ageing population has increased from 8. Main surgical emergency pathology age group variation the main groups of Emergency pathology, according to the number of cases admitted (acute cholecystitis, bowel obstruction, acute diverticulitis, acute appendicitis and complicated hernia), were also analyzed by age groups. Age alone is not a reliable criterion to assess patients on an individual level, however when analyzing outcomes for a large cohort of patients, important differences between age groups can be identified. Acute cholecystitis showed a progressive increase in terms of prevalence in surgical pathology (from 15. Geriatric Emergency Surgery patients should receive more specific treatment with better results. This could be achieved by a more specialized approach focused on their specific needs. However this is a time 29 consuming process, needs additional diagnostic tests and consultations and a focused collaboration between specialists. Anticoagulants and Antiplatelet, Diabetic and Heart medication) assessment and Geriatric and Frailty Assessment. Postoperative Early oral feeding versus Parenteral nutrition management Perioperative fluid management Postoperative ileus prevention in elderly Postoperative complications. Often 37 the surgeon is faced with not only the main diagnostic but also secondary ones. The interaction between these two is often based on a reciprocal aggravating mechanism, increasing the complexity to one greater than the sum of its parts. The decision-making process in frail elderly emergency surgical patients should be guided by the minimum aggressiveness and maximum effectiveness principle. An alternative treatment is percutaneous Gallbladder drainage, as recommended by Tokyo 434445 Guidelines 2013. Colorectal cancer is a common cause of bowel obstruction in the elderly when not diagnosed early. Emergency surgery, with high morbi-mortality, is avoidable by prosthesis (stent) 464748 implantation, using endoscopic methods. Limitation of Therapeutic Effort is an acceptable option and legally acknowledged within clinical practice, especially where critical care is required. It refers to either the withholding or 49 withdrawing of life sustaining treatment, with each carrying different connotations. However, the practice still evokes controversy from an ethical and resource management point of 20 view. Results showed an important heterogeneity between two extremes: the more interventionist (trying to treat the illness, taking into account the surgical indication) and the more conservative approach (a reluctance to use the operative option due to the surgical risk and relatives wishes). This percentage is 54 higher for emergency surgery; some surgical pathologies and patients with post-operative 55 morbidity. Prevention relies on timely Risk assessment, whilst the aim of treatment is to reduce severity and duration through early recognition. Comparisons, Parallels and Solutions In the branch of Internal Medicine there are three distinct age-related specialities: for children, adults and for frail elderly, Geriatrics being concerned with the diagnosis, treatment and prevention of disease in elderly patients and the problems specific to ageing. In Surgery, there are however only two age-related specialties, Pediatric Surgery and th General Surgery. Pediatric Surgery was created during the first part the 20 century, not only because of a different profile of the surgical pathology, treatment approach, patient dependence and management, but also in response to the demographic profile at that time. We can see parallels now with the elderly population which suggests the need for a new 5859 specialty : Geriatric Surgery with its Emergency branch. Figure 5: Comparisons and parallels Children Adults Frail elderly Paediatrics Internal Medicine Geriatrics / Geriatric Medicine Paediatric Surgery General Surgery Geriatric surgery 51 7. In dedicated sub-departments in General Surgery, based on principles that reflect their needs, elderly patients could receive more specific care based on Comprehensive assessment, a tailored Multidisciplinary team, dedicated management (separate waiting 6018 lists), additional personnel. Apart from the focus on improving clinical outcome, modern management in Surgery departments is based on quality evaluation and targets, such as costs. A more accurate quality evaluation could be achieved on a more homogeneous group of patients. Evolving prehospital, Emergency department and impatient Management for Geriatric Emergencies. Peri-operative care of elderly patients an urgent need for change: a consensus statement to provide guidance for specialist and non specialist anaesthetists. Clinical and morphometric parameters of frailty for prediction of mortality following hepatopancreaticobiliary surgery in the elderly. Experience with dedicated geriatric surgical consult services : Meeting the need for surgery in the frail elderly. A collaborative transdisciplinary geriatric surgery service ensures consistent successful outcomes in elderlycolorectal surgery patients. Emergency surgery in the elderly : the balance between function, frailty, fatality and futility. Evidence and consensus based guideline for the management of delirium, analgesia, and sedation in intensive care medicine. Peri-Operative Management of Older Adults with Cancer-The Roles of the Surgeon and Geriatrician. The impact of pre-operative comprehensive geriatric assessment on postoperative outcomes in older patients undergoing scheduled surgery: a systematic review. Six screening instruments for frailty in older patients qualified for emergency abdominal surgery. Comprehensive geriatric assessment for older adults admitted to hospital: meta-analysis of randomised controlled trials. Pre-operative risk scores for the prediction of outcome in elderly people who require emergency surgery. Importance of teamwork, communication and culture on failure-to-rescue in the elderly. Multidisciplinary teams of case managers in the implementation of an innovative integrated services delivery for the elderly in France. A 15-year retrospective analysis of the epidemiology and outcomes for elderly emergency general surgical admissions in the North East of England: A case for multidisciplinary geriatric input. Early Percutaneous Cholecystostomy in Severe Acute Cholecystitis Reduces the Complication Rate and Duration of Hospital Stay. Efficacy and safety of B-mode ultrasound guided percutaneous transhepatic gallbladder drainage combined with laparoscopic cholecystectomy for acute cholecystitis in elderly and high-risk patients. The safety and efficacy of percutaneous transhepatic gallbladder drainage in elderly patients with acute cholecystitis before laparoscopic cholecystectomy. Influence of old age on the postoperative outcomes of obstructive colorectal cancer surgery after the insertion of a stent. Implantation of a new enteral stent in obstructive colorectal cancer using interventional radiology in patients over 70 years of age. Limitation of the therapeutic effort: ethical and legal justification for withholding and/or withdrawing life sustaining treatments. Frailty and cognitive impairment: Unique challenges in the older emergency surgical patient. Postoperative Delirium after elective and emergency surgery: analysis and checking of risk factors. Postoperative delirium in elderly after elective and acute colorectal surgery : A prospective cohort study. Postoperative course after emergency colorectal surgery for secondary peritonitis in the elderly is often complicated by delirium. Fast-track surgery decreases the incidence of postoperative delirium and other complications in elderly patients with colorectal carcinoma. Mortality of emergency general surgical patients and associations with hospital structures and processes. Acute surgical care can benefit from the efficient and appropriate application of modern modalities both in diagnosis and therapy of acute abdomino-pelvic disease states. This requires a meaningful engagement of radiologists and radiographers as key stakeholders in curriculum development, education and competency assessment. There are clear sections within these documents that could be applied to any acute surgical training module with defined competencies (Refs 2-5). Needs assessment for a focused radiology curriculum in surgical residency: a multicenter study. Radiation safety knowledge and perceptions among residents: a potential improvement opportunity for graduate medical education in the United States. Sepsis is one of the Rationale leading causes of death in emergency surgery 90% of patients should receive are in accordance with surviving sepsis Target guidelines 58 i. All high-risk patients should receive care on the intensive care unit Rationale post-operatively 80% of patients with a predicted mortality of >5% should be cared for on a Target high level ward. The urgency of the requirement for operative management should be decided at the time of decision to operate based on the clinical condition. This urgency should be revised of the clinical condition Rationale deteriorates 90% of patients should arrive in the operting theatre within an appropriate time for urgency: Immediate (1): within 2 hours of decision. This Rationale risk should be matched by the seniority of clinical staff managing their care. If left untreated, it may lead to the functional impairment of one or more vital organs or systems. Sepsis is now defined as life-threatening organ dysfunction caused by a dysregulated host response to infection. Septic shock is defined as a subset of sepsis in which particularly profound circulatory, cellular, and metabolic abnormalities which are associated with a greater risk of mortality than with sepsis alone. Patients with septic shock can be clinically identified by a vasopressor requirement to maintain a mean arterial pressure of 65 mm Hg or greater and 1 serum lactate level greater than 2 mmol/L (>18 mg/dL) in the absence of hypovolemia. Early, adequate hemodynamic support of patients in shock is crucial to prevent worsening organ dysfunction and failure.

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