

Roger J. Porter MD

  • Adjunct Professor of Neurology, University of Pennsylvania, Philadelphia
  • Adjunct Professor of Pharmacology
  • Uniformed Services University of the Health Sciences, Bethesda


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His mother began to A 6yearold boy with no significant medical history notice odd movements of his right upper extrem presents for uncontrollable abnormal movements of ity, such as rolling his wrist and rotating his shoul Correspondence & reprint the right side for 3 days. Three days prior to and his mother noted he had difficulty lifting his presentation, his mother noticed he would drop right arm. He was unable to toxication, Tourette syndrome, and encephalitis, among suppress the movements, although they disappeared others (table). His mother denied any changes in mood, autoimmune neuropsychiatric disease associated with appetite, or sleep. Table Features of selected differential diagnoses of chorea Neither past medical history nor family history was significant. On examination, he appeared welldeveloped and Neurologic symptoms can include chorea, parkinsonian symptoms, and incoordination. Common findings: abnormal liver function tests, low serum reading and math skills above his grade level. No KayserFleischer Tourettesyndrome Before age 18 Multiple motor and vocal tics nearly every day for rings were present. Must have evidence of recent strep ments of the right arm and foot; subtle choreiform infection. Can have 100 attacks a day, which ano movements in the fingers and toes, worse on the last seconds to minutes. Associated with aura of right; and poor reproduction of Archimedes spiral muscle tightening or tingling. Only several attacks were normal, although choreiform movements some nonkinesogenic per day or per year, which last seconds to hours. Echocardiography revealed mitral regur contraction, which can be demonstrated with tongue gitation and left ventricle diastolic dysfunction. The efficacy of antibiotic treatment of with neurons of the basal ganglia, ultimately leading streptococcal pharyngitis is questionable and usually to dopamine dysregulation and chorea. Chorea is described as abrupt, in tained depending on the severity of carditis at the voluntary, irregular dancelike movements that flow time of presentation. They are continued for 5 years or until age 18, whichever is nonstereotyped and usually improve during sleep. With carditis, prophylaxis is continued for 10 126 Neurology 78 January 24, 2012 years or until age 25, whichever is longer. Do Mount Sinai School of Medicine, as a contributor (editing of nonintellec tual content and general guidance). Neurologic and cardiac of both classes of these drugs is offlabel and they findings in children with Sydenham chorea. Finally, the psy rheumatic fever and diagnosis and treatment of acute chiatric symptoms usually resolve with use of the streptococcal pharyngitis: a scientific statement from the treatments mentioned but selective serotonin re American Heart Association Rheumatic Fever, Endocardi tis, and Kawasaki Disease Committee of the Council on uptake inhibitors can help obsessivecompulsive Cardiovascular Disease in the Young, the Interdisciplinary disorder symptoms. The movements began insidiously in her right polyneuropathy, attributed to her longstanding dia hand and arm, progressing over several months to betes. Sarah only medication was insulin and she was never movements until her husband noticed them. Over Kranick, Department of treated with antipsychotic, antiemetic, or hormone Neurology, Hospital of the time the movements became more violent, eventu replacement therapies. She denied the use of herbal University of Pennsylvania, 3 ally leading to severe flinging movements in the right West Gates Bldg. Benign hereditary chorea is a perimposed sudden largeamplitude excursions, most nonneurodegenerative condition to be considered. These three terms describe a range of been described in carbon monoxide poisoning and hy excessive uncontrollable movement, ranging in speed perglycemia. Systemic processes associated with chorea and amplitude from athetosis to ballismus; this con include lupus and antiphospholipid antibody syn tinuum is often seen in the same patient. Al the acuity of presentation, progression over time, and though chorea only rarely manifests in paraneoplastic associated cognitive or behavioral symptoms. Any re syndromes, the possibility of an underlying malignancy cent medications are of critical importance given the makes this diagnosis an important consideration. Fi common occurrence of medicationinduced hyperki nally, the possibility of a psychogenic movement disor netic disorders, such as those associated with levo der should be considered in cases marked by the sudden dopa or with estrogen replacement therapy. On examination, our patient was afe ascertaining the risk of any inherited neurodegenera brile, with a blood pressure of 200/100 mm Hg and a tive disorder. While she was alert also be noted as the movement disorder may be sec and oriented with fluent language, she demonstrated ondary to a systemic medical illness. In this patient, the history of severe polyneurop Primitive reflexes were absent. She correctly per athy suggests the possibility of pseudoathetosis, a formed Luria gestures. Her cranial nerves, strength, writhing movement of the limbs due to decreased and coordination were intact, and the movements proprioceptive input, although this is not usually as did not interfere with walking. The unilaterality of the temperature, and vibration was symmetrically dimin movements suggests either a structural lesion (such as ished to the midthighs and the wrists. Reflexes were a tumor, vascular malformation, or ischemic insult) absent at the ankles, 1 at the knees, and 2 in the or an asymmetric presentation of a process affecting arms. The subacute nature of her pre writhing, twisting movements of the right shoulder, sentation would make an insidious process more arm, and hand, as well as the right foot. These move likely and argue against a vascular event such as a ments were particularly noticeable during voluntary hemorrhage or infarct. She would occasionally incorporate the Diagnostic possibilities include neurodegenerative disorders, toxicmetabolic derangements, and systemic writhing movements into semipurposeful move inflammatory or infectious processes. Neurodegenera ment; for example, after twisting her arm into the air, tive disorders that may present with hyperkinesis she would run her hand over her hair or wave at the include Huntington disease, Wilson disease, pantothe people in the room. Further testing could include tion, mass effect, or contrast enhancement (figure, B creatine kinase, liver enzymes, and peripheral blood and C). Genetic testing for initial evaluation, while the movements were still Huntington disease and pantothenate kinase occurring. Her serum glucose returned to a normal sence of family history, although this must be accom level within 6 hours; by the next morning her move panied by thorough genetic counseling as no cure ments had almost completely disappeared, and re exists for these disorders. Initial laboratory results Question for consideration: revealed serum glucose of 575 mg/dL. Ischemia erly identified and treated, the condition has an ex seems to be a likely etiologic factor, but neural injury cellent prognosis and may be completely reversible. Patients typically present with hemicho availability of tissue specimens in these cases, partic rea with or without hemiballism developing over ularly those with favorable outcomes, makes this de days to months in the setting of elevated serum glu lineation extremely difficult. Several days after discharge, the in this syndrome can complicate longstanding type 1 voluntary movements reappeared despite a normal or type 2 diabetes, and has also been described as the serum glucose. She was treated with clonaz bolic disturbance, the abnormal movements usually epam 0. In cases where chorea She has had no further relapses, although she has persists despite glucose normalization, medications persistent mild weakness on the right. Her personal (including benzodiazepines, neuroleptics, antiepilep ity gradually returned to normal. Chorea associated with ported to accompany the syndrome of hyperglycemic nonketotic hyperglycemia and hyperintensity basal gan hemichorea. Putaminal hemorrhage accompanied by the basal ganglia may demonstrate abnormal signal, hemichoreahemiballism. Frontalsubcortical circuits and human be resolution of signal abnormality on followup imag havior. The patient forced head turn to the right with right tilt and right mcirillo@childrensmemorial. They had become so disabling that tremity fast jerking movements with attempts to use he had to eat and write with his left hand. His deep tendon reflexes were brisk, other medical problems, other than a pectus excava with crossed adductors. His fa ther continues to have episodic head jerking to the Question for consideration: left at times. What is the differential diagnosis for dystonia with onset and twisting posturing was consistent with cervical in childhood or early adolescencefi A focal structural lesion Dystonia in childhood has been defined as a move may present with hemidystonia. These are often associated with other A broad differential diagnosis must be considered signs including cognitive impairment, seizures, ocul in the evaluation of childhood or adolescent onset omotor dysfunction, retinal abnormalities, neuropa dystonia, including primary dystonias, dystonia plus thy, spasticity, as well as liver dysfunction and syndromes, secondary dystonias, and heredodegen skeletal abnormalities. His father also reported that his head an autosomal dominant disease with a penetrance jerking resolved with alcohol use. He had a normal oph Secondary and heredodegenerative dystonias typi thalmologic examination with no evidence of cally present with other neurologic and systemic KayserFleischer rings or retinal detachment. Would you treat the patient while awaiting genetic test includes drug or toxin exposure, perinatal injury, en ing resultsfi On repeat examination, his ab dystonia without an alternative diagnosis undergo a normal movements appeared to be consistent with levodopa trial. He was able to eat and write additional neurologic findings such as cerebellar with his right hand and was remarkably less anxious. Pre childhood but must be considered in the setting of sentation is typically in childhood or early adoles early onset dystonia when myoclonus is present, es cence. Blackburn qualifies as an author for drafting and revising the manu script for content including medical writing for content. Spontaneous resolution of limb dystonia ifies as an author for drafting and revising the manuscript for content and improvement of myoclonus occur in 20% and including medical writing for content. A systematic codes the protein epsilon sarcoglycan, is located in review on the diagnosis and treatment of primary (idio chromosome region 7q21. Phenotype Treatment of myoclonus dystonia is symptom genotype correlation in Dutch patients with myoclonus dystonia. Responsiveness to levodopa in drugs including levetiracetam, piracetam, valproic epsilonsarcoglycan deletions. Pallidal and ventral intermediate thalamic nucleus have been thalamic deep brain stimulation in myoclonusdystonia. No fasciculations or myokymia were to severe pain, which made breathing uncomfortable seen throughout. Jaiser: spontaneously after 4 to 5 days, leaving him with a Gait and cerebellar function were normal. Past attacks had also Questions for consideration: been precipitated by specific forms of repetitive exer cise such as jogging. Can you interpret the sign demonstrated in the ness in the left leg, but denied any muscle twitching, videofi What is the differential diagnosis for this There was no significant past medical or family presentationfi They may sicandextrinsiclesionsofthespinalcordcould also be absent in obesity, after multiple pregnancies, or produce this picture. This radiologic description would be In the present case, the objective neurologic abnor compatible with either idiopathic syringomyelia or malities were limited to reflex asymmetry and further hydromyelia. Hydromyelia is considered to be a congen investigations should be directed at differentiating ital, static persistence or enlargement of the central spi between syringomyelia and hydromyelia. What additional radiologic investigations might cavity enlargement over time) or electrophysiologic help in terms of prognosticationfi In addition to the structural or sensory changes, and these tend to be of limited causes discussed in section 3, syringomyelia may arise localizing value.

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DeggesWhite and Myers (2006) found that women who have supportive people in their life experience greater life satisfaction than do those who live a more solitary life. Unfortunately, with numerous caretaking responsibilities at home, it may be difficult for women to find time and energy to enhance the friendships that provide an increased sense of life satisfaction (BorzumatoGainey et al. Emslie, Hunt and Lyons (2013) found that for men in midlife, the shared consumption of alcohol was important to creating and maintaining male friends. Drinking with friends was justified as a way for men to talk to each other, provide social support, relax, and improve mood. Although the social support provided when men drink together can be helpful, the role of alcohol in male friendships can lead to health damaging behavior from excessive drinking. The importance of social relationships begins in early adulthood by laying down a foundation for strong social connectedness and facilitating comfort with intimacy (Erikson, 1959). To determine the impact of the quantity and quality of social relationships in young adulthood on middle adulthood, Carmichael, Reis, and Duberstein (2015) assessed individuals at age 50 on measures of social connection (types of relationships and friendship quality) and psychological outcomes (loneliness, depression, psychological wellbeing). Results indicated that the quantity of social interactions at age 20 and the quality, not quantity, of social interaction at age 30 predicted midlife social interactions. Those individuals who had high levels of social information seeking (quantity) at age 20 followed by less quantity in social relationships but greater emotional closeness (quality), resulted in positive psychosocial adjustment at midlife. It is not surprising that people use the Internet with the goal of meeting and making new friends (Fehr, 2008; McKenna, 2008). Researchers have wondered if the issue of not being facetoface reduces the authenticity of relationships, or if the Internet really allows people to develop deep, meaningful connections. Interestingly, research has demonstrated that virtual relationships are often as intimate as inperson relationships; in fact, Bargh and colleagues found that online relationships are sometimes more intimate (Bargh, McKenna, & Fitsimons, 2002). This can be especially true for those individuals who are more socially anxious and lonely as such individuals are more likely to turn to the Internet to find new and meaningful relationships (McKenna, Green, & Gleason, 2002). McKenna and colleagues suggest that for people who have a hard time meeting and maintaining relationships, due to shyness, anxiety, or lack of facetoface social skills, the Internet provides a safe, nonthreatening place to develop and maintain relationships. Similarly, Benford (2008) found that for highfunctioning autistic individuals, the Internet facilitated communication and relationship development with others, which would have been more difficult in facetoface contexts, leading to the conclusion that Internet communication could be empowering for those who feel frustrated when communicating face to face. Workplace Friendships: Friendships often take root in the workplace, due to the fact that people are spending as much, or more, time at work than they are with their family and friends (Kaufman & Hotchkiss, 2003). Often, it is through these relationships that people receive mentoring and obtain social support and resources, but they can also experience conflicts and the potential for misinterpretation when sexual attraction is an issue. Indeed, Elsesser and Peplau (2006) found that many workers reported that friendships grew out of collaborative work projects, and these friendships made their days more pleasant. Similarly, a Gallup poll revealed that employees who had close friends at work were almost 50% more satisfied with their jobs than those who did not (Armour, 2007). Source 355 Women in Midlife In Western society, aging for women is much more stressful than for men as society emphasizes youthful beauty and attractiveness (Slevin, 2010). Since women have traditionally been valued for their reproductive capabilities, they may be considered old once they are postmenopausal. In contrast, men have traditionally been valued for their achievements, competence and power, and therefore are not considered old until they are physically unable to work (Carroll, 2016). Consequently, women experience more fear, anxiety, and concern about their identity as they age, and may feel pressure to prove themselves as productive and valuable members of society (Bromberger, Kravitz, & Chang, 2013). For example, as Asian women age they attain greater respect and have greater authority in the household (Fung, 2013). Compared to white women, Black and Latina women possess less stereotypes about aging (Schuler et al. Lesbians are also more positive about aging and looking older than heterosexual women (Slevin, 2010). The impact of media certainly plays a role in how women view aging by selling anti aging products and supporting cosmetic surgeries to look younger (Gilleard & Higgs, 2000). Religion and Spirituality Grzywacz and Keyes (2004) found that in addition to personal health behaviors, such as regular exercise, healthy weight, and not smoking, social behaviors, including involvement in religious related activities, have been shown to be positively related to optimal health. However, it is not only those who are involved in a specific religion that benefit, but so too do those identified as being spiritual. Additionally, Sawatzky, Ratner, & Chiu (2005) found that spirituality was related to a higher quality of life for both individuals and societies. Based on reports from the 2005 National Survey of Midlife in the United States, Greenfield et al. In contrast, formal religious participation was only associated with higher levels of purpose in life and personal growth among just older adults and lower levels of autonomy. Age: Older individuals identify religion/spirituality as being more important in their lives than those younger (BeitHallahmi & Argyle, 1998). This age difference has been explained by several factors including that religion and spirituality assist older individuals in coping with age related losses, provide opportunities for socialization and social support in later life, and demonstrate a cohort effect in that older individuals were socialized more to be religious and spiritual than those younger (Greenfield et al. Gender: In the United States, women report identifying as being more religious and spiritual than men do (de Vaus & McAllister, 1987). According to the Pew Research Center (2016), women in the United States are more likely to say religion is very important in their lives than men (60% vs. American women also are more likely than American men to say they pray daily (64% vs. Additionally, women have been socialized to internalize the behaviors linked with religious values, such as cooperation and nurturance, more than males (Greenfield et al. Overall, an estimated 83% of women worldwide identified with a religion compared with 80% of men. There were no countries in which men were more religious than women by 2 percentage points or more. Among Christians, women reported higher rates of weekly church attendance and higher rates of daily prayer. In contrast, Muslim women and Source Muslim men showed similar levels of religiousness, except frequency of attendance at worship services. Because of religious norms, Muslim men worshiped at a mosque more often than Muslim women. In Orthodox Judaism, communal worship services cannot take place unless a minyan, or quorum of at least 10 Jewish men, is present, thus insuring that men will have high rates of attendance. Only in Israel, where roughly 22% of all Jewish adults selfidentify as Orthodox, did a higher percentage of men than women report engaging in daily prayer. Perception of marital quality by parents with small children: A followup study when the firstborn is 4 years old. Relationship goals of middleaged, youngold, and oldold Internet daters: An analysis of online personal ads. The glass ceiling in the 21st century: Understanding the barriers to gender equality. Negative and positive health effects of caring for a disabled spouse: Longitudinal findings from the caregiver health effects study. The role of coping responses and social resources in attenuating the stress of life events. Till death do us part: Contexts and implications of marriage, divorce, and remarriage across adulthood. A cohort analysis approach to the emptynest syndrome among three ethnic groups of women: A theoretical position. The gray divorce revolution: Rising divorce among middle aged and older adults 19902010. Dissociation between performance on abstract tests of executive function and problem solving in real life type situations in normal aging. Influence of change in aerobic fitness and weight on prevalence of metabolic syndrome. The lifetime risk of adultonset rheumatoid arthritis and other inflammatory autoimmune rheumatic diseases. Women at midlife: An exploration of chronological age, subjective age, wellness, and life satisfaction, Adultspan Journal, 5, 6780. The impact of daily stress on health and mood: Psychological and social resources as mediators. The relation of generative concern and generative action to personality traits, satisfaction/happiness with life and ego development. Intimate relationships and sexual attitudes of older African American men and women. The roles and functions of the informal support networks of older people who receive formal support: A Swedish qualitative study. Life cycle happiness and its sources: Intersections of psychology, economics, and demography. The role of alcohol in forging and maintaining friendships amongst Scottish men in midlife. Association of specific overt behaviour pattern with blood and cardiovascular findings. Agegroup differences in speech identification despite matched audio metrically normal hearing: contributions from auditory temporal processing and cognition. The psychological and health consequences of caring for a spouse with dementia: A critical comparison of husbands and wives. The timing of divorce: Predicting when a couple will divorce over a 14year period. Age and gender differences in the wellbeing of midlife and aging parents with children with mental health or developmental problems: Report of a national study. From social structural factors to perceptions of relationship quality and loneliness: the Chicago health, aging, and marital status transitions and health outcomes social relations study. Tacit knowledge and practical intelligence: Understanding the lessons of experience. Prevalence of metabolic syndrome and its relation to allcause and cardiovascular mortality in nondiabetic European men and women. Comparison of the menopause and midlife transition between Japanese American and European American women. Parental caregiving for a child with special needs, marital strain, and physical health: Evidence from National Survey of Midlife in the U. A quantitative and qualitative approach to social relationships and wellbeing in the United States and Japan. Leisuretime physical activity moderates the longitudinal associations between workfamily spillover and physical health. The differing demographic profiles of firsttime marries, remarried and divorced adults. Impact of the metabolic syndrome on mortality from coronary heart disease, cardiovascular disease, and all causes in United States adults. Midlife Eriksonian psychosocial development: Setting the stage for latelife cognitive and emotional health. Competitive drive, pattern A, and coronary heart disease: A further analysis of some data from the Western Collaborative Group Study. Metlife study of caregiving costs to working caregivers: Double jeopardy for baby boomers caring for their parents. Effects of systolic blood pressure on whitematter integrity in young adults in the Farmington Heart Study: A crosssectional study. The empty nest syndrome in midlife families: A multimethod exploration of parental gender differences and cultural dynamics. Percentage of the noninstitutionalized civilian workforce employed by gender & age. Precedence of the shift of bodyfat distribution over the change in body composition after menopause.

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In general treatment plan template order discount cytoxan line, affiants must show that they directly observed the victim at the eligible location medications metabolized by cyp2d6 discount cytoxan american express, or must have been a supervisor who ordered the victim to that location and has knowledge that the victim in fact reported to the location medicine dosage chart buy generic cytoxan 50mg. Affidavits should contain as much detail as possible about how the affiant knows that the individual was physically present at a 9/11 crash site and when the individual was present at the site medications 3601 cheap cytoxan 50mg without prescription. Affiants are called when we need to understand an inconsistency symptoms rheumatic fever 50 mg cytoxan for sale, confirm what appears to be an error (such as 2011 instead of 2001) symptoms yellow fever discount 50 mg cytoxan overnight delivery, or to verify information already contained in the affidavit. All affidavits must contain the following information: fi A description of how the affiant knows that the victim was present. For example, an affiant may know that the individual was at the site because the affiant was the supervisor or coworker of the individual and accompanied the individual to the site or personally saw the individual at the site. If the affiant and victim worked together, the affidavit should include the name of the organization they were working for and describe how long they worked together, their respective job titles and relationship during the time they worked together (including whether one person supervised the other), and whether the affiant is still employed by that entity. If the Special Master determines that an affidavit lacks the required level of detail, the claim may be denied on that basis. You must submit at least two of the documents listed below if you intend to rely on these documents to establish presence. A complete copy of each document must be submitted, unless otherwise specified below. Note that these lists do not include all Lucent employees who were involved in the emergency response effort. Therefore, if you are asserting presence through your employment with Verizon, please submit any and all documents related to the time period(s) and location(s) you participated in the World Trade Center response. While the National Guard may be able to confirm whether an individual was on Active Duty, it does not have records that would confirm the actual location of the work. You do not need to submit any additional information to demonstrate your presence at the site. If you were a contractor for ConEd, ConEd is unable to provide information regarding your presence at the site within the relevant timeframe. In addition to a complete Claim Form, we require the documents listed below before your claim can move forward for a more substantive review. Many of the thirdparty entities with whom we exchange information on your behalf also do not accept electronic signatures. To ensure there is no delay in the processing of your claim, please submit your document(s) with the appropriate signature and originals where required. Once the required documents are received and verified as sufficient, the claim will be reactivated for review. Substantive Eligibility Review Once we have all documents required for processing, we begin substantive review of the claim to determine if you meet the eligibility criteria set forth in the statute and implementing regulations based on the information and/or documentation in your claim file (see Section 1. This includes confirming that (a) the claim was registered by the applicable deadline, (b) you have an eligible 9/11related physical condition, (c) there is sufficient documentation to demonstrate that you were present at the site, and (d) any 9/11related lawsuits have been timely resolved. If we need something further in order to determine your eligibility, you will receive a missing information letter. It is important that you respond to all missing information letters within the timeframe specified in the letter. If you are found to be eligible for compensation, the letter will list the physical injury or conditions for which you have been found eligible. If eligibility is denied, the letter will explain how to appeal the decision or how to amend your claim in the future when you are able to provide the additional information for consideration. This includes Personal Representatives filing a claim for a deceased victim, parents or guardians who are filing a claim on behalf of a minor child, and guardians filing a claim for an incapacitated adult. Only those authorized by law or court order may pursue a claim on behalf of another individual. It is therefore very important that you claim all losses and submit the required supporting documentation when you file your claim. You must first attempt to obtain an appointment from the state probate or surrogate court where the victim lived. Please note that this option is generally available only when legal or geographical obstacles mean that the representative is unable to open an estate to obtain an appointment. Each coPersonal Representative must submit a signed and notarized statement identifying the individual who will serve as the Lead Personal Representative. Guardian of a NonMinor Victim fi Court Order Appointing Guardianship: An original or certified copy is required. The parent will receive a letter explaining the change, and the nowadult victim will also receive a letter explaining the change and next steps, including information on how to add the parent as an Alternative Contact if the victim still wants the parent to assist with the claim. In addition, the law requires the Special Master, in each case, to take account of the harm to the claimant, the facts of the claims, and the individual circumstances of the claimant. This means that we consider both fairness to the individual claimant as well as fairness to the entire claimant population, with priority given to those who suffer from the most debilitating physical conditions. And third, because we are spending public funds, we must ensure that every aspect of the award is adequately justified and documented. To that end, the sections below provide detailed information about how we generally evaluate and calculate compensation for noneconomic and economic loss. However, given the volume and variability of claims, and the legal requirement that the Special Master consider individual circumstances in each case, it is not possible to cover every potential situation in this document. This is determined based generally on the nature and severity of your condition and the effect of the condition on activities of daily living and does not take into account economic loss caused by the condition. If your claim is missing documentation that we need in order to calculate your award, you will receive a missing information letter. Please be aware that any documents you submit after we have finalized the substantive review of your compensation claim will not be reviewed as that review would delay the issuance of your award determination. Substantive Compensation Review and Calculation of Award Each award is calculated individually. As required by the statute, your final award will be calculated using this basic formula: NonEconomic Loss plus Economic Loss, minus Collateral Offsets. There are three types of economic loss: loss of earnings/benefits, out ofpocket medical expenses, and replacement services loss. If we do not receive the documents necessary to calculate economic loss, or if the documents are not submitted in a timely manner, we may issue an award for noneconomic loss only. In certain situations, we may deactivate your claim and stop our review if we are missing critical information. This means you must submit an amendment and request rereview of your economic loss claim. Note: In deceased claims, once we have finalized substantive review of your compensation claim, you will not be able to amend your claim to provide any missing information that you did not previously submit. Once the award is calculated, we send you a letter explaining the breakdown of your award and an option to appeal within 30 days if you believe an error was made in the calculation. If you do not appeal, we authorize payment within 20 days of the end of the 30day appeal period. If you do appeal, payment is authorized once a decision is rendered following your appeal. We urge you (and your attorney, when applicable) to consider the collateral offsets that may be applicable to your claim before submission, and consider submitting a noneconomic loss only claim in those cases where your offsets are likely to exceed your economic loss. Each person who was killed or injured in the September 11th attacks suffered grievous harm, and each person experienced the unspeakable events of that day in a unique way. The maximum noneconomic loss for any one type of cancer condition is $250, 000, and the maximum noneconomic loss for any one type of non cancer condition is $90, 000. If the victim has more than one type of cancer, the Special Master may issue an award that makes an adjustment above $250, 000 to account for multiple cancers. Similarly, if the victim has cancer and severe noncancer conditions, the Special Master may issue an award that makes an adjustment above $250, 000 to account for multiple conditions. The 2015 reauthorization statute also requires that the Special Master prioritize claims with the most debilitating physical conditions. Important Note: the amount of noneconomic loss is not tied to the number of certified conditions. It is possible that an individual victim with many relatively mild conditions would receive a noneconomic award that is less than that of a victim who has only one condition that is severe. As a general rule, under the terms of the Reauthorization Act, the Special Master has identified the following conditions as presumptively severe and debilitating and warranting the highest allowable noneconomic loss award for a noncancer condition, without any further documentation: Emphysema, Interstitial Lung Disease (including Asbestosis), and Sarcoidosis. When the victim demonstrates mild or negligible impairment on daily life, or if the eligible conditions have resolved over time or are reasonably wellcontrolled through overthe counter medication, the noneconomic award may range between $10, 000 and $90, 000, depending on the severity of the condition as demonstrated by recent medical records (medical records that are dated within three years of the claim submission date). For eligible cancers, the noneconomic award will generally range between $90, 000 and $250, 000, depending on the type of cancer and the medical evidence provided regarding metastasis, recurrence, and/or permanent complications. The Special Master may consider multiple conditions together to determine an aggregate award, which may exceed $250, 000. For example, the victim may suffer from multiple types of cancer or may have a severe noncancer eligible condition along with an eligible cancer. The $250, 000 cap for a single cancer condition will not be exceeded under this authority. These claimants might require lung transplants (sometimes double lung transplants), or significant mechanical respiratory assistance on a daily basis. This is the bar by which the Special Master will measure the appropriateness of an increase above the cap, and it will be done in consideration of all other circumstances of the claim and the totality of the award. If you have a prior claim that has already been decided and paid, and you believe you should be considered for the exception, please amend the claim to submit the request for review. For example, if a claim is submitted on January 1, 2020, recent medical records are those dated after January 1, 2017. For example, documents that show hospitalization, surgery, emergency treatment, and/or treatment for side effects of the condition.

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We are combining with our own portfolio, we are combining with external partners, we are combining immunooncology with immunooncology, and immunooncology with small molecules. Combinations of diferent agents, together with a greater understanding of what is driving response, provide an awful lot of opportunity for us to continue. In the old days when two drugs were combined the worst that could happen was a complete lack of added value. This is no longer the case in a situation where combinations involving immunooncology agents risk producing a deleterious efect. Much more work will be needed to understand the basic science, and it could be that companies have to rethink the way clinical trials are conducted. If many of the current combinatorial approaches look like throwing things together and hoping for the best this will not be sustainable over time and, as the various studies start generating data, the understanding of mechanistic interactions will improve. EvaluatePharma delivers exclusive consensus sales forecasts and trusted commercial insight into biotech and pharmaceutical performance. Q uQ ueessttiioon #n #22 W h atis th e m ostsignificantrisk factorfordeveloping breast cancer(oth erth an gender)fi Q uQ ueessttiioon #n #44 O n average, screening m am m ogram s detectw h atpercentage of m alignanciesfi C ourtesy ofBernard J R, M ayo C linicJacksonville Q uQ ueessttiioon #n #55 M agnetic R esonance Im aging (M R I)detects w h atpercentage of contralateraloth erw ise occultm alignanciesfi The insured person must be alive at the end of the survival period to satisfy the requirement for these illnesses. For illnesses that do not have a survival period, the insured person must be alive at the time the diagnosis is made. You can find the survival period in the illness definition, or in the summary at the end of the guide. The length of the qualifying period is included in the definition of each illness and in the summary at the end of the guide. We must receive the claim within 1 year of the date the insured person is diagnosed with a covered critical illness. The diagnosis and treatment for any covered critical illness must be made by a specialist. The written diagnosis must: > include appropriate information to assess the covered critical illness, and > be prepared and signed by a specialist licensed and practising in Canada or the United States or another physician acceptable to us. If an illness develops or is diagnosed while outside of Canada or the United States You can make a claim for a critical illness insurance benefit if a covered critical illness develops or is diagnosed while outside of Canada or the United States. If the medical records of the insured person are not in French or English, you must provide the original records along with a translation of the records into either French or English. Based on the medical records we receive, we must be satisfied that the same diagnosis or treatment would have been made if the illness developed or was diagnosed in Canada. The policy includes other terms and conditions not covered in this guide this guide is a general reference only and does not form part of your policy. Each policy is unique, and includes additional exclusions and limitations that define when a benefit is not payable. Illnesses not specifically mentioned or not meeting the stated criteria are not covered. Acquired brain injury Aortic surgery Acquired brain injury means a definite diagnosis of new Aortic surgery means the undergoing of surgery for disease damage to brain tissue caused by traumatic injury, anoxia of the aorta requiring excision and surgical replacement of or encephalitis, resulting in signs and symptoms of any part of the diseased aorta with a graft. Aorta means neurological impairment that: the thoracic and abdominal aorta but not its branches. No benefit will be payable under this condition for angioplasty, intra arterial procedures, percutaneous trans the diagnosis of acquired brain injury must be made catheter procedures or non surgical procedures. The tumour must require surgical or radiation treatment or cause irreversible objective neurological deficit(s). An example of an excluded cancer is cancerinsitu of the cervix, which is No benefit will be payable for cancer if, within the first usually identified and treated before the malignant cells 90 days following the later of: have invaded adjacent tissues. However, if one of these > the date the application for the policy was signed excluded cancers is not cured and then worsens, benefits > the policy date may become payable providing the policy remains in force. You have a responsibility to notify us about cancer, regardless of when a diagnosis is made: the surgery must be determined to be medically necessary by a specialist. Coma Deafness Coma means a definite diagnosis of a state of Deafness is defined as a definite diagnosis of the total unconsciousness with no reaction to external stimuli or and irreversible loss of hearing in both ears, with an response to internal needs for a continuous period of at auditory threshold of 90 decibels or greater within the least 96 hours, and for which period the Glasgow coma speech threshold of 500 to 3, 000 hertz. The diagnosis of a recent heart attack therefore, is confirmed by the detection of > agnosia (difficulty recognizing objects), or abnormal electrical activity over the surface of the heart, > disturbance in executive functioning. No benefit will be payable under this condition for affective or schizophrenic disorders, or delirium. The diagnosis of loss of independent existence must be the surgery must be determined to be medically made by a specialist. If the insured person has a loss of independent existence before the policy anniversary nearest their 18th birthday, you must wait to send us a claim for this illness. To qualify under major organ transplant, the insured person must undergo a transplantation procedure as the recipient of a heart, lung, liver, kidney or bone marrow, and limited to these entities. Depending on which part of the brain is damaged, disease or specified atypical parkinsonian disorders, this can result in paralysis to one side of the body and regardless of when a diagnosis is made: impairment of speech or vision. Tiny ministrokes that do not produce symptoms or persisting neurologic > If we are notified within 6 months of the date of the impairment are not covered. These new symptoms and deficits must be Severe burns corroborated by diagnostic imaging testing. Severe burns means a definite diagnosis of third degree burns over at least 20% of the body surface. The partial lump sum payment will be equal to 15% of the critical illness insurance benefit amount to a maximum of $50, 000 per condition. You can make one claim per partial payout illness, to a maximum of four partial payments. The policy will not end, and you must continue to pay premiums for coverage to continue. The full critical illness benefit amount will not be reduced and the coverage will be available for any future claims. The diagnosis of grade 1 neuroendocrine tumours the diagnosis of stage 1A malignant melanoma must (carcinoid) must be made by a specialist and confirmed be made by a specialist and confirmed by pathological by pathological examination of the tissue. Papillary thyroid cancer or follicular thyroid cancer the procedure must be determined to be medically means a definite diagnosis of papillary thyroid cancer necessary by a specialist. The diagnosis of papillary thyroid cancer or follicular thyroid cancer must be made by a specialist and confirmed by pathological examination of the tissue. Cerebral palsy means a definite diagnosis of a non Congenital heart disease also covers specific conditions progressive neurological defect affecting muscle described below for which open heart surgery is control. This defect is characterized by spasticity and performed to correct the condition. Dependence on insulin must persist for the diagnosis of cystic fibrosis must be: a continuous period of at least three months. Muscular dystrophy Muscular dystrophy means a definite diagnosis of muscular dystrophy where the insured person has well defined neurological abnormalities, confirmed by electromyography and either muscle biopsy or other testing acceptable to us that confirms the diagnosis. If surgery is (childhood illness) performed, 30 days following the date of the surgery. The histopathological spectrum of these areas of Dermatology and Pathology, Cleve included unequivocally benign lesions, intermediate lesions, and intraepidermal or land Clinic, Cleveland (I. Tumor heterogeneity became apparent in the form of genetically distinct subpopulations as melanomas progressed. It identified an intermediate category of melanocytic neoplasia, characterized by the presence of more than one pathogenic genetic alteration and distinctive histo pathological features. Finally, our study implicated ultraviolet radiation as a major factor in both the initiation and progression of melanoma. The Genetic Evolution of Melanoma ancer arises through the accumu In total, 150 distinct areas were manually micro lation of genetic alterations that lead to dissected for sequencing (see Supplementary Ap Cunrestrained cell proliferation. Each area was independently as melanoma have been carried out mostly on ad sessed by eight dermatopathologists and grouped vanced tumors, so it is difficult to infer the order into one of the following histologic categories: of mutations. Melanomas often arise from distinc benign, intermediate but probably benign, inter tive precursor lesions such as melanocytic nevi, mediate but probably malignant, or melanoma. The succession of genetic alterations that leads to melanoma is incompletely understood. This is exemplified by the concept of dys all microdissected samples from two cases with plastic nevi, which has remained controversial. Phylogenetic trees benign lesions but fewer than unequivocal mela were constructed manually according to the prin nomas. The Genetic Evolution of Melanoma both initiated neoplastic proliferation and were ure 1 (facing page).