

Nenad Bursac, PhD

  • Professor of Biomedical Engineering
  • Associate Professor in Medicine
  • Professor in Cell Biology
  • Member of the Duke Cancer Institute
  • Co-Director of the Regeneration Next Initiative


In contrast to skin virus 85 cheap 200 mg doxycycline otc, the nail is not easy to biopsy and many physicians as well as patients are therefore reluctant to undertake this procedure antibiotic quotes cheap doxycycline 100mg online. To obtain relevant results it is necessary to consider the following: 1 Nail changes usually reflect a pathological process of the matrix or (much less frequenly) of the nail bed virus or bacterial infection trusted 200 mg doxycycline. However kinds of antibiotics for acne 200mg doxycycline visa, as in routine mycology antibiotic resistance and evolution buy doxycycline 200 mg low price, subungual keratotic material usually harbours the greatest amount of fungal elements antimicrobial nail solution purchase doxycycline toronto. Even though they are usually easily diagnosable they may be indistinguishable from nail psoriasis and the conditions may in fact occur together. Superficial white onychomycosis is easy to diagnose: a tangential biopsy of the nail plate is taken with a no. Under the microscope, chains of small, regularly sized fungal spores are seen on the nail plate surface and in its splits, giving evidence of a Trichophyton mentagrophytes infection. Larger spores and short, thick-walled hyphae of irregular calibre are characteristic of a mould infection. The nail plate does not exhibit any further pathological alterations and the subungual structures remain normal. To diagnose distal and distal lateral subungual onychomycosis, either nail clippings with adherent subungual hyperkeratosis or a nail biopsy are necessary. Clipped material shows variable amounts of irregular masses of hyphae and often also thick-walled arthrospores. If there are only few fungi the wrong diagnosis of psoriasis unguium may then be made. For the diagnosis of proximal subungual onychomycosis, a disc of nail plate may be punched out of the nail plate; this is best done after soaking the digit in water for 10 minutes, to soften the nail plate. The punch is carefully advanced through the entire thickness of the nail plate until the reactive subungual keratosis is reached. The tissue A text atlas of nail disorders 270 sample is embedded, cut, and stained for fungi. In onychomycoses hyphae are seen to penetrate the entire thickness of the nail plate. Nail biopsies that include the proximal nail fold, nail plate, matrix and nail bed show hyphae in the stratum corneum of the underside of the proximal nail fold as well as fungi in different levels of the nail plate. Inflammatory changes are not pronounced as long as the fungi have not reached the nail bed epithelium. An intact nail plate is no longer seen, being replaced by irregular keratotic debris containing large amounts of fungal elements, both spores and hyphae. There is a considerable oedema in the papillary dermis and a variably dense lymphocytic infiltrate. Pits develop from tiny psoriatic lesions located in the most proximal matrix region. These produce parakeratotic mounds which remain on the nail plate surface as long as the growing nail is covered by the proximal nail fold; they then break off and leave a small depression in the nail surface. The depth of the pits reflects the severity of the lesion, their longitudinal diameter their duration. There is an inflammatory, mainly lymphocytic infiltrate in the upper dermis with wide capillaries, mild to moderate spongiosis with lymphocytic exocytosis and parakeratosis that may contain single neutrophils or small neutrophilic abscesses. Serum imbibition of the parakeratosis is probably the cause of their yellowish colour. When such a lesion reaches the hyponychium air penetrates under the nail plate and onycholysis develops. Psoriatic leukonychia is characterised by a more or less circumscribed area of parakeratosis in the nail plate. Acrodermatitis continua suppurative of Hallopeau may show different lesions: alterations known from pustular psoriasis, a spongiotic variant, or both spongiform pustules and spongiotic vesicles. It is characterized by subungual hyperkeratosis with alternating ortho and parakeratosis. A dense, band-like lymphocytic infiltrate is seen directly beneath the epidermis or matrix epithelium, respectively. Liquefaction degeneration of basal cells may be pronounced, causing extensive split formation between the dermis and epithelium. Involvement of the most proximal matrix is responsible for the frequent loss of nail sheen. With time, the cul-de-sac where the proximal nail plate is located flattens until it completely disappears and overgrows the matrix with loss of nail formation, which is clinically seen as a pterygium dorsale. Particularly in the matrix and proximal nail bed, spongiosis may be seen and even cause tiny spongiotic vesicles. Lichen striatus shows a band-like dense lymphocytic infiltrate of the affected nail portions with hydropic degeneration of basal cells, exocytosis, mild spongiosis, occasional dyskeratoses and granulosis. Histopathological examination shows irregular involvement of the matrix and nail bed. Orthokeratotic and parakeratotic keratinization are seen, as well as onycholysis and epithelial atrophy. The matrix and nail bed show a perivascular, band-like lymphocytic infiltrate that migrates into the spongiotic epithelium. Small spongiotic vesicles containing plasma are transported upwards and included in the nail plate, giving it its characteristic rough, opaque and thickened structure. Particularly in protein contact dermatitis due to food, there may also be a A text atlas of nail disorders 272 spongiotic dermatitis of the proximal nail fold. Pemphigus vulgaris may involve the matrix and nail bed with suprabasal acantholytic cleft formation and subsequent nail thinning. Bullous pemphigoid is characterized by a subepithelial cleft formation and an eosinophil-rich infiltrate. Cicatricial pemphigoid rarely involves the nail and may cause considerable nail dystrophy. Histologically, a pronounced subungual hyperkeratosis may be seen with dyskeratoses remaining identifiable. Furthermore, multinucleate epithelial cells, clumping cells and corps ronds are seen. Benign familiar pemphigus (Hailey-Hailey disease) is very similar, but multinucleate cells are usually not observed. Histological investigation reveals amyloid depositions around blood vessels and in the superficial dermis which interfere with nail substance formation. The amyloid exhibits positive Congo red staining and a bright light-green colour under polarization microscopy. Any recurrent blistering process around a finger nail, particularly when accompanied by early lymphangitis and radiating pain, should prompt a cytological examination. The blister roof is opened and a Tzanck smear taken for microscopic investigation as well as for virus culture or molecular biological tests. Early blisters with clear watery contents exhibit mainly keratinocytes, some of which are giant and multinucleated. Securing the blister roof for histological sections may be necessary to rule out an early bullous impetigo (run-around). Tzanck tests demonstrate an essentially similar picture to that of herpes simplex. Histology of early lesions reveals spongiosis, mononuclear exocytosis and an occasional large keratinocyte. Keratin cysts Various types of keratin-filled cysts may occur under or around the nail. Onycholemmal horn Onycholemmal horn is historically similar to proliferating trichilemmal tumour. Clinically the lesion has a warty appearance and histologically it consists of an epithelial proliferation with keratinocytes enlarging toward the surface and producing large amounts of keratin containing necrotic keratinocytes. There is no true crater and shoulder A text atlas of nail disorders 274 formation. Keratoacanthoma Keratoacanthoma is a fast-growing, painful lesion usually arising from the hyponychium or the lateral nail groove. In the tip of the digit it exhibits a more vertical growth pattern, rapidly reaching and eroding the bone. Suprabasal keratinocytes are large, rich in glycogen, and towards the horn filled crater often contain keratohyalin granules. Staining for p53, Ki1 and proliferating cell nuclear antigens gives a more regular peripheral staining in keratoacanthoma than in squamous cell carcinoma, but this is not clear-cut enough to make this pattern a differential diagnostic tool. Women with incontinentia pigmenti (Bloch-Sulzberger syndrome) may develop intensely painful subungual keratotic tumours. These tumours represent verrucous hyperplastic papillomatous lesions with granulosis and hyperkeratosis. Dyskeratoses are seen to occur at all levels of the epidermis and in the hyperkeratosis just as in the second stage of incontinentia pigmenti. Onychomatricoma Onychomatricoma is a recently described entity, clinically characterized by a thickened, yellow longitudinal nail portion with splinter haemorrhages and a slight overcurvature, consisting of a markedly papillomatous lesion of the matrix covered by normal nail producing epithelium. Its connective tissue stroma is densely cellular and contains fine collagen fibres. The tumour projections fit into channels in the thickened nail substance that run along the whole length of the nail. The exact nature of this lesion is not yet clear; however, human papillomavirus has not been demonstrated. Causing a whitish, greyish or brownish longitudinal streak usually not more than 1 mm in width running from the distal lunula to the free edge of the nail plate, the tumour consists of a rim of whorled keratin at the undersurface of the nail plate. Ungual fibrokeratoma Ungual fibrokeratomas may arise from the most proximal part of the matrix and remain Histopathology of common nail conditions 275 in a supraungual position; arise from the medial portion of the matrix and remain intraungual (dissecting fibrokeratoma); or arise from the distal matrix or nail bed growing entirely under the nail. Matrix fibroma Although the lesion has yet to be defined clinically, histological examination reveals a nodular tumour in the matrix consisting of dense, fine connective tissue fibres and many fibroblasts, which is thus almost identical to the stromal portion of Onychomatricoma. Myxoid pseudocyst Myxoid pseudocyst is one of the most frequent degenerative lesions of the nail area. Most commonly located in the proximal nail fold, it starts with a myxomatoid degeneration of the connective tissue which at first contains thin strands of loose connective tissue and stellate fibroblasts. The mucin masses eventually enlarge and compress the marginal connective tissue to form a denser pseudocapsule. Neither immunohistochemistry nor electron microscopy has revealed a cyst lining of synovial cells even though the majority of pseudocysts later communicate with adjacent distal interphalangeal joint. This lesion was observed in patients who had sustained severe trauma proximal to the digits involved, usually a fracture at the level of the wrist which had been treated with a splint; it was therefore also suggested to be a particular form of sympathetic reflex dystrophy. The tumours grow out from under the proximal nail fold, are erosive, and contain vascular proliferations in an oedematous stroma with many plasma cells and lymphocytes. Glomus tumour Even though glomus tumour is relatively rare, this hamartoma is well known for its characteristic symptoms. Vascular channels lined by a thin endothelium and surrounded by cuboidal cells lie in the loose, often myxomatoid stroma. Both myelinated and non-myelinated nerve fibres can be A text atlas of nail disorders 276 demonstrated. Neurogenic tumours of the nail apparatus do not exhibit features different from tumours in other locations. Subungual exostosis Subungual exostosis is a relatively frequent lesion most commonly seen under the distal medial aspect of the hallux nail. It has a cap of fibrocartilage that may merge with hyaline cartilage, which forms new columns of bone by endochondral ossification. Synovialoma Giant cell tumour of the tendon sheath may involve the distal phalanx. It is a densely cellular tumour composed of histiocytes and fibroblasts with a variable proportion of giant cells that often resemble osteoclasts. Multicentric reticulohistiocytosis Multiple small verrucous nodules at the margin of the proximal nail fold may be seen in multicentric reticulohistiocytosis. Melanocytic naevus of the nail organ Naevi may be located at any site in or around the nail organ, and may pose considerable differential diagnostic problems when they cause longitudinal melanonychia. This sign may be due to a focus of functionally active melanocytes (as in ethnic pigmentation), to an accumulation of active melanocytes (as in the Laugier-Hunziker-Baran syndrome), or to a common lentigo, junctional melanocytic naevus, compound naevus or malignant melanoma. A few barely visible cells or large numbers of distinctly pigmented melanocytes may be seen singly or in clusters within the basal and suprabasal matrix epithelium. Despite clinically obvious pigmentation, pigment visualization under the microscope often requires staining with the Fontana-Masson argentaffin reaction.

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For these reasons infection years after a root canal buy cheap doxycycline 100mg online, we hold, as have most courts that have considered simi lar statutes, that plaintifs are entitled to a judgment declaring Public Act No. The Legislature was undoubtedly aware that biologists, fetologists, and medi cal science commonly accept conception as the beginning of human life and the formation of an individual endowed with its own unique genetic pattern. During the twelve-month period from July 1, 1970, through June 30, 1971, in that one city alone, there were ofcially recorded 139,042 induced abor tions; and for the six-month period from July 1, 1971, through December 31, 1971, there were 111,590. If these latter statistics were to be projected on a national popu lation scale, the total number would amount to several million induced deaths of innocent victims annually. All of these considerations were undoubtedly pondered by the Legislature before the determination was made that human life should not be compromised in the name of personal comfort or convenience. It is nothing less than judicial usurpation of a legislative prerogative to decide that at one point in fetal develop ment, through an obscure process of legal metamorphosis (in this case, the degree and quality of public acceptance) the state may constitutionally protect fetal life, but that prior to such point in time, the state may not protect what it also regards, with substantial popular and medical justifcation, as human life. It is for these reasons, and for those expressed in my earlier opinion in Abele v. Advocates for repeal and their opponents both argued from first principles and expressed these arguments about the just polity as claims on the Constitution. In the frst several excerpts, we follow discussion of abortion in a sex discrimination-equal protection case that Ruth Bader Ginsburg took to the Supreme Court; in the recommendation of the Rockefeller Commission report on population control; and in polls conducted by Gallup. As we shall see, strategists for the Republican Party had identifed Catholics as a group that might be persuaded to shif its party allegiance and by 1972, had begun to focus on abortion as an issue that might serve this end. Secretary of Defense (December 4, 1972) Abortion policy in the military provides a window on shifing attitudes in the grow ing national confict. In 1970, the Department of Defense had quietly adopted a policy permitting military hospitals to perform therapeutic abortions, regardless of the law of the state in which the hospital was located. But less than a year afer the directive had been promulgated, President Nixon revoked the policy, using the occasion to declare for the frst time his stance on abortion. An air force regulation provided that: A woman ofcer shall be discharged fom the service with the least practical delay when a determination is made by a medical ofcer that she is pregnant or has given birth to a living child, unless the pregnancy is terminated. Struck, a career ofcer in the air force, became pregnant while serving in Vietnam. Represented by the American Civil Liberties Union, Struck obtained a stay of the discharge but lost on the merits in both the United States District Court in Seattle and in the United States Court of Appeals for the Ninth Circuit. The sex-based classification in the Air Force regulation applied to peti tioner, directing discharge for pregnancy, a physical condition unique to the female sex, while no other temporary physical condition occasions peremp tory discharge, is inconsistent with the equal protection principle inherent in the due process clause of the fifth amendment. Activated by feminists of both sexes, legislatures and courts have begun to recognize and respond to the subordinate position of women in our society and the second-class status our institutions historically have imposed upon them. For a large segment of the female labor force, gainful employment is dic tated by economic necessity. Discharge for pregnancy, attended by termination of income and fringe benefts, and denial of the right to return afer childbirth, disables these women far more than their temporary physical condition. For the more fortunate woman, for whom work is not dictated by economic necessity, mandatory pregnancy discharge reinforces societal pressure to relin quish career aspirations for a hearth-centered existence. Loss of her job and accu mulated benefts profoundly afect the choices open to her. Petitioner was presumed unft for service under a regulation that declares, without regard to fact, that she fts into the stereotyped vision. Based on a sexual stereotype no less invidious that one racial or religious, the regulation is patently unreason able and constitutionally infrm. The discriminatory treatment required by the challenged regulation, barring pregnant women and mothers from continued service in the Air Force, refects the discredited notion that a woman who becomes pregnant is not ft for duty, but should be confned to the home to await childbirth and thereafer devote herself to child care. Imposition of this outmoded standard upon petitioner unconstitu tionally encroaches upon her right to privacy in the conduct of her personal life. The Air Force regulation applied to petitioner substantially infringes upon her right to sexual privacy, and her autonomy in deciding whether to bear. If she wishes to continue her Air Force career, she must not give birth to a child. Signifcantly, men in the Air Force are not encouraged, on pain of discharge, to use contraceptives and avoid fatherhood. If a serviceman and a servicewoman conceive a child, the serviceman is not even disciplined; on the other hand, the servicewoman is discharged, regardless of who is responsible for the failure of contraception, if indeed either is respon sible. On what rational basis does the Air Force assume that a woman alone bears responsibility for a planned or unplanned pregnancy Nixon called for a major study of the role of population growth in July 1969, he declared, One of the most serious challenges to human destiny in the last third of this century will be the growth of the population. On May 5, 1972, the commission presented its three-volume report to the president. The commission under stood its recommendations concerning population growth as not only increasing pub lic knowledge of the causes and consequences of population change, and facilitating and guiding the processes of population movement, but also maximizing information about human reproduction and its consequences for the family, and enabling individu als to avoid unwanted fertility. All human beings need a sense of their own dig nity and worth, a sense of belonging and sharing, and the opportunity to develop their individual potentialities. The report contained more than 70 policy recommendations, which advocated for social supports ranging fom sex education and contraception, to government housing aid aimed at diminishing residential racial polarization, to support for child care and ratifcation of the Equal Rights Amendment. By the time the commission presented its report to Nixon, countermobilization against the Equal Rights Amendment had begun, and, as we have seen, opponents of abortion repeal were organizing to recriminalize abortion in New York and Connecti cut. Advisors to the president encouraged him to align himself with these eforts in the interests of his reelection campaign. This nation cannot hope to successfully address the question of future popula tion without also addressing the complex network of unemployment, poor hous ing, poor health services, and poor education, all of which combine to act upon, and react to , the pressures of population. At the outset, we must recognize that our population problems cannot be resolved simply by inducing our have-not groups to limit the number of chil dren they have. Although the fertility of minority groups is higher than that of the rest of the population, it is not they who bear the primary responsibility for population growth. The idea that our population growth is primarily fueled by the poor and the minorities having lots of babies is a myth. There is nonetheless a strong relation ship between high fertility and the economic and social problems that afict the 13 percent of our people who are poor, and we must address it. The evidence for this is the response of minority families to family planning services when these are made available in an acceptable manner. Like other groups, minor ity members seek to limit their family size as a means of achieving a better quality of life for themselves and their children. How far down the road toward population stabilization would the preven tion of unwanted births take us Since fertility has been changing so rapidly in recent years, such an estimate is difcult to make. The record of women who are approaching the end of their childbearing, those 35 to 44 years old in 1970, indi cates that 27 percent had at least one unwanted birth, a total of one in every six births. The prevention of the unwanted births in this group would have carried them about three-ffhs of the way to the replacement level. But women in those age groups were the main participants in the post-war baby boom and have had the highest fertility of any women in modern time. And there has been a signif cant change downward in the family-size expectations of young couples. We conclude that there are many costs associated with unwanted fertility, not only fnancial, but health, social, psychological, and demographic costs as well. The Commission believes that all Americans, regardless of age, marital sta tus, or income, should be enabled to avoid unwanted births. Major eforts should be made to enlarge and improve the opportunity for individuals to control their own fertility, aiming toward the development of a basic ethical principle that only wanted children are brought into the world. Abortion the Moral Question the Commission recognizes that abortion is a complex issue requiring a thought ful balancing of moral, personal, and social values. As the Commission moves toward a population policy for the United States, our principal objective is the enrichment of life, not its restriction. We share with our fellow citizens an abid ing concern for the sanctity of all human life. Thus, we appreciate the moral decisions involved in abortion, as well as the possible insensitivity to all human life implied in the practice of abortion. It is from this perspective that we have approached three moral issues concerning abortion which we believe to be of fore most importance. The frst issue relates to the fetus, both as to the termination of potential life and determining when that life actually begins. Our society faces a difcult decision when the woman believes her well-being is threatened and she sees no other way out but an illegal abortion with all its attendant dangers. The Commission believes that a wise and sound decision in regard to the abortion question requires a careful balancing of the moral problems relating to the woman and the child along with those concerning the fetus. In the development of western culture, the tendency has been toward a greater protection of life. At the same time, there is a deep commitment in our moral tradition to individual freedom and social justice. Restrictive statutes also violate social justice, for when abortion is prohibited, women resort to illegal abortions to prevent unwanted births. Medi cally safe abortions have always been available to the wealthy, to those who could aford the high costs of physicians and trips abroad; but the poor woman has been forced to risk her life and health with folk remedies and disreputable practitioners. Public Health Abortion is not new; it has been an alternative to an unwanted birth for large numbers of American women (estimates ranged from 200,000 to 1,200,000 ille gal abortions per year in the United States). The Commission regards the issue of illegal abortion with great concern and supports measures to bring this medical procedure from the backrooms to the hospitals and clinics of this country. It is becoming increasingly clear that, where abortion is available on request, one result is a reduction in the number of illegal abortions. Deaths as a consequence of illegal abortion have dropped sharply in New York since the enactment of a liberal abor tion statute. The best informa tion comes from New York, where out-of-wedlock births have been on the rise since they were frst recorded in 1954. Statistics for the frst eight months of 1971 indicate that, for the frst time, the rate is declining. Moreover, the New York City programs for unmarried pregnant girls have reported a sharp decline in the num ber of applicants this year. In summary, we are impressed that the availability of abortion on request causes a reduction in the number of illegal abortions, maternal and infant deaths, and out-of-wedlock births, thereby greatly improving the health of women and children. Family Planning the Commission affirms that contraception is the method of choice for prevent ing an unwanted birth. We believe that abortion should not be considered a sub stitute for birth control, but rather as one element in a comprehensive system of maternal and infant health care. For many, the very need for abortion is evidence of a social and personal failure in the provision and use of birth control.

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If there are bilateral breath sounds and bilateral rise and fall of the chest virus names list purchase 100mg doxycycline free shipping, the tube is properly placed and may be secured (see below) antimicrobial incise drape order doxycycline with paypal. If not best natural antibiotics for acne order doxycycline canada, reposition the tube as follows until adequate placement is obtained: (1) Unilateral breath sounds and unilateral rise or fall of the chest indicate that the tube is past the carina infection knee pain order doxycycline 200mg. If air flows freely virus affecting kids buy line doxycycline, and the patient is breathing on his own antibiotics for uti how long does it take to work purchase doxycycline 200mg without prescription, proceed to next step. Secure the airway tube using tape (temporary), or use the 3-0 suture to make a stitch through the skin beside the tube. Administer 1 cc of saline solution into the airway to loosen secretions and help facilitate suctioning. Apply a dressing to further protect the tube or catheter and incision using one of the techniques below. Place them on opposite sides of the tube so that the tube comes up through the cut and the gauze overlaps. Assist respirations if respiratory rate falls below 12 or rises above 20 per minute. When: A needle thoracostomy can be performed faster than a tube thoracostomy in a rapidly deteriorating patient having signs of a tension pneumothorax. This can be life saving and gives enough relief to provide time for the medic to insert a chest tube. Insure that the procedure is performed on the side suspected 8-7 8-8 of having a pneumothorax (tension pneumothorax, simple pneumothorax, hemothorax), which will be the lung without breath sounds. Hyper-resonance is also a helpful sign, but the lack of breath sounds after penetrating or blunt trauma is a definitive sign. Prep the chest wall by pouring Betadine over the intended site or swab with an alcohol wipe. Run your finger down the midclavicular line, over the 2nd rib, to the 2nd intercostal space. Leave the catheter in place, and attach a three-way stopcock, which can be used to drain air as it accumulates 4. Primarily, it is fast and easy to perform, providing enough time for the medic to set up for inserting a chest tube. The life-threatening emergency is the tension pneumothorax, not the simple pneumothorax that remains. Alternative Technique: Remove the plunger from a 10-20 cc syringe filled with sterile saline, attach an 18 Ga needle/catheter (or larger) and use it to perform the thoracostomy. Once the catheter is placed and the needle removed, setup for chest tube can begin. If the location is not safe for the second procedure, leave the catheter in place, attach a three-way stopcock to drain air as it accumulates, cover the catheter with gauze and tape, and move to a secure location for the procedure. Tube Thoracostomy: Setup for a tube thoracostomy is more labor intensive than for a needle thoracostomy. Perform a tube thoracostomy after or in lieu of a needle thoracostomy to treat a simple pneumothorax (required prior to air evacuation). Site of insertion: along the mid-axillary line (a line running straight down from the middle of the armpit), always above the level of nipples in males (5th intercostal space since below this level there is a risk of puncturing the diaphragm). Generally, the tube is placed in the 3rd to 5th intercostal space on the mid-axillary line. Insert a large curved hemostat (Kelly Clamp) with the curve pointed toward the ribs and create a tunnel over the top of the rib. Advance it slowly, opening and closing the jaws of the hemostat to clear a path and then puncture into the thoracic cavity. Digitally explore the pleural space to remove any pleural adhesions and insure the lung is free to fall away from the chest wall. When in doubt, use a larger size because it will allow drainage of either air or blood from the chest cavity. Make sure that the tube is completely inserted so that no holes are left outside the chest. Connect the free end of the chest tube to an underwater seal drainage system (Pleur-Evac), and then suture into place with Nylon 2/0. If an underwater seal drainage system is unavailable, make a field expedient version by securing the free end of the tube in a container of water that is lower than the level of the inserted end of the tube. Bubbles coming out of the free end of the tube are a positive sign, indicating that the patient is expelling free air. Fasten it as air-tightly as possible over the end of the tube: insert the free end of the chest tube inside the open end of the glove finger and tape the glove finger around the tube. This will allow air to escape, but the glove finger will collapse on inspiration and prevent air from entering the lung. Place Vaseline-impregnated gauze around the tube at the incision site, cover over that with 4x4 gauze and tape in place. Do not reposition or remove and replace a suspect tube if the patient shows signs of a repeat tension pneumothorax. To assess the current status of oxygenation of the blood and the need for supplemental oxygen. Hemoglobin absorbs red and infrared light waves differently when it is bound with oxygen (oxyhemoglobin) versus when it is not (reduced hemoglobin). Oxyhemoglobin absorbs more infrared than red light and reduced hemoglobin absorbs more red than infrared light. The pulse oximeter probe contains a sensor and a light source, and is usually packaged in a clip or flat wrap that can be attached to a source of good capillary perfusion. One side (light source) emits wavelengths of light into the arterial bed and the other side (sensor) detects the presence of red or infrared light. Select a site: the probe is normally placed on the finger or toe of an uninjured limb in an adult, or on the ear of an infant or small child. Intervals: How long it is taking to conduct an impulse through the parts of the heart. Verify that the machine is set on the standard settings: paper speed at 25 mm/sec; amplitude at 10 mm/mv. Clean the sites for electrode placement by rubbing with an alcohol prep pad to remove dead skin, oils, and traces of soap or dirt. Attach the electrodes, being careful to place them over the intercostal spaces and not directly over the ribs. The assigned numbers are a result of dividing 300 by 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, and so forth. Normal rate is considered 60-100 beats/ minute, although some fit individuals will have resting rates down into the 40s. Many arrhythmias are not addressed in those sections, but medics are not trained or equipped in the field to treat them. Tachycardias can be treated by diving reflex, carotid massage (rule out bruit first). The medic must be aware that this procedure is dangerous and should not be attempted without prior training, and only as a last resort in life threatening emergencies when vital signs deteriorate: (narrow pulse pressure) low mean arterial pressure, +/ muffied heart sounds. There are also more rare etiologies for developing uid (viral pericarditis), as well as air (pneumopericardium in diving) in the pericardial sac. These conditions can be relieved with the same procedure outlined below to relieve blood in the pericardial sac. Emergency drugs (atropine, lidocaine, epinephrine, oxygen) What To Do: Preparation: 1. Aim the needle at the tip of the ipsilateral (same side) scapula (shoulder blade) 3. Insert the needle, maintaining slight suction and advanced until blood flow is obtained, and then stop advancement. Only a small amount (5-10 cc) removed can have a marked improvement in vital signs. When fluid is obtained, hold the syringe and needle in one hand, and gently advance (slide) the catheter into the pericardial space. When no further fluid/blood return, turn the 3-way stopcock to closed or in-between position. This indicates that the needle tip is in contact with myocardium and should be withdrawn. This monitoring improves the safety of the procedure, but is not practical in immediate life and death field scenarios. Collect samples of pericardial fluid in cases not related to penetrating trauma for later analysis. What Not To Do: Care must be taken not to insert the needle more than 1/8 of an inch once blood is obtained. The catheter can be left in if the medic has a catheter line that can be switched between closed and open. Remember, small movements of the syringe can have large effects on movement of the tip of the needle causing lacerations of the myocardium or coronary arteries. If the patient has on going bleeding rapid evacuation for surgical stabilization is indicated. Severe and uncontrollable bleeding above the diaphragm the possibility exists of increasing intrathoracic bleeding as the blood pressure increases. Then, discontinue deflation, and provide fluid replacement until the pressure is restored. You must correctly assess the trauma patient to determine whether or not he requires blood replacement and if he does, what those requirements are. Perform a survey of the casualty to ensure airway stabilization, adequate respirations, and hemorrhage control. Select the appropriate blood type based on the type and crossmatch and the types of blood available. Rh-negative patients should always receive Rh-negative blood except in life-threatening emergencies when Rh-negative blood may be unavailable. Fresh frozen plasma is an unconcentrated source of all clotting factors except platelets. Stabilization of adequate vital signs is primary indicator of sufficient blood volume. Order type specific or type O blood or blood component based on the type and crossmatch. Verify and inspect the blood pack received from the laboratory for abnormalities such as gas bubbles or black or gray colored sediment (indicative of bacterial growth): a. In a patient with a history of allergies or an allergic transfusion reaction, give an antihistamine prophylactically just before or at the beginning of the transfusion. The patient should be observed for signs of increased venous pressure or pulmonary congestion. If possible, direct observation of venous pressure during the infusion is a useful precaution. Administer the first 10 to 30 ml over 15 min, while observing the patient for reactions.

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It is understandable, to some extent, that pharma companies aggressively market their drugs; and persuade doctors by a variety of means. But it is not clear why doctors should pretend that such marketing does not influence their prescribing behaviour and therefore it is okay not to resist the marketing overtures of drug companies. Drug companies also encourage articles in newspapers and magazines, television and radio programmes, release promotional materials as news stories about latest developments in medical field and sponsor television programmes. Thus, drug promotion is a comprehensive attempt to influence health 3 workers and the general public to suspend their critical judgment. Coax by appealing to pragmatism: "All said and done Doctor, your patients expect you to prescribe. Cry (usually a sob story of the plight of being a sales executive with a target to meet or else. Infact we have made a video role-play to sensitise our undergraduate medical students on how to face up to the 5-C challenge. There is no evidence given for clinical efficacy, and the reference is to a study in an obscure (in house) journal. There is no mention of the generic name, constituents, contraindications, or side-effects. The pharmaceutical industry spent $22 billion on marketing to physicians (including free samples) in 2003, up from $12. The industry is on track to spend almost $3 billion in 2005 solely on meetings and events for physicians, according to Verispan, a health-care market-research firm in Pennsylvania. The drug industry argues, with reason, that gift giving evolved as a necessary tool for sharing information about new drugs with busy physicians who needed incentives to stop and listen. Within a month, another division of the same company held another seminar where another anti 10 hypertensive Xipamid was placed at the top while clonidine was at Number 10 the bottom! However in India advertisement in journals is a relatively low source of influence and persuasion compared to gifting and related inducements and of course part or full sponsorship of seminar events and the creation and 1. Patients may be alarmed that their prescribers, with a few honourable exceptions, can get 14 swayed so easily. Drug companies sponsor conferences and here are some examples: lThe Indian Medical Association requested major drug companies to become "Principal Sponsor" of its All India Conference by paying a whopping Rs. D rugP rom otion,C linicalT rials 215 lTop British cardiologists can collect more than $8,700, for an hour of lecturing to colleagues, and they also may be paid for putting their names to articles that review drugs in medical journals, according to a 15 reportby members of the British House of Commons in April 2005. Doctors, however, argue that they are not gullible enough to be influenced by glib talks and gifts. But most said yes, when asked if a sponsored cruise influenced the prescription practice of at least one doctor they knew. Indeed doctors who frequently see drug representatives are more willing to prescribe new drugs, are more likely to write a drug that is clinically not indicated, and do not like ending consultations with advice only. After attending sponsored conferences, irrational prescriptions start flowing from their pens. Anand aptly puts it, "No one should have any doubt that the costs of industry sponsored trips, meals, gifts, conferences and symposia are simply added to the prices of drugs and devices. When we attend a sponsored banquet, we may be adding significantly to the drug prices in India. Mani wrote of one conference, "We can easily afford to buy an odd pen or briefcase, a flask or a shopping bag. Yet no sooner did some company announce on the very loud audio system that there were some goodies available at some stall, a long queue would form there leaving the speaker to cast his wisdom on empty chairs. Instead of penalizing the guilty, further research on M4N and G4N was merely suspended for six 17 months! Krishnan Nair instead of removing the tumors on the 24 patients as soon as they were detected, delayed the surgical intervention for varying periods to find out the efficacy of the chemical on cancer cells," he said. In fact, Nair, in a press statement took a joint credit with John Hopkins University in announcing that the drug had been effective in treating certain cancers caused by viruses, the media 18 reports have said. They pleaded that as per the Protection of Human Rights Act, the complaint ought to have been filed within one year of occurrence of the event for it to be considered by the Commission. Gopalan, therefore, lost his case purely on legal technicalities, with the commission never looking into his complaint of serious ethical violations by the doctors who experimented on him without his voluntary or informed consent. The Division Bench accepted the argument that Gopalan should have filed the complaint within a year of the date of that injection. Common serious side-effects such as angina and myocardial infarction were not even mentioned. It did not even state the Phase of the trial, an elementary requirement, and omitted all important serious adverse effects such as malignancies, cardiomyopathy, lymphoproliferative disorders, etc. This perception is strengthened by the super speed with which some proposals are cleared: a voluminous protocol on trastuzumab sponsored by Roche was approved within 5 working days. It is humanly not possible to read and analyze the bulky documents in such a short period. Without any independent enquiry, Shantha Biotech that sponsored the trial washed off its hands by labeling the death of "trial subjects", as they are impersonally called, to "causes other that the use" of the drug! According to another participant of the same trial, the subjects were lured with money by agents working for the Company. A trial done on an animal without approval from the relevant authorities is fined Rs. The investigators for clinical trials are chosen by sponsoring commercial companies. Neither the regulatory authorities nor the Hospital Ethics Committees seek information from investigators about their financial relationship with drug manufacturers. Many other instances may be given of well-known companies in India and abroad whose products have failed and continue to fail routinely. As India becomes a "destination" for clinical trials, it is the ordinary person who is at risk, in the absence of information in the public domain of clinical trials being conducted. More importantly, the Drug Controller General of India often does a balancing act between public health interests and making Indian industry "world class" and competitive goals which could be complementary but in the context of the irrationalities and distortions in the market, it appears to be loaded in the favour of drug industry than people at large. The same group that approved the drug is also responsible for taking regulatory action against it post-marketing. The culture is dominated by a world view that believes only randomized clinical trials provide useful and actionable information and that postmarketing safety is an afterthought. This culture also views the pharmaceutical industry it is supposed to regulate as its client, over-values the benefits of the drugs it approves and seriously under-values, disregards and disrespects drug safety. The Lancet, the New England Journal of Medicine, the Journal of the American Medical Association and other major journals accused the drug giants of using their money or the threat of its removal to tie up academic researchers with legal contracts so that they are unable to report freely and fairly on the results of drug trials. They may be given no say in the way the trial is designed and they may have only limited participation in interpreting the results. According to Richard Horton, editor of the Lancet, and one of the signatories, "The patient should know who is in control of the study. Are you my doctor or the scientist doing the study in control or is the pharmaceutical company in control Some editors would be asking for a signed declaration from the author that they accept responsibility for the trial. If the company has sole control of the data, the journals will not publish the study. By enforcing adherence to these revised requirements, we can as editors assure our readers that the authors of an article have had a meaningful and truly independent role in the study that bears their names. It has more to do with sponsored clinical trials and the reporting of clinical trials seen by the public at large as a neutral form of evidence. For a drug company, a favourable trial is worth thousands of pages of advertising, which is why a company will sometimes spend upwards of a million dollars on reprints of the trial for worldwide distribution. The doctors receiving the reprints may not read them, but they will be impressed by the name of the journal from which they come. Paula Rochon and others examined in 1994 all the trials funded by manufacturers 27 of nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs for arthritis that they could find. They found 56 trials, and not one of the published trials presented results that were unfavourable to the company that sponsored the trial. For yet another instance in this vein, see the box below, Aspirin Dispute is Fueled by Funds o f Industry Rivals. In the United States, the Food and Drug Administration Modernization Act requires that all trials on life-threatening diseases be registered into <http:/ClinicalTrials. This is contrary to a longstanding understanding, and one supported by regulatory agencies world over, that clinical trial results are company property and commercially confidential. D rugP rom otion,C linicalT rials 221 Aspirin Dispute is Fueled by Funds of Industry Rivals Over the past four years, medical publications have become full of talk about "aspirin resistance" - suggesting that millions who take an aspirin a day to prevent heart attacks are wasting their effort. If that is true, widespread testing might be needed to detect the condition and doctors might have to turn to aspirin substitutes costing $4 a day. Last July, Harvard Medical School associate professor Daniel Simon warned that aspirin resistance may afflict as many as 30% of the 25 million Americans taking aspirin for their hearts. The issue of aspirin resistance is a powerful example of how key academic researchers with a financial interest can influence the care Americans receive. Merck and Pharmacia did extensive post-approval studies to show that their arthritis pain medications, Vioxx and Celebrex, were easier on the stomach than older, cheaper painkillers. Apparently, a 30,000 patient study had been announced in November 2001 but never started. Last week, New York Times reported that Merck had considered a cardiovascular outcome study, but decided that it would send the "wrong" marketing and public relations signal. It was not large enough to detect a heart attack risk that it did find a risk was a lucky break for patients, but this is not what it was designed to do. Likewise, Pharmacia circulated preliminary results suggesting that its study of more than 8,000 patients showed that Celebrex was easier on the stomach than ibuprofen. According to Steve Berman, the lead attorney for the proposed class, Pfizer promoted Lipitor by claiming it prevents heart disease in women and the elderly, even though no clinical test has established such a benefit. The lawsuit alleges that Pfizer engaged in a massive campaign to convince both doctors and patients that Lipitor is a beneficial treatment for nearly everyone with elevated cholesterol, even though no studies have shown it to be effective for women and those over 65 years of age who do not already have heart disease or diabetes. Lipitor is in the class of cholesterol-lowering drugs called statins and it is the best-selling drug in the world, with sales in 2004 of more than $10 billion. John Abramson, clinical instructor of ambulatory care at Harvard Medical School and author of Overdosed America: the Broken Promise of American Medicine. The studies themselves are not risk free and side effects come to light only when a drug is used widely. Doctors who test post-approval drugs are more likely to prescribe them to their patients. Consider the following witness given to the House of Commons Report on the Influence of the Pharmaceutical 34 Industry, 2004-05: In order for a drug to be licensed it has to show that it is more effective than a placebo, usually in two controlled trials. However, according to Prof Healy, companies can run 10 or more trials in carefully selected samples using instruments designed to pick up any effect and, even if the results show that the drug failed to beat placebo in the majority of trials, the drug may still be licensed. The trials producing negative results are commonly identified as failed trials rather than drug failures. Whether the experimental drug is compared to placebo or a comparator drug will affect the outcome. Common flaws in trial design include the use of inappropriate comparator drugs, such as those associated with a higher risk of side-effects than others in the therapeutic group. Administration of a comparator drug in unduly low doses may result in reduced levels of efficacy. Administration of the comparator drug at relatively high dosages might make the test drug appear safer than it really is. Also of concern, because it may lead to an over-estimate of the drug benefit, is reliance on surrogate markers of efficacy or disease (in one case, higher numbers of extra abnormal heartbeats were assumed to correlate with increased risk of death). However, such markers may not be directly relevant to treatment outcomes (in this case, drugs used to reduce the number of heartbeats were actually associated with increased mortality). The use of combined clinical outcomes can also be problematic; making it difficult to assess which end point has really changed, while the use of inappropriate safety markers makes extrapolation to safety in clinical practice even harder. On the other hand, others either did not attempt to find out about previous research or could not get access to it. Sir Iain Chalmers argued that a systematic review of existing evidence prior to the planning and reporting of new clinical trials should be mandatory. The following example shows what can happen if such a review is not undertaken: After reviewing the experience of thousands of patients who had participated in controlled trials of new calcium-blocking drugs given to people experiencing a stroke, a Dutch team found no evidence to support the increasing use of these drugs in practice, or for the large numbers of clinical trials that had been performed Furthermore, when they subsequently prepared a systematic review of the relevant animal studies they found that these had never suggested that the drug would be useful in humans. This "disease-mongering" suits the medical profession too, as it helps in medicalising problems. Some examples: lIn India, piractecam is being promoted for vague conditions like "intellectual decay," "social maladjustment," "lack of alertness," "changes of mood," "deterioration in behaviour" and "learning disabilities in children associated with the written word. If the drug is administered for the entire school year as recommended, it will mean parents buying at lease 2,700 capsules at a cost of Rs. In Britain, piracetam (Nootropil) is permitted for use in just a single indication, a rare disorder called cortical myoclonus, that too only as an adjunctive therapy (Reference: Britain National Formulary). While in India, the drug is being promoted for use in young children, in Britain its use is contraindicated for adolescents under the age of 16 years. D rugP rom otion,C linicalT rials 225 It has no contraindications, no need to observe any precautions, no interactions and no adverse drug reactions. In Britain, the drug is contraindicated in hepatic and renal impairment, during pregnancy and lactation.

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