

Daniel T. Teitelbaum MD

  • Adjunct Professor of occupational and Environmental Health, Colorado School of Public Health, Denver, Colorado
  • Adjunct Professor, Civil and Environmental Engineering, Colorado School of Mines, Golden, Colorado


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We can see steps towards science in ancient China, India and elsewhere, even though faltering, incomplete, and bearing less fruit. Is it possible that never again in the history of the human species would science have emerged? Then, a premium awaits those who, instead of blandly following tradition, or trying to foist their preferences on to the physical or social Universe, are open to what the Universe teaches. Each society must decide where in the continuum between openness and rigidity safety lies. But in a society in which manual labour is demeaned and thought fit only for slaves, as in the classical Graeco-Roman world, the experimental method does not thrive. Often, superstition and injustice are imposed by the same ecclesiastical and secular authorities, working hand in glove. It is no surprise that political revolutions, scepticism about religion, and the rise of science might go together. At the same time, it is undeniable that central figures in the transition from medieval superstition to modern science were profoundly influenced by the idea of one Supreme God who created the Universe and established not only commandments that humans must live by, but laws that Nature itself must abide by. And yet, I think there is strong contrary evidence to this whole thesis, calling out to us from across the millennia. The wildebeests or elands or okapis are where they thought, in the numbers and condition they estimated. Kung San people of the Kalahari Desert, in the Republics of Botswana and Namibia, who are now, tragically, on the verge of extinction. Kung San may be typical of the hunter gatherer mode of existence in which we humans spent most of our time, until ten thousand years ago, when plants and animals were domesticated and the human condition began to change, perhaps forever. According to anthropologist Richard Lee: They scrutinized the shape of the depressions. This method is essentially identical to what planetary astrono mers use in analysing craters left by impacting worldlets: other things being equal, the shallower the crater, the older it is. Craters with slumped walls, with modest depth-to-diameter ratios, with fine particles accumulated in their interiors tend to be more ancient, because they had to be around long enough for these erosive processes to come into play. If insect or other animal tracks are superposed on the hoofprints, this also argues against their freshness. They will alter course to take brief advantage of the shade from a stand of trees. But where the shadow is depends on the time of day, because the Sun is moving across the sky. Later in the afternoon, as the Sun is setting toward the west, shadows are cast to the east. Not only are hunter-gatherers expert in the tracks of other animals; they also know human tracks very well. Laurens van der Post recounts, [M]any miles from home and separated from the rest, Nxou and I, on the track of a wounded buck, suddenly found another set of prints and spoor joining our own. Does every tracker in the course of his training sit on his haunches for hours, following the slow degradation 296 the Wind Makes Dust of an eland hoofprint? The local variations wind speed, soil moisture are updated as needed in each generation, or seasonally, or day-by-day. Every time we try to judge the age of a crater on the Moon or Mercury or Triton by its degree of erosion, we do not perform the calculation from scratch. We dust off a certain scientific paper and read the tried-and-true numbers that have been set down perhaps as much as a generation earlier. They try to understand the principles and the mathematics, they observe its utility, they note how Nature follows these rules, and they take these sciences to heart, making them their own. Yet someone had to figure out all these tracking protocols for the first time, perhaps some palaeolithic genius, or more likely a succession of geniuses in widely separated times and places. Kung tracking protocols of magical methods examining the stars the night before or the entrails of an animal, or casting dice, or interpreting dreams, or conjuring demons, or any of the myriad other spurious claims to knowledge that humans have intermittently entertained. You need a precise answer that magic and divina tion simply do not provide, or at least not often enough to stave off starvation. Instead hunter-gatherers who are not very superstitious in their everyday life, except during trance dances around the fire and under the influence of mild euphoriants are practical, workaday, motivated, social, and often very cheerful. You can even see it in chimpanzees when tracking on patrol of the frontiers of their territory, or when preparing a reed to insert into the termite mound to extract a modest but much needed source of protein. The other principal food-garnering activity of pre-agrarian societies is foraging. Botanists and anthropologists have repeatedly found that all over the world hunter-gatherer peoples have distinguished the various plant species with the precision of western taxonomists. This vestige of colonialism and racism is belied by the everyday activities of people living with no fixed abode and almost no possessions, the few remaining hunter-gatherers the custodians of our deep past. What Ionia and ancient Greece provided is not so much inven tions or technology or engineering, but the idea of systematic inquiry, the notion that laws of Nature, rather than capricious gods, govern the world. Each such explanation identified with a different pre Socratic philosopher was deeply flawed in its details. But the 298 the Wind Makes Dust mode of explanation, an alternative to divine intervention, was productive and new. When, through indifference, inatten tion, incompetence, or fear of scepticism, we discourage children from science, we are disenfranchising them, taking from them the tools needed to manage their future. Although there are many ways of making stone tools, what is remarkable is that in a given site for enormous periods of time the tools were made in the same way which means that there must have been educa tional institutions hundreds of thousands of years ago, even if it was mainly an apprenticeship system. When the training is unchanged for immense periods of time, traditions are passed on intact to the next generation. Teachers despair at how educational standards have deteriorated, and how lackadaisi cal students have become. In a world in transition, students and teachers both need to teach themselves one essential skill learning how to learn. There are many better responses than making the child feel that asking deep questions constitutes a social blunder. The best of 20 fifth-grade classrooms in Minneapolis was outpaced by every one of 20 classrooms in Sendai, Japan, and 19 out of 20 in Taipei, Taiwan. Such dismal trends for average students in the United States are occasionally offset by the performance of outstanding students. Polls show that something like half of American adults do not know that the Earth goes around the Sun and takes a year to do it. I can find in my undergraduate classes at Cornell University bright students who do not know that the stars rise and set at night, or even that the Sun is a star. If you accept the literal truth of every word of the Bible, then the Earth must be flat. Anyone of the round persuasion does not believe in 304 No Such Thing as a Dumb Question God and should be punished. Among many ironies, the lucid evidence that the Earth is a sphere, accumulated by the second century Graeco-Egyptian astronomer Claudius Ptolemaeus, was transmitted to the west by astronomers who were Muslim and Arab. And so science (and other) teaching is too often incompetently or uninspiringly done, its practitioners, astonishingly, having little or no training in their subjects, impatient with the method and in a hurry to get to the findings of science and sometimes themselves unable to distinguish science from pseudoscience. Children need hands-on experience with the experimental method rather than just reading about science in a book. We may be told that oxygen is necessary for the life of some organisms and not others. But we begin really to understand when we test the proposition in a bell jar fully depleted of oxygen. You could have them read it, Article by Article, and then discuss it in class but, sadly, this will put most of them to sleep. You brief each of the thirteen teams in detail on the particular interests of their state and region. The South Carolina delegation, say, would be told of the primacy of cotton, the necessity and morality of the slave trade, the danger posed by the industrial north, and so on. The thirteen delegations assemble, and with a little faculty guidance, but mainly on their own, over some weeks write a constitution. This takes more preparation by the teachers and more work by the students, but the experience is unforgettable. No one suggests that property taxes be used to provide for the military budget, or for agriculture subsidies, or for cleaning up toxic wastes. The total time devoted to studies, in and out of the classroom, is about 20 hours a week. During four years of high school, American students spend less than 1,500 hours on such subjects as mathematics, science and history. Those in America with the most favourable view of science tend to be young, well-to-do, college-educated white males. And a mandatory fresh man or sophomore (first or second-year) course in sceptical thinking and the methods of science might be worth trying. The blueprints, detailed instructions, and job orders for build ing you from scratch would fill about 1,000 encyclopedia volumes if written out in English. A quasar is so far away that the light we see from it began its intergalactic voyage before the Earth was formed. Every person on Earth is descended from the same not-quite-human ancestors in East Africa a few million years ago, making us all cousins. Given our manifest human limitations, what is surprising is that we have been able to penetrate so far into the secrets of Nature. Consider these exam ples, some very simple, some not, chosen more or less at random. Or could the chemical remains of more modern organisms have infiltrated into the rock? Would it ever be feasible to insert new circuits or alter old ones in the brain in such a way as to change opinions, memories, emotions, logical deductions? Or could, as Plato thought in the Cratylus, certain words be built into us from birth? Sometimes there is a mistake in copying; from that point forward the mistake is copied in successive generations of molecules. Thus there get to be slightly different species of self-replicating molecules, some of which reproduce faster or more efficiently than others. Sirius in fact does have such a companion, although it requires fairly sophisticated astronomy to detect it. Or, (3) did the Dogon hear about the white dwarf companion of Sirius from a visiting European? The more you make such presentations, the clearer it is which approaches work and which do not. With the end of the Cold War, the national defence trump card that provided support for all sorts of fundamental science became virtually unplayable. There, as the philosopher John Passmore comments, science is often presented as a matter of learning principles and applying them by routine procedures. The beginning scientist, unlike the beginning humanist, does not have an immediate contact with genius. At least every now and then, we should provide the evidence and let the reader draw his or her own conclusion. Clarke all of them trained in, and most of them leading practitioners of science. Among the best contemporary scientist-popularizers, I think of Stephen Jay Gould, E. Wilson, Lewis Thomas and Richard Dawkins in biology; Steven Weinberg, Alan Lightman and Kip Thorne in physics; Roald Hoffmann in chemistry; and the early works of Fred Hoyle in astronomy. I also want us to stop turning out leaden, incurious, uncritical and unimaginative high school seniors. Suddenly a great blaze of fire broke out, and the house started burning on all sides. They do not know that this dwelling is afire, they do not understand it, do not perceive it, pay no attention to it, and so they feel no agitation. With eighty million readers you can really sample the opinion of the citizens of the United States. An abbreviated version of the preceding chapter, emphasizing the performance of students and teachers, was published in Parade. Some people denied there was a problem; others said that Americans were losing cutting-edge intelligence and know-how. Some thought there were easy solu tions; others, that the problems were too deeply ingrained to fix. I am studying to be a lawyer and frankly I do agree with my parents when they say I have an attitude problem toward science. I know my mom would rather be watching me play basketball or soccer, instead of helping me with an assignment. If we want to rank first, we could go to school all day and not have any social life. To accomplish this, it needs to be started early on, not just taught as facts and figures.

The main advantage of the second arteria 4ch plavix 75 mg for sale, “top down” approach is that it provides a useful counterfactual blood pressure 14080 proven 75 mg plavix, comparing the crime control effects of two different policies that can be described substantively heart attack move me stranger extended version buy 75mg plavix visa. However blood pressure infant normal value purchase 75 mg plavix visa, it can only hint at variation in incapacitation effects because the estimates are for places blood pressure chart europe buy 75mg plavix fast delivery, not people arteria 3d generic plavix 75 mg mastercard. More broadly, but for the same reasons, this approach cannot prove that the effects estimated from this approach are due only to incapacitation. In each of the aggregate papers, the deterrent threat of incarceration has also changed as has the potential for specific deterrence and rehabilitation. For example, an individual contemplating crime in a state with a court-imposed cap on incarceration might plausibly assume that his chance of incarceration is less if he was to commit a crime. Individuals who are part of collective pardons might not be able to complete rehabilitation programs, or might decide that incarceration is not as bad as they had previously thought, and therefore commit more crimes than they would have without the collective pardon. While Vollaard argued that the observed impact in the Netherlands was due to the incapacitation of chronic drug-addicted offenders who were no longer “deterrable” or amenable to treatment, he also acknowledged that it is still at least possible that there was also deterrent value to the statute. These individuals would have been incarcerated even without the three-strike provisions: the difference is that they may now have a 10 or 15-year sentence instead of a 5-year sentence. As a result, there will be no additional incapacitative benefit to these particular laws in the short run. An immediate change in the crime rates after the implementation of the law can then be plausibly considered to be a deterrent rather than an incapacitative effect. Long-term effects can be plausibly attributed to both deterrence and incapacitation. They find both short-term and long-term effects, suggesting evidence for both incapacitation and deterrence. Levitt, Using Sentence Enhancements to Distinguish between Deterrence and Incapacitation, 42 J. In a cost benefit analyses, the costs of incarceration are compared with the monetized benefits of preventing a certain numbers of crimes. The monetary costs of crime are generated using direct accounting methods, compensatory damages from civil lawsuits, and methods that attempt to put an estimate on individuals’ willingness to pay to avoid victimization. From the perspective of Miles and Ludwig, generating a clean estimate of the crime-reducing benefits of a policy would then provide room to concentrate on generating good estimates of the costs and benefits of such a policy. Whether the effect of incarceration was due to incapacitation or deterrence or some other process would be both unknown and irrelevant. The logic of this argument is compelling—ultimately, what policymakers need to know is the treatment effect of incarceration. The fact that incarceration can reduce crime through multiple mechanisms is interesting, but not particularly important if the policy choice involves more or less incarceration. However, once policymakers start thinking about the nature of the incarceration experience, the mechanisms become important. Mueller-Smith has found compelling evidence that the spell of incarceration increases the offending rate of an individual after he is released from jail in Harris County, Texas. Without breaking down the treatment impact of incarceration into its component parts, policymakers will have little insight into how they can improve upon standard practice. Fortunately, researchers have begun to develop a new, third approach to estimate the separate incapacitative benefit of incarceration. This new approach relies on individual-level data, like the bottom-up approach, but, as 32. Miles & Jens Ludwig, the Silence of the Lambdas: Deterring Incapacitation Research, 23 J. Michael Mueller-Smith, the Criminal and Labor Market Impacts of Incarceration (Aug. Incapacitation 45 in the top-down approach, the researcher creates a useful counterfactual using other observations in the data. The rate of offending generated by the non incarceration counterfactual becomes the best estimate of the amount of crime prevented through the incarceration of the first individual. The main drawback to this approach is that the focus on individuals means that the approach cannot account for replacement crimes committed by other people. The main attraction of this latter approach is that it does not force the researchers to assume that individuals who are not incarcerated will necessarily look like those who are. Rather, individuals are explicitly identified as comparable on the basis of their observed offending behavior and other characteristics. In the first example of this approach, Sweeten and Apel studied the self reported offending of a group of individuals in a contemporary U. Rather, they relied on self-reported data from a matched control group (using propensity scoring) of other people who are otherwise similar but not incarcerated. The matching approach controls for observable differences between those who are incarcerated and those who are not. Their approach has the merit of being tied to a specific change in imprisonment policy, namely increasing the numbers who are given prison as a punishment as opposed to extending the lengths of those currently incarcerated. They find estimates of around 10 crimes a year, slightly lower than the estimates from Levitt. Gary Sweeten & Robert Apel, Incapacitation: Revisiting an Old Question with a New Method and New Data, 23 J. One possible shortcoming of this approach is that it does not consider the possibility of replacement. The aggregate analyses should generate estimates net of replacement—the individual estimates will not. The fact that the individual estimates are almost universally lower than the aggregate estimates suggests that the replacement effects are not a major problem. One possible explanation is that Vollaard studied an earlier, more restrictive version of the program that was particularly targeted. One problem with this matching approach is that it controls only for observable differences. Emily Owens fashioned an identification strategy that should control for both unobserved and observed differences between those who are incarcerated and those who are not. She takes advantage of a technical change in Maryland sentencing guidelines that had a substantial effect on the sentence for a subset of sentenced offenders. Until 2001, these records were included in the criminal history of all individuals up to the age of 25; after 2001, the age for which juvenile histories counted was lowered to 22. Thus some of those aged 23-25 received shorter sentences than they would have received in the earlier years. Owens estimates that this reduced the average sentence under the Maryland guidelines system by about 25% (about 9 to 18 months). She also found that, during this time period when they were at liberty because of the change in rules, youths sentenced after 2001 were arrested on average 2. Taking account of the specific offenses for which they were arrested, and the ratio of recorded arrests to recorded offenses of the same type, she estimates that they were responsible for 1. This provides a relatively precise estimate of their recorded criminal activity during a period when they would have been incarcerated under the previous rules. Like the Dutch estimates, the estimate that Owens develops of crimes averted is smaller by an order of magnitude than the Levitt estimate of 15 to 20 crimes previously cited in the literature. Two other recent studies have followed Owens in using exogenous variation to compare those in prison to otherwise similar people on probation or parole. As in the Owens study, the offending of the individuals with probation can be used to estimate the incapacitative benefit from prison during the time that the individual would have otherwise been in prison. The incapacitative impacts of incarceration have at times been ignored by criminologists who focus solely on the differences in recidivism for those assigned to prison versus those who are assigned probation, essentially starting the clock at release rather than from sentencing. Mueller-Smith found that incarceration actually increases offending after release,42 while Bhuller et al. But, the difference in estimates after incarceration point to the importance of remembering that incapacitation is only one of the potential consequences of incarceration. The possibility exists that these effects could be much bigger for targeted policies focusing on high-rate offenders. In the Netherlands, a country of 16 million, only 4,000 people are even eligible for the habitual-offender label in a given year, and even fewer actually receive the penalty. Nevertheless, Vollaard showed that Dutch cities that used the habitual-offender law more liberally also had smaller crime reduction per prison year,44 and Tollenaar et al. This leads inevitably to diminishing marginal returns from increased incarceration. As a result, individuals are incapacitated only after they have revealed through their own behavior that they are indeed prolific. However, it is tempting to avoid waiting until someone has committed so many offenses before identifying them as a high rate offender. Imagine how many crimes could have been prevented in the Netherlands if these individuals could have been identified and incapacitated before they were convicted more than 31 times. Prospectively identifying high-rate offenders, selective incapacitation, holds out this tantalizing prospect of dramatic reductions in crime. It also carries with it some ethical ambiguity, since individuals are essentially being incarcerated for crimes they have not yet committed. False positives are people identified as high-rate offenders who would have stopped without any additional intervention. Because of this concern about false positives, the debate about selective incapacitation can become quite heated. A Comparison of Statistical, Machine Learning and Data Mining Predictive Models, 176 J. Incapacitation 49 enough to create benefits that outweigh not only the costs of incarcerating the accurately identified high-risk offenders, but also the costs generated by incarcerating the false positives. As a result, it would have taken them longer to accumulate the same number of offenses, and prolific offenders will be less obvious in the U. Analysis of selective incapacitation policies is also complicated by the fact that incarceration and criminal justice actions may affect the offending of the incarcerated individuals through specific deterrence, stigmatization, or incapacitation. And these treatments are being assigned in a non-random way to the convicted population. In this context, in which a regime is already trying to implement a treatment, Jeffrey Smith and I have made it clear that it is hard to evaluate the impact of any variable on subsequent offending without an explicit model of what the criminal justice actors are already trying to accomplish. But, if incapacitation is ignored or not modeled, we will not get a true measure of risk. To the extent we know what the actors are trying to do, we can more easily interpret the causal impacts of the various actions. Such information is often not available, and we need to make strong assumptions to make much progress 52. Richard Berk, Asymmetric Loss Functions for Forecasting in Criminal Justice Settings, 27 J. Shawn Bushway & Jeffrey Smith, Sentencing Using Statistical Treatment Rules: What We Don’t Know Can Hurt Us, 23 J. While there is substantial literature on risk prediction,56 very little of this research takes this problem—that the decisions are endogenous with respect to the risk—into account. In light of that fact, researchers and policymakers should be aware that the endogeneity of treatments (with respect to risk) understates the power of risk-prediction models by suppressing the true unobserved risk of the person through treatment, including incapacitation. This is selective incapacitation at the other end of the distribution—why incarcerate or otherwise restrict people who are at low risk for offending. It is also far more attractive, and potentially easier, to identify the larger group of low risk people than it is to identify the small group of high-risk people. In an era when policymakers are seeking to reduce incarceration, using risk tools to identify the lowest-risk individuals to release so as to minimize potential crime increases makes good sense. For example, research in economics has considered the incapacitative impact of school, which keeps youths out of the community and potentially reduces 56. Incapacitation 51 property crime,63 and of bad weather, which keeps people off the streets. House arrest and electronic monitoring, which has become increasingly common in the U. New monitoring policies that require individuals to check in daily for drug and alcohol tests may incapacitate offenders by requiring certain behavior (showing up for Breathalyzer tests) when they would otherwise be drinking. These alternative forms of incapacitation might not be as complete as imprisonment, but they may also not carry with them the costs associated with concentrating large numbers of offenders in a prison. The costs of creating such potentially violent environments are not typically considered in the average incapacitation study, which focuses only on crimes in the community. In contrast, evaluations of alternative forms of incapacitation do consider the crimes that are committed while under supervision. For example, evaluations of electronic monitoring compare the behavior of people with the monitors to the behavior of people without monitors. A realistic appraisal of these new forms of incapacitation starts with a clear understanding of how an environment affects the behavior of the person in the current moment, even if the primary goal of the new environment. People who are incarcerated do not commit as many crimes as they would have, absent incarceration. This appears to result in a real decline in the number of crimes experienced outside of prison. Although replacement is possible, there is no convincing evidence that the crimes averted by incarceration are simply replaced by the next available potential criminal. The best modern estimates for the size of the effect are modest, in the neighborhood of two to five serious crimes per year. These effects are larger if incarceration is used in a more targeted way for higher rate offenders, but will inevitably decline as incarceration is used more heavily. Jacob, Lars Lefgren & Enrico Moretti, the Dynamics of Criminal Behavior: Evidence from Weather Shocks, 42 J.

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Figure 29 (a) depicts the pain distribution for another patient with localized pain of the upper thigh at baseline arteria epigastrica cranialis superficialis commissura labiorum dorsalis discount plavix 75 mg online. At the four-week follow-up visit heart attack and blood pressure plavix 75mg without prescription, the area of pain was signifcantly reduced (Figure 29 (b)) heart attack in women purchase 75mg plavix fast delivery. Additionally heart attack 90 year old order plavix 75 mg with mastercard, the paresthesia was largely unaffected by positional changes (upright vs heart attack music video generic plavix 75 mg line. Pain (left panel) and paresthesia (right panel) maps for a third patient are shown in Figure 30 arteria femural generic 75 mg plavix. Post-herniorrhaphy pain As discussed above, post-herniorrhaphy pain is an especially common form of groin pain and comprises the vast majority of the patients in our cohort. Twelve patients were trialed for post-herniorrhaphy pain, and of those ten (10; 83. Ten patients had follow-up data, and the mean follow-up time for these patients was 17. Four out of the fve (80%) patients had greater than 50% pain relief while two patients had >80% pain relief. Outcomes of Postherniorrhaphy Pain Patients spinal foramen at the level of L1 (ilioinguinal and Postherniorrhaphy Pain iliohypogastric) and L2 (genitofemoral). Ten patients relief, a pain area that is difficult to treat with other types a with a mean pain relief similar to the entire cohort perineum is difficult and paresthesia is often simulta 12 had follow-up data, and the mean follow-up time for of neurostimulation. Additionally, we have shown that a provide very specific dermatomal sensory information, and pain relief. When columns at the level of T11-L1 likely stimulates leg and follow-up; 5 of 10 (50. At 6 months, one of the patients reported 100% paresthesia coverage (right) over the areas ofTable 2. Additional prospective studies are necessary also more likely to be stable with body position. For groin pain, these advantages appear to be especially pronounced, likely due to the innervation of the groin and the anatomy of these nerves as they enter the spinal cord. The groin is primarily innervated by the ilioinguinal, iliohypogastric, or genitofemoral nerves, which enter the spinal foramen at the level of L1 (ilioinguinal and iliohypogastric) and L2 (genitofemoral). From there, these spinal nerves enter the spinal cord at about the level of the T11-T12 vertebrae. In contrast, stimulation of the dorsal columns at the level of T11-L1 likely stimulates leg and buttocks fbers, which are larger and more plentiful. Gastro the cutaneous branch of the ilioinguinal and enterology 2009, 136(2):376-86. Aasvang E, Kehlet H: Surgical management of chronic pain after inguinal hernia repair. Elias M: Spinal cord stimulation for post root ganglion for postherpetic neuralgia. Anes mance of the Spinal Modulation Dorsal Root thesiology 2005, Aug:103(2):360-76. Holsheimer J, Barolat G: Spinal geometry and channel mutation produces hyper or hypo paresthesia coverage in spinal cord stimula excitability in different types of neurons. Despite considerable clinical neuroscience research, the goal of development of effective, reliable, and durable treatments has remained elusive. It may be that, by targeting this site, robust new options for pain management will be revealed. Pain management strategies have been developed that target the nervous system at various sites. Brain sites in the pain projection system have seen a number of systemic medications deployed, including several antidepressant and anticonvulsants as frst and second line agents, as well as third line agents such as opioids (1,7). The link between chronic pain and suicidality (9) suggests that current gold-standard treatments are inadequate. In recent years, there has been renewed interest in the preclinical and early-clinical search for novel and effective strategies that target specifc sites in the nervous system. One process extends into the periphery, for meters in some cases, and terminates in somatosensory transduction receptors (encapsulated mechanoreceptors or bare nerve endings). The proximal process terminates in the superfcial layers of the dorsal column of the spinal cord (14). The sensitization of primary sensory neurons is due to increased cell surface traffcking of a number of pain-facilitating structures (26). Intracellular calcium can then initiate biochemical cascades such as neurotransmitter release at presynaptic terminals in the dorsal horn of the spinal cord. A number of pharmacologically-distinct voltage-dependent calcium channels exist; N and T-type channels in the Cav2 and Cav3 gene families are involved in pain perception (27, 28). Newer-generation pain medications such as gabapentin and ziconotide target subunits of these calcium channels (27, 29). Moderate evidence supports the use of oral gabapentin for postherpetic neuralgia and painful diabetic neuropathy (30). The anti-allodynic effects of gabapentin was mediated by blocking surface traffcking of a2d1 and a2d2 heteromeric protein subunits of voltage-gated calcium channels in primary sensory and dorsal horn neurons (26), which suggests a strong theoretical rationale for intrathecal administration of gabapentin, despite the recent failure 148 of a Phase 2 clinical trial (31). When administered within appropriate therapeutic windows and in a slow titration, intrathecal ziconotide is recommended as a frst line option after conservative medical treatments have failed (32). The side effects associated with off-target blockade of N and T-type calcium channels may limit the effectiveness of these compounds; for example, ziconotide must be delivered intrathecally to limit the neurocognitive, psychiatric, and ataxic side effects that can be encountered with systematic routes of administration. This was achieved with systemic injections (in contrast to intrathecal delivery) and lower safety concerns than with direct Cav2. Similarly, injections of resiniferatoxin (a capsaicin analogue) at the site of the sensory ganglia results can temporarily desensitize or permanently anesthetize the region of pain via selective neurotoxicity-a so-called molecular scalpel (37). Certainly, primary sensory neurons play a role in the activation of glia via downstream neurotransmitter release in the dorsal horn (41). Although the exact ramifcations of these cell-cell connections are unknown, it is interesting to speculate on the effects gap junctions might play when a therapeutic electrical feld in placed across the ganglia. However, an unacceptably high rate of osteonecrosis makes this approach untenable 8 (46). In chronic pain conditions, a number of ion channel structures and chemoligands are upregulated. The resultant increase in activity and membrane traffcking may initiate or maintain pain. Conversely, the targeted reduction in activity at the cellular level can prevent or reverse hypersensitivity and therefore ameliorate pain. Calcium currents can be reduced via medications that directly target specifc subunits of the channel protein structure; gabapentin and ziconotide are two examples of antagonists that are effective pain medications (2). Norepinephrine released from the sympathetic neurons is a ligand for β3 adrenoreceptors, which also induce cationic currents (1). Careful testing of the biochemical cascade that underlies the neural transmission of pain has shown that major reorganizations in the cellular machinery driving protein expression occurs in the presence of chronic nerve injury. This may have some applicability to one of the recognized problems with prolonged opioid pain treatment, that being attenuated effcacy over time. The size of the lesion created is proportional to the probe temperature (depending on the impedance of the target tissue) and duration of application (59). Because of the signifcant proportion of time that the current is switched off, the heat generated during the active circuit phase is “washed out” as it dissipates throughout the surrounding tissue. This may induce neuroplastic changes, such as long term depression, which underpin its pain relieving properties (66). The infammatory biochemical cascades initiated by trauma to primary sensory neurons dendrites results in hyperexcitability and a pattern of ectopic discharge (75, 76, 77). Such damage could be initiated by peripheral injuries or by deformities of the vertebral column resulting in mechanical nerve compression (78, 79). It is thought that this pathologically-heightened neural communication to the spinal cord produces the perception of chronic nerve pain, including allodynia (80, 81). Pain outcomes with this novel approach to neuromodulation have been encouraging; in its frst prospective cohort (N=10), pain was reduced by an average of 70% over four weeks (91). Later, a prospective series of 32 subjects with neuropathic pain of mixed etiologies reported 58% overall relief of pain at 6 months post-implant (n=25; 92) and 56% at 12 months (n=25; 93). Effectiveness in pain relief for focal, non-dermatomal distributions of neuropathic pain of the lower extremity (94), knee (95), and groin (96) have also been reported in small samples. Vectors include nonviral plasmid-based gene transfer vectors, adenovirus, adeno-associated virus, and retroviral-based gene transfer systems (101). Behavioral testing showed that chronic neuropathic pain (but not acute pain) was abolished. When delivered to target cells, the membrane-permeabilizing machinery of the virus is exploited to delivers the therapeutic payload into the cell. Vectors include nonviral plasmid-based gene transfer vectors, adenovirus, adeno-associated virus, and retroviral-based gene transfer systems (101). Behavioral testing showed that 155 chronic neuropathic pain (but not acute pain) was abolished. Cellular hyperexcitability was reduced in vitro, and the over-expression of the β-2 subunit of the voltage-gated sodium channel (103). There was high transduction effciency, little behavioral effects due to the surgical procedure, and mechanical allodynia was reduced (104). Then they are released into the dorsal horn of the spinal cord to modulate nociceptive neurotransmission. In these cells, opioid receptors regained their responsiveness to opioids, making this a potentially attractive adjunctive treatment (108). With recent increased interest in interdisciplinary collaboration, medical science is poised to make innovative advances toward personally relevant and cost-effective solutions in pain management. This holds tremendous promise for individuals with intractable conditions and for society as a whole. It is anticipated that future research, especially that involving interdisciplinary collaboration, will uncover additional interventional options at this neural site. Unmyelinated axons adults: a systematic review and meta-anal in human ventral roots, a possible explana ysis. Requirement pain in patients with a sciatic nerve palsy after of a neural tube signal for the differentiation total hip replacement. The use of opioid anal McGraw-Hill, Health Professions Division; gesics for chronic pain: minimizing the risk for 2000. Historical and present state Chronic pain conditions and suicidal idea of neuromodulation in chronic pain. Interventional evidence-based approach to human dermat perspectives on the dorsal root ganglion as omes. A systematic bladder dorsal root ganglion neurons after review: current and future directions of dorsal colonic infammation: mechanism for pelvic root ganglion therapeutics to treat chronic organ cross-talk. Dorsal root ganglion a potential new thera Neurones in the dorsal root ganglia of T13, peutic target for neuropathic pain. Vyklicky L, Novakova-Tousova K, Benedict blocks nerve growth factor to brain-derived J, et al. Clinical experience with double blinded randomized study: no differ excitatory amino acid antagonist drugs. Retrospective review of the effcacy and ment of the cervical dorsal root ganglion safety of repeated pulsed and continuous in the treatment of chronic cervical pain radiofrequency lesioning of the dorsal root syndromes: a clinical audit. Pulsed radi Factors that affect radiofrequency heat lesion ofrequency adjacent to the cervical dorsal size. Radiofrequency to pharmacotherapy or pulsed radiofre lesion adjacent to the dorsal root ganglion quency of the intercostal nerves in the treat 160 ment of chronic postsurgical thoracic pain. Analgesic pain: clinical effects in various etiological effect of electroacupuncture on chronic groups. Pathogenesis of sciatic peripheral nerve stimulation of the C2 dorsal pain: role of herniated nucleus pulposus and root ganglion for postherpetic neuralgia. A prospective study of dorsal root 8 sensitivity of dorsal root ganglia and chroni ganglion stimulation for the relief of chronic cally injured axons: A physiological basis for pain. Evoked bursting and performance of the Spinal Modulation in injured Aβ dorsal root ganglion neurons: A dorsal root ganglia neurostimulator system in mechanism underlying tactile allodynia. One changes of the membrane properties of year outcomes of spinal cord stimulation of peripherally-axotomized dorsal root ganglion the dorsal root ganglion in the treatment of neurons in a rat model of neuropathic pain. Effect of electrical feld stimulation Successful treatment of intractable complex on dorsal root ganglion neuronal function. Dorsal for the management of complex regional root ganglion stimulation: a target for pain syndrome: a prospective case series. De Ridder D, Plazier M, Kamerling N, Meno neuron targeting by self-complementary vsky T, Vanneste S. Gene therapy for pain: a therapies in animal models of diabetic neuro perspective. This account describes how an ancient Roman physician, named Scribonius Largus, had used the electrical shock delivered by the torpedo fsh as a treatment for gout pain (1, 3). Electrical stimulation became a commonly used therapy in Western medicine during the 18th century (1). Benjamin Franklin had already gained public notoriety for his work with electricity and was also recognized for investigating the effects of electrical shock to induce muscle contraction (1). The use of electrical stimulation in medicine took a tremendous leap forward in the 19th century with the invention of the electrochemical battery in 1800, followed by the discovery of Faraday’s principals of electromagnetic induction and, fnally, with the development of the electromagnetic generator by Du Bois-Raymond in 1848 (1). It is these early technological advances that provide the general physical principals, which make modern neurostimulation possible. Even so, electrotherapy came under fre in the late 19th century as “medical quackery” and it was not until the 1930s that electrical stimulation was again reconsidered seriously as an appropriate medical therapy targeting the nervous system (1, 4). The origin of contemporary neurostimulation is directly linked to the development of cardiac pacemaker technology in the early 20th century (1). It was also at this time that Sir Henry Head, an English neurologist, postulated a theory of “central inhibition of pain by non-painful stimuli” (1). It was his work that became the basis for the Gate Control Theory, as presented by Melzack & Wall in 1965 (1, 5).

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If the heavenly bodies are opposed by a fiery atmosphere hypertension quality of life purchase plavix visa, the excretion of bile is indicated hypertension mayo clinic cheap plavix american express. If the opposing powers get the upper hand blood pressure bottoming out purchase plavix now, sickness is portended; but if they completely overcome the stars and these vanish blood pressure vs blood sugar order plavix in united states online, then there is danger that the sickness may terminate fatally blood pressure 400 discount plavix 75mg with amex. If the opposing influences blood pressure medications with the least side effects buy 75 mg plavix fast delivery, however, are put to flight and it seems as if they are pursued by the heavenly bodies, then there is danger of the patient going mad unless he be treated. If this is not done, the diet should be fluid and no wine should be taken unless it be white, thin, soft and watery. Prescribe as much natural exercise as possible and plenty of runs with the patients well wrapped-up. For thirty days the patient should not eat his fill, but when he is restored to a full diet he should take an emetic thrice monthly after partaking of a sweet, fluid and light meal. When the heavenly bodies wander in different directions, some mental disturbance as a result of anxiety is indicated. The soul should be turned to entertainments, especially amusing ones, or failing these, any that may give special pleasure, for two or three days. It is a sign of health if a star, which is clear and bright, appears to fall out of its orbit and to move eastwards. The separation of any clear substance and its natural excretion from the body is good. Thus excretion of substances into the bowels and the formation of abscessions in the skin are examples of things falling out of their orbit. It is a sign of sickness if the star appears dark and dim and moves either westward, or down into the earth or sea, or up­ wards. Upward movement indicates fluxes in the head; move­ ment into the sea, disease of the bowels; earthward movement, the growing of tumours in the flesh. In these cases it is wise to reduce the food intake by a third and, after an emetic, to increase it over five days. Then a normal diet should be taken for a further five days, after which another emetic should be taken followed by an increase in the same way. It is a healthy sign if any of the heavenly bodies appears clear and moist, because the influx from the ether acting on the person is clear and the soul perceives this as it enters. In this case it is advisable to take brisk runs on a circular track so as to restrict the wasting of the body. Also, the quickened respiration causes excretion of the intruding influence, and brisk walks should follow the runs. The diet should be soft and light, being increased to reach the normal in four days. When a person appears to receive something pure from a pure deity, it is good for health because it means that the things entering his body are pure. If he seems to see the opposite of this, it is not good because it indicates that some element of disease has entered his body. If it seems to rain with gentle rain from clear skies, and without any violent downpour or heavy storm, it is good. If the reverse happens, violent rain, storm and tempest, and the rain is not clear, it indicates the onset of disease from the respired air. A similar regime should be prescribed for this sort of case and very little food should be taken. From the information which comes from this knowledge of the heavenly bodies, one must take precautions and follow the prescribed regimens. Pray to the gods: when the signs are good to the Sun, to Zeus of the sky, Zeus of the home, Athena of the home, to Hermes and Apollo. When the signs are the opposite, pray to the gods who avert evil, to Earth and to the Heroes, that all ills may be turned aside. The following are some of the signs that foretell health: to see clearly and to hear distinctly things on the earth, to walk safely and to run safely and swiftly without fear, to see the earth smooth and well tilled and trees flourishing, laden with fruit and well-kept; to see rivers flowing normally with water clear and neither in flood nor with their flow lessened, and springs and wells similarly. All these things indicate the subject’s health, and that the body, its flows, the food ingested and the excreta, are normal. Anything seen which is the contrary, however, indicates something wrong in the body. If the legs are harmed, a contrary pull should be exerted by emetics and a greater indulgence in wrestling. Rough land indicates impurity in the flesh; longer walks after exercise should be ordered. Trees that do not bear fruit indicate destruction of the human semen; if the trees are losing their leaves the cause of the trouble is wet and cold; if they are flourishing but barren, heat and dryness. In the one case, the regimen should aim at warming and drying; in the other, at cooling and moistening. If the flow of a river be greater than usual, a superfluity of blood; if it be less, a deficiency. This can be remedied by runs on a track or by walking; increased breathing disperses it. Springs and wells relate to the bladder and in these cases diuretics should be employed. An earth-tremor or the shaking of a house predicts the onset of sickness when it is observed by a healthy man; a change and the restoration of health for a sick one. In the healthy, it is wise to change the regimen because it is the existing regime which is disturbing the whole body; therefore first give an emetic so that, after this, he may be fed up again gradually. But in the case of a sick man, because the body itself is undergoing a change, the same regimen should be continued. To see land flooded with water or by the sea is a sign of illness, indicating excess fluid in the body. Nor is it good to see the earth looking black or scorched; this shows excessive dehydration of the body and there is the risk of severe or fatal illness. The patient should not bath till he has eaten; then let him lie soft and relax, avoiding cold and sun. To dream of diving into a lake, the sea or rivers is not a good sign as it too indicates an excess of moisture. In those suffering from fever, however, it is a good sign, indicating that the heat is being quenched by moisture. It is a good sign for health to see anything normal about one’s clothing, the size being neither too large nor too small but in accordance with one’s own size. Anything too large or too small for one’s limbs is not good; in the one case the regimen should aim at a decrease, and in the other, an increase. To see the dead, clean, in white clothes, is good; while to receive something clean from them denotes health both of the body and the things which enter it. This is because the dead are a source of nourishment, increase and propagation, and it is a sign of health that what enters the body should be clean. On the contrary, if the dead appear naked, or in dark garments, or unclean, or taking or carrying anything out of the house, this is an inexpedient sign indicating disease because the things entering the body are harmful. These should be purged away by circular runs and walks and, after an emetic, a soft and light diet should be given which is gradually increased. The appearance of monstrous creatures which appear during sleep and frighten the dreamer indicate a surfeit or unaccustomed food, a secretion, cholera and a dangerous illness. An emetic should be followed by an increasing diet of the lightest foods for five days; the food should neither be excessive nor pungent, nor dry nor warm. Warm baths and relaxation are also advisable, and both the sun and the cold should be avoided. The stronger the meats seem, the greater the degree of inadequacy of the diet; weaker meats indicate a smaller deficiency, as if it were good to partake of whatever were seen in the dream. If the dreamer flies in fright from anything, this means an obstruction to the blood as a result of dehydration. Fighting, being stabbed or bound by another indicates that some secretion, inimical to the flows, has taken place into the body. It is then advisable to take an emetic, to go on a reducing diet and to go for walks. Fording rivers, enemy soldiers and monstrous apparitions denote illness or madness. After an emetic give a small diet of light soft food, increasing gently for five days, together with plenty of natural exercise except walks after dinner warm baths and relaxation. By following the instructions I have given, one may live a healthy life; and I have discovered the best regimen that can be devised by a mere mortal with the help of the gods. This lecture is not intended for those who are accustomed to hear discourses which inquire more deeply into the human constitution than is profitable for medical study. I am not going to assert that man is all air, or fire, or water, or earth, or in fact anything but what manifestly composes his body; let those who like discuss such matters. Nevertheless, when these things are discussed I perceive a certain discrepancy in the analyses for, although the same theory is employed, the conclusions do not agree. They all, theorizing, draw the same deduction, asserting that there is one basic substance which is unique and the basis of everything; but they call it by different names, one insisting that it is air, another that it is fire, another water, another earth. Each adds arguments and proofs to support his contention, all of which mean nothing. Now, whenever people arguing on the same theory do not reach the same conclusion, you may be sure that they do not know what they are talking about. A good illustration of this is provided by attending their disputations when the same disputants are present and the same audience; the same man never wins the argument three times running, it is first one and then the other and sometimes the one who happens to have the glibbest tongue. Yet it would be expected that the man who asserts that he can provide the correct explanation of the subject, if, that is, he really knows what he is talking about and demon­ strates it correctly, should always win the argument. I am of the opinion that these people wreck their own theories on the problem of the terms they use for the One because they fail to understand the issue. But when we come to physicians, we find that some assert that man is com­ posed of blood, others of bile and some of phlegm. But these, too, all make the same point, asserting that there is a basic unity of substance, although they each give it a different name and so change its appearance and properties under stress of heat and cold, becoming sweet or bitter, white or black, and so forth. Now I do not agree with these people either, al­ though the majority will declare that this, or something very similar, is the case. I hold that if man were basically of one substance, he would never feel pain, since, being one, there would be nothing to hurt. But in fact there are many remedies because there are many things in the body which when abnormally heated, cooled, dried or moistened by interaction, engender disease. I challenge the man who asserts that blood is the sole constituent of the human body, to show, not that it undergoes changes into all sorts of forms, but that there is a time of year or of human life when blood is obviously the sole constituent of the body. It is reasonable to suppose, were this theory true, that there is one period at which it appears in its proper form. I propose to show that the substances I believe compose the body are, both nominally and essentially, always the same and unchanging; in youth as well as in age, in cold weather as well as in warm. I shall produce proofs and demonstrate the causes both of the growth and decline of each of the consti­ tuents of the body. Secondly, unless the things which copulated were of the same species and had the same generative capabilities, we should not get these results. Is it likely, then, that anything should be generated from one thing, seeing that not even a number of things suffice unless they are combined in the right proportions? It follows, then, such being the nature of the human body and of everything else, that man is not a unity but each of the elements contributing to his formation preserves in the body the power which it con­ tributed. It also follows that each of the elements must return to its original nature when the body dies; the wet to the wet, the dry to the dry, the hot to the hot and the cold to the cold. All things have a similar generation and a similar dissolu­ tion, for all are formed of the substances mentioned and are finally resolved in the same constituents as produced them; that too is how they disappear. These are the things that make up its constitu­ tion and cause its pains and health. Pain occurs when one of the substances presents either a deficiency or an excess, or is separated in the body and not mixed with the others. It is inevitable that when one of these is separated from the rest and stands by itself, not only the part from which it has come, but also that where it collects and is present in excess, should become diseased, and because it contains too much of the particular substance, cause pain and distress. Whenever there is more than slight discharge of one of these humours outside the body, then its loss is accompanied by pain. If, however, the loss, change or separation from the other humours is internal, then it inevit­ ably causes twice as much pain, as I have said, for pain is pro­ duced both in the part whence it is derived and in the part where it accumulates. Now I said that I would demonstrate that my proposed constituents of the human body were always constant, both nominally and essentially. Common usage has assigned to them specific and different names because there are essential differences in their appearance. Indeed, how could they be alike when there is no similarity in appearance and when they are different to the sense of touch? It follows then that substances so unlike in appearance and characteristics cannot basically be identical, at least if fire and water are not identical. As evidence of the fact that they are dissimilar, each possessing its own qualities and nature, con­ sider the following case. If you give a man medicine which brings up phlegm, you will find his vomit is phlegm; if you give him one which brings up bile, he will vomit bile. Similarly, black bile can be eliminated by administering a medicine which brings it up, or, if you cut the body so as to form an open wound, it bleeds. These things will take place just the same every day and every night, winter and summer, so long as the subject can draw breath and expel it again, or until he is deprived of any of these congenital elements. For they must be congenital, firstly because it is obvious that they are present at every age so long as life is present and, secondly, because they were procreated by a human being who had them all and mothered in a human being similarly endowed with all the elements which I have indicated and demonstrated. Those who assert that the human body is a single sub­ stance seem to have reasoned along the following lines. Having observed that when men died from excessive purga­ tion following the administration of drugs, some vomited bile and some phlegm, they concluded from this that whatever was the nature of the material voided at death, this was indeed the fundamental constituent of man.

However arrhythmia 16 year old plavix 75 mg for sale, this is not true for 10-20% of them arrhythmia of the stomach cheap 75mg plavix free shipping, this refractory to evaluate whether there is added therapeutic value against currently patient population being at increased risk of morbidity and mortality existingoptions arteria festival 2013 plavix 75mg mastercard, including existentandsoon to beavailablebiologicals arrhythmia management 75 mg plavix with amex. Based on cluster this would allow toclarify their role in the current stepwise or in future analyses blood pressure 6080 purchase 75 mg plavix free shipping, molecular phenotyping prehypertension bad 75 mg plavix otc, biomarkers and differential re phenotype-oriented treatment approaches. Indeed, there is References substantial diversity in the clinical and inflammatory features of the disease, with several studies identifying clusters of patients with 1. Cham: onset atopic or non-atopic asthma, exercise induced asthma, pauci Springer International Publishing; 2017. Spotlight on various phenotypes are characterized by different types and degrees fluticasone furoate/vilanterol trifenatate for the once-daily treatment of inflammatory and immune responses [3]. Drug design, to the recognition of potential distinct endotypes, such as the type 2 T development and therapy. Vilanterol and late onset obese endotype, the neutrophilic and/or the non fluticasone furoate for asthma. Cochrane Database of Systematic inflammatory non-corticosteroid responsive endotype [3]. Olodaterol for the treatment of research, to date only a few specific pathways targetable by biological asthma. Biologic therapy in the Cochrane review were that Omalizumab reduced steroid use and management of asthma. Boyman O, Kaegi C, Akdis M, Bavbek S, Bossios A, Chatzipetrou A, presence of eosinophilic airway inflammation than to serum IgE levels Eiwegger T, Firinu D, Harr T, Knol E, Matucci A, Palomares O, Schmidt [5]. What goes up must come down: biomarkers eosinophil counts and prevented blood eosinophilia during the late and novel biologicals in severe asthma. Omalizumab However, a subsequent trial in patients with eosinophilic asthma for asthma in adults and children. Lebrikizumab treatment in adults with pressure (<15 mmHg) and a pulmonary vascular resistance index >3 asthma. Centralization of care and concen Department of Pediatric Cardiology, Santa Cruz Hospital Centro Hospitalar de Lisboa Ocidental Lisbon, Portugal tration of expertise is beneficial for the management of these Email: ranjos@netcabo. Thetimingofpulmonary the management of pulmonary hypertension has evolved dramatically vascular injury is determinant of subsequent response of the in the last few years. Many drugs are now approved for adult developing lung to hypoxia, hemodynamic stress and inflammation. Clinical trials on structure, metabolism and gas exchange and to tolerate exercise the pediatric population are under way and their results will be workloads. Diuretics should be used with caution as these Definition and Clinical Presentation patients are preload dependent4. Severe hypoxemia should be treated rest, after 3 months of age, measured by cardiac catheterization6. Development of pulmonary hypertension involves several pathways Selexipag is an oral selective prostacyclin receptor agonist and leading to remodeling of the pulmonary vascular bed. Combination therapy there is a 20% fall in mean pulmonary artery pressure, an increase or may be more efficacious as it addresses multiple pathophysiological lack of decrease of cardiac output and no change or decrease in the pathways simultaneously. Whether this kind of strategy should be ratio of pulmonary vascular to systemic vascular resistances4. If deterioration occurs despite maximal therapy, negative inotropic effect may further decrease cardiac contractility. Children with cyanotic congenital heart disease and impaired fertility and teratogenicity. Regular liver function testing is pulmonary high-flow, high-pressure defects are at highest risk. Its prevention involves monophosphate, improving pulmonary vasodilation, and shows maintaining adequate oxygen saturation, acid base homeostasis and antiproliferative effects. Treatment involves low ventilating volumes and permissive hypercapnia, high-frequency oscillatory ventilation if needed, Prostacyclin acts by increasing pulmonary vasodilation and inhibiting inhaled nitric oxide, and as a last resort, extracorporeal membrane vascular remodeling. Regular echocardiography is recommended as pulmo continuous intravenous infusion, the treatment of choice for severe 4 4 nary hypertension may persist. Epoprostenol is given eventually considered, as it is more sensible to subtle vascular through a central venous line, which places the patient at risk for abnormalities. Its adverse side effects Pulmonary Disease include bradycardia, hypotension and thrombocytopenia, which are Chronic diffuse lung disease like bronchopulmonary dysplasia can lead dose-dependent. Echocardiography should be recommended in the evaluation of subcutaneous infusion through a mini pump. Treatment includes oxygen therapy, optimizing lung volume and Pulmonary Hypertension Network. A consensus approach to the estimated survival rates from time of diagnosis of 96 ± 4%, 84 ± 5% classification of pediatric pulmonary hypertensive vascular disease: report and 74 ± 6%, respectively3. Current era survival of patients with While adults with classical Eisenmenger hemodynamics have a better pulmonary arterial hypertension associated with congenital heart disease: a survival than patients with idiopathic pulmonary arterial hypertension, comparison between clinical subgroups. The Lung in Congenital Heart Diseases Paul Aurora Departments of Paediatric Respiratory Medicine and Cardiothoracic Transplanta tion, Great Ormond Street Hospital for Children, London. Correspondence: Dr Paul Aurora Consultant in Paediatric Respiratory Medicine and Lung Transplantation Department of Paediatric Respiratory Medicine Great Ormond Street Hospital for Children, Great Ormond Street. Pulmonary arterial Introduction hypertension: a comparison between children and adults. Eur Respir the cardiovascular and pulmonary systems are closely related in both J 2011 Mar;37(3):665-77. Clinical features of paediatric disease can affect pulmonary function; and that lung disease can affect pulmonary hypertension: a registry study. Survival in childhood pulmonary arterial hypertension: insights from the registry to evaluate the Diagnostic Challenge early and long-term pulmonary arterial hypertension disease manage Many children who present with “respiratory” symptoms should also ment. Executive Sum mary of the American Heart Association and American Thoracic Stridor may result from extrinsic compression of the airways, Society Joint Guidelines for Pediatric Pulmonary Hypertension. Am J most commonly by a great vessel, pulmonary artery sling, or Respir Crit Care Med 2016 Oct 1;194(7):898-906. The total volume of blood passing through the pulmonary edema circulationisreduced,withsomepassingdirectly fromthe cavalsystemto Reduced exercise tolerance and/or hypoxia can result from a the systemic arterial system. The child will therefore display hypoxemia, cardiac lesion or from pulmonary hypertension. The Fontan procedure is the commonest (but not only) situation where the right ventricle is bypassed Many of these cardiac conditions can be difficult to diagnose from orabsent,andvenousbloodfromthecavalsystemisdirectlyconnectedto history or examination, and targeted investigation may be required. Inthiscasethevolumeofbloodpassingthroughthe particular, atrial septal defect and idiopathic pulmonary arterial pulmonary circulation is normal, but the child has a low pressure hypertension may present with very non-specific symptoms, so a pulmonary circulation, dependent on low resistance. Many children with Fontan circulation through the pulmonary system due to left to right shunt; or a have pulmonary hypoplasia, with a restrictive pattern seen on lung combination of the two. The most common causes of vascular compression children with Fontan circulation may develop plastic bronchitis, are abnormalities of the aortic arch, congenitally corrected transposi particularly if they have failing cardiac function. In this condition airways tion, common arterial trunk, or pulmonary atresia with ventricular become obstructed by mucoid bronchial casts which are difficult to septal defect. All these conditions result in abnormal location of a expectorate, and may grow large enough to have a branching pattern. A vascular ring is Management of this condition is challenging, as mucolytic agents provide when trachea and esophagus are surrounded by a vascular structure very little benefit. A pulmonary artery sling is a rare condition Pulmonary Hypertension where the left pulmonary artery arises from the right pulmonary artery, and then loops back between the lower trachea and esophagus. Unfortunately all have of the left atrium can result from any condition causing left to right disadvantages, and none are curative, so most subjects eventually shunt, and this in turn can compress the left main bronchus or left proceed to lung transplantation. Most research cardiomyopathy where dilatation of both left ventricle and left atrium has focused on the severe end of the spectrum, also known as occur, and post cardiac transplantation if the donor is larger than the Eisenmenger syndrome, where pulmonary artery pressure can be recipient. It has also been noted that some subjects respond increase pulmonary venous pressure. Many children with this pathology will isomerism or dextrocardia, but also a variety of septal defects and also have engorged peribronchial vessels, which shows as bronchial outflow tract abnormalities. It is assumed that embryonic nodal cilia, cuffing on lung imaging, and causes compression of small airways (so based at the embryonic node, play a role in established correct organ called “cardiac asthma”). Diuretics can provide very effective palliation laterality in the developing embryo. However it has been established that genetic mutations Circulation encoding for both outer dynein arm and inner dynein arm proteins Any condition that produces a right to left shunt. Congenital completed as standard, but with appropriate cautions for children Heart Disease and Primary Ciliary Dyskinesia. Results are encouraging, with the pulmonary the topic were offered, and at the risk of some repetition, an updated hypertension receding once pulmonary blood flow has been talk will be presented. Another situation where the pulmonologist may be better understanding of the natural history of Idiopathic Pulmonary consulted is in children with a failing Fontan circulation. The key point for the pulmonologist is that this is not Hemosiderosis is a pathological finding not specific to any disease, a contraindication to transplantation, and there are multiple reports etiology or process and is characterized by the finding of hemosiderin of both conditions correcting rapidly post transplantation. It is a condition that Conclusion may have various underlying primary and secondary causes. This obliges Episodes of alveolar hemorrhage typically present as the triad: the physician to be alert to both pulmonary and cardiac diagnoses in a hemoptysis, anemia and diffuse radiological alveolar infiltrates, child with breathlessness, and also requires that the pulmonologist has with clinical characterization of dyspnea or respiratory distress, a good understanding of the impact of cardiac disease upon the lungs cough and varying degree on hemoptysis, the latter being frequent and upon pulmonary circulation. Cardiorespiratory Interactions spirometric feature in Paediatrics: ’It’s (almost always) the circulation stupid! The incidence varies by are non-specific and range from minimal infiltrates to massive sites of reporting; 0. However, in patients with small frequent episodes of information on the causality of bleeding. In a 10-year review from bleeding the radiographs may reflect chronic diffuse interstitial a large referral center, 228 children and young adults were involvement and change only minimally with acute recurrence. Pulmonary function testing is infrequently Clinical cases to exemplify some definable causes of lung bleeding available at the age range under discussion and is non-specific. The cases are character disorderswithoutpulmonarycapillaritistooneswithandwithout ized by abrupt onset of overt bleeding or evidence of blood in cardiovascular cause. It expanded on the potential role of auto-immunity in point toward a common underlying cause of the bleeding. It also contributed to pointing to the Indeed, an initial association of the Cleveland series was made relatively large number of such patients who required immuno with Stachybotrys chartarum (atra), a mold that may be found in suppressants after failing the universally used corticosteroids. This water-damaged homes; but ultimately, this association has not study also pointed to the potential role of genetic factors, and been substantiated. This underlying vulnerability was the definitive diagnosis of bleeding in the lung in the non deemed to underpin the bleeding that would be precipitated by hemoptysizing patient is challenging and eventually relies on injury to the lungs, by a common environmental cause, possibly bronchoscopy, as will be further detailed below. However, since no such direct trigger that examination is non-specific and ranges from subtle tachypnea, could unify the cases was identified, no final etiology was dyspnea, variable crackles and wheezing to pulmonary hyper identified and no further publications emerged from these tension or frank respiratory failure. Flexible bronchoscopy is key in the initial diagnosis of identifying the source of the bleed from the lung, and in #1. The largest report these organisms are ubiquitous and are readily recovered from on a series of 14 pediatric patients with acute life-threatening environmental sources such as soil, water, plants and animals. The factors predisposing to infection are likely due to an bronchus, topical airway vasoconstrictors and endoscopic tumor interaction between host defense mechanisms and the load of clinical excision. The underlying structural airway disease and altered prognosis may not be favorable in the “idiopathic” cases. Nosocomial with a satisfactory respiratory outcome in 23/25 patients, with a median follow-up of 5. In Europe and in other countries, individuals with recurrent bleeding and mortality have been however, Mycobacterium abscessus appears to be the major pathogen reported. Protracted Bacterial Bronchitis and Chronic Wet Cough months and involves multiple antibiotics. Am Rev Respir Dis 1987;135:1007-14 children, morethan half ofthe patientsareinthe age0 to3 years,about 2. Pediatr Risk Factors Pulmonol 2005;40:39-44 Main risk factors for protracted bacterial bronchitis are 5. Comparing the harmful effects of nontuberculous ● Reduced mucociliary clearance after viral respiratory mycobacteria and Gram negative bacteria on lung function in patients infections with cystic fibrosis. Zoé Cavalli, Quitterie Reynaud, Romain Bricca, Raphaële Nove impaired airway clearance (secondary ciliary dyskinesia, Josserand, Stéphane Durupt, Philippe Reix, Marie Perceval, Michèle persistent bronchial inflammation) and facilitation of Pérouse de Montclos, Gérard Lina, Isabelle Durieu. Whole-genome sequencing to identify transmission of Myco months, the authors found laryngomalacia or tracheoma bacterium abscessus between patients with cystic fibrosis: a retro lacia in 74%,3another study found tracheomalacia in 30% of spective cohort study. Bar-On O, Mussaffi H, Mei-Zahav M, Prais D, Steuer G, Stafler P, factor or to what extent instability of the airways may be Hananya S, Blau H. Increasing nontuberculous mycobacteria infection secondary to prolonged infection and protracted coughing in cystic fibrosis. Multicenter study of prevalence of nontuberculous mycobacteria ○ Disorders of humoral immunity can be associated with in patients with cystic fibrosis in France. J Clin Microbiol 2009;47: insufficient protection and may facilitate bacterial growth in 4124-8 the airways. In the treated child, stopping of antibiotics for at least 48 industrial emissions is small particle particulate matter hours may increase the yield of the analysis. With some risk factors, this may start gradually based may exclude an underlying pathology. If diagnosed early, this process specimen sent to microbiology, differential cytology and staining canbeinterruptedbyantibiotictreatmentandeventhedevelopmentof for lipid-laden macrophages. Main symptom of bacterial bronchitis is wet coughing with or without Immunological testing should mainly check the humoral immunity, sputum production. The wet sound of the coughing suggests including concentration of vaccination specific antibodies and total intrabronchial secretions of various quality and consistence.

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