

Maria A. Giraldo-Isaza, MD

  • Department of Obstetrics and Gynecology
  • Albert Einstein Medical Center
  • Philadelphia, Pennsylvania

Some degree of passive immunity to group A streptococcal disease occurs in newborns with transplacental maternal type specic antibodies heart attack jokes order isoptin 40mg amex. Patients who had one attack of rheumatic fever have a signicant risk of recurrence of rheumatic fever pulse pressure lying down generic isoptin 120mg visa, often with further cardiac damage following group A streptococcal infections prehypertension lower blood pressure buy cheap isoptin 40 mg line. Those who do not tolerate penicillin may be given sulsoxazole orally or erythromycin if necessary blood pressure classification chart order isoptin paypal. Control of patient blood pressure medication starts with t purchase isoptin 120 mg mastercard, contacts and the immediate environment: 1) Report to local health authority: Obligatory report of epidemics blood pressure medication that does not lower heart rate buy cheap isoptin on-line, Class 4. Search for and treat carriers in welldocumented epidemics of streptococcal infection and in high risk situations. There has never been a documented penicillin-resistant strain of group A beta-hemolytic streptococci. It may also reduce the risk of acute glomerulonephritis after pharyngeal infection (not conrmed for acute nephritis after skin infections) and prevent further spread of the organism in the community. Erythromycin is the preferred treatment for penicillin sensitive patients, but strains resistant to this antibiotic have been reported (up to 38%), most notably in Asia and Europe. Clindamycin or a cephalosporin can be used when penicillin and erythromycin are contraindicated. Sulfonamides do not eliminate streptococci from the throat nor do they prevent nonsuppurative complications. Many group A streptococcal strains are resistant to the tetracyclines and these should not be used against streptococcal pharyngitis. Epidemic measures: 1) Determine source and manner of spread (person-to-person, milk, food). Outbreaks can often be traced to an individual with an acute or persistent streptococcal infection or bearing streptococci (nose, throat, skin, vagina or perianal area) through identication of the M-type of the streptococcus. Disaster implications: Patients with thermal burns or wounds are highly susceptible to streptococcal infections of the affected area. Late onset disease (7 days to several months) is acquired in about half the cases through person-to-person contact and presents mostly as meningitis or sepsis. Premature babies are more susceptible to Group B streptococci infection than full-term babies, but most babies who get disease from these streptococci (75%) are full term. Advances in neonatal care has led to a fall in the case fatality rate from 50% to 4%. Survivors may have speech, hearing or visual problems, psychomotor retardation or seizure disorders if there has been meningeal involvement. The risk-based method identies candidates for intrapartum chemoprophylaxis according to the presence of any of the following intrapartum risk factors for early-onset disease: delivery at 37 weeks, intrapartum temperature 38. Women whose culture results are unknown at the time of delivery should be managed according to the risk-based approach mentioned earlier. The administration to women colonized with group B streptococci of intravenous penicillin or ampicillin at the onset and throughout labour interrupts transmission to newborn infants, decreasing infection and mortality. Alternative regimens for allergic women include clindamycin, erytromycin and cefazolin. A vaccine for pregnant women to stimulate antibody production against invasive disease in newborns is under development. In early childhood a characteristic pattern of dental caries occurs, in which maxillary primary incisors are routinely affected with carious lesions, but mandibular primary incisors are rarely involved; involvement of other primary teeth varies. Because of the association of this pattern with a specic feeding habit, the process was called nursing bottle caries or baby bottle tooth decay, but it also occurs in children using feeding cups. These Grampositive facultative anaerobes produce caries in young experimental animals in the presence of dietary sugar. They are members of the viridans group of streptococci; hemolysis of blood agar is usually alpha or gamma. They require a nonshedding oral surface for colonization and are common residents of dental plaque. Early childhood caries occurs worldwide, with highest prevalence in developing countries. Disadvantaged children, regardless of ethnicity or culture, and those with low birthweight, are most frequently involved; enamel hypoplasia, which may occur because of compromised nutritional status during formative stages of primary dentition, is often associated. Colonization by maternal organisms largely depends on inoculum size; mothers with extensive dental caries usually have high levels of mutans streptococci in their saliva. To prevent dental caries of early childhood, promote good oral hygiene in mothers and encourage early weaning from the bottle. Clinical manifestations include transient dermatitis when larvae of the parasite penetrate the skin on initial infection; cough, rales and sometimes demonstrable pneumonitis when larvae pass through the lungs; or abdominal symptoms caused by the adult female worm in the intestinal mucosa. Symptoms of chronic infection may be mild or severe, depending on the intensity of infection. Classic symptoms include abdominal pain (usually epigastric, often suggesting peptic ulcer), diarrhea and urticaria; sometimes also nausea, weight loss, vomiting, weakness and constipation. Rarely, intestinal autoinfection with increasing worm burden may lead to disseminated strongyloidiasis with wasting, pulmonary involvement and death, particularly but not exclusively in the immunocompromised host. Diagnosis entails identifying larvae in concentrated stool specimens (motile in freshly passed feces), in the agar plate method, in duodenal aspirates or, occasionally, in sputum. Held at room temperature for 24 hours or more, feces may show developing stages of the parasite, including rhabditiform (noninfective) larvae and lariform (infective) larvae (these must be distinguished from larvae of hookworm species) and free-living adults. They penetrate capillary walls, enter the alveoli, ascend the trachea to the epiglottis and descend into the digestive tract to reach the upper part of the small intestine, where development of the adult female is completed. The adult worm, a parthenogenetic female, lives embedded in the mucosal epithelium of the intestine, especially the duodenum, where eggs are deposited. These hatch and liberate rhabditiform (noninfective) larvae that migrate into the intestinal lumen, exit in feces and develop after reaching the soil into either infective lariform larvae (which may infect the same or a new host) or free-living male and female adults. In some individuals, rhabditiform larvae may develop to the infective stage before leaving the body and penetrate through the intestinal mucosa or perianal skin; the resulting autoinfection can cause persistent infection for many years. Ivermectin is the drug of choice; thiabendazole or albendazole are less efcient alternatives. The primary lesion (chancre) usually appears about 3 weeks after exposure as an indurated, painless ulcer with a serous exudate at the site of initial invasion. Invasion of the bloodstream precedes the initial lesion; a rm, nonuctuant, painless satellite lymph node (bubo) commonly follows. A symmetrical maculopapular rash involving the palms and soles, with associated lymphadenopathy, is classic. Secondary manifestations resolve spontaneously within weeks to 12 months; all untreated cases will go on to latent infection for weeks to years, and one-third will exhibit tertiary syphilis signs and symptoms. In the early years of latency, there may be recurrence of infectious lesions of the skin and mucous membranes. Death or serious disability rarely occurs during early stages; late manifestations shorten life, impair health and limit occupational efciency. The widespread use of antimicrobials has decreased the frequency of late manifestations. Fetal infection results in congenital syphilis and occurs with high frequency in untreated early infections of pregnant women. It frequently causes abortion or stillbirth and may cause infant death through preterm delivery of low birthweight infants or from generalized systemic disease. For screening newborns, serum is preferred over cord blood, which produces more false-positive reactions. Serological tests are usually nonreactive during the early primary stage while the chancre is still present; a darkeld examination of all genital ulcerative lesions can be useful, particularly in suspected early seronegative primary syphilis. Syphilis is usually more prevalent in urban than rural areas, and in some cultures, in males more than in females. Transmission by kissing or fondling children with early congenital disease occurs rarely. Transplacental infection of the fetus occurs during the pregnancy of an infected woman. Transmission can occur through blood transfusion if the donor is in the early stages of disease. Infection through contact with contaminated articles may be theoretically possible but is extraordinarily rare. Health professionals have developed primary lesions on the hands following unprotected clinical examination of infectious lesions. Lesions of secondary syphilis may recur with decreasing frequency up to 4 years after infection, but transmission of infection is rare after the rst year. Transmission of syphilis from mother to fetus is most probable during early maternal syphilis but can occur throughout the latent period. Infected infants may have moist mucocutaneous lesions that are more widespread than in adult syphilis and are a potential source of infection. Emphasis on early detection and effective treatment of patients with transmissible syphilis and their contacts should not preclude search for people with latent syphilis to prevent relapse and disability due to late manifestations. Congenital syphilis is prevented through serological examination in early pregnancy and again in late pregnancy and at delivery in high prevalence populations; treat those who are reactive. Teach methods of personal prophylaxis applicable before, during and after exposure, especially the correct and consistent use of condoms. Control of patient, contacts and the immediate environment: 1) Report to local health authority: Case report of early infectious syphilis and congenital syphilis is required in most countries, Class 2 (see Reporting); laboratories must report reactive serology and positive darkeld examinations in many areas. Patients should refrain from sexual intercourse until treatment is completed and lesions disappear; to avoid reinfection, they should refrain from sexual activity with previous partners until the latter have been examined and treated. The stage of disease determines the criteria for partner notication: a) for primary syphilis, all sexual contacts during the 3 months preceding onset of symptoms; b) for secondary syphilis, contacts during the preceding 6 months; c) for early latent syphilis, those of the preceding year, if time of primary and secondary lesions cannot be established; d) for late and late latent syphilis, marital partners, and children of infected mothers; and e) for congenital syphilis, all members of the immediate family. All identied sexual contacts of conrmed cases of early syphilis exposed within 90 days of examination should receive treatment. If adequate and appropriate treatment of the mother prior to the last month of pregnancy cannot be established, all infants born to seroreactive mothers should be treated with penicillin. Serological testing is important to ensure adequate treatment; tests are repeated at 3 and 6 months after treatment and later as needed. In a small percentage of patients treated for primary or secondary syphilis, nontreponemal tests may remain positive despite repeated treatment. Failure of nontreponemal tests to decline 4-fold by 3 months after treatment for primary or secondary syphilis identies those at risk of treatment failure. Careful evaluation of prior treatment and additional evaluation may be required. Penicillin-sensitive pregnant women should have their allergy conrmed with skin tests (major and minor penicillin determinants) if test antigens are available. Patients with conrmed penicillin allergy can be desensitized and given the appropriate dose of penicillin. International measures: 1) Examine groups of adolescents and young adults who move from areas of high prevalence for treponemal infections. Mucous patches of the mouth are often the rst lesions, soon followed by moist papules in skinfolds and by drier lesions of the trunk and extremities. Other early skin lesions are macular or papular, often hypertrophic, and frequently circinate; lesions resemble those of venereal syphilis. Plantar and palmar hyperkeratoses occur frequently, often with painful ssuring; patchy depigmentation/hyperpigmentation of the skin and alopecia are common.

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Adequate background information on the natural behaviour of infectious diseases will facilitate recognition of an unusual event and help determine whether suspicions of a deliberate use should be investigated blood pressure chart record readings generic 240 mg isoptin with mastercard. Preparedness for deliberate use also requires mechanisms that can be immediately called into action to enhance communication and collaboration among the public health authorities, the intelligence community, law enforcement agencies and national defence systems as need may arise. Preparedness should draw on existing plans for responding to large-scale natural disasters, such as earthquakes or industrial or transportation accidents, in which health care facilities are required to deal with a surge of casualties and emergency admissions. Most health workers will have little or no experience in managing illness arising from several of the potential infectious agents; training in clinical recognition and initial management may therefore be needed for rst xxxiii responders. This training should include methods for infection control, safe handling of diagnostic specimens and body uids, and decontamination procedures. One of the most difcult issues for the public health system is to decide whether preparedness should include stockpiling of drugs, vaccines and equipment. Outbreaks of international importance, whether naturally occurring or thought to have been deliberately caused, should be reported electronically by national governments to outbreak@who. They may then be free of clinical signs or symptoms for months or years before other clinical manifestations develop. A single test is recommended in populations with a prevalence rate above 10%; lower prevalence levels require a minimum of 2 different tests for reliability. Selection of tests depends on factors such as accuracy and local operational characteristics. Rapid testing techniques on blood or oral mucosal transudate facilitate delivery of testing and counselling services. The window period between the earliest possible detection of virus and seroconversion is short (less than 2 weeks). Viral load tests are now available and serve as an additional marker of disease progression and response to treatment. China and India, more recently infected, remain of major concern epidemiologically. This chemoprophylactic regimen was shown to reduce the risk of perinatal transmission by 66%. While the virus has occasionally been found in saliva, tears, urine and bronchial secretions, transmission after contact with these secretions has not been reported. The risk of transmission from oral sex is not easily quantiable, but is presumed to be low. There is increasing evidence of host factors such as chemokine-receptor polymorphisms that may reduce susceptibility. The major interaction identied so far is with Mycobacterium tuberculosis infection. The specic needs of minorities, persons with different primary languages and those with visual, hearing or other impairments must also be addressed. In other situations, latex condoms must be used correctly every time a person has vaginal, anal or oral sex. Both male and female latex condoms with water-based lubricants have been shown to reduce the risk of sexual transmission. Programs that instruct needle users in decontamination methods and needle exchange have been shown to be effective. There is some evidence that exclusive breastfeeding is associated with lower transmission rates than partial breastfeeding. Organizations that collect plasma, blood or other body uids or organs should inform potential donors of this recommendation and test all donors. Donors who test negative after that interval can be considered not to have been infected at the time of donation. Health care workers should wear latex gloves, eye protection and other personal protective equipment in order to avoid contact with blood or with uids. Where nominal reporting is not the rule, care must be taken to protect patient condentiality. Patients and their sexual partners should not donate blood, plasma, organs for transplantation, tissues, cells, semen for articial insemination or breastmilk for human milk banks. Notication by the health care provider is justied only when the patient, after due counselling, still refuses to notify his/her partner(s), and when health care providers are sure that notication will not entail harm to the index case. Prophylactic use of oral trimethoprim-sufamethoxazole, with aerosolized pentamidine as a less effective backup, is recommended to prevent P. A successful treatment is not a cure, although it results in suppression of viral replication. Once the decision to initiate antiretroviral treatment has been made, treatment should be aggressive with the goal of maximal viral suppression. In general, a protease inhibitor and two non-nucleoside reverse transcriptase inhibitors should be used initially. Special considerations apply to adolescents and pregnant women, with specic treatment regimens for these patients. Health care organizations should have protocols that promote and facilitate prompt access to postexposure care and reporting of exposures. Disaster implications: Emergency personnel should follow the same universal precautions as health workers. If latex gloves are not available and skin surfaces comes into contact with blood, this should be washed off as soon as possible. Masks, visors and protective clothing are indicated when performing procedures that may involve spurting or splashing of blood or bloody uids. The lesions, rmly indurated areas of purulence and brosis, spread slowly to contiguous tissues; eventually, draining sinuses may appear and penetrate to the surface. Clinical ndings and culture allow distinction between actinomycosis and actinomycetoma, which are very different diseases. All species are Gram-positive, non acid-fast, anaerobic to microaerophilic higher bacteria that may be part of normal oral ora. Men and women of all races and age groups may be affected; frequency is maximal between 15 and 35 years; the M:F ratio is approximately 2:1. Cases in cattle, horses and other animals are caused by other Actinomyces species. In the normal oral cavity, the organisms grow as saprophytes in dental plaque and in tonsillar crypts, without apparent penetration or cellular response in adjacent tissues. From the oral cavity, the organism may be aspirated into the lung or introduced into jaw tissues through injury, extraction of teeth or mucosal abrasion. Preventive measures: Maintenance of oral hygiene, particularly removal of accumulating dental plaque, will reduce risk of oral infection. Prolonged administration of penicillin in high doses is usually effective; tetracycline, erythromycin, clindamycin and cephalosporins are alternatives. The parasite may act as a commensal or invade the tissues and give rise to intestinal or extraintestinal disease. Most infections are asymptomatic but may become clinically important under certain circumstances. Intestinal disease varies from acute or fulminating dysentery with fever, chills and bloody or mucoid diarrhea (amoebic dysentery), to mild abdominal discomfort with diarrhea containing blood or mucus, alternating with periods of constipation or remission. Amoebic granulomata (amoeboma), sometimes mistaken for carcinoma, may occur in the wall of the large intestine in patients with intermittent dysentery or colitis of long duration. Ulceration of the skin, usually in the perianal region, occurs rarely by direct extension from intestinal lesions or amoebic liver abscesses; penile lesions may occur in active homosexuals. Dissemination via the bloodstream may occur and produce abscesses of the liver, less commonly of the lung or brain. Amoebic colitis is often confused with forms of inammatory bowel disease such as ulcerative colitis; care should be taken to distinguish the two since corticosteroids may exacerbate amoebic colitis. Conversely, the presence of amoebae may be misinterpreted as the cause of diarrhea in a person whose primary enteric illness is the result of another condition. Diagnosis is by microscopic demonstration of trophozoites or cysts in fresh or suitably preserved fecal specimens, smears of aspirates or scrapings obtained by proctoscopy or aspirates of abscesses or sections of tissue. Examination should be done on fresh specimens by a trained microscopist since the organism must be differentiated from nonpathogenic amoebae and macrophages. Examination of at least 3 specimens will increase the yield of organisms from 50% in a single specimen to 85% 90%. Stool antigen detection tests have recently become available, but do not distinguish pathogenic from nonpathogenic organisms; assays specic for Entamoeba histolytica are also available. Many serological tests are available as adjuncts in diagnosing extraintestinal amoebiasis, such as liver abscess, where stool examination is often negative. In isolates, 9 potentially pathogenic and 13 nonpathogenic zymodemes (classied as E. Immunological differences and isoenzyme patterns permit differentiation of pathogenic E. Invasive amoebiasis is mostly a disease of young adults; liver abscesses occur predominantly in males. Amoebiasis is rare below age 5 and especially below age 2, when dysentery is due typically to shigellae. Published prevalence rates of cyst passage, usually based on cyst morphology, vary from place to place, with rates generally higher in areas with poor sanitation, in mental institutions and among sexually promiscuous male homosexuals (probably E. In areas with good sanitation, amoebic infections tend to cluster in households and institutions. Patients with acute amoebic dysentery probably pose only limited danger to others because of the absence of cysts in dysenteric stools and the fragility of trophozoites. Preventive measures: 1) Educate the general public in personal hygiene, particularly in sanitary disposal of feces and in handwashing after defecation and before preparing or eating food. Disseminate information regarding the risks involved in eating uncleaned or uncooked fruits and vegetables and in drinking water of questionable purity. Sand ltration of water removes nearly all cysts and diatomaceous earth lters remove them completely. Water of undetermined quality can be made safe by boiling for 1 minute (at least 10 minutes at high altitudes). Chlorination of water as generally practised in municipal water treatment does not always kill cysts; small quantities of water are best treated with prescribed concentrations of iodine, either liquid (8 drops of 2% tincture of iodine or 12. Allow for a contact period of at least 10 minutes (30 minutes if cold) before drinking the water. Control of patient, contacts and the immediate environment: 1) Report to local health authority: In selected endemic areas; in many countries not reportable, Class 3 (see Reporting). Release to return to work in a sensitive occupation when chemotherapy is completed. In cases of extraintestinal amoebiasis or refractory intestinal amoebiasis, metronidazole should be followed by iodoquinol, paromomycin or diloxanide furoate. Dehydroemetine, followed by iodoquinol, paromomycin or diloxanide furoate, is a suitable alternative for severe or refractory intestinal disease. There are concerns with the toxicity of dehydroemetine and the risk of optic neuritis with iodoquinol. If a patient with a liver abscess continues to be febrile after 72 hours of metronidazole treatment, nonsurgical aspiration may be indicated. Chloroquine is sometimes added to metronidazole or dehydroemetine for treating a refractory liver abscess. Abscesses may require surgical aspiration if there is a risk of rupture or if the abscess continues to enlarge despite treatment. Asymptomatic carriers may be treated with iodoquinol, paromomycin or diloxanide furoate. Metronidazole is not recommended for use during the rst trimester of pregnancy; however, there has been no proof of teratogenicity in humans. Epidemic measures: Any group of possible cases requires prompt laboratory conrmation to exclude false-positive identication of E. If a common vehicle is indicated, such as water or food, appropriate measures should be taken to correct the situation.

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It was concluded that supplementing layer diets with vegetable oils rich in polyunsaturated fatty acids does not change the nutritional composition of egg yolks. The supply of Mail Adress diets containing oils rich in polyunsaturated fatty acids does not reduce Corresponding author e-mail address yolk cholesterol content. Fatty acids, cholesterol, nutritional composition, vegetable oils, commercial eggs. Most egg lipids are concentrated in the yolk, and consist of lipoproteins, phospholipids, triacylglycerols, and cholesterol. The inclusion other studies showed that yolk cholesterol content of specifc feedstuffs in commercial layer diets, such as cannot be changed because it seems to be constant, vegetable oils rich in unsaturated fatty acids used to independently of dietary factors (Bertechini, 2003). Literature results on the possible effect of the supplementation of rapeseed, soybean, and canola oil diet on egg and blood cholesterol levels are contractor. Table 1 shows the ingredients and the calculated Table 2 shows the fatty acid composition of the nutritional composition of the experimental diets. Birds were housed in a brick house with 84 metal cages specifc for egg production. Independent feeders were placed in front of the cage, Canola oil Rapeseed oil Soybean oil as well as nipple drinkers. The obtained differences in yolk lipid and mineral According to Naber (1979), the main egg contents may be attributed to individual differences component (lipids) may be easily changed by dietary inherent to each bird and this metabolism than to the manipulation. Hall & Mckay (1993) found that egg diet fed, as the yolk composition of eggs produced by lipid content is infuenced by age in domestic fowl. Therefore, it is unlikely that vegetable oil type content increases while protein content decreases. Total solids Proteins (%) Lipids Minerals (%) (%) (%) (%) Treatments Control (no oil) 51. Treatments Cholesterol (mg/100g) It was observed that egg cholesterol content tended to Control (no oil) 1078. There was a signifcant interaction between Santos (1998) found that the addition of soybean treatment and period for yolk cholesterol content (2 and 4%), canola (2 and 4%), or polyunsaturated in eggs from layers submitted to all experimental marine (0. The highest cholesterol levels in the egg did not affect egg yolk cholesterol levels. Comparison of the cholesterol tallow, olive oil, soybean oil, rapeseed oil, or fsh oil. According to Bertechini (2003), the chicken is capable of producing 10 times more cholesterol per Chwalibog A. Dietary modifcation and hen effective, as chickens are able to maintain the egg strain dependence of egg yolk lipids. Modulacao da composicao de acidos graxos poliinsaturados changes because there is a required yolk cholesterol omega 3 de ovos e tecidos de galinhas poedeiras, atraves da dieta. Infuence of energy, linoleic acid and fat content of the diet on performance and weight of dietary lipid source. Infuence of source and percentage of fat added to diet on portal system as portomicrons, which are directly performance and fatty acid composition of egg yolk of two strains of absorbed into the blood and transported to the liver, laying hens. The relationship between yolk cholesterol and total fat absorption by the liver (Van-Elswyk et al. Response to fve generations of selection for blood cholesterol levels in White Leghorns. Poultry Science Based on the obtained results, it is concluded that 1980;59:1316-26. Britsh Poultry Science 1993;34:899polyunsaturated fatty acids does not reduce yolk 909. A comparison of the feeding value of different sources of fats Association of Offcial Analytical Chemists. Effect of dietary lipid lowering-drugs in plasma and egg yolks of hens and evaluation of the effect of some upon plasma lipids and eggyolk cholesterol levels of laying hens. Utilizacao de oleo de peixe e linhaca na racao como fontes de Incorporation of different polyunsaturated fatty acids into eggs. Efeito da adicao de oleos poliinsaturados a racao nos niveis de lipidios plasmaticos e de colesterol no ovo de galinhas poedeiras [dissertacao]. Relationship between dietary fber and nutrient density and its effect on energy balance, egg yolk cholesterol and hen performance. Current smokers, those Data Availability Statement: All relevant data are with less education, those who were overweight or obese, and those with large waist cirwithin the paper and its Supporting Information files. However, the prevalence of dyslipidemias has been found to differ among populations [5, 7]. Plasma lipid concentrations are considered to be important risk factors for atherosclerosis and related vascular diseases [8, 9]. The critical role of dyslipidemia in the pathogenesis of atherosclerosis has been confirmed in Western and Asian populations [10, 11]. According to the Chinese National Nutrition and Health Survey of 2002, the prevalence of dyslipidemia in Chinese adults at that time was 18. The aim of the project is to determine the prevalence of chronic diseases, risk factors, and to explore their potential relationships. Detailed information about the study design and data collection procedures have been reported previously [18]. At each surveillance point, a four-stage cluster-sampling plan was used to recruit participants; (1). One resident group of 50 households was chosen from each village or community by simple randomized sampling; (4). For the subjects sampled who refused to join the survey, replaced samples should be supplemented by selecting the neighbor family who had the same family structure. Data were collected at the physical examination stations in local health centers or in temporary assessment clinics set up within the local residential center (village or street committee). During the survey visit, trained research staff members administered a standardized questionnaire and via face-to-face interviews collected information on the demographics, cigarette smoking, alcohol consumption, education level, and medical history in face-to-face interviews. Waist circumference was measured halfway between the lowest rib margin and the iliac crest. The participants left arm was placed at heart level in a sitting position and blood pressure was measured with a digital sphygmomanometer (Omron 770A, Omron Corporation, Kyoto, Japan). The averages of the last two readings of systolic and diastolic pressure were recorded and the first reading was excluded. The blood samples were collected in serum separation tubes and kept 45 minutes and then centrifuged at 3000 rpm for 10 min at room temperature. Central obesity was defined as having a waist circumference above >95cm for males and >90cm for females. Blood lipid levels were categorized as ideal, marginally high, or high in accordance with the Chinese criteria [21]. Quality control To ensure the quality of the survey, the provincial and local Centers for Disease Control and Prevention created quality control networks to monitor survey efficacy for each surveillance point. Qualified instructors trained all investigators before joining the field survey team. The nurses working on this study were also trained and evaluated before they performed the anthropometric measurements. The percentage of displaced or refused samples was kept at less than 6% and percentage of the replaced samples would be the same. National and provincial quality control teams ensured quality control of the data. Team leaders reviewed the completed questionnaires before submitting them to the headquarters for data entry. Crude differences in the prevalence of dyslipidemia across participant characteristics. Results General characteristics Of 3,000 participants who were enrolled in this study, 20 participants (0. Educational levels were low; approximately two-fifths of the participants had elementary school education or no formal education, 43% attended secondary school, and 17% had tertiary education. Characteristics Men Women P value Total n = 1348 n = 1632 n = 2980 Age (years) 46. Distribution of serum lipids the prevalence of serum lipids by sex and age is shown in Table 3. Beijing and other urbanized cities in China have experienced rapid economic growth, which could be accompanied by changes in diet and lifestyle such as a higher intake of sodium and fat, reduced fiber intake, and lower physical activity levels [22, 23, 25]. However, most rural regions in China have not experienced such remarkable economic growth, and have maintained more traditional lifestyle and diet. A limitation of our study is its cross-sectional design, which cannot establish causality. Another limitation is the subjective nature of individual data in this survey, which could have resulted in misclassification. The strength of our study is the sample size and the analytic methods and that our results could directly be compared with other studies with comparable methodology and laboratory. We also thank the field team from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention in the surveillance areas for their contributions to data collection. We also thank the local community health doctors and nurses for providing fieldwork assistants. Future cardiovascular disease in china: markov model and risk factor scenario projections from the coronary heart disease policy model-china. Mortality by cause for eight regions of the world: Global Burden of Disease Study. Clinical significance of high-density lipoprotein cholesterol in patients with low low-density lipoprotein cholesterol. Joint Committee for Developing Chinese Guidelines on Prevention and Treatment of Dyslipidemia in Adults. Prevalence, awareness, treatment, and control of dyslipidemia among adults in Beijing, China. Prevalence of dyslipidemia and associated factors in the Yi farmers and migrants of Southwestern China. Epidemiological study on obesity and its comorbidities in urban Chinese older than 20 years of age in Shanghai, China. Plasma lipid level and incidence of dyslipidemia in workers of Chongqing enterprises and institutions. Current status and future directions in lipid management: emphasizing low-density lipoproteins, high-density lipoproteins, and triglycerides as targets for therapy. High-density lipoprotein and coronary heart disease: current and future therapies. Hypertriglyceridemia and elevated lipoprotein(a) are risk factors for major coronary events in middle-aged men. Effects of genetic variants on lipid parameters and dyslipidemia in a Chinese population. Alcohol consumption and the metabolic syndrome in Korean adults: the 1998 Korea National Health and Nutrition Examination Survey.

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