
Cialis Super Active

Janine E. Then, PharmD, BCPS

  • Lead Pharmacist
  • Clinical Services, UPMC Presbyterian Hospital, Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania

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Pedia trEndo crino lM eta b C hem a itilly W erectile dysfunction juicing 20mg cialis super active visa, L iZ erectile dysfunction inventory of treatment satisfaction questionnaire purchase generic cialis super active canada, Hua ng S, eta l nterio rhypo pituita rism ina dultsurvivo rso f childho o dca ncerstrea tedwith cra nia lra dio thera py: a repo rt ro m the St ude L ietim e C o ho rtStudy. M edO nco l L a ndo A Ho lm K Nyso m K eta l: Thyro id unctio ninsurvivo rso f childho o da cute lym pho bla sticleuka em ia: the signif ca nce o pro phyla cticcra nia lirra dia tio n. Yea rly Sperm a to genesisca n be induced with go na do tro pinsin m en with hypo go na do tro pichypo go na dism. M edica l lertbra celet S R E P O T T O R A T O O R F U R T H R T T T R V T O I f dose fi3 y 8 ortisol I do se fi y a nd endo crino lo gy ca re isrea dily a va ila ble, ref erto Yea rly, ref erto endo crino lo gy f o r urther endo crino lo gist o ro ngo ing m a na gem ent, given risk o m ultiple ho rm o ne testing i level m cg/ dL o r nm o lL def ciencies. L evelssho uldbe dra wna sclo se a spo ssible to M a ndbef o re M C o nsiderpa tienta ndca ncer/ trea tm ent a cto rsprem o rbid/ co m o rbidhea lth co nditio nsa ndhea lth beha vio rsa sa ppro pria te, tha tm a yincrea se risk. R a dia tR es F a hnehjelm K T, To rnquist L, O lsso nM eta l: Visua lo utco m e a ndca ta ra ctdevelo pm enta f tera llo geneicstem celltra nspla nta tio ninchildren. A cta O phtha lm o lSca nd F erryC em a yel R o cha V, eta l L o ngterm o utco m esa f tera llo geneicstem celltra nspla nta tio n o rchildrenwith hem a to lo gica lm a ligna ncies o ne M a rro w Tra nspla nt G urney NessK K R o sentha l eta l: Visua l a udito ry, senso ry, a ndm o to rim pa irm entsinlo ngterm survivo rso hem a to po ieticstem celltra nspla nta tio nperf o rm edinchildho o d: results ro m the o ne M a rro w Tra nspla ntSurvivo r study. Int R a dia tO nco l io lPhys 7 va nK em penHa rteveldM L, Struikm a nsH K a lH eta l C a ta ra cta f terto ta lbo dyirra dia tio na ndbo ne m a rro w tra nspla nta tio n: degree o visua lim pa irm entInt R a dia tO nco l io lPhys Zierhut L o hr Schra ube P, eta l C a ta ra ctincidence a f terto ta lbo dyirra dia tio n. R educedvisua la cuitym a ybe a sso cia tedwith ca ta ra ctsretina lda m a ge, a ndo pticnerve da m a ge. Int R a dia tO nco l io lPhys M a yo C M a rtelM K M a rksL B eta l R a dia tio ndo sevo lum e ef ectso f o pticnervesa ndchia sm. Int R a dia tO nco l io lPhys S2 O berlinO R ey A nderso n eta l: Trea tm ento f o rbita lrha bdo m yo sa rco m a: surviva la ndla the ef ectso f trea tm ent resultso a ninterna tio na lwo rksho p. C linO nco l ShieldsC L, Shields C a ter eta l Pla que ra dio thera py o rretino bla sto m a: lo ngterm tum o rco ntro la ndtrea tm entco m plica tio nsin tum o rsO phtha lm o lo gy W hela nK Stra tto nK K a wa shim a T, eta l O cula rla the ef ectsinchildho o da nda do lescentca ncersurvivo rsa repo rt ro m the C hildho o dC a ncerSurvivo rStudy. Pedia tr lo o dC a ncer Hua C a ss K K ha nR eta l Hea ring lo ssa f terra dio thera py o rpedia tricbra intum o rsef ecto f co chlea rdo se. Int R a dia tO nco l io lPhys Hua ng E, Teh S, Stro ther R eta l Intensitym o dula tedra dia tio nthera py o rpedia tricm edullo bla sto m a: ea rlyrepo rto nthe reductio no o to to xicity. Hea dNeck D a hllo f a gesundM R em bergerM eta l R isk a cto rs o rsa liva rydysunctio ninchildren yea ra f terbo ne m a rro w tra nspla nta tio n. O ra lO nco l D a hllo f a gesundM R ingdenO Im pa cto f co nditio ning regim enso nsa liva ry unctio n, ca riesa sso cia tedm icro o rga nism sa nddenta lca riesinchildrena f terbo ne m a rro w tra nspla nta tio n. C linEndo crino lM eta b Viva nco M a lle H lbertiC eta l M a ligna nta ndbenignthyro idno dulesa f terto ta lbo dyirra dia tio npreceding hem a to po ieticcelltra nspla nta tio nduring childho o d. C a ncer C hin Skla rC o na hue eta l: Thyro iddysunctio na sa la the ef ectinsurvivo rso f pedia tricm edullo bla sto m a / prim itive neuro ecto derm a ltum o rsa co m pa riso no hyperf ra ctio na tedversusco nventio na lra dio thera py. Pedia tr Sa nders E: Endo crine co m plica tio nso f highdo se thera pywith stem celltra nspla nta tio n. Pedia tr Tra nspla nt Suppl Skla rC o ula d Sm a llT, eta l Endo crine co m plica tio nso f pedia tricstem celltra nspla nta tio n. Endo crino lM eta bC linNo rth A m Perz M a rin Szydlo R M eta l Incidence o f hyperthyro idism a f terunrela teddo no ra llo geneicstem celltra nspla nta tio n. L euk R es Skla rC o ula d Sm a llT, eta l Endo crine co m plica tio nso f pedia tricstem celltra nspla nta tio n. C arotid bru its o pplerultra so und o ca ro tid vesselsa sclinica lly indica ted. R ef erto ca rdio lo gy A bnorm al neu rol og ic exam (com prom ise of i a bno rm a l bl ood fow to brain) M R Iwith di usio nweighted im a ging with M R a ngio gra phy a nd ca rdio va scula r Yea rly surgery co nsulta tio n a sclinica lly indica ted. F o rsurvivo rswho received fi y ra dia tio n to the neck: C o lo r o ppler ultra so und 1 yea rsa f terco m pletio n o ra dia tio n thera py a sa ba seline. Na tlC a ncerInst HullM C M o rrisC Pepine C eta l: Va lvula rdysunctio na ndca ro tid, subcla via n, a ndco ro na rya rterydisea se insurvivo rso Ho dgkinlym pho m a trea tedwith ra dia tio nthera py. R ef erto ca rdio lo gy i a bno rm a l M R Iwith di usio nweighted im a ging with M R a ngio gra phy a nd ca rdio va scula r surgery co nsulta tio n a sclinica lly indica ted. C linO nco l HullM C M o rrisC Pepine C eta l: Va lvula rdysunctio na ndca ro tid, subcla via n, a ndco ro na rya rterydisea se insurvivo rso Ho dgkinlym pho m a trea tedwith ra dia tio nthera py. L a ncetO nco l e6 Ng A K a rber E, illerL R eta l Pro spective studyo f the ef f ca cyo f brea stm a gneticreso na nce im a ging a ndm a m m o gra phicscreening insurvivo rso Ho dgkinlym pho m a. C linO nco l Tra visL B Hill o res M eta l rea stca ncer o llo wing ra dio thera pya ndchem o thera pya m o ng yo ung wo m enwith Ho dgkindisea se. A cta O nco l J o hnsto nK, Vo welsM C a rro llS, eta l a ilure to la cta te: a po ssible la the ef ecto f cra nia lra dia tio n. A via tSpa ce Enviro nM ed Venka tra m a niR K a m a th S, W o ng K eta l C o rrela tio no f clinica la nddo sim etric a cto rswith a dverse pulm o na ryo utco m esinchildrena f terlung irra dia tio n. Int R a dia tO nco l io lPhys W o l O o nnell E: Pulm o na ryef ectso f illicitdrug use. N Engl M ed Sm ith R ndrewsK S, ro o ks eta l C a ncerscreening inthe UnitedSta tes review o f current m erica nC a ncerSo cietyguidelinesa ndcurrentissuesinca ncerscreening. C a rdia cM R Ia sa n a djunctim a ging m o da lity when echo ca rdio gra phicim a gesa re subo ptim a l E H O or com parabl e im ag ing to eval u ate C a rdio lo gy co nsulta tio n in pa tientswith subclinica la bno rm a litieso n screening eva lua tio ns, lef t cardiac anatom yand fu nction) ventricula r dysunctio n, dysrhythm ia, o r pro lo nged Q Tcinterva l C a rdio lo gy co nsulta tio n (to yea rsa f ter ra dia tio n) m a y be rea so na ble to eva lua the risk f o r R co ro na ry a rtery disea se in survivo rswho received fi y chestra dia tio n a lo ne o r fi y chest A ra dia tio n plusa nthra cycline. D In survivo rswith va lvula r diso rders: C o nsultca rdio lo gistto a dvise rega rding need f o r endo ca rditis No ne y o r no ne No screening pro phyla xis fi y Every5 yea rs em a le pa tientso nly: F o r pa tientswho a re pregna nto r pla nning to beco m e pregna nt, a dditio na l fi y Every 2 yea rs ca rdio lo gy eva lua tio n isindica ted in pa tientswho received: m g/ m a nthra cyclines < mg/ m yo rno ne Every 5 yea rs y chestra dia tio n, o r fi y Every 2 yea rs nthra cycline (a ny do se) co m bined with chestra dia tio n (y) fi mg/ m ny o r no ne Every 2 yea rs Eva lua tio n sho uld include a ba seline echo ca rdio gra m (preo r ea rlypregna ncy) o r tho se * asedondoxorubicin isotoxicequivalentdose. Such individua lssho uld be m o nito red perio dica lly during pregna ncy a nd during la bo r a nd delivery due to increa sed risk f o r ca rdia c a ilure. A bdo m ina lsym pto m s na usea, em esis m a ybe o bservedm o re requentlytha nexertio na ldyspnea o rchestpa ininyo ungerpa tients the A H no w lim itstheirreco m m enda tio nrega rding endo ca rditispro phyla xiso nlyto pa tientswho se ca rdia cco nditio nsa re a sso cia tedwith the highestrisk o a dverse o utco m e, which includesbutisno tlim itedto the o llo wing o ur ca tego ries pro sthetichea rtva lves previo ushisto ryo f inf ective endo ca rditis certa inpa tientswith co ngenita lhea rtdisea se, a nd va lvulo pa thy o llo wing ca rdia ctra nspla nta tio n. Survivo rsdia gno sedwith hea rtva lve diso rderssho ulddiscussthe need o rendo ca rditispro phyla xiswith theirca rdio lo gistSee W ilso neta l o rspecif cs C o nsiderpa tienta ndca ncer/ trea tm ent a cto rsprem o rbid/ co m o rbidhea lth co nditio nsa ndhea lth beha vio rsa sa ppro pria te, tha tm a yincrea se risk. A m C a rdio l Ha ddyN, ia llo S, El a yech C eta l C a rdia cdisea ses o llo wing childho o dca ncertrea tm entco ho rtstudy. C linO nco l HinesM R M ulro o ney Hudso nM M eta l Pregna ncya sso cia tedca rdio m yo pa thyinsurvivo rso f childho o dca ncer C a ncerSurviv HullM C M o rrisC Pepine C eta l: Va lvula rdysunctio na ndca ro tid, subcla via n, a ndco ro na rya rterydisea se insurvivo rso Ho dgkinlym pho m a trea tedwith ra dia tio nthera py. M M ulro o ney rm stro ng T, Hua ng S, eta l C a rdia co utco m esina dultsurvivo rso f childho o dca ncerexpo sedto ca rdio to xicthera py: a cro sssectio na lstudy. J M InternM ed W ilso n W, Ta ubertK ewitzM eta l Preventio no f inf ective endo ca rditisguidelines ro m the A m erica nHea rt sso cia tio n: a guideline ro m the A m erica nHea rt sso cia tio nR heum a tic ever Endo ca rditisa ndK a wa sa ki isea se C o m m ittee, C o uncilo nC a rdio va scula r isea se inthe Yo ung, a ndthe C o uncilo nC linica lC a rdio lo gy, C o uncilo nC a rdio va scula rSurgerya nd A nesthesia, a ndthe Q ua lityo C a re a ndO utco m esR esea rch Interdisciplina ry W o rking ro up. Inf ect isC linNo rth A m viiiix, Sm ets o urgo is, Verm ylenC eta l R a ndo m isedreva ccina tio nwith pneum o co cca lpo lysa ccha ride o rco njuga the va ccine ina splenicchildrenprevio uslyva ccina tedwith po lysa ccha ride va ccine. Pedia trHem a to lO nco l L o riniR C o rto na L, Sca ra m uzza A eta l Hyperinsulinem ia inchildrena nda do lescentsa f terbo ne m a rro w tra nspla nta tio n. C a ncerEpidem io l io m a rkersPrev M ea cha m L R Skla rC L iS, eta l ia betesm ellitusinlo ngterm survivo rso f childho o dca ncer Increa sedrisk a sso cia tedwith ra dia tio nthera py: a repo rt o rthe C hildho o dC a ncerSurvivo rStudy. A rch InternM ed Sha litinS, Phillip M Stein eta l Endo crine dysunctio na ndpa ra m eterso f the m eta bo licsyndro m e a f terbo ne m a rro w tra nspla nta tio nduring childho o da nda do lescence. Pedia tr Tra nspla nt B a kerK S, NessK K Steinberger eta l ia beteshypertensio n, a ndca rdio va scula reventsinsurvivo rso f hem a to po ieticcelltra nspla nta tio n: a repo rt ro m the o ne M a rro w Tra nspla nta tio nSurvivo rStudy. Pedia trics F elicetti scenzo M o rettiC eta l Preva lence o f ca rdio va scula rrisk a cto rsinlo ngterm survivo rso f childho o dca ncer: yea rs o llo w up ro m a pro spective registry. Eur PrevC a rdio l M ea cha m L R Skla rC L iS, eta l ia betesm ellitusinlo ngterm survivo rso f childho o dca ncer Increa sedrisk a sso cia tedwith ra dia tio nthera py: a repo rt o rthe C hildho o dC a ncerSurvivo rStudy. A rch InternM ed O udinC Sim eo niM C SirventN, eta l Preva lence a ndrisk a cto rso f the m eta bo licsyndro m e ina dultsurvivo rso childho o dleukem ia. Re f e re nce s Em a m i Lym a n ro wn A eta l: To lera nce o f no rm a ltissue to thera peuticirra dia tio n. Int R a dia tO nco l io lPhys M a denci L, isherS, illerL R eta l Intestina lo bstructio ninsurvivo rso f childho o dca ncer: a repo rt ro m the C hildho o dC a ncerSurvivo rStudy. A retro spective review, clinico pa tho lo gicco rrela tio n, a nddieta rym a na gem entC a ncer HeynR R a neyR r Ha ys M eta l L a the ef ectso f thera pyinpa tientswith pa ra testicula rrha bdo m yo sa rco m a. C linO nco l R a ney r HeynR Ha ys M eta l Sequela e o f trea tm entin pa tients o llo wed o r to yea rsa f terdia gno siso sa rco m a o the bla ddera ndpro sta te. C a ncer 7 R o driguezM L, M a rtinM M Pa della no L C eta l a stro intestina lto xicitya sso cia tedto ra dia tio nthera py. F o rpa tientsa thigh risk due to perso na lo r a m ilyhisto ryo rheredita rysyndro m espredispo sing to co lo recta lca ncer m o re intensive a ndea rlierscreening isreco m m ended see ia rdiello eta l K a hleta l L ieberm a neta l 2 a ndSynga leta l C o nsiderpa tienta ndca ncer/ trea tm ent a cto rsprem o rbid/ co m o rbidhea lth co nditio nsa ndhea lth beha vio rsa sa ppro pria te, tha tm a yincrea se risk. C linO nco l D a nielC L, K o hlerC L, Stra tto nK L, eta l Predicto rso f co lo recta lca ncersurveilla nce a m o ng survivo rso f childho o dca ncertrea tedwith ra dia tio n: a repo rt ro m the C hildho o dC a ncerSurvivo rStudy. C a ncer Trea tR ev Tukeno va M ia llo I nderso nH eta l Seco ndm a ligna ntneo pla sm sindigestive o rga nsa f terchildho o dca ncer: a co ho rtnestedca seco ntro lstudy. C C a ncer C lin, W o ng K R eulenR C, W inter L, eta l R isk o f a dverse hea lth a ndso cia lo utco m esup to yea rsa f ter W ilm stum o r: the ritish C hildho o dC a ncerSurvivo rStudy. O nco lo gy F risk P, ra ttebyL E, C a rlso nK eta l R ena l unctio na f tera uto lo go usbo ne m a rro w tra nspla nta tio ninchildren: a lo ngterm pro spective study. Pedia trHem a to lO nco l L evy A M a rtelliH a yech C eta l L a the to xicityo f bra chythera pya f ter em a le genita ltra cttum o rstrea tedduring childho o d: Pro spective eva lua tio nwith a lo ngterm o llo wup. O bstet yneco l R a ney r HeynR Ha ys M eta l Sequela e o f trea tm entin pa tients o llo wed o r to yea rsa f terdia gno siso sa rco m a o the bla ddera ndpro sta te. C a ncer 7 So lerR M a cedo r ruschiniH eta l o esthe lessa ggressive m ultim o da la ppro a ch o f trea ting bla dder pro sta the rha bdo m yo sa rco m a preserve bla dder unctio nfi Uro lo gy ref erra l o rpa tientswith culturenega tive m a cro sco pichem a turia. C linO nco l L eung W, Hudso nM M Strickla nd K eta l L a the ef ectso f trea tm entinsurvivo rso f childho o da cute m yelo idleukem ia. Pedia tr Skla rC R epro ductive physio lo gya ndtrea tm entrela tedlo sso f sexho rm o ne pro ductio n. M edica lPedia trO nco l Skla rC R o biso nL L, NesbitM E, eta l Ef ectso f ra dia tio no ntesticula r unctio ninlo ngterm survivo rso f childho o da cute lym pho bla sticleukem ia: a repo rt ro m the C hildrenC a ncerStudy ro up. Na tlC a ncerInstM o no gr: J a co b A a rkerH o o dm a n A eta l R eco veryo f sperm a to genesis o llo wing bo ne m a rro w tra nspla nta tio n. Int R a dia tO nco l io lPhys R o vo A, Tichelli Pa ssweg R eta l Sperm a to genesisinlo ngterm survivo rsa f tera llo geneichem a to po ieticstem celltra nspla nta tio nisa sso cia tedwith a ge, tim e interva lsince tra nspla nta tio n, a nda ppa rentlya bsence o chro nic G vH lo o d R o wleyM L ea ch R, W a rner eta l Ef ecto f gra deddo seso f io nizing ra dia tio no nthe hum a ntestisR a dia tR es Skla rC R o biso nL L, NesbitM E, eta l Ef ectso f ra dia tio no ntesticula r unctio ninlo ngterm survivo rso f childho o da cute lym pho bla sticleukem ia: a repo rt ro m the C hildrenC a ncerStudy ro up. C linEndo crino lM eta b C o uto Silva A C, TrivinC, Thiba udE, eta l a cto rsa f ecting go na da l unctio na f terbo ne m a rro w tra nspla nta tio nduring childho o d. C linO nco l G reen M Skla rC o ice r eta l O va ria n a ilure a ndrepro ductive o utco m esa f terchildho o dca ncertrea tm entresults ro m the C hildho o dC a ncerSurvivo rStudy. C linO nco l L evine M K elvin Q uinn P, eta l Inf ertilityinrepro ductivea ge em a le ca ncersurvivo rsC a ncer L ie o ng S, L a ven S, Ha kvo o rtC a m m el eta l ssessm ento f o va ria nreserve ina dultchildho o dca ncersurvivo rsusing a ntiM ulleria nho rm o ne. Na tlC a ncerInst Signo rello L B M ulvihill reen M eta l Stillbirth a ndneo na ta ldea th inrela tio nto ra dia tio nexpo sure bef o re co nceptio n: a retro spective co ho rtstudy. C linO nco l G a illa rdP, K ra sinM L a ningha m H eta l Hem a to m etro co lpo sina na do lescent em a le trea ted o rpelvicEwing sa rco m a. Pedia tr lo o dC a ncer L evy A M a rtelliH a yech C eta l L a the to xicityo f bra chythera pya f ter em a le genita ltra cttum o rstrea tedduring childho o d: Pro spective eva lua tio nwith a lo ngterm o llo wup. R a dio therO nco l M a gne N, O berlinO M a rtelliH eta l: Vulva la ndva gina lrha bdo m yo sa rco m a inchildren: upda the a ndrea ppra isa lo Institut usta ve R o ussybra chythera pyexperience. S itting heig ht Sho rtened trunk height trunk Pla sticsurgery co nsult o rreco nstructio n. R a dio lo gy R o hde R S, Puha indra nM E, M o rrisC eta l C o m plica tio nso f ra dia tio nthera pyto the ha nda f terso f ttissue sa rco m a surgery. O rtho pedicco nsulta tio n a sindica ted ba sed o n physica la nd/ o rra dio gra phic exa m. Na tlC a ncerInst M a rcusR Esia shivilliN: M usculo skeleta l Integum entinSchwa rtzC L, Ho bbie W L, C o nstine L S, eta l eds Survivo rso C hildho o da nd A do lescentC a ncer: A M ultidisciplina ry A ppro a ch. N Engl M ed L eisenring W, riedm a n L, lo wersM E, eta l No nm ela no m a skina ndm uco sa lca ncersa f terhem a to po ieticcelltra nspla nta tio n. R a dia tR es So cie C urtisR E, eeg H eta l New m a ligna ntdisea sesa f tera llo geneicm a rro w tra nspla nta tio n o rchildho o da cute leukem ia. C linO nco l W itherspo o nR P, isherL D Scho ch eta l Seco nda ryca ncersa f terbo ne m a rro w tra nspla nta tio n o rleukem ia o ra pla stica nem ia.

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With no differences in vitamin B6, vitamin B12 1298A>C polymorphisms occur at high special references to cardiovascular disease or homocysteine levels were found in and neural tube defects. Insights than in participants who were depressed, into severe 5,10-methylenetetrahydrofolate useful to offer genetic testing for these reductase defciency: Molecular genetic and but this difference was not found with variants. A second common mutation in the maternal biomarkers of folate, homocysteine, 37 methylenetetrahydrofolate reductase gene: An and glutathione metabolism. Are genes connected pregnancy and the risk of adverse pregnancy with homocysteine metabolism associated outcomes: the Generation R Study. Metabolism and gene polymorphisms of the folate pathway in Brazilian women with history of recurrent abortion. Methylenetetrahydrofolate reductase gene A1298C polymorphism and susceptibility to recurrent pregnancy loss: A meta-analysis. The utility of thrombophilia testing in pregnant women with thrombosis: Fact or fctionfi Brown Introduction the normal balance between clot formation and breakdown can be changed by the presence of certain genetic or acquired defects leading to abnormal clot formation. Reasons for the clot formation and breakdown processes to be unbalanced toward abnormal clot formation include blood vessel injury, venous stasis (lack of movement of the blood in the veins), and clotting disorders. Doctors now have a variety of tests that can be done to test for an inherited clotting disorder. There is controversy over which patients should get which tests and what positive results mean. Elevated D-dimer levels can indicate the presence of abnormal clot, but levels can also be elevated from other causes such as recent surgery, bleeding, trauma, pregnancy, cancer or abnormal blood clot in an artery. The second is an acquired disorder, which a person is not born with, but that develops later in life. Hereditary Clotting Disorders the hereditary clotting disorders come in 2 groups: Group 1: A lack of anti-clotting factors in the blood Group 2: An increased amount of pro-clotting factors in the blood Provided by the American Venous Forum: veinforum. In general, the Group 1 disorders are less common but more likely to cause abnormal clotting than Group 2 disorders. This disorder is inherited as an autosomal dominant trait, which means that if a person gets an abnormal gene from one parent and a normal gene from the other parent, they will have the disease. The risk in most people with antithrombin deficiency is increased by 5 to 50 times. Abnormal clotting in the arteries has been reported in people with this deficiency but it is uncommon and its association with the deficiency is not clear. Patients with antithrombin deficiency are resistant to heparin therapy because heparin requires the presence of antithrombin to work. Patients with antithrombin deficiency who need blood thinners should get another type of blood thinner that does not need antithrombin to work. Protein C Deficiency Protein C is a natural anticoagulant that is made primarily in the liver. During the clotting process, protein C is activated, and along with protein S acts as a blood thinner to keep the clotting process in check. Deficiency in protein C results in decreased ability to keep the clotting process in check, leading to abnormal clot formation. Many things can cause protein C to be low, such as new clot formation, low Vitamin K, liver disease, severe infections (sepsis), kidney failure, post-operative state, breast cancer patients after certain chemotherapies, and massive bleeding. A normal protein C level after a new clot has occurred rules out the disease, but a low level in this situation would need to be re-checked after therapy for the new clot is completed before the diagnosis could be made. It is important for patients with protein C deficiency to have a fast-acting blood thinner such as heparin started before starting warfarin (an oral blood thinner). Warfarin alone may initially make the patient more likely to clot than less, until the appropriate levels have been reached. Therefore, a fast acting anticoagulant is used first and then stopped once the warfarin level is adequate. However, diagnosis of this condition can be challenging because many things can affect the protein S level. Conditions associated with decreased protein S include use of warfarin (an oral blood thinner) and contraceptive use, pregnancy, liver disease, nephrotic syndrome, and severe clot formation. As with protein C and antithrombin, a normal test at the time of a new clot rules out the disease, but an abnormal test must be repeated after warfarin has been stopped for 2-4 weeks. Since activated protein C works on Factor V to slow down the clotting reaction, resistance to this causes increased risk of clotting. Factor V Leiden is the most common inherited blood clotting disorder, with an especially high occurrence in people of Caucasian or European descent. People with one abnormal gene for Factor V have a 3 to 7 fold increased risk of clot, and people with both genes abnormal have a 50 to 100 fold increase in risk. Whether this condition is associated with abnormal clot in the arteries is unknown. Prothrombin Defects; Prothrombin Gene 20210A Mutation the prothrombin G20210A mutation is an inherited defect of the gene for prothrombin. A person with this condition has high levels of prothrombin, which increases the risk of abnormal clot formation. It is present in 2% of Caucasians, 3% in people of southern European descent, and rare in Native Americans, Asian-Americans or African-Americans. This test can be accurately performed at any time before, during or after a clot has formed. Half of clotting episodes in patients with this disorder occur around surgery, trauma, prolonged immobilization, pregnancy or estrogen therapy. Conditions that can affect factor levels include Vitamin K deficiency, malnutrition, liver disease, biliary disease, oral contraceptive use, pregnancy, abnormal cholesterol, obesity, aging, stress, chronic inflammation, recent aerobic exercise, and blood type. Therefore, interpreting the levels of these factors is difficult, as is making the diagnosis of persistent elevated factor levels. Hyperhomocysteinemia Hyperhomocysteinemia refers to an acquired or inherited elevation of the level of the amino acid homocysteine. Acquired hyperhomocysteinemia can occur with certain medical conditions, such as kidney failure, hypothyroidism, folate deficiency or Vitamin B6 or B12 deficiency. Inherited hyperhomocysteinemia results from mutations in the genes coding for enzymes that break down homocysteine. Defects in these enzymes may or may not lead to hyperhomocysteinemia, depending on their severity. Up to 50% of the general population may have one mutation affecting the metabolism of homocysteine. The diagnosis of hyperhomocysteinemia is based on the blood level of homocysteine. Hyperhomocysteinemia is associated with both abnormal artery and vein clotting, although it is not clear whether hyperhomocysteinemia is just a sign of the clotting, or a cause of the clotting. High homocysteine levels can be decreased with folic acid, vitamin B6 and vitamin B12 therapy. Other Inherited Clotting Disorders There are likely other inherited clotting disorders that are not yet fully known. These antibodies include the lupus anticoagulants and the anticardiolipin antibodies. In order to be diagnosed with this condition a person must have elevated antibody levels on two tests at least 6 weeks apart, and they must have had an abnormal clotting event or have had pregnancy related complications. The length of time to continue the blood thinners after the first abnormal clotting event is somewhat controversial and can range from 12 months to lifelong. The antibody binding to the platelets causes them to clump up, which forms a clot. There are several available tests, some that look at platelet function, and one that looks for the antibodies themselves. Also, a different blood thinner should be started to help prevent the abnormal clot formation. Other blood thinners that could be used include lepirudin, argatroban and bivalirudin. Once the platelet count has come back up to normal, warfarin can be started, but should overlap with the other blood thinner by 5 days. Surgery, chemotherapy, central venous line placement, and immobility all further increase the risk of clotting in cancer patients. Disclaimer: People taking prescription drugs may be more likely to have reduced levels of certain nutrients. The dietary supplements mentioned here are not intended to replace prescription drugs. It is important to advise consumers to consult with their health care provider before beginning a dietary supplement regimen. Zinc3: < 30 mg/day with antacids, H2 antagonists, and proton Prilosec, Protonix, Tagamet, Zantac, 2. Pepcid and others transporter pump on the luminal surface Green Tea: B12 and magnesium. Antiobiotics deplete folic acid, vitamin When taken with antibiotics, these Ex: Amoxil, Augmentin, Bactrim, B1 (thiamin), vitamin B2 (ribofavin), minerals can interfere with the absorption Ceclor, Cipro, Kefex, Levaquin, Avelox, vitamin B6, vitamin B12, calcium, of the antibiotic (as well as the mineral) by Zithromax, and others magnesium, potassium, and vitamin K. Antiplatelet drugs decrease the Bilberry Ex: Coumadin/Warfarin, Aspirin, potential for clots as a result of platelet Cod Liver Oil Plavix, Ticlid, Aggrenox, and others aggregation. Melatonin may interact with medications Ex: Cymbalta, Effexor, Lexapro, amines. Calcium channel blockers and thiazide potassium supplements increases risk for Calcium Channel these drugs work to reduce blood diuretics deplete potassium. Blockers, resistance or by reducing cardiac output, Beta blockers deplete coenzyme Q10. Green Tea Catechins and Goldenseal: these supplements may affect therapeutic benefts of anti-hypertensive drugs. Calcium: Thiazide diuretics reduce calcium excretion by the kidneys and may increase risk for hypercalcemia, metabolic alkalosis, and possible renal failure. Melatonin: Melatonin may impair the effcacy of some calcium channel blockers (nifedipine). Ginseng: Ginseng may exacerbate some psychiatric conditions including hysteria, mania, and schizophrenia and thus compromise the therapeutic beneft of antipsychotics. Ginseng may also inhibit some of the drug metabolizing enzymes responsible for clearance of a number of antipsychotic drugs. Ginkgo Biloba: Ginkgo has been reported to cause seizures or lower seizure threshold. Thus, in combination with drugs that lower seizure threshold (including antipsychotics) the combination might signifcantly increase risk of seizures. Melatonin the combination of kava and Ex: Diazepam, Clorazepate, Endogenous melatonin is depleted by benzodiazepines is not recommended lorazepam, klonopin, alprazolam benzodiazepines. Calcium these medications decrease calcium absorption by increasing metabolism of vitamin D, which is needed for calcium absorption.

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It can also mean, whenever Twe can, surrounding ourselves with people who are inclusive, respectful and loving to us, our gender identities and our bodies. For some, loving their chest means binding carefully so as not to inhibit breathing or cause injury. For some, it may mean having surgery to create breasts or to create a fat chest, and steering clear of drugs and foods that interfere with healing. For some, loving their chest may mean choosing clothes that express their gender identities rather than the sex assigned to them at birth. Loving and caring for ourselves can be a powerful way to resist transphobia, transmisogyny and queerphobia. It addresses topics including choosing a service provider, binding, pads and forms, bra selection, hormones, surgery, emotional well-being, cancer screening and prevention, cardiovascular health, and nutrition. Every person has unique experiences and defnitions of health and wellbeing, as well as their own physical, fnancial, social, and mental barriers to achieving it. As such, some of the content of this guide may not feel right for you, and we welcome your feedback for future edits. This guide is a starting point, and we encourage you to explore your health options with trans*-competent health care providers if available. We recognise that language is contested, culturally-contextual, personal, and evolving, and that language that feels right for one person may feel wrong for another. However, we welcome any suggestions for more inclusive language for later editions. Two-Spirit (2-Spirit): A term used by some North American Aboriginal folk to describe people with diverse gender identities, gender expressions and sexual orientations. Many Aboriginal communities have traditionally had two-spirit people who are visionaries, are considered to be blessed, and are regarded as spiritual advisors. Unfortunately, due to colonization, many Aboriginal people have lost this part of their cultural history. Now, 2-Spirit people may experience discrimination and violence within their own communities. Ciscentric: Behaviour that others trans* folk, makes them invisible, and treats their needs and identities as less important than those of cisgender folk. Transmisogyny: Transphobia directed at trans* women and transfeminine folk, that is steeped in sexism and attempts to reinforce male power and privilege. Trans*-competent: A person with the knowledge and skills to be able to deliver services efectively when working with trans* folk. When we feel good about ourselves, we feel, and are, more able to make healthy decisions. Support systems can include: fifi Friends, allies, families, clients and partners who treat you with the respect and love that you deserve. Choosing a service provider who is trans*-competent can be difcult and intimidating. Some folk have had negative experiences with health professionals that make them reluctant to take a chance on a health professional again. Many people are not confdent that a health service provider will understand their needs. Most of us are exposed to public health messages that are mostly ciscentric; this can lead to missing out on vital health information. Some trans* folk have unique risk factors for breast cancer and cardiovascular disease, and it is important that they are not limited by chest health promotion that renders them invisible. Calling or emailing ahead, and/or making an initial visit to ask questions are some ways to fnd service providers who will give you the trans*competent care you deserve. Some starting questions that might help you gauge competency of care include: fifi How many trans* clients have you worked with, and for how longfi It can make a huge diference in whether you feel comfortable going for potentially life-saving health check-ups, and in your chances of benefting from ongoing counselling, naturopathy, acupuncture or other valuable services. This may mean switching from one provider to another if you do not feel that the one you are seeing is right for you. If you feel comfortable doing so, you may want to discuss your reasons for wishing to change service providers with your health care professional, whether that is in person, over the phone, or through an email or a letter. With your feedback, and their own eforts towards increasing their trans*-competency, a provider may be able to improve their work with you to better meet your needs; however, in some client-service provider relationships, you will beneft most from moving on to another. Working with a service provider you trust can help in avoiding situations where you feel a need to withhold information that may impact the services, referrals and recommendations that they provide. However, in many places trans*-competent and -inclusive service providers can be accessed. Binding Binding refers to the process of using a purpose-built garment or other device usually worn under clothing to compress the chest into a fatter shape. This is done by some folk who want a fatter chest but have not yet had top surgery, or who do not plan to have top surgery. With the right binder, binding can be an efective and relatively comfortable way for many folk to give their chest the look they want it to have. Some binder users pass on their used binders to online programs such as Big Brothers Binder Program, the Circle, In A Bind, and Binder Boys. In Vancouver, pre-owned binders are sometimes available from the Catherine White Holman Wellness Centre. If you ever have a binder that 6 you no longer use, you may consider passing it on to help out someone else! Another tip for reducing the cost of buying binders is to prolong its life through proper care; they should be regularly hand-washed or gently machine-washed, and air-dried. Air drying, however, takes time and can mean that your binder is sometimes out of use. It is helpful to plan cleaning and drying around your schedule, or, if fnancially possible, to have more than one binder to rotate use. Choosing a binder that is efective, comfortable, and that fts can be overwhelming. There are several binder review websites where you can fnd reviews and guidance from folk who bind around the world. While it may seem to make sense to buy a binder that is too-small or to layer multiple binders, these strategies also come with health risks. If possible, put some time and research into choosing the binder that is best for you in a comfortable size. If you are handy with tailoring clothes, it is also possible to adjust your binders to better suit the shape of your body and the look you want. The type of binder you choose, what clothes you wear with it, and the shape of your body will also all infuence the best way to put it on and prevent it from rolling up. If keeping your binder invisible under your clothes is a priority, looking for one that is a similar colour to your skin tone may help. When trying on binders, use a mirror rather than looking down to check out their efectiveness; looking down at your chest will make it seem larger than it is. Try searching online for tips on what has worked the best for others with the type of binder you are using. When trying on a binder for the frst time, you may have feelings of panic and anxiety if you get stuck. Getting past these feelings may be easier if you have someone there that you are comfortable with, even if they are only on standby in another room. This can be efective, but in the long term can lead to posture and breathing problems. An alternative to this is to layer clothes: a tight undershirt or sports bra underneath, and successively looser items of clothing such as undershirts, t-shirts and a button-down shirt on top. This can get warm, so it is important to choose breathable fabrics such as cotton on hotter days. Binding should ideally be done with a fabric that allows breathing or wicks away sweat to help minimize the risk of rashes or fungal infections. If this is not possible, alternatives include binding over the top of a cotton undershirt, or applying corn starch before binding. Ensuring that you are totally dry and not straight out of the shower before putting it on is also helpful with this and will make it much easier to put your binder on. While diferent options work for diferent people, there are risks associated with using anything other than a purpose-made binder, as well as with wearing a binder that is too small. Depending on the method, such as bandages, tape, or neoprene, these risks may include restriction of airfow, postural damage, abrasions and long-term skin damage, fungal infections, rib damage or fuid build-up in the lungs. If using a non-purpose-made binder, or a binder that may be too small, stay aware of your comfort level. If you are feeling pain, irritation, circulation problems or shortness of breath, seek an opportunity to take a break from your binder. Cutting down on smoking, if you feel able, may help in avoiding respiratory problems or triggering asthma attacks when binding. Potential harmful efects can be seriously compounded by wearing a binder for more than 8-12 hours, and you may not be able to feel the damage that is occurring. Try to plan a break from your binder into your schedule, and identify a location where it will be possible for you to do this. Damage is still possible within this timeframe, so to help avoid it, try to get into a routine of stretching or doing yoga before you bind and after removing your binder; this will get your blood fowing, and get oxygen to your cells. It can be helpful to consider working with a trans*-inclusive and trans*-knowledgeable therapist or counsellor about navigating the feelings that this can bring on. If you have nipple piercings and are trying out binding for the frst time with them in, you might choose to have a trusted support person (if you have one available) present to help you if you need assistance. Talking with a trans*-knowledgeable doctor can help give you a better idea of what binding options might be best for your chest in its current and future shapes. Pads and Breast Forms For folks who feel that having breasts is important to them, and do not wish to or may be currently unable to have breast augmentation surgery, there are several points that are important to consider. For some, hormone treatment may cause breast development to a point that feels right for them. For others, this development may not be enough for them to feel comfortable about the shape of their chest, or to feel likely to be read as female if this is a priority for them. However, most of those marketed so far have been inefectual beyond moisturizing, and are sold purely to fnancially exploit the needs of some trans* folk. Exercises to develop the pecs can enlarge the chest and make breasts more prominent.

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June 17 antihypertensive that causes erectile dysfunction order genuine cialis super active online, 2016 170 Guidelines for the Primary and Gender-Affirming Care of Transgender and Gender Nonbinary People 37. Long-term outcome of endoscopic shortening and stiffening of the vocal folds to raise the pitch. Evaluation of a consecutive group of transsexual individuals referred for vocal intervention in the west of Sweden. Endocrine therapy for transgender adults in British Columbia: suggested guidelines. June 17, 2016 171 Guidelines for the Primary and Gender-Affirming Care of Transgender and Gender Nonbinary People 35. Health insurance coverage issues for transgender people in the United States Primary authors: Andre A. The burden of fighting against this level of adversity when people are physically ill or injured represents a significant barrier to care. This adversity has contributed to the high incidence of transgender people avoiding seeking needed health care. Most carriers have now issued their own internal guidelines specific to transgender-related healthcare, especially surgical interventions. These guidelines (called by various names such as medical policies or coverage positions) spell out what services will be covered for a specific medical condition June 17, 2016 172 Guidelines for the Primary and Gender-Affirming Care of Transgender and Gender Nonbinary People and usually apply to all insurance products issued by a carrier. Thus, what is covered by a given health plan will vary not only by state but also by employer. These large employers have chosen to implement medical guidelines that offer increased access, such as coverage of a greater range of medically necessary services. Smaller businesses, which depend on the insurance company to assume the risk (and whose risk is combined with other small employers), may not have the leverage to negotiate inclusion of transgender health benefits. However, smaller employers can inquire with their carrier representative as to feasibility and per-member, per-month costs of doing so, since coverage is becoming increasingly common across the country. Gaining coverage: changing the paradigm From the 1960s through the 1990s, some very persistent Individuals, often with support from their health care providers, were able to secure benefits payments, in certain instances. However, systemic reform did not begin until the 2000s, after advocates were able to convince the City & County of San Francisco to eliminate exclusions in at least one of the five plans City & County employees could select from for their health care coverage. Utilization data from the first five years showed that there was little or no increase in plan cost when medically necessary gender-affirming care was included in a large group plan. If there is no provision for transgender care in this instance, it will be necessary for the provider to appeal to the carrier for coverage of the specific treatment or diagnosis. Many more never receive a formal denial because their plan contains transgenderspecific exclusions and the physician never files paperwork for prior authorization for such services. Many call their insurance carrier and are told services will not be covered, and on that basis never attempt to file a claim. Transgender individuals and their health providers June 17, 2016 174 Guidelines for the Primary and Gender-Affirming Care of Transgender and Gender Nonbinary People should be aware that unless a denial is in writing, it is not a denial and cannot be appealed. More importantly, transgender individuals with well-documented claims are increasingly achieving success in their appeals. Individuals are encouraged to work proactively with their medical providers to ensure that appeals documents include individualized, extensive documentation of the necessity and appropriateness of services. Such appeals should also include a comprehensive and detailed overview of the process of gender transition, including the role of and evidence in support of the specific services requested. Employer Plans, these are group plans available to small businesses, and sometimes Fully-Funded may include plans offered to qualified individuals. However, aggregate group composition is not public information, allowing insurers to control variables to maintain June 17, 2016 175 Guidelines for the Primary and Gender-Affirming Care of Transgender and Gender Nonbinary People Coverage Type General Characteristics and Caveats profit margins. To see if your state is one of these, check for the latest information on health coverage at Some of these plans have their own internal medical guidelines that provide for coverage of all services medically necessary for transition. Health these state-regulated organizations provide both the insurance Maintenance coverage and the medical services that they cover. As of December 2015, thirteen states including the District of Columbia have prohibitions on transgender exclusions (note a prohibition on exclusions is not the same as mandated inclusion) in these health plans, with implementation varying by state. Medicaid these are state-run (partially funded by federal money) safety net programs that provides payment to providers who will accept the amount the program is willing to pay (usually much less than private insurance will pay). Medicaid provides coverage for qualified lowincome people, families and children, pregnant women, the elderly, and people with disabilities. Some states are starting to remove exclusions for trans-specific care from their Medicaid plans. Medicare this is the federal program that covers people over 65 years old, and disabled people under age 65. Railroad Medicare Under this program, people who worked for railroads for at least 10 June 17, 2016 176 Guidelines for the Primary and Gender-Affirming Care of Transgender and Gender Nonbinary People Coverage Type General Characteristics and Caveats years may access Medicare Part B services at favorable rates through the railroad-specified administrator. Transgender-specific services are not available while transgender people are not permitted to serve openly in the military. Several labor unions have resolutions at the national level calling for the elimination of transgender exclusions. Although not binding on member unions, these may help union members fight for benefits equity. Transgender-specific surgical procedures are currently restricted or prohibited, although this may change as the U. Injustice at every turn: a report of the National Transgender Discrimination Survey [Internet]. National Center for Transgender Equality and National Gay and Lesbian Task Force; 2011 [cited 2016 Mar 17]. Costs and Benefits of Providing Transition-related Health Care Coverage in Employee Health Benefits Plans: Findings from a Survey of Employers. Nondiscrimination in Health Programs and Activities Proposed Rule Section 1557 of the Affordable Care Act [Internet]. The World Professional Association for Transgender Health advocates a simple administrative procedure to change legal identity documents to match experienced gender. Some trans people are unable to change their birth certificate in their home state or country, but may still change their gender markers on their U. While state laws may vary, in some cases it may be necessary for the provider to contact the insurance company and explain the specific circumstances in the case of a sex-specific denial. Once legal documents have been changed, patients should be sure to update their legal name and sex with their insurance company and medical provider to prevent a denial based on a mismatch of information. Legal change of name is not a gendered process in many, but not all jurisdictions; in most jurisdictions the name change process for transgender people is identical to that for nontransgender people. License to be Yourself: Laws and advocacy for legal gender recognition of trans people [Internet]. This includes using restroom facilities, inpatient and residential beds, and locker rooms concordant with experienced gender (Grading: X C S). When available and preferred by the individual, nongendered facilities can be utilized, but services should not be dependent on their availability. The legal right to access to programs according to gender identity has expanded with recent state and federal regulation. Schools are required to allow students to use facilities and programs concordant with their gender identity, under the laws of some states, including California. Students should be able to participate in athletic programs and facilities according to gender identity. Students should be referred to according to preferred name and pronoun, and be listed according to gender identity in data systems. Department of Health and Human Services now requires shelters and other housing programs to provide housing and other accommodations and services to trans people according to their gender identity. Homelessness frequently resulted from fleeing intolerant family, being forced out by family, by losing a job due to discrimination, or not being able to be employed due to discrimination and disability. In the same survey, of those who experienced homelessness, the majority of those trying to access a homeless shelter were harassed by shelter staff or residents (55%), 29% were turned away altogether, and 22% were sexually assaulted by residents or staff. It is essential that homeless service providers are well educated in this area as they are likely to encounter trans individuals. Most individuals will prefer to be housed according to the gender in which they live or identify, however in some instances individuals may prefer to be housed based on their birth sex due to safety or other concerns. Physical assaults, alcohol and drug use may result in chronic physical conditions. Loss of educational opportunities and lack of job opportunities may result in poor capacity to learn and acquire new skills. Individuals may be eligible for social security disability, which may be their only way out of homelessness. Homelessness has in some cases been used as a blanket exclusion for these medical services. In most cases individuals who need hormone therapy are highly motivated, and despite the stresses of homelessness are able to adhere to treatment and monitoring. Healthcare for the Homeless providers have successfully June 17, 2016 183 Guidelines for the Primary and Gender-Affirming Care of Transgender and Gender Nonbinary People treated many patients with hormone therapy. The degree of housing stability required for successful outcomes for each of these surgeries will vary with the procedure and individual. Medical respite programs may have the capacity to allow some patients to recuperate from some surgeries. Since there is often a year or more waiting period from referral to surgery, this period is a time to intensively work on stabilization of housing status. The hope and promise of surgery is often a very strong motivator for individuals who were previously hopeless. Some patients may have unrealistic ideas about the rigor of surgery, recovery and aftercare or the possibility of their being stably housed. These individuals require intensive work with primary care providers, mental health providers, care navigators, and others to develop the stability needed for successful surgery outcomes. Assisting people who are unable to work to obtain disability entitlements is an important way out of homelessness. Prevention of the harms of homelessness can be accomplished by implementing best practices and educating homeless service providers. While substantial research has been initiated in this area [12,13] more research is needed to inform the development of best practices for implementing these changes. Practice Transformation: Improving Access to Care and Quality of Care for Unstably Housed Transgender and Gender-Nonconforming Persons [Internet]. Healing Hands June 17, 2016 184 Guidelines for the Primary and Gender-Affirming Care of Transgender and Gender Nonbinary People [Internet]. Appropriate Placement for Transgender Persons in Single-Sex Emergency Shelters and Other Facilities [Internet]. Shelter for all genders: best practices for homeless shelters, services, and programs in Massachusetts in serving transgender adults and gender non-conforming guests [Internet]. Attempted suicide among transgender persons: the influence of gender-based discrimination and victimization. Gender-affirming surgeries in the era of insurance coverage: developing a framework for psychosocial support and care navigation in a perioperative period. June 17, 2016 185 Guidelines for the Primary and Gender-Affirming Care of Transgender and Gender Nonbinary People 39. It stands to reason that transgender adults started as transgender youth, and if identified in childhood or adolescence may benefit from early access to hormone blockers and/or gender-affirming hormones. While sparse data exist regarding the impact of puberty suppression and gender-affirming hormones administered during adolescence, there have been promising results from the Netherlands indicating that this approach in adolescents results in improved quality of life and diminished gender dysphoria. While there are standard ranges of pubertal initiation in children,[2] the age at which children begin to articulate their experience of gender dysphoria or assert a gender identity that is distinct from their assigned sex at birth is highly variable. Providers of transgender youth care should be skilled at meeting the needs of young people presenting for care at any stage in their process.

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A Bariatric Patient Care Program to Protect the task force included diverse representation from departPatients and Health Care Workers ments such as materials management, transport, environFollowing the organizational needs assessment and identifimental services, dietetics, nursing, pharmacy, and so on. First, an educational analysis) to serve this population and conducted a patient curriculum was designed to provide information about culsurvey. To understand the current health care experiences of tural attitudes and sensitivities in caring for the bariatric bariatric patients, an online survey with a sample of resipatient. A mobilization assessment tool was created and incorporated Additionally, a process improvement engineer was engaged into the existing fall prevention assessment that is completed in a walkthrough of the entire facility to assess the potenevery 24 hours. All nursing staff received training in the tial safety risks posed for a bariatric patient and health completion of this assessment and the selection of equipcare staff during a hospitalization. Laundry sidered all the different ways a bariatric patient might personnel were educated in caring for the slings used with enter the system and all the departments that might be the new equipment. As a result of the evaluation process, that have ceiling lifts capable of carrying up to 1,000 barriers to care were documented as well as safety hazards pounds, while other rooms have been equipped with ceiling that staff might encounter while caring for these patients. In addition, use of a patient Priority areas were selected and workgroups were created air-lift and transfer system was instituted. For example, a subgroup examproper equipment selection, an online resource and a ined current equipment and evaluated additional needs. A special storage area was designed and the equipment (such as diagnostic tables/chairs), and fixtures location of each piece of equipment was also provided to and mobility devices (for example, wall toilets and wheel facilitate quicker access. One of the first obstacles identified was the lack of consistently available patient Other facility changes have addressed structural barriers. Door widths and related congeneral lack of knowledge about, and cultural attitudes struction has been completed to accommodate bariatric toward, the bariatric population. Finally, needs such as barriers involved building design and the cataloging, trackspecially sized patient gowns have been addressed. Finally, staff was together, all components of the program have resulted in unfamiliar with the appropriate selection and use of new heightened awareness of how to safely and comfortably meet equipment. This transGeneral Hospital, connecting patient and worker safety lates into a potential cost savings of $21,000 per year makes sense; employee safety leads to patient safety and based on an average injury cost of $3,000. Making Safety an Organizational Value Case Study References the bariatric program is a good example of the integrated * Occupational Safety and Health Administration [Internet]. Image Gently patient safety, and a variety of job positions contribute to Campaign; c2011 [cited 2012 Jan 31]. Focusing on safety is contagious and has become a way of life within the organization. While safety is serious business, making it visible and fun is also important to promoting success. Similarly, a three-fold reduction in injuries was realized at the second hospital, a 245-bed medical center. The following potential barriers were profit system consists of 22 hospitals and more than 100 identified: funding for lift equipment purchase; resources for clinics in Utah and Idaho. Leadership at Intermountain education; new assessment tools, policies, procedures and launched a team in 2006 to evaluate transfer and lifting forms; and changing the practice of health care workers (see risks, injuries, and prevention programs. It was noted that between 2004 and 2007, the average number of injuries for Key elements for program success included commitment all employees was 205 per year at a cost of $1,483,880. Charting forms incorporate the tool in the medical record for seamless documentation. The computerized tool essential when instituting any change in organizational culhas decision logic built in to use other patient assessment ture. Active leadership, facility level coordination, system information and to prompt for specific actions. Staff educaoversight and support of facility specialists, thorough tion includes both hands-on classes as well as computeremployee education, and adequate resources are critical. Patients also receive fact departmental managers hold staff accountable for assessment sheets with information about safe lifting and transfer pracand appropriate use of safe patient handling categorytices and procedures. Data analysis of injuries and cost level champions within each hospital support program savings provides feedback to leadership and staff on value implementation and sustained improvement. The estimated cost savings for mon cause of lost workday injuries in hospitals11 and present employee injuries systemwide is $500,000 per year across a significant risk in nursing homes and other health care the hospitals. These factors also Patient falls in health care facilities are a primary safety concontribute to wear and tear on structural elements such as cern and an identified National Patient Safety Goal for the concrete and, if poorly maintained, can result in broken long term care and home care Joint Commission accreditaand uneven surfaces. For example, areas involved in the preparation, analysis of 7,082 inpatient falls across nine hospitals in a delivery, serving, and clean-up of food are at high risk for midwestern health care system, it was found that 1,868 wet, greasy, and slippery floors, as evidenced by the high (26. With regard to patients, a Cochrane pharmacy, and radiology may have unique risks. Study recommendahand rails, and grab bars and installing high-tech flooring tions begin with conducting a hazard assessment of the that contributes to slip prevention and reduces foot fatigue. An example of a simple, examples of specific interventions to prevent falls include economical but effective intervention is described in Case those shown in Sidebar 3-2. Contaminants on walking izers in patient rooms, operating rooms, comsurfaces such as water, grease, and soap are computer stations, and other high-traffic areas. This department works closely with the MidAtlantic States leaders accountable for health care delivery Kaiser Permanente, Mid-Atlantic States Region and operations, physician partners, labor leaders, shop stewards, frontline teams, and staff to engender a culture of Kaiser Permanente is an integrated care consortium, providing safety across the organization. The Midwet floors and common wet floor conditions at building Atlantic Region encompasses the vicinity of Washington, entrances due to water dripping off wet umbrellas in 2007, D. In April 2008, umbrella sleeves were introduced as one building, such as staff break areas and lobby bulletin boards. Use of plastic umbrella sleeves/bags have led to a reduced incidence since program implementademonstrates how a relatively simple intervention helped tion. A total of eight patient falls associated with wet floors contribute to achieving Workplace Safety goals and how this was reported between 2006 and 2011, which may have been simple measure helped with integrating patient and positively impacted by this program. In particular Security, Building regions within the Kaiser Permanente system and investigatOperations, Volunteers, Workplace Safety, and Purchasing ing ways to make the bags reusable as part of environmental departments were involved in plan implementation. The umbrella sleeve intervention is now comactivities of program planning included identifying and plemented by additional actions known to reduce flooringdesigning a device to store and dispense the sleeves and sigrelated fall risks. Other health care workers with reported sharps injuries include surgical residents and techInfection Transmission nicians, medical and nursing students, nursing assistants and orderlies, phlebotomists, and lab workers. To address this issue, multiple legInfectious diseases acquired through occupational exposure islative guidelines and policies developed between 1987 and to bloodborne pathogens as a result of sharps injuries (per2000 included recommendations relevant to the design and cutaneous) or contaminated blood and body fluids (mucofunction of safe disposal containers resulting in a marked cutaneous) present a serious concern for both health care decline in the percentage of disposal-related sharps injuries. Estimates of unreported needlestick injuries range from hospital-based personnel each year in the United States. Current surveillance systems receive data almost exclusively from hospitals but could serve as models for injury Sharps include needles and other devices such as scalpels tracking in other settings, such as long term care, home care, that can result in a percutaneous injury to the person using medical clinics, and outpatient centers. Research continues to show that many bloodcare agencies from 2006 to 2007 documented an annual borne pathogen exposures could be prevented by compliance injury incidence rate of 5. In addition to percureporting periods, physicians incurred 36% and 30% of taneous injury, workers are at risk for mucous membrane 78 Chapter 3: Specific Examples of Activities and Interventions to Improve Safety and skin exposures to contaminated blood and body fluids. For example, in home health care, devices and infected surgeons performing exposure-prone procedures equipment design typically varies across patients and may be (orthopedic, for example). Somewhat more common, however, is the risk of transmission from a drug-using infected employee to patients. Examples of interventions that successfully reduce the risk Recent narcotic diversion incidents in which a cardiac and incidence of sharps injuries and bloodborne pathogen catheterization lab technician and a radiology technician exposures across health care settings are well documented. An exposure may trigger fear and anxiety in the through a review of available reports, injury surveillance, individual and the family as the exposed individual is and staff survey. Lastly, trust between conduct a baseline assessment, set priorities of an action patients, health care workers, and organizations may be plan, and implement improvement interventions. This is true both in terms of ticipants recognized the continuing pressure for reducing patient and provider protections. Health care should health care costs and recommended greater clinician provide no avenue for the transmission of these involvement in purchasing decisions across all delivery potentially life-threatening infections; yet, unsafe settings. Occupational health and infection preventionists providers about safe injection practices. In noninfectious adverse events and have been associated with fact, in a few organizations, these roles may even be coma wide variety of procedures and settings. The increasing complexity of the health care envivials when administering routine injections. Workbook for Designing, Implementing, and Evaluating a Sharps A workbook designed for infection preventionists, Injury Prevention Program occupational health personnel, health care administrators, and others to help prevent needlesticks and. Preventing the transmislatory, public health, and professional organizations as sion of disease to individuals requires attention to the varwell as the media and watchdog groups. However, several may be more prevalent in particular geographic locations observational studies have revealed that adherence to these or certain populations outside the acute care setting. Traditional first occurred in southern China and rapidly spread interventions that are used to increase compliance, such as throughout the world, eventually resulting in 774 education, enhance knowledge levels but may not change deaths;53 51% of the deaths in a Canadian outbreak were behaviors. Infections unrelated to the conInfection is also a significant concern voiced by health dition for which patients are being treated in a health care care professionals. Other infections are associated with drug Injuries and Bloodborne Pathogen Exposures, page 78). Protecting the workers are at greater risk for contracting influenza than health of patients and workers from infectious diseases is a are members of the general public, and the aging workhallmark of a safe workplace. However, successful prevention of in the Healthy People 2020 for health care personnel disease transmission between health care workers and influenza vaccination. Government public health and professional associafirst when considering infectious disease exposure and tions are rich resources for information (see Resources transmission, all employees in the health care environ3-4, page 86). An organizational safety culture with a ment must be included in prevention planning. For examshared commitment to infection prevention for the safety ple, organizations must pay attention to risks of of patients and workers is created through (1) the actions transmission in food safety, waste disposal, lab and diagmanagement takes to improve patient and worker safety, nostic services, and environmental cleaning.

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