CCA Drama, Music and Yearbook Opportunities

CCA Drama, Music and Yearbook Opportunities

Then David and all Israel played music before God with all their might, with singing, on harps, on stringed instruments, on tambourines, on cymbals, and with trumpets.  1 Chronicles 13:8

CCA offers a Music Program, Drama Program and Yearbook Committee opportunities to CCA students.  These programs are overseen by qualified, committed teachers whose mission is success for all participating CCA students.

Music Lessons

Piano lessons are currently offered to 6th through 12th grade students during after-school hours at very reasonable rates.  If you are interested in learning how to play the piano or want to fine-tune your skills, our instructor will help you attain your goals.  For more information, please contact the CCA office at 781-871-1043.

Worship Band

High School students, who feel called to the Lord to worship, have the opportunity to participate in the school’s worship band.  Students practice weekly and lead the Junior High and Senior High Chapel every Wednesday morning.  During Chapel, time is set apart from daily, busy school life allowing students and faculty to worship together and to be in His word.  Participating as a team helps students evolve their passion for music while building their spiritual discipline using their talents to glorify God.

Drama Program

Students in 6th through 12th grade may elect to participate in CCA’s Drama Program. Working with the creative faculty here at CCA, students have an opportunity to participate in 1-2 drama presentations per school year.  Overseen by a talented team of teachers, CCA’s unique program produces original productions written by one of our gifted teachers.  Roles are tailored to the actors who portray them, and because these are original productions, students also have input and the flexibility to change their lines or evolve their character as they see fit.  Past productions include “Mayhem at the Stanford Arms,” “Cornelius Bartley and the Case of the Festering Flowers,” “Cornelius Bartley and the Case of the Maligned Mayor,” “A Diner, A Dance and a Dilemma” and “Pirates and Pearls.”  Participating students receive 0.5 credits.

Yearbook Committee

Students work with CCA’s yearbook advisors to develop, layout and customize CCA’s yearbook.  Utilizing Entourage Yearbooks, an online program specific to yearbook design, students develop the individual pages highlighting CCA, Chapel, CCA’s Students, Academics, Sports and other CCA activities.  Students also receive instruction in  photography and submit a required number of usable photos per semester towards their grade.  Students who meet specified requirements earn 0.5 credits.